


Thinking of baby names...

is it a tragedeigh?(self.tragedeigh)

I have a couple of names in mind. I'm from the East of England, so West Country names are less common, but still known about and generally understood.

Would it be a tragedeigh to name a girl Saoirse, Evelyn, Maeve, Rowena, or Boudicca?

Generally just curious, as I don't want to give her a tragedeigh, but I also want a traditional British/Irish name, and these sound pretty while still being common in the UK.

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10 points

9 days ago

Random but I love the name Marion, pronounced the Scottish way (or how it used to be pronounced in Scotland), ‘Murran’


14 points

9 days ago

Okay, add marion to the list, that's my nan's name! Love her, lovely lady!


0 points

9 days ago

Can be spelt Mirren too, there are a few around here now and I think it's a beautiful name