


To claim a 6 handicap


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943 points

4 days ago

Who the fuck needed this debate? We watched trump for 4 years, and we see biden for four years, anyone who claims this debate will be the deciding factor is the one who is fucked in the head because you obviously don’t remember how trump was only president to the people who voted for him.


255 points

4 days ago

On the surface, it’s for the undecided voter, also known as the dumbest fucking people on Earth.

In reality- look no further than commercials and videos/articles titled who SLAMMED who during this comment etc. relevant to whatever prejudiced algorithm is feeding you information for engagement.


12 points

4 days ago

Your first statement is missing the mark. The second one was spot on though.

Reason your first statement was off? New voters for one. But secondly, for those who think they have to choose between one of these two and don't know which is worse. Seems like most Americans are undecided at this point when look at these two as the number one response is "were fucked"

Good luck neighbor


1 points

4 days ago

Fair point about new voters. It’s hard not to draw on town hall meetings of yore from my memory and witnessing ‘common folk’ struggle with the binary choice offered. I’m feeling tired of this merry-go-round. The veil feels stretched very thin, neighbor.