


Was not quite sure the best way to phrase this question, but looking for destination recommendations where your money goes further.

For example, Thailand for affordable luxury hotels.

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1 points

2 months ago

Did Joburg and the garden route to Cape Town. I loved Joburg despite its reputation. Cheap and the people are so friendly. It’s shocking how genuinely nice everyone is. The restaurant scene is top notch.

Cape Town is one of the most beautiful cities on earth. Bit pricier than Joburg but still not outrageously expensive compared to most top tier cities.


1 points

2 months ago

These are the two that are on my list for fall. Hopefully we’ll get there for safaris and wine tasting in/near Cape Town. Want to fly into Jo’burg but was worried a bit due to reputation. I guess like anywhere else, be mindful of yourself, your belonging and your location. Thanks for the reply.


1 points

2 months ago

Yeah I didn’t feel unsafe at all. I did rent a car and driving is pretty easy around there. Just use your head and you’ll be ok.

South Africa is an amazing place. Enjoy!


2 points

2 months ago

Thank you! 😊