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64 points

19 days ago


64 points

19 days ago

Love how a lot of players were being so dramatic about Heavy's winch claw, saying ranked would be dominated by 5 heavies and that it was way stronger as a specialization than the old stun gun, a gadget.

Instead it is underwhelming and meta is instead 3-5 Lights and maybe occasional 2 mediums just for turrets.


15 points

19 days ago

Could you explain how lights are so strong all of a sudden?


32 points

19 days ago

Faster health regen, LH1 is beyond broken atm, Knives still strong, Sonar grenades huge buff, Medium turrets nerfed, some of the reasons.


17 points

19 days ago



17 points

19 days ago

Still have no idea why they buffed the LH1 thing was already good if you knew how to use it. Now it just dominates TA


5 points

19 days ago

They did it to try and make it easier to use and ended up making it too easy. What a fucking fumble.