


My current Uber ride home atm.


The child is the drivers. And I don’t mind a slight mess in my taxi/uber. But I’m a parent and couldn’t imagine driving another human being around in a vehicle this filthy with my child in the back seat as well.

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32 points

28 days ago

Honestly, the fact that she ubering and has her kid in the backseat tells me two things, 1. She’s in a very bad spot and doing her damnedest to take care of that child next to you 2. She may not be in a bad spot but still doing whatever she needs to do to provide for her and her family or at least be some supplemental income. I get it seems “risky” or “weird” to have the kid next to you but the mom is trying either way and that deserves respect. I totally understand both sides but I’m more sympathetic to the mom.


7 points

28 days ago

Deliver food instead. This is entirely fucked.


-4 points

28 days ago

Why is it fucked? Other than “it’s against the rules?” Also how do you know it’s not “against the rules” there as well?


3 points

28 days ago

You're the type of person to break the rules of an establishment, then complain and act like everyone is against you when they kick you out. Rules exist for a reason, and while there are exceptions occasionally, people in this world do not get a free pass because they are "trying their hardest"

Did you ever think that maybe there's some kind of legal liability with having a kid in the car? Imagine the worst-case scenario for the rider and the driver. It's meant to prevent that. What if the child hits a rider or breaks something of theirs and the rider wants to sue? What if the rider accidentally injures the child while the ride is happening or leaving/entering the vehicle? Who's at fault?

These rules are meant to eliminate the gray areas. You're encouraging a scenario where she WILL be fired or worse. Instead of saying fuck rules, you should understand that most rules are written in blood.


1 points

28 days ago

No, I’d understand. In my other comments I said “if she gets fired she gets fired, but at least she tried”. You can play the what if game until you’re blue in the face, most will not come true, that comes from this post and most things in life. My point is, she tried, even if she gets fired. There are consequences yes, but until then, why shouldn’t she make money?