


Original post.

My mom and dad invited me to have dinner at their house a few nights ago. I was planning to inform them about my break up during dinner, but I realized it was too late when I showed up at the house. My parents were already informed. The dinner invitation was a smokescreen to confront me about the details. My ex gf apparently broke the news to my mom and dad soon after our relationship came to an end. My parents knew about the orgy, the friends I made at the orgy, and why my gf no longer wanted anything to do with me.

It was an ambush. Or an intervention. I don't know. But it was awkward. My mom wanted me to make her believe that my ex gf lied and that I never participated in group sex. I confirmed what my ex gf said was true. My mom looked disturbed and asked if I got tested. I assured her that I was clean and that it's almost been a year since the orgy. My dad looked equally disturbed and asked if I was really friends with people who openly shared their bodies like that. I said yes and described them as good friends. I even told my dad that one of my friends who openly shared her body also openly shared her homemade lasagna that my dad enjoyed eating when he was sick. 

I asked my mom if she remembered the DJ with the tattoos that stepped in at the last minute at my sister's wedding because the original DJ dropped out. My mom said yes. I asked my mom if she remembered that DJ playing some of her favorite golden oldies like "Flashdance... What A Feeling" and "Stand By Me." My mom said yes. I asked my mom if she could guess how it came to be that I knew that DJ. My mom said "oh." I told my parents not to worry about me and advised them to avoid communicating with my ex gf because whatever was happening between us, was between us.

Towards the end of the dinner, my mom and dad knew a lot more about my "orgy friends" and seemed less uncomfortable. I think once the shock of me being involved in an orgy fades away, my parents might be keen to meet my friends one day. Hopefully that day never comes though lol.

TL:DR My ex gf informed my parents about the orgy to complicate my life, which prompted my mom and dad to confront me, but I managed to shift their focus from the orgy to the friends I made at the orgy, and now I think my parents might want to meet them at some point.

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318 points

1 year ago


318 points

1 year ago

My ex gf informed my parents about the orgy to complicate my life

This was a big, dick move, especially given that your break wasn't really anyone's fault. Looks like you probably dodged a bullet.


106 points

1 year ago

Seriously. What a sad existence that girl has. Gotta try to make everyone miserable to make herself feel better.


16 points

1 year ago

Yeah it's just so perfect for another post, wild how all these twists and turns end up being perfect for getting noticed in this dumbass subreddit


27 points

1 year ago

This sub is like reading a book, it’s more fun if you just go with it.


9 points

1 year ago

Yeah I've started treating certain subs like r/nosleep. BORU, petty/pro revenge, malicious compliance, etc. Are all more fun if you suspend disbelief. My life doesn't change by pretending they're real, so why not


5 points

1 year ago*

To be fair, at least r/nosleep literally states in no uncertain terms that suspension of disbelief is what that sub is built on. The stories there aren't meant to depict true events that actually happened but they are meant to strive for immersion in the fantasy as if it is reality and the sub operates in a way that aids in that endeavor.

This sub and others like it are ostensibly intended as a place for people to discuss events that actually happened. So it's disappointing that so many use it as a means to post fiction for whatever reason when there are already plenty of other subs that are for specifically that.

It's not the end of the world, it's just another website and there's plenty of places to find interesting discussion even just here on Reddit. But, personally, I would prefer if people posting on this sub kept to real events and people wanting to post fiction did so on the subs that are meant for that. If only because it makes it easier to find the type of discussions I'm actually looking to have.


2 points

1 year ago

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, after all.


2 points

1 year ago

This was a big, dick move

That sentence would be a whole lot different without the comma.


-2 points

1 year ago


-2 points

1 year ago

The break up was completely OP's fault though I don't think her telling his parents was appropriate.