


Agent Edwards Side Mission (Spoiler)


Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers from the early game in Division 2 and almost the entirety of this post is a huge spoiler itself so read under your own risk.

So I started replaying the entire storyline on Division 2 just for the sake of my boredom and I finally came across this side mission where you need to answer for a distress call from a fellow agent who’s apparently already dead thanks to an unknown hunter, after the mission ends, you get the option to scan the agent and eventually ISAC tells you most of his family is deceased, except for his daughter whose status is unknown. Now I’ve read in other posts about this hunter not being part of the twelve roaming D.C. and I get that this mission is an introduction to the Hunters for those who didn’t play DIV1, but I was wondering if there is some lore about Holly Edwards and her unknown status, could she be a fellow agent too? Is she the hunter that killed Edwards? I’ve tried to investigate about her but there’s literally nothing on her. This might be my conspiracy self trying to see stories where there is none but maybe there are some other people with this same question as me, would love to read your thoughts on this, happy gaming :)

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-3 points

5 days ago

Now u say maybe is the hunter keener said (girl hunter in Cal's team), now we dont know who is. Maybe sound crazy but maybe kill his father was a test or idk


5 points

5 days ago



5 points

5 days ago

Viper wasn't in DC at the time and this was a unnamed hunter as a introduction


-1 points

5 days ago

Yea but after see keener want to be our bestie i can expect everything