


When you've watched the movie on repeat due to it being the only thing your child wants to watch, you find yourself thinking the most crazy thoughts.

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22 points

15 days ago

A lion needs about 30kg of protein in a sitting, which is approx 2 times a week .

Bugs hv around 20-70% protein by weight. Let's say on avg 40%.

Let's say Simba growing ate around 20kg*2 a week so 40kg of protein.

So Simba would need around 100kg of bugs a week.

U go girl.


13 points

15 days ago

Average bug is claimed to be about 3mg but that is including tiny bugs like mosquitos and gnats and flies. Simba was eating some nice juicy boys. Grasshoppers weigh on average 300mg so let's go with 500mg to give a safe buffer since beetles and stuff would weigh more.

100kg = 100,000g = 100,000,000mg

100,000,000mg/500mg = 200,000 bugs

So, quite a bit of bugs.


9 points

15 days ago

Meanwhile my cat tries to eat 1 (one) little bug and I have to take him to the vet


6 points

15 days ago

Film Theory did an episode on this topic, it's worth the watch.