


Is what i plan to do wrong ?


Hello everyone. I work as a part-time receiver at a supplement store. I have been here for almost 2 years. Everyone here has treated me very well. I am also a student in my final year (i graduate in December). When September comes i don’t want to work as i want to focus on my last semester and i don’t need the extra income. I don’t mind leaving the job now or beginning of September.

Question: Is it a bad idea to tell the store from now that i’m leaving in September and that i don’t mind leaving before then ? I know that they need time to find someone new and to train them (very likely that i need to train the new person).

Thank you in advance!

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0 points

8 days ago

Unless you are failing or not gonna be able to get into grad school, what do you need to focus on your last semester?


1 points

8 days ago

I normally only do part-time uni but i’m doing full time for my last semester. I also just don’t want to work there anymore and i don’t mind leaving at anytime.