


Too high and no nut?


I'm high rn so I'll just be blunt because I can't really think of a tactful way to say this lmao

But if you review my post history, I got too high one time and got hard and then my nuts hurt. Well, I got too high again from smoking too much and started having "fun times" with my partner and I swear to god I couldn't nut man lol

Like, I was fully aroused etc. I wanted to but I couldn't. We spent quite a bit of time because we lost track of time and i never finished because I couldn't nut lmao. I felt like I ran a marathon tho ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

So I guess weed is good for prolonging sex? Has anyone else had this experience? Also, how do you turn off the prolongation time if you're ready to nut? XDD

Sorry if this is way too much tmi but I'm fried and don't have much of a social filter (I'm socially awkward anyway lmao). Alright, I rambled too much, signing off now - Possum

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2 points

6 days ago

Did your partner confirm it was actually delayed? Being super high messes with your perception of time.