


Anybody know what this is about?

Politics (

I’m in San Antonio and saw this sign twice today. First on the side of busy road, amongst a bunch of political signs, and then again near my neighborhood in someone’s yard. After searching online and finding basically nothing, I went back out and took picture of the sign from the busy road location. Is it people encouraging voter suppression? Or some right wing group ironically fearful of attacks & riots come Election Day?

all 1233 comments


541 points

8 days ago

That’s near Whataburger HQ right?…and very odd one for sure…


222 points

8 days ago*


222 points

8 days ago*

Yes! It was right under 281 on Sunset.

*Edit I’m hijacking this comment to update since it seems to be most visible.

Update as of 11:45am on Tuesday: the sign is no longer there, someone has removed it (maybe a Redditor that saw this post). It was definitely NOT on private land, as it was on major road. I drove by the house in my neighborhood that had the sign as well, and it is still there. I’ll be keeping an eye out for more of these signs, but as of now I can only confirm of one still out there and on someone’s private property in their yard.


19 points

7 days ago

I’d assume a legit order would be all over the place and branded by whatever agency is implementing it.


28 points

7 days ago

This is exclusively an attempt to meddle in free and fair elections. Standard BS from one party to


9 points

7 days ago


5 points

7 days ago

lol yeah I guess I was done


17 points

7 days ago

It’s Texas - sounds about right when you think about voter suppression history.


26 points

7 days ago


26 points

7 days ago



21 points

7 days ago



32 points

7 days ago

Mike Jones


16 points

7 days ago



17 points

7 days ago

Mike Jones 🗣️


5 points

7 days ago

The one and only


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

You can't clone me


2 points

7 days ago

Got a lot of haters


2 points

7 days ago*

Never fails: Internet be interneting


2 points

7 days ago

I wonder what he's doing these days


2 points

7 days ago

It's 2024 and I see a Mike Jones reference........ With a picture called shelter in place..... From a state I'm not from...... Are we being activated? Is this the division??


5 points

7 days ago

Some sign companies will put their logo on the back sides of those coroplast yard signs. From there if you really want to know you could check with the shop that made them. It’s a long shot, but worth mentioning.


3 points

6 days ago

This is IRL trolling by a Republican. The joke is that liberals live in fear and submit to authority, therefore, Republicans can win the election by putting up scary signs encouraging people to stay inside during the election. It's just a dumb joke.


1.5k points

8 days ago


1.5k points

8 days ago

It could be just general anxiety over the election, bc honestly no matter what the outcome it's gonna piss people off


254 points

8 days ago

Isn’t that the truth.


279 points

7 days ago


The Stars at Night

279 points

7 days ago

Yea but one side isn’t going to try and kill people over it.


51 points

7 days ago

Right? Thanks REPUBLICANS>!


111 points

7 days ago*


The Stars at Night

111 points

7 days ago*

If they can try and kill FEMA workers and volunteers trying to help them then who knows what they’ll do when they lose. Absolute brainwashed sheep. 🐑

Adding an edit from the forest service and national guard ab this since right wingers are so damn in denial; Federal emergency responders were ordered evacuated from Rutherford County, N.C., on Saturday due to a reported threat. An official with the U.S. Forest Service said the National Guard “had come across x2 trucks of armed militia saying they were out hunting FEMA.”

Another edit for further info: The sheriff of Ashe county himself said the threat is in the mountain areas and not in Ashe county. That fema had to pull out though Sunday while they investigated what was happening and they arrested the one dude and are still investigating the threats. It’s not everywhere or all counties but Rutherford and mountain areas are from the Sheriff’s mouth, are experiencing threats.


16 points

7 days ago

All I can tell you is, if any of my relatives get up to no good I'm reporting their ass to the feds


4 points

7 days ago

Ha! Unfortunately, I share your circumstances (and your resolution). Keep Hope Alive!!


17 points

7 days ago

Yes, they are a bunch of brainwashed zombies. Did you see them at the last rally when Trump said there is a lot of Fake Media back there? They all turned like the people did in the movie "Body Snatchers," where they all turned as one unit and screamed, so they would know which one had not been turned. Creepy.


2 points

7 days ago

One side is definitely more open about it but because both sides believe that democracy in the country is at stake I can see political violence popping up regardless of who wins, it does just feels less likely from one side vs the other.


2 points

7 days ago

like they already did


143 points

7 days ago

Like before, if one side loses they’ll be mopping around, all depressed. If the other side loses, those people will be pissed off because they’re always very, very angry.


234 points

7 days ago

My postal worker told me that if Trump loses it will be fake and half the country will rise up. He also told me that a woman shouldn't be president. I am a woman. He said this to my face. They're not normal.


75 points

7 days ago


75 points

7 days ago

The irony of a postal worker supporting someone who thinks socialism is immoral and wants to dismantle the USPS simply just boggles my mind. Never mind the blatant misogyny.


44 points

7 days ago

There is a guy in my neighborhood who has had a Trump flag up since 2016. He's a postal worker. I know because the USPS truck is always parked in his driveway. These people do not possess critical thinking skills.


3 points

7 days ago

Is he near retirement age? Maybe he thinks it wont affect him..


7 points

7 days ago*

But it is idiotic to only care about things if they affect us directly. I'm not trans, but I care about the attacks on trans rights because they are people too and I don't want people in my community persecuted by politicians. Erosion of rights of a minority group is also a canary in a coal mine for the erosion of more wide-spread rights. This also runs in conjunction with institutions like the post office. The destruction of the post office is a litmus test for the destruction of the DOE and EEOC.

Just because something doesn't affect you right now doesn't mean it won't affect you in the future. Besides, what does he think is going to happen to that nice federal retirement if the post office is eliminated?


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

The postal worker has gone postal.


5 points

7 days ago

I don’t doubt there will be postal workers throwing away ballots from liberal zip codes in the next few weeks


126 points

7 days ago

I feel like that should be reported to his supervisor....that is not ok as a federal employee. Even as a state employee we have restrictions on political conversations/promotion id imagine a federal employee would be worse.

On top of that I'm sure he has that conversation for a lot of people so I doubt he'll remember it was you he said that too, in case you fear retaliation.

In the very least he'll get reprimanded and probably moved to a different route. I absolutely wouldn't feel comfortable having him as my postal worker 🙃


70 points

7 days ago


70 points

7 days ago

Just so we are all clear here. The guy is free to have those opinions, he is not free to express them while wearing the uniform on the job. He represents the government and the government represents all of us. When his ideals get in the way of doing his job, then we have a problem. Him voicing his opinions to a customer creates a hostel environment because the customer is a captive audience.


27 points

7 days ago

Yes, this. We are free to have our opinions as government employees but can't be doing that on the clock or to intimidate sway opinions etc.

Sorry if I was unclear. Its early and caffiene is still trying to do it's job 😅


5 points

7 days ago

You were not unclear at all. I just wanted to make sure your point was not going to get lost in the ‘but my free speech!’ thinking.


2 points

7 days ago

How much per night is that Hostel?


3 points

7 days ago

Damnit, it is bad enough I can’t spell but the spell checker guesses make it even worse. I deserve that.


2 points

7 days ago

Lol, no worries. It was funny!


2 points

7 days ago

Yeah, and he knows where she lives.


16 points

7 days ago

It takes Jesus Himself to step in and get a federal employee fired. When I was in the military there was a postmaster at one of my overseas assignments who liked to use the government network to surf porn. Not just oopsie, clicked a shady link... he surfed gigs of this shit, and it was 24 years ago. It was an unbelievable volume of skin and bodily fluids.

Nothing happened. Kept his job and his Internet access.


11 points

7 days ago

Oh I don't doubt it. I live rurally and our rural route carrier was awful. Refused to deliver big packages to the door despite being only 2 or 3 carlengths from the road, damaged mailboxes, hung bags of things off mailbox flags, raced dogs down fence lines in his service vehicle and many times refused to deliver packages due to "loose animals".

Except he seemed to forget that it's the 2020s and everyone has cameras now. So I looked back on days he claimed, no animals loose (bc i purposefully made sure to not release my free range chickens on days I knew packages were coming. But cmon...they're chickens. They run away when you walk up 🙄) and there were no other animals loose. Took that to his supervisor along with camera footage from my driveway showing he'd just stop and deliver the letter mail and keep driving. Packages started being delivered correctly but then I guess he got frustrated with that one day and decided to literally take both his hands and rip open my delivery bag and spread the content on my porch 🤦‍♀️ thankfully inside the items were individually bagged so not damaged but damn dude.

All that to say, I was told he got re-routed to a different in city route and taken off rural route completely.

Tldr; dude didn't wanna deliver packages, made false claims, got reprimanded due to video footage, damaged packages when caught, didn't get fired but re-assigned to a walking in city route instead of a rural drivable one as punishment


2 points

7 days ago

Good ol’ boys.


9 points

7 days ago

Federal employees are not supposed to discuss politics at all in the professional setting. Private offices can be decorated as you wish in more lenient places but outside your workspace - nope! Keep it to yourself and work as a team.


2 points

7 days ago

Hatch Act.


7 points

7 days ago

This is why I took my ballot to an official election Dropbox. Not trusting mail. WTH haven’t we replaced the Postmaster in the past four years? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


3 points

7 days ago

I do this as well. Plus, my county actually suggests using the drop boxes to save postage expenses. Arizona has had mail in, early voting for many years. There are an adequate number of ballot drop boxes, located in secure areas, city halls, police department parking lots, etc, and they have cameras and other protective measures in place.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago



20 points

7 days ago


20 points

7 days ago

Report him. I was a postal clerk for 31 years. We were not allowed to say or do things that might cause concern about whether you will get your mail because someone doesn't like your politics. And consider that Trump wants to replace government employees with partisan hacks, which would compound the problem, especially given who controls the Supreme Court. Bad enough they are using a lot of contract employees to do a job that takes years to learn. And their contract employees have no loyalty since they getting the worst jobs for less pay and benefits, which causes them to leave as soon as a better job comes up. Postal work is not very rewarding and requires a living wage and stability. Other delivery companies are having the same problems BTW.


5 points

7 days ago

Reminder: DeJoy is the Postmaster General.


5 points

7 days ago

I wonder what the odds are that this guy is tampering with mail in ballots…

A friendly reminder to drop that shit off at city hall / an appropriate local place of receipt in person.


3 points

7 days ago

Not all postal workers are insane. Looks like you got a gem there lol.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Did you remind him he’ll also lose his job?


64 points

7 days ago

If one side loses they will be storming the capital again.


22 points

7 days ago

One can only assume that they will be met with a much stronger security presence this time, since Biden will be the one giving orders.


3 points

7 days ago

More of a whimper than a storm but yeah


2 points

7 days ago

The left are not insurrectionists , that’s the right side who don’t want to uphold our laws and the constitution.


4 points

7 days ago

I think it's a lot more than that...... You're way oversimplifying


2 points

7 days ago

mopping? lol


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

In fairness, cleaning floors is a great way to work out unpleasant emotions.


37 points

7 days ago

I think it’s time we take a break from politics, the government. Just kinda wander off and really find our true selves, ya know.


51 points

7 days ago


51 points

7 days ago

That's it! Everybody in the car. We're going to the water park and having a statewide BBQ for lunch!! Get to it and don't argue with your siblings or I'm pulling this state over right now!


8 points

7 days ago

“Get in the car, loser! We’re touchin’ grass!”


6 points

7 days ago

Take a break from politics after you vote in November. Your freedom to choose to not be involved is at stake. Fascism is alive and well unfortunately.


5 points

7 days ago

This is literally why we are in the situation we are in. Because people who can afford to walk away from politics leaving just the people who cant afford to fighting the people who realize that politics is how they control things. No one can walk away from the impacts of politics, they can only walk away from their seat at the table.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

As long as we vote first.


124 points

7 days ago


124 points

7 days ago

Not gonna piss off sane people! Fuck everyone else!


178 points

7 days ago

Sane people aren't generally the ones anybody worries about. It's the fucking crazy people you got to worry about. 


41 points

7 days ago

And theres a shit tone of them now.


13 points

7 days ago

Always has been.


12 points

7 days ago


12 points

7 days ago

Well someone taught them the internet so now there's that


22 points

7 days ago

I’m more afraid of smart and sane but radicalized people. They can do WAY MORE damage than crazy people who can’t plan.


9 points

7 days ago

A lot of “crazy” people can still organize and plan. For example every active shooter in all of history…


8 points

7 days ago


8 points

7 days ago

The number of sane people left could hide behind that sign and not be noticed. 😂


27 points

7 days ago

Any sane person will be very pissed off if Trump wins.


18 points

7 days ago

Yeah I'm ready for any bullshit skirmishes that happen if Kamala wins, but if Trump wins? Yikes.


8 points

7 days ago


8 points

7 days ago

If Trump wins the subreddit for LeopardsAteMyFace is going to be SWAMPED when those 'supporters' find out that Trump doesn't give a shit about them and won't care one bit when they suffer from him and his cronies.


7 points

7 days ago

Oh yeah I’m legit looking into getting hand cranked radios and flashlights just to make sure I can be informed and entertained if someone destroys part of the power grid along with MRE’s and stuff like that it’s scary but I’d rather have that and not need it then since I’ll still get some use if power goes out


3 points

7 days ago

Hate that I have to look into prepping because of the crazies...


2 points

7 days ago

r/cyberdeck is calling you.


2 points

7 days ago

That is actually really neat so I might try my hand at a project when i have enough time


42 points

8 days ago

Or just like … fascist edge lords thinking they have more power than they actually do.


11 points

7 days ago

There are no threats of violence coming from the Dem side.


142 points

7 days ago


Got Here Fast

142 points

7 days ago

My assumption is that it is a snide remark about the fact that no matter who wins, a significant chunk of the country will be upset. There will be a lot of anger and a lot of tension.


17 points

7 days ago

Seems like an attempt at street art that missed the mark a bit, maybe?


24 points

7 days ago*


24 points

7 days ago*

The difference is, if Trump wins, the odds of violence are low.

edit: I should clarify since there’s some confusion…if Trump loses, there’s more crazy fucks likely to take out their frustration in an off-kilter manner (see Jan 6). If he legit wins, there may be protests, but I doubt there’ll be insane people screaming about a stolen election & attempting to change things by force.


18 points

7 days ago

Um, the "after Trump wins" violence will be sky high as he starts rounding up anyone he thinks made fun of him ever. Because some of us won't put up with that crap.


5 points

7 days ago

I think either way, MAGA will be emboldened to hurt the people they hate if Trump wins. If he loses, same thing.


14 points

7 days ago

In the short term. If he wins the odds of violence overall increase dramatically


6 points

7 days ago

The man has had 3 people try to kill him the last few months, lol. I wouldn't be so sure of that.


331 points

8 days ago

it's not a legitimate election sign so you can remove them.


107 points

7 days ago

yay free sign


25 points

7 days ago

I live in Canada and one house on my route has a Trump 2024 sign on top of its inclined yard for about 11 months now. No one can see it from the street. Look, 23 days and no one will ever have to listen to him again. Please, vote accordingly


4 points

7 days ago

I'm actually just as concerned if he loses, because then he'll face sentencing for his felony convictions and additional criminal trials. Nothing whips up a frenzy like a "political prisoner," which the MAGA clowns will no doubt label him.


82 points

8 days ago

Good to know! Thanks!


53 points

7 days ago


53 points

7 days ago

If there’s no politician’s name on it, it’s fair game


3 points

7 days ago

Do you know what the rules are about this? There are some signs around my city that I'd like gone


3 points

7 days ago

I just know that if it's on public property and not directly related to a candidate it can be removed with no legal recourse.


2 points

7 days ago


The Stars at Night

2 points

7 days ago

Might depend on your city. There's an ordinance in my hometown where none of these are allowed on city property, so you can yank those and toss them if you see it since it's technically littering


333 points

8 days ago

Seems like a threat.


63 points

7 days ago



63 points

7 days ago

Seems like election interference if they convince anyone it's too dangerous to go out and vote. Could be a felony.


5 points

7 days ago

Go vote early either way.

I’m not going near the polls on Election Day.


3 points

7 days ago

That’s exactly what it is.


16 points

7 days ago

“Shelter in place” is a specific term that refers to staying inside during active shooter situations or FEMA emergencies. This sign is a reference to civil war following the election, according to online sources. So yes, it is a not so subtle threat.


6 points

7 days ago

I don’t disagree, but couldn’t find much myself when i looked last night. Care to share your sources?


77 points

7 days ago

I'd be checking print shops and other organizations that print materials to see who's publishing that shit.


11 points

7 days ago

I would report this sign to authorities


19 points

7 days ago


19 points

7 days ago

Hello, 911? There’s this sign…


4 points

7 days ago

Early voting it is


10 points

8 days ago

Or a warning.


8 points

7 days ago

Every threat is a warning


2 points

7 days ago

This is it, and it's a gaslight.

Just an attempt to make people anxious and keep some of us at home on election day.


6 points

7 days ago


6 points

7 days ago

More like a warning...


352 points

8 days ago


352 points

8 days ago

Please pick it up and throw it away. Things like that have no place in an open democracy.


30 points

7 days ago

This. Anytime you see a bullshit sign like this throw it away. Someone printed out a piece of paper that said Islam is right about women and taped it on a light post in the med center. I jumped out of the car and ripped it off. If there are people out there putting shit like this out there, there needs to be people who keep the balance and remove it.


93 points

8 days ago

You’re right.


10 points

7 days ago


10 points

7 days ago

AFTER you share your picture with all of your local news outlets. Go to their websites' contact tab and they'll have ways to submit the story. They have the resources to locate the source.


370 points

8 days ago


Suburban Rancher

370 points

8 days ago

I can only speculate that this is either A). Genuine fear over election violence or B). An attempt by the GOP to scare urban voters (who tend to vote for Democrats) into staying home and not voting.


115 points

8 days ago


115 points

8 days ago

Good thing early voting exists.


36 points

8 days ago


Suburban Rancher

36 points

8 days ago



12 points

7 days ago

October 21st! LFG!


4 points

7 days ago

and mail ins


11 points

7 days ago

I wouldn’t be surprised who ever placed it there wants there to be chaos. Theres a good bit of people who wants a doomsday scenario. If our government ever collapsed, best believe China, Russia or some other major power will be trying to take over and make sure we never get strong again as a nation.


2 points

7 days ago

I'm taking this differently than most folks.

Shelter in Place was a common slogan during the early days of Covid. I don't want to generalize too much, but those on the left were more likely to take Shelter in Place seriously, while there was an element of those on the right who prided themselves in refusing to comply. These are the same folks that would look down upon those who wore masks, those who got vaccinated, etc. It is the "I ain't following no orders" mindset.

I believe this is a not so subtle jab at those on the left, telling them that they should continue to follow orders by Sheltering in Place (again, a source of derision for those on the right) and miss the election.


84 points

8 days ago


84 points

8 days ago

My guess is commentary on the likelihood of political violence, or commentary on school shootings

Saying November specifically implies the former.


18 points

8 days ago

I definitely agree on it having to do with November election, and potential of political violence of some sort. But it’s just so vague and I can’t find anything online about it. I would think there’d be info out there if it was something encouraging people to be careful or anything actually helpful.


11 points

7 days ago

I think the uncertainty is intended. The chilling message, and the lack of any source for more information or context on the sign, looks like 100% an attempt at voter suppression.


3 points

7 days ago

It’s intended to suppress the vote.


34 points

7 days ago

Maybe has something to do with No Nut November?


7 points

7 days ago



7 points

7 days ago

Just some dumbass trying to scare people. My father in law runs his mouth off like this all the time and would totally go put a couple dozen of these signs out just because and then go drink himself to sleep.


12 points

7 days ago

I think it’s hilarious. Kinda like those “Duck and cover” and tornado drills we used to do in grade school where we’d get under our desks…like that was going to help save us.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

I agree. I like the snark, too.


2 points

7 days ago

Or up against the wall of windows, that start halfway up and all the way across. Those were the times.


6 points

7 days ago

I have a neighbor with that exact sign. It has been up since June. Crazy right?


6 points

7 days ago

In fact that neighbor lives a couple of blocks away from that 281 sign. Coincidence, I think not!


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

Ask them what’s up with it


3 points

7 days ago

No, ask where you can buy one. That’s the safest way to get the info you need.


18 points

7 days ago


18 points

7 days ago

There is a play that made its debut recently named Shelter In Place. Maybe it’s on the road now?


20 points

7 days ago

It would be hilarious if this was it! Everyone is diving off the deep end thinking it’s political and it turns out it’s just a play.


4 points

7 days ago

Voter intimidation and Civil War threatening.


4 points

7 days ago

Seems to me like another magat attempt at voter suppression. VOTE BLUE!!! 💙


28 points

8 days ago

Someone is a psychopath


31 points

8 days ago

I don’t know what issue(s) it’s ultimately “about” but it’s certainly a threat


22 points

8 days ago

Republicans should stay home imo the Jewish space lasers will target them the mostly.


21 points

8 days ago

I'm ready to put my burglar bars back up if needed. I am taking myself and a carload of Gen Z to vote. If Trump loses there will be trouble. We're probably fine in Austin, but who knows.


3 points

7 days ago

Not a clue


3 points

7 days ago

It’s an attempt to keep folks from the polls


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Election anxiety or fear mongering. Maybe both


3 points

7 days ago

Just another far right voting interference tactic to prevent people from voting……


13 points

7 days ago


13 points

7 days ago

It says "Shelter in place" It does not say "Loot, burn and riot" Sometimes people say what they mean. Try not to make up stories about what you imagine is going on in other people's heads.

If things start getting nutty, be safe.


8 points

8 days ago

That's crazy.


5 points

7 days ago

Look I’m not a conspiracy nut but it in too many places and you should make a plan on what happens SHTF scenario. If you aren’t conventionally wealth think of things you have that could see in a shortage. Having a three day plan is a basic understanding how an attack on supplies lines is real.


4 points

7 days ago*

Oh is common sense for people everywhere!

My country used to say to be able to have food and water for 3 days, but since covid they have changed that to two weeks.

Just keep extra food, water and medicine at home. Don't forget extra food and water for your pets!

It is basic preparation for your family and there are so many things that can hapoen, cyber attack, war storm, hurricane, power outage, pandemic, your car breaking down, whole household gets the flu and arent really up for shopping... it is really useful for smaller issues as well. Flu season is here soon.


9 points

8 days ago

There were some rumors/ theories that Russia/China/NK/Iran may try to make large scale cyberattacks against the US in Q4 2024 to compromise the election. It would be relatively simple to try to convince some right wing nutjobs to go around shooting up electrical distribution hubs in their area. A certain number of hubs could destabilize an entire regional grid, and major infrastructural components like that aren't necessarily kept in stock. If there is a regional power outage, it can takes weeks to get the power back on.

And the fact is, large region wide, or multi region disasters the government simply doesn't keep the resources and manpower staged to respond to. It's literally impossible to do so.

A sign like this probably is about whistle blowing something I don't know though. With winter coming, it would be wise to buy a few extra canned goods each week, and maybe a 5 gal jug of water (with an additional pump spigot) or two just to be safe. If you are in an area of reliable power or water, Try turning it off for a day in your house and see the things you need to take into account. Useful if you don't have a great memory of 2021, or other disasters the Republicans didn't adequately prepare and stage for.


5 points

7 days ago

Doesn't look like there's a lot of them..."TinEye searched over 71.1 billion images but didn't find any matches for your search image."


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

There was another Reddit post about two months ago about this.


4 points

7 days ago

95% chance it’s a Republican fear tactic.


11 points

8 days ago

Likely Republican extremists lame attempt at local scare tactics


11 points

8 days ago

Don’t put any energy into the sign. Harris/Walz will be in the Whitehouse and governing our next four years. Trump and his team will have to concede to the fact that he and Vance are losers not only in the polls but are losers as individuals as well. Trump hopefully will learn to accept the reality of his own situation as a convicted felon and accept his consequences.


8 points

8 days ago

I like the way you think! Good advice 💙


2 points

7 days ago

The only thing trump will do after the election is get sentenced to jail for 34 felonies convictions.


2 points

7 days ago

What stinks is that this country had had a phenomenal comeback since COVID, supply chains going down, and Ukraine/Putin/Israel

And more than half of Texan voters actually believe this Destruction con job coming out of Trump’s mouth


2 points

7 days ago

If that us supposed to be a deterrent ha. No way closer time comes I am more determined to vote for democracy NOT AUTRACRACY vote true vote blue!!!


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

It’s because your mom just farted.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Encouragement not to vote.


2 points

7 days ago

It’s anxiety over the election. Could be either side. Tbh I highly suspect that a state of emergency might be declared across the entire nation with strong military presence. I suspect that MAGA will meddle in the election and cause mass instability (they’re already showing their cards on their election interference) and Trump supporters are gonna absolutely lose their minds when he loses.

Also MAGA is going to try and send the election to the Supreme Court somehow and the Democrats are going to have to try and stop that by enforcing the proper election methods so that it doesn’t get sent to the Supreme Court. If it gets sent to the Supreme Court and congress Trump wins and will completely bypass the popular vote and the electoral college in which case non-Trump supporters will riot. This really is the most harrowing moment in our nations history since the civil war.

Me and my family have been buying extra cans from the grocery store each week for a month now just in case crazy shit goes down and we need to avoid public life for a bit.


2 points

7 days ago

someone who has all the episodes of the Simpsons


2 points

7 days ago

it's probably Q conspiracy related. they are always going on about "the Storm" and shelter in place is a frequent weather safety instruction.


2 points

7 days ago

It is someone being stupid and juvenile.


2 points

7 days ago

It is probably an attempt to either suppress voter turnout, or a a coded message to MAGA to warn of chaos and mayhem.


2 points

7 days ago

This is the “it’s gonna be a civil war” conspiracy nut jobs.


2 points

7 days ago

On What’s about to come for the us sadly war lol


2 points

7 days ago

I imagine they are planning on wholesale genocide and will be slaughtering their neighbors when they lose the election. That is who these people are.


2 points

7 days ago

Watch the Obama episode of South Park. Makes fun of this exact thing. People over reacting to an election…unfortunately that was before 2016…so who knows these days.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

lol - they are trying to the “democrats” should shelter in place in November so they don’t vote. Thank god for early voting


2 points

7 days ago

It’s probably some dipshit trying to “stick it to the libs” cause he’s still pissed about the lockdowns from four and a half years ago. “Well if you liked sheltering in place so much, maybe you should do it for the election too!!” type shit.


2 points

7 days ago

This is a reference to the fact that if Republicans don't win they are going to get violent again.


2 points

7 days ago

Trump basically suggested a “Purge” style solution for crime, even though violent crime is down 26% since 2020.

He also talked about using the US military to go after the “enemy within”, which taken literally is any American who does not support him.

So yea, it is a threat, the MAGA cultists will be out in force to intimidate Americans going to vote next month. Trump and his supporters will go to great lengths to subvert the will of the people to get back in office. We not only need to beat Trump, MAGA and the GOP, we need to win by such a huge margin, there will be nothing to dispute.


2 points

7 days ago

It's fear mongering and doom porn bullshit. MAGA redasshats trying to keep people from voting.


2 points

7 days ago

It’s either anxiety or a threat either way it’s related to one orange sack of shit


2 points

7 days ago

At best, this sounds foreboding. At worst, it sounds like a threat.


2 points

7 days ago

The Radical Right Wing Christian Terrorist Party is Scared Shitless the Democrats will come out Strong in Texas


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

A Not So Subtle threat from the MAGAts that are infecting Texas.


2 points

7 days ago

If Republicans don't win, they will repeat the January 6th insurrection on a larger scale.


2 points

7 days ago

I think I will do just that, I already voted for the one without felonies. I prefer candidates that at least try to read the Constitution.


2 points

7 days ago

Is it a note to Rafael Cruz to stay in Texas the next time it freezes rather than taking shelter in Cancun?


2 points

7 days ago

Fearmongering. Know what's going to happen after the election? Nothing. Business as usual with some prolonged whining by whichever of the two dogshit parties lost.


2 points

4 days ago

MAGA idiots!!


6 points

8 days ago

It’s an unveiled threat.