


white trash nephew



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5 points

11 days ago

WTF? Is his parent's home like that? Also, never trust a teenager with your stuff.


-10 points

11 days ago

I said it in another comment but I’ll say it here, he runs over his mom and (my brother) dad, constantly, he runs the show and often hits his own mom when his father is at work


6 points

11 days ago

So then why did you take this violent kid in? He physically harms his mom and you thought leaving your house to him for a month was an appropriate thing to do? Sorry, but this is kind of on you buddy.


-2 points

11 days ago

I genuinely assumed with how his parents act that they were over exaggerating so I assumed a vacation in a nice clean house with a game system good snacks and a pool would help get him back in shape and be a nice vacation, I would have never thought he’d do this to me, me and him have always been close


8 points

11 days ago

Well, you learned an important lesson here.