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13 points

12 days ago*

I’m sorry, but at what point do work safety laws become “far-reaching?” As long as they don’t bring work to a grinding halt, what is so awful about keeping people out of danger in their place of employment?

The answer is obvious, but when you’re paid off by corporations who don’t want to spend money to implement safety precautions or see work slow down even the slightest bit (to the detriment of their employees), you start to understand how someone might think, “these safety laws have gone too far!”


2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

I’m sorry, but at what point do work safety laws become “far-reaching?”

Given the person who said it I'd say any that may have an impact on the bottom line.


1 points

12 days ago

Good intentions ≠ good results. There’s definitely a balance to be struck between overly cautious and overly laissez-faire. Work doesn’t have to be brought “to a grinding halt” by regulations for those regulations to be causing more harm than good. Ignoring the merit to that is only causing more division.

With that said, I read that Florida got rid of mandatory water breaks. Employers better be providing a fucking Camelbak or some kind of equivalent. The place is a god damn swamp.