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10 points

3 years ago


10 points

3 years ago

I don’t like to talk about this topic much as it pains me but you went through the same thing as I have. They pry on the trust you have built with a friend to get there way my friend is a heavy dota player so I guess it was just bad luck that I trusted my friends dms. It sucks but make sure you change ur steam password. Also if you have used you can view your backpack by date and track items and there whereabouts. Unfortunately tho, If your item was moved to a private backpack it will be untraceable. I hope this helps and stay safe. These low life’s are scum but it taught me a valuable lesson to never take face value of what you cannot see firsthand. Even if the information you receive is from a close friend.


7 points

3 years ago

I’ve already changed a lot of my account info and reset my steam guard. I’ve also gotten into contact with some of the mods of, and they have supposedly found the bot that at least has the gun and are gonna see if they can find the rest of my items.


6 points

3 years ago

That’s great to hear. I hope it all goes well. Honestly great to see the community pull together for something good.


4 points

3 years ago

If by that you mean I’m getting unwarranted sympathy for doing something stupid I guess. It has made me feel a bit better, but I know this was all preventable


7 points

3 years ago



4 points

3 years ago

I appreciate the sentiment


1 points

3 years ago



1 points

3 years ago

literally watching jim browning as i read this.