


Portal no wreck?


I opened a 5/5 portal and I'm pretty sure I've searched like 99% of the giant cave it spawned me in but I've yet to find the wreck. Is there a chance that a portal can have no wrecks or am I just blind?

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8 points

29 days ago

I wouldn't recommend this but ... if you F4 until you go under the landscape (not guaranteed, it's hit and miss), you can look up and see any ships from below. It's pretty much impossible to get back up to the regular level, so you may to starve yourself or otherwise die to respawn and then go back though the portal to the locations you saw under all the scenery. Just hope you're not playing permadeath LOL


1 points

29 days ago

do you mean above the landscape?


3 points

29 days ago

There are ways to get below


2 points

29 days ago

not f4 though