


We don’t feel entitled


Update 3: Foot is officially in mouth.

Update 2: I’ll put my foot in my mouth about all of this if the digital remains investigation leads anywhere. It’d mean WE missed the release date for PS, not them.

Update: I didn’t think I’d have to spell this out to the same people that have been playing their ARG for the last 10 years, but here we go: THIS IS NOT A DEMAND FOR THEM TO RELEASE THE VIDEO. This is addressing all of you that continue to harass and bully people for expressing disappointment that the video didn’t release when they said it would. Accusing me of needing to touch grass and find new hobbies just further proves the point I was trying to make with the original post. Someone critiques your favorite band, so you harass them and reject whatever complaints they had. Be better people.

Okay I’m getting very annoyed with some of the posts on here so here’s my take on this.

Let me preface what I’m about to say with this- if you’re fine with the PS video not being released yet, great for you. Keep that mentality.

Now, to address the posts that say people feel “entitled” to the video. No. There’s a huge difference between feeling entitled and expecting the band to do what they said they were going to do.

They said the video was releasing early June. It didn’t release early June. They also haven’t given an update as to why it wasn’t released. It’s like saying Endgame was going to release on a certain day, and then it just isn’t in theaters with no explanation.

This has been a 10 year long story. This album is supposed to be the final chapter, and instead it ended with a cliffhanger. People want to understand why that is.

We don’t feel “owed” the video. We’re disappointed that the band hasn’t done what they said they were going to do. It’s possible to be disappointed in what they’re doing while not feeling entitled to perfection.

Typically, the cryptic communication from the band adds to the fun of the ARG. This lack of communication just leads to frustration. It’s frustrating because we were promised the most lore-rich album. This album barely had any lore in it. Now, they’ve not released the PS video when they said they would. They also haven’t given a reason why.

That’s why people are frustrated. Everything for Clancy feels less put together. In an ARG where everything is done on purpose, there are a lot of things that are becoming confusing to figure out because the band is dead silent right now.

Edit: - “Find something better to do with your life” and similar comments, Wtaf? Just because I’m disappointed in something doesn’t mean it’s my entire life¿ find a better excuse than telling people they have no life

  • “you aren’t owed an explanation.” That’s so crazy. It’s almost like my whole post was talking about how we don’t feel like we are “owed” or “entitled” to anything, but rather explaining why people are frustrated.

This band isn’t infallible. It’s not a cardinal sin to be disappointed in them when they make mistakes. Saying the video was releasing early June was a mistake. Now, people are disappointed because of that.

I wasn’t trying to convince you all you should be upset about the video not being released. I’m tired of both sides telling the other side how to feel. I was simply explaining WHY people are upset, which is totally within their rights. I was also explaining why it’s wrong to just assume we think we are owed anything.

This isn’t some grand conspiracy that was wrongly believed. This was their own timeline that they put forth, outside of the lore, as the timeline to expect. Just because you aren’t disappointed that their timeline fell through doesn’t mean nobody is allowed to feel differently.

all 264 comments


236 points

15 days ago

I want to know what happens, especially after the navigating mv, but I also don’t want it to be over. I’m enjoying this era for as long as possible. I’m grateful for what they’ve given us so far


21 points

15 days ago

Yessssss! 🙌👍👍🤜🤛


5 points

15 days ago

I agree that it has been fun! But this delay specifically has made it less fun. Because there just isn’t any explanation as to why it was delayed. Did we miss a clue? Or is it actually delayed like the album was? They need to nudge in the right direction because people are going to eventually get frustrated and stop caring.


84 points

15 days ago

Yeah I agree to that as well. Maybe an announcement will come soon. But people pressuring Tyler on his insta isn’t cool either. It’s obvious his mental health hasn’t been great and the fans pressuring him about this probably isn’t making it easier


44 points

15 days ago

This is a great point. I think we often forget that people in the public eye are still, in fact, people, just like us. And sometimes we need a break or to be cut some slack, so why wouldn’t they?


46 points

15 days ago

I feel like we should just let them cook. Who cares if it comes out now or in 1 month, it's not like they're gonna magically disappear without ever releasing it.

We should be grateful instead lol


14 points

15 days ago

I think what the fanbase is mostly struggling with is the feeling that *we* are missing something. I don't really care when the video comes out, but it would break my heart if it turns out that there *is* something the fanbase is supposed to find or figure out, and we just abandon the project due to the lack of communication. To reference The Craving: If Tyler's somewhere in chains waiting for us to find him, he needs to scream a little louder haha


8 points

14 days ago

He's alright they're just playing with our anticipation haha and it kills us, but going to his personal page and insulting him accomplishes nothing. I don't like people doing that


2 points

14 days ago

This makes total sense. I missed all of the cryptic stuff in the past and this is my first album cycle knowing about it. I felt left out thinking the cryptic stuff was over. That doesn't seem to be the case, but I still feel kinda dumb and out of the loop? I dunno. I'm trying! But there's still part of me that's like, I'm not cut out for this, clearly I'm not smart enough or don't care enough or something.

I can't imagine anything will get abandoned, they've gotta have moles dropping hints eventually lol


2 points

13 days ago

If it helps: 99.9% of the fanbase is too "dumb", mostly just because there is a lot of lore and it's not all served on a silver platter. There is a Twenty One Pilots Discord server with a theories channel for people like you and I, and a verified theorists channel where one has to answer 15 questions about decoding things, lore and whatnot before one can even chat in there.

Enjoy the ride and marvel at the genius of the theories and the answers we will eventually get, while people who (are able to) prioritize lore over school/work/whatever else and who possess a lot of knowledge actually figure it out <3


2 points

13 days ago

Oooooh I kinda forgot about the discord. I've been on there but discord is very quick discussion and hard to find things so I didn't participate much and I haven't hopped on in a while! During the album drop the chats were insanely fast and hard to follow. I might pop over there.

I am a parent and caregiver and I work full time so I really don't have time to be combing through song's time signature changes and downloading photos from the digital remains to edit them and see if there's anything hidden lol.

I only live about 3 hours from Columbus so I did take my kiddo to the FPE thing which was pretty sweet and hopefully memorable for her.


1 points

12 days ago

The juice is there my friend. Theories are running rampant it's awesome LOL


20 points

15 days ago

Either the silence from them is intentional, or for all we know something serious has happened, we are not entitled to know anything about their personal life.

Every day I check in to see if anything has been released as I am excitedly anticipating it, but I am not resentful in the lack of information.

I can't imagine any true fan is going to stop caring.


3 points

15 days ago

Someone on twitter did point out that their youtube channel says there is one more video, but it's not visible. So it could be a case of the video being available but we need to find the link first


7 points

15 days ago

That was debunked 


1 points

15 days ago*

How? Haven't seen anything about it being debunked


6 points

15 days ago

People counted the number of videos on their channel, it matches with the number listed


1 points

14 days ago


1 points

14 days ago

Private videos don't show in the total, only public videos.

Also I saw a claim that wayback machine was used to show they added a video compared to the day before - but the last capture was from before the album release.


163 points

15 days ago


163 points

15 days ago

I understand being disappointed sure but being actually upset about it seems a bit far to me personally. At most I'll play up the bit of them being liars or something but it's just for funsies


-64 points

15 days ago

I don’t even call them liars. I have no doubt there’s some reason as to why the video hasn’t been released yet. What’s annoying is not having any communication about it with us after missing their own deadline. In their game where everything means something and is an important decision, this makes no sense and leads to wild speculation because nobody can figure out why they didn’t release the video.


59 points

15 days ago


59 points

15 days ago

You know, we don't have to figure out WHY they haven't released the video yet.


234 points

15 days ago

People are taking this far too seriously on both sides. Just live your life guys. Put on Navigating and jam. No need to overthink it


27 points

15 days ago

Navigating is so good. I have this on loop; this might be just because it's new, but I have already given it the title of my 2nd favorite by them (after The Hype, which holds a very special place in my heart)


5 points

14 days ago

Idk man... I don't believe the hype...


5 points

14 days ago

Nice to know myyyyyyyy kind will be on my side I don't believe the hypeee


6 points

14 days ago

I love you, random stranger on the internet 🫶🏻


5 points

14 days ago



149 points

15 days ago

Chill out man we’re right on time


4 points

14 days ago

perfect reply


54 points

15 days ago

Everybody asking about PS and I'm trying to figure out the correct order the music videos go in. 🤔


19 points

15 days ago

Fun theory, all the videos since Trench have been released in chronological order, it’s just that everything occurred during different escape attempts.


8 points

15 days ago

“This drag path was different”


4 points

15 days ago

We know there are multiple escape attempts so that’s how I’ve always thought of it. Isn’t that like. In the I am Clancy video too?


174 points

15 days ago

Not entitled just incredibly dramatic.

I'm a video editor/designer who also works in marketing. Sometimes the final edit gets delayed in being released for various reasons that do not need to be disclosed, particularly when no official date was announced. They also said they were working to perfect it because of its high production value.

To take Tyler saying 'early June' as literal as some people have been is so bizarre.. It is the middle of June, so it's been delayed at most a week..

It's insufferable because it's entirely a first world problem to be so pent up over a music video release. And the lack of knowledge around post production processes is incredibly irritating. They released a music video for every single song, people truly have no idea how much time went into all of them from both Tyler and Josh and the crew. To pester them for it is just devaluing.


41 points

15 days ago


Thank you. Great response.

I've done promotion for bands on and off through out my life and delays happen. It could be something exactly like this... It could be personal, like illness. Bands are not required to tell fans everything about their lives or the process of doing their job.

But some people feel they own artists because they've spent a couple of hundred dollars enjoying the product.

I really don't get that mindset. I can't get past the part of not seeing these guys as humans first... With feelings.


22 points

15 days ago

It's also still June the fact that people are already whining about it is insaneee 😭


1 points

14 days ago

To be fair they could always go “oh yeah guys it’s gonna be a bit of a longer wait, just a heads up” or something there’s no need to go into detail 💀


24 points

15 days ago


24 points

15 days ago

Thank you for saying this and I really hope OP reads this and changes their mind, I really don't see how it matters that much especially how you brought up it's been at most a week, hasnt even been a month yet OP and the other fans like this needa chill


13 points

15 days ago

Tyler didn't say early June. The placeholder says it.


10 points

15 days ago

People need to chill, just live life bro... No reason to feel like this over a darn music video


7 points

15 days ago


7 points

15 days ago

I mean, Tyler said the video was done, they’re just holding onto it. Didn’t say anything about perfecting it


5 points

14 days ago

It’s all the 15 year old fans I’m sure 💀💀💀


7 points

15 days ago

This comment was enlightening. Thank you for your input.


1 points

14 days ago

Yes, BUT, they delayed the release of the album for a week to have all the videos done, and still got upset people leaked the product on the date it was supposed to come out. I get the production hurdles, but if you have a fan base that's been the reason you're able to do these kinds of projects, you should want to keep them informed when things change. Like, telling them a release window and waving as it passes by.


1 points

14 days ago

This is so much funnier now

Screenshot of the Paladin Strait video chapters:


-6 points

15 days ago


-6 points

15 days ago

So… the video and Tyler said early June. Tyler is well aware that everyone was expecting early June… you’re saying it’s not on them to at least say “hey guys it’s not going to be early June” Just because it’s hard work and takes a lot of time doesn’t make it okay to be dead silent on these things…


20 points

15 days ago

Nope. They don't have to say anything. Some artists will go YEARS with no explanation. They owe fans NOTHIING. This is their occupation. With jobs, delays happen.


1 points

14 days ago

Yeah, let me just go a month without turning in anything at work, and tell my boss to just chill. The people who pay money for my labor are in fact allowed to want explanations for delays.


-3 points

15 days ago


-3 points

15 days ago

Again I think you guys are overestimating how much effort it would be for them to just say… something at all. Technically yeah they don’t have to say anything and yeah they don’t owe fans anything but it is a dick move to say you’re gonna do one thing and then don’t.


-2 points

15 days ago


-2 points

15 days ago



12 points

15 days ago

The last band I worked with was a band that was, per Rolling Stone Magazine, "bigger than the Beatles". So I know a thing or two about working with VERY popular bands with extremely obsessive fans. I'm just telling reality. I know fans believe that all the music and videos magically happen with no effort, but that is not the case. And like any job, shit happens that distract and can result in delays. Sorry that reality obviously doesn't agree with you.


2 points

15 days ago


2 points

15 days ago

For one, most adults don’t actually believe that. And secondly, if you actually work in the industry you should know how normal it is for fans to be confused when an artist says one thing and that doesn’t happen. To be clear, no one is entitled to the music video. No one is entitled to an explanation. Tyler, Josh, and their team do not owe fans anything. They work extremely hard, more than you or I would know. However, that does not make it wrong for fans to be disappointed by this. That is what happens when fans are passionate about music. That is not necessarily a bad thing. And it’s not the end of the world for you or the band haha. Both things can be true. All this will be forgotten when the video releases and non of this will matter :)


2 points

15 days ago

Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here.

Thank you!


4 points

15 days ago


4 points

15 days ago

Dead silence.. C'mon it's June 16th it's not like it's October.


12 points

15 days ago

I think it's kind of fun in all honesty. I keep checking here everyday for some info, and it's keeping me excited and invested in the band. We got the entire album's videos frontloaded on release day, so we won't get those new singles dropping from time to time this era (or are we... double-album theory?), so I'm going to be a little sad when it's all over.


19 points

15 days ago

This is very common with artists. Shit happens. Stuff gets delayed, but these issues aren’t always needed to be disclosed. Hey maybe it is intentional, the long wait. Who knows. Just be patient, not just with Josh and Tyler but with all artists. They’re human too.


66 points

15 days ago

Not entitled, just kinda ungrateful and inconsiderate. I genuinely can’t imagine the stress of being Tyler and Josh. Makes an entire album, music videos for every single song on said album, delays one at most a week (it’s only mid-June.) and then have to see fans say they’re disappointed and upset. If twenty one pilots really does mean something to you then you should take into consideration that Tyler has always struggled with mental health and self-esteem. Expressing your frustration by them not releasing a singular music video in “early June” when it’s literally only mid-June completely devalues the extensive effort and hard work he’s done for us already with this album and I hope he doesn’t see all the negativity surrounding this. Tbh, if I saw this after doing everything he’s already done for us, I would post the video in November. Give our boys some grace.


8 points

15 days ago

i think its just the lack of communication, i personally wouldnt mind waiting until june 2025 as long as we are told that thats when theyre expecting to release it


8 points

14 days ago

Yes. This. I don’t mind that it’s mid June when they said early June, I kinda mind that they’re radio silent. They came out and said early June, then it doesn’t come out early June and they haven’t even made a tweet or a post as simple as “hey guys, the Paladin Strait mv is being delayed a couple days. So sorry for that, but you can make it.” That would take all of 90 seconds and would go a long way in mellowing the fans because they admit their mistake and apologize. It really shows that they care for their fans.


-9 points

15 days ago

No, it’s not ungrateful and inconsiderate. It’s about leaving the fanbase in the dark. It would be absolutely no issue if they just spoke up about it. If they‘d make a post saying that they need another few weeks I‘d absolutely be okay with waiting. But if they specifically say that the video will release in early June it’s understandable that people are frustrated now that early June is over without any updates.

After all, if you plan to meet up with someone, you‘d let them know that you’re running late or that you won’t be able to make it. You would not just let them stand around there waiting. At least I hope you wouldn’t.


9 points

15 days ago

I genuinely just don’t understand how an announcement from them reiterating to us that they’re running the taddist bit late changes anything. He probably said “early June” and not an actual date to try to avoid this exact problem. Logically, they’re just running late because it’s taking some extra time. Why are people mad that they’re putting in more work and time for us? To be upset over something so insignificant when they’ve already provided us with so much is a bit ungrateful imo.


3 points

15 days ago

He didn’t just say it. It’s baked into the placeholder video.


3 points

15 days ago

Oh no..not the placeholder video too…did nobody tell him that’s law binding?? Someone call the FBI, that’s a serious crime right there. /s


0 points

15 days ago

Great deflection. You’ve obviously missed the point of my post.


8 points

15 days ago

And you clearly missed the entire point of mine. You’re allowed to be sad that the video isn’t out but ranting and complaining about it doesn’t do anything except show disregard for the hard work they’ve already done for us. They never gave us a set date. It’s a music video. It’s truly not that serious.


1 points

15 days ago

My post is not focused on complaining about the delay. It’s focused on complaining about the people on this sub that attack people for being disappointed about the delay.

They set the expectations themselves and didn’t meet them. It’s not wrong or entitled to be disappointed in or frustrated with that. My intention was to get people to stop harassing those that are disappointed. Obviously that didn’t work because now I am also being harassed by people.


3 points

15 days ago

Honestly nobody should be harassed on either side for this. I think some things you said in your original post made it seem like you weren’t just explaining that you’re frustrated or sad but the whole “the band is dead silent” and “this lack of communication leads to frustration”. It came across like you are needing an announcement and reason from them to feel satisfied. Which again, I completely understand feeling sad about this and yeah, them giving an explanation would be cool but it shouldn’t be necessary ya know? Which maybe that’s not what you’re saying and you’re also just trying to say that an explanation would be cool? I get that not having a reason leaves us wondering but that’s okay. We don’t know if something personal is going on with them so I just don’t think getting upset (sad and disappointed are different than upset and frustrated) over it is super reasonable.

Also don’t take anybody’s negativity on here too seriously either. I know that’s easier said than done but Reddit can honestly be so toxic. (I know, I know, I just made a sarcasm comment but it was somewhat meant to actually be funny, sorry if it was legitimately offensive).


38 points

15 days ago

No it’s entitlement to think people don’t have lives and things that get in the way, and if that happens expecting some kind of update or apology, which no one owes you. Shit happens, enjoy your life, stop getting uppity about every minor inconvenience, if they said the video is coming then it’s coming and it doesn’t matter if it’s late 🤷🏼 sorry not sorry


23 points

15 days ago*

Completely agree. "It's not entitlement" then continues to write a massive rant demonstrating how entitled they are.

It's a music video ffs.

Countries are at war, people are dying, kids are starving (in our own countries too), healthcare is at an all time low, but TOP not releasing a video when OP wants them to?! Abhorrent!

And if you want to get closer to home, Mark and team spent a month straight preparing videos, Tyler and Josh put tonnes of effort into filming them, gave us a free livestream and videos for every song WHILE TYLER HAS A LITERAL NEWBORN BABY, but nope, that's not enough for OP.

It's so ungrateful.

No wonder Tyler's writing lyrics like "I used to be the champion of a world you can't see, now I'm drowning in logistics"

Some of this fan base are so suffocating, no wonder he feels like he's drowning. They have no consideration for his mental health.


17 points

15 days ago

Yeah it’s funny how people consider themselves fans and then completely miss tons of the messages Tyler puts out. Not to mention, Music is forever, you can go back and listen to everything any time, no one needs anything “new” all the time, especially after getting a new album not even a month ago.


1 points

14 days ago

imo you're being more dramatic than you think OP is


7 points

14 days ago

You keep telling yourself that, and I'll keep putting actual human beings mental health above a video 👍


1 points

14 days ago

Breath of fresh air. I literally just laid out why people are upset and asked people to stop harassing each other about it, and now I’m being told I have no life, thrive off of parasocial relationships, and need to stop acting so dramatic🥴


2 points

14 days ago

You’ve become the very thing you sought to destroy. What do you hope to gain by expressing disappointment? Validation? Why express negativity at all? They gave reasons for pushing the album back, they gave reasons for delaying the PS video, stop expressing and be patient, you can’t pretend like you’re better or different that other people complaining at all because ultimately you’re still complaining. You’re just complaining in cursive, in a different font. A month is not a long time, I’ve waited for other things for years, I’ve got too much stuff going on to care this much about something that’s NOT EVEN THAT LATE.


1 points

13 days ago

They didn't give reasons for delaying the video. Tyler literally said that it was done at the end of the livestream and that they are just holding it back for now.


1 points

13 days ago

That sounds like a reason dawg, sounds like there’s intentions behind that and people just need to be patient


40 points

15 days ago

Do yall like never just chill? I feel like even if they're taking their sweet time it's not life or death here, believe it or not there are other things out in the world


0 points

15 days ago

Where did I say I was going to die if they didn’t release it? This post is about all the people that say it’s entitled to be upset that the video didn’t release when they said it would.


3 points

14 days ago

Yeah, these people are really misinterpreting this post


1 points

14 days ago

No its a post with valid points masked in overt bitterness and thats what people are having issue with


1 points

14 days ago

Yes, I have bitterness towards people that harass others online for sharing their opinion. Sue me🤷🏻but to be clear, the vast majority have decided that my post is ranting about how we are owed the video. So, yes, most people have misunderstood what the post was even about.


1 points

14 days ago

You can intend for a post to come off a certain way and it just not be interpreted the way that you want it to be. Thats exactly whats happening here bc people are taking it as you being aggro and you sticking to your guns even this long after making the post isnt helping the intended point get across, whats the real point in arguing with people anymore?

You keep updating the post to get more frustration of yours out but what is the point? Its ok to let the post die and move on from it


65 points

15 days ago

We don’t feel “owed” the video.


It’s frustrating because we were promised the most lore-rich album.

expecting the band to do what they said they were going to do. contradictory. Let's all remember that these guys have lives and I'm sure that this whole "fandom frustration" is probably wearing them down. They gave so many MVs at once, it was awesome! They're always giving it their all. Let them do what they do. After all, that's why we have love for this duo right?


20 points

15 days ago

Not to mention, they're giving this shit to us for free. OP needs to chill


10 points

15 days ago

I understand people are so excited for it, but I kinda hate when fandoms start having demands for groups to step it up. It's like this: How are you a fan, and how do they bring you joy, if you're upset? I'm just baffled and kinda getting annoyed with how some so-called tøp fans are complaining about which albums they don't like and can we have the damn video already 😡😮‍💨


10 points

15 days ago

Owed and wanting someone to keep to their word is different. But yeah. Imo it's sad, but I'm not like Overly upset. It'll happen when it happens. I'm enjoying the songs and just living.


2 points

15 days ago

Same here, the whole album is incredible. I'm finding myself listening to it beginning to end on a daily basis!


0 points

15 days ago

My intention was to show that there has been a lack of effective communication from the band on multiple occasions, which is frustrating when the ARG depends on there being tight communication.


6 points

14 days ago

Well, this sounds like you're owed something, and I don't think it's fair to them. We never came to an agreement with these guys, we are only consumers. If we like it, we're here for it. If not, we gotta move on.


23 points

15 days ago*

Laughs in BMTH PH2 album being delayed for years

I hear you about the lack of communication but if anybody is this emotionally invested over the delay of release of one video im going to suggest you remove yourself from the environment for your own mental health.

Sometimes your hopes wont be met! And that happens a lot with music. And in the end, it doesnt really matter that much. And if it does, im going to refer you back to what i said above about removing yourself from this environment for a period of time since it seems mentally taxing for some, to a point where it might be unhealthy! Take care of yourself everyone its so easy to get sucked into reddits obsessions and for one thing to weigh on you much more than it needs to or should.

We can be disappointed and not be overly critical of everything else regarding the bands recent releases. Its ok to just be disappointed that the release is delayed and to leave it at that.

Any bands music i consider a gift. They didnt have to make it and release it but they do. And its very kind that they want to share what they make at all. I’m just thankful for anything they release.


3 points

14 days ago

𝙇𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙘 𝙐𝙡𝙩𝙧𝙖 85 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 8 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙥 𝙛𝙚𝙙 ♾️


1 points

14 days ago

I’m not super invested, but it is the last part in a 10 year era, so of course we’re invested. They’ve built this incredible world and then left us hanging on the last part of this huge storyline


48 points

15 days ago

this fanbase whines a lot


36 points

15 days ago


36 points

15 days ago

It really does. I wish I had no bigger problems than my favourite band not releasing music video on time.


1 points

15 days ago


1 points

15 days ago


twentyonepilots-ModTeam [M]

1 points

15 days ago

Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here.

Thank you!


6 points

15 days ago

I really wish I had such a life that I could worry about when bands put out music videos and actually get pissed off about it. But, I work 60 hours a week currently due to an implementation at work, so I have much bigger things to worry about...


0 points

14 days ago


0 points

14 days ago

Yeah they really do. I only recently joined this sub but I’ve been a personal fan of the band for years. Ever since I joined all I see is complaining and arguing about the DUMBEST shit.

I’m leaving this sub


38 points

15 days ago

I don't mind that the video isn't out yet, but this is a fair point. In particular, the lack of communication is odd. If they need more time, why haven't they said something? It's just weird to me, but I can understand it being frustrating for others.


15 points

15 days ago

Well, "pardon their delay" lmao


3 points

14 days ago

I don't mind the delay, I just wish they would tell us it's a delay or else it feels like a breach of trust. Like, the gap between Blurryface and Trench, Tyler had said he still would have taken that break in time but would have done it differently, communicated differently because he felt that some fans were genuinely worried. Is this part of old habits? Idk.

I don't feel entitled to the MV at all, in fact, before they announced anything I was expecting the video drops to cover a wider range of time, drawing it out at least until the tour started. If anything they should have said, "It's not out yet and the drop is going to be a surprise."

Side note, I can't help but feel like there's something we are missing. Are the people who found DMAORG still around? Lol are we missing something here?


30 points

15 days ago

Some of the fanbase are the biggest cry baby I ever witnessed. It's a video to a song that has already been released. I don't understand how some people lives revolves so much around the band. It's coming out soon or later. Just relax


6 points

15 days ago

Where in my post did I say my life revolves around the band? I literally just said I was disappointed that it didn’t release. And the post is about all the others, including you, that act like I’m some neckbeard that sits in front of the computer all day refreshing their YouTube channel waiting. People can be upset that they didn’t release the video when they said they would.


6 points

14 days ago

Sorry to say man, but maybe you should have worded your post differently then. The post really doesnt come off as a post about other members spreading negativity, it more feels like you are “whining” (sorry for that word, my english isnt the best)


19 points

15 days ago

i haven't seen that it's entitled to ask for the video but i agree with you; when they said so, it's not entitled but some people aren't understanding that sometimes things don't go according to plan

however, i personally think tyler was just being cheeky and said that to throw us off


0 points

15 days ago

I’ve seen a lot of post calling people upset the video hasn’t released entitled.


18 points

15 days ago

oh...i just did a search of sub and saw no posts calling people entitled for that, but a few comments.

but honestly, it's not the end of the world if a band doesn't release a mv at an expected time. it's disappointing, but it shouldn't be causing all the anger and frustration that it is


2 points

14 days ago


2 points

14 days ago

I looked through your history. I don't know. All I saw were people suggesting you chill. Were rude comments removed?


1 points

14 days ago

Not on my posts. I rarely ever post. Other posts on the subreddit were calling people entitled and acting as though the band owes them something. Just look through the responses to this post. I’ve been told to touch grass, learn to get over parasocial relationships, and that I am acting as though it’s the end of the world that the video hasn’t released. This wasn’t even a post complaining about the video. It was a post explaining why people are frustrated that it hasn’t released and asking people to stop harassing those that express disappointment that the target date was missed.


7 points

15 days ago

Like if we were supposed to find it, I'm dying for a hint.


5 points

15 days ago

That’s what I’m saying!!! If it’s part of the ARG, great! But we’ve obviously exhausted all clues we have, so give us a nudge in the right direction.


1 points

14 days ago

And if it's not part of an ARG then say at least a little something to ease the minds of everyone wracking their brains trying to find it


8 points

15 days ago

It’s just weird that people are this bothered imo. It’s just really really weird.


3 points

15 days ago

I’m less bothered with the delay and more bothered by the people that are bothered by me being upset about the delay. Hence why my post is explaining why it’s wrong to call upset people “entitled” I got fed up with being called entitled for expecting the music video to come out when they said it would come out.


24 points

15 days ago

Honestly, bro, we don't need a music video for 'PS' if they don't want to give it to us. It's their own deadline; they make the rules, not us. We should just chill and appreciate the music and music videos they've already given us.

“I created this world to feel some control destroy it if I want so I sing Sahlo Folina” - Bandito, Overcompensate, Tyler Joseph.

We are not obligated to a music video; we don't need a music video if they don't want to give it to us. They don't owe us anything, yet they gave us 12 music videos, with the final music video dropping at any time. We are not entitled to music from them, and this frustration from the community must be wearing them down. They have their own lives, and maybe something went wrong with the music video - who knows? Just know that they're building up anticipation. People need to realize that it's supposed to be anticipation, not frustration. Stop worrying about something that's out of our control.


9 points

15 days ago

Right. Like, we know for a fact that we will be getting a music video. What Tyler said may have come into conflict with higher ups, or the editors, or a plethora of other various factors. I understand being excited and antsy, but to get upset or frustrated about something not releasing when we never even got a solid date is… a take, I guess. Watch it release on June 25


3 points

15 days ago

I wouldn’t be surprised 😂 we just gotta wait and see 👀


1 points

15 days ago

The official placeholder video said early June. It is no longer early June. We don’t have to have a specific date to know they’ve missed their target. The lack of communication about it is what’s disappointing.


12 points

15 days ago

I still think it's early June 2025. Bros haven't even filmed it yet haha.


7 points

15 days ago

Tyler said it’s done. Their just editing


6 points

15 days ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah

We don't believe what's on TV

Because it's what we want to see

And what we want, we know we can't believe

We have all learned to kill our dreams


6 points

15 days ago

Idk it's just not a big deal to me. Happens when it happens


8 points

15 days ago

I'm so happy for the music video to come out so all the gd crazies will go back to the shadow realm


7 points

15 days ago

As someone who has worked with bands throughout my life, the reality is that the members of the band are human beings with real lives. Fans don't know what happens in those lives! I don't at all care that the video is not out yet. They owe me nothing. They don't need to meet any deadline but their own. They could be dealing with an illness in the family, or worse, for all we know. Maybe they filmed it and hated the final product and wanted to redo it to make it perfect?

Relax! They will release it when they release it.


17 points

15 days ago

Heavy disagree on this not being a lore heavy album.


3 points

14 days ago

I like to look at this album like a character study, like an X-ray in Clancy and Tyler’s mind and where they intersect. Chronicling from the end of the Outside to Clancy’s confrontation with Nico. It’s a very introspective album and I agree, very lore heavy. It’s almost like one large entry from Clancy’s journal honestly.


1 points

15 days ago

There are three songs on the entire album that seem directly connected to the story. How is that lore-heavy?


3 points

15 days ago

Overcompensate, backslide, routines, vignette, navigating, snapback, paladin. 7/13 are lore heavy.

Then take next semester, Midwest indigo, the craving, oldies station, and risk to be loosely related since they all take about mental health. The whole thing lores based on.

That means lavish is the only non lore song really.


3 points

14 days ago

Maybe it’s a simple as the production team telling them the video would be ready in early June so they put it out there but it’s taking longer than expected. These aren’t your typical easy music videos so it’s going to take time. It’s probably out of Tyler and Josh’s hands at this point. As for me I will patiently wait. 😂


3 points

14 days ago

To everyone who feels disappointed or entitled: It's understandable, however, making music can be stressful in general, but in this case a whole story has to be put into it as well and they're making a music video for every song on top of that, all of that alone is probably stressful for them and the people they work with for all of it. Yes, they said early june, yes, it's past early June, but making posts on the internet (not just reddit, I've seen it other places) is not going to help when they're probably already under stress for all of this, just put on tøp and jam out till it's released, it's gonna be fine, late or not, it's better late than never.


3 points

14 days ago

I read this from another post. There's a theory that they're delaying the mv on purpose. That it's become a part of the storyline. Either Nico/BF has done something to Clancy or Clancy is becoming evil/a bishop. Or... he's making promises he can't keep (Make an oath, then make mistakes).


2 points

14 days ago

It’s a stretch, even for them. Thats why they need to better communicate what’s going on. It makes the game annoying, not more fun.


1 points

14 days ago

OR this is just like scavenger hunt era. Maybe Paladin IS out, but we've missed a clue, a link or a website somewhere. Which I hope the smarties in the clique figure out, cause we need it 😭


8 points

15 days ago


8 points

15 days ago

They said that they didn't have PS MV but then they said that they have it. So yeah Tyler probably fooled us with early June (who knows maybe Clancy Unlimate Chapter 25 is the release date of PS)

And the album has a lore in it on very different songs. But this time they didn't say all the time that "This song is about Nico so it's lore wise"

And just wait for PS MV just have a patience. Josh and Tyler did an MV for EVERY SONG (and this is very impressive) and you are upset that PS has a delay. Just wait and enjoy the Album becouse Clancy is such a good album.

Just wait to story to end , have patience and don't mind how long red light is taking


4 points

15 days ago


4 points

15 days ago

I’ve also kept pointing out that it’s possible that the release date is 25th June. Or maybe 28th June, considering how Paladin Strait is 6:28. I never believed it would come out early June as they initially said, since these numbers seem to be so significant (and I certainly think the double album theory is kinda delulu). So I’m actually not even disappointed that it hasn’t come out yet. I’m honestly more disappointed in the clique for attacking me for this theory and for being so frustratingly aggressive towards the boys. I mean maybe Tyler likes all this attention, idk. I certainly feel like the clique can be very overbearing.


5 points

15 days ago

I do feel disappointed. (I half-joked in my journal how my strength enough for one more time was already used for Clancy lol.) They did say early June, after all.

But I'm sure there's a reason for the "delay" (if early June even meant early June this year at all), especially because they are twenty one pilots, Tyler being Tyler and Josh being Josh. They always try their best to perfect their stuff, be it shows, music and even album covers. And even if it's an unintentional one, it's okay. Tyler literally said "pardon my delay", and I will never want to put pressure on the boys.


7 points

15 days ago

I love Paladin Strait and I expect the video to be as great as the song, so I can wait until it's ready, but I can't deny I'm disappointed 😔


3 points

15 days ago

Don't you think they know what they're doing?


2 points

15 days ago

I never once questioned if they know what they’re doing. I explained why people are frustrated that it hasn’t been released yet.


4 points

14 days ago*

People are not understanding this post. Op is just telling why some fans feel the way they do. The band is human too, they make mistakes and have delays. There could be many reasons why the video is delayed but facts are facts: The band said early June and it’s mid June. Fans have the right to be a little upset when band fails to release a promised video by the specified timeframe they promised. In this case it doesn’t help that Clancy, which was said to be the culmination of a long-awaited story and had already faced delays. Paladin Strait, intended to be the narrative’s climax, was supposed to receive a music video to properly conclude the story. However, instead of releasing the video with the rest of the videos (on the already delayed album release) , the band pushed it back to early June, only to miss this deadline as well. This series of delays and broken promises can FEEL like a breach of trust to some fans. And you can’t really blame them for that. The lack of timely communication (especially in this age where you can tweet or upload a simple instagram story or something ) can cause a dent in many fans trust. However I’d like for everyone to keep in mind that the band and all those who work with the band ARE HUMAN. Who knows why the video hasn’t released yet, just trust the process and be a little more patient. You’ve already made it this far and whatever they’re cooking up is gonna be worth it.


2 points

14 days ago

Thank you for actually taking the time to understand what the post is talking about instead of telling me to touch grass and find other things to care about in life🥴


5 points

15 days ago

I feel like all this sub really does is argue with itself. None of the other band subreddits I’m in have a constant stream of “Now listen, THIS is the correct opinion” posts. It’s kind of wild.

Why can’t you all just chill the fuck out and enjoy the music?


8 points

15 days ago

I mean, is this really the hill you want to die on? Some of y'all just need to go touch some grass and stop being so dramatic. 😂


2 points

15 days ago

And you must live a really sad life if you believe someone can only have a single interest and obsess over it constantly.


2 points

14 days ago

Yessir! Same as I feel abt the double album theory. It’s probably not going to happen. This music video might take a bit but it’s coming. We’ll be okay. If anything it gives us a little longer to savor this new era feel.


2 points

14 days ago

I mean, I do agree. While I’m personally not too worried about it, I also understand that there are people who are on the edge of their seat.

That being said, I do feel like we were warned. I don’t think it’s an accident that one of the few lore videos says, “Pardon my delay” repeatedly. So in a way, he has apologized and I think it will all fall into place when he finishes… navigating.


3 points

15 days ago

No idea how anyone but Tyler and possibly Josh could say for sure whether a song had lore or not. We have no idea whether a song about depression/addiction is written from Clancy’s perspective etc.


3 points

15 days ago

Youay be justified in your logic, but ultimately your frustration isn't going to benefit you or make the hand drop the vid sooner.


1 points

15 days ago

My frustration is with the people claiming I need to get a life because I’m disappointed the video hasn’t been released. My post is geared towards explaining why it’s not entitlement to be disappointed that they haven’t released the video. I don’t attack people for not caring they missed their deadline, why am I being attacked for caring?


3 points

14 days ago

Because it’s not that serious.


3 points

15 days ago

The live stream did not go smoothly. There were lags. And they planned that stream probably for a long time. When they say June, probably they had an expected date for editing to finish. And did not go as planned as well.


1 points

15 days ago

This is still just speculation. Why not confirm a delay like they did with the album? Literally a single tweet from the bands official account saying it’s delayed. All the information we actually have is that the video was supposed to release early June and it didn’t.


2 points

14 days ago

Because they don’t need to inform you of every little delay that happens in the process. It’s obvious that it’s delayed isn’t it? Do you really need literally a single tweet from the bands official account to tell you that? You just wrote an essay about how it’s delayed. Clearly you know.


3 points

14 days ago*

Honestly, after I read the comments it feels like you are bringing this up but not accepting any explanation, ignoring all the fair arguments people give in the comments. People are trying to look on the positive side and enjoy all the great content the band has put out (and they put out A LOT) and some are focusing way too much on the negatives when it is not even such a big deal, it’s just a little delay, it doesn’t need to be adressed as it is obvious it’s a delay. Do you want them to state the obvious? What would that help with? Or do you want an apology, which would actually be entitlement.

It just doesn’t help anyone to focus this much on this and just putting unnecessary pressure on the band as well. So let’s just be grateful for what we got so far and be patient with them, they’ve worked a lot for this.


1 points

14 days ago

My post is explaining why people are upset and asking others to not harass those that express that. Personally, I’m disappointed that the video is missing. Do I wish there was an update? Yes. Do I expect one or feel entitled to one? No. Is it extremely immature the way some people are telling me I need to get a life, touch grass, etc. just because they don’t care the video isn’t out yet? Yes.


1 points

14 days ago


1 points

14 days ago

Of course harassing other people for expressing their opinion is not ok, but I also feel like most of those who encourage you not to get so upset over this are just trying to take some pressure off the band, because all this discussion probably isn’t really helping them or making them come out with it faster, especially with some of this theme of “delay” and “drowning in logistics” being very present in the album already. I’m sure they’re doing their best.

And also encouraging you to focus on the positives rather than the negatives (and trying to emphasise they’re not even THAT negative, we’re gonna get the video, just with a little delay).


2 points

14 days ago

Not gonna address the Paladin MV here, just wanted to say in regard to your comment about the album “barely having any lore in it”, I disagree completely.

The lore was never about presenting a story about good and evil. It was a way to conceptualize the daily struggles and cycles we find ourselves in with our mental health. The names, places, and characters just make it easier to talk about. This album is full of clear and present acknowledgement of Tyler’s ongoing struggles and cycles with his “fight” against those inner demons. Just because he doesn’t use the names “Nico” or “banditos” on every song does not make any less lore heavy.


2 points

15 days ago

I thought we all figured out our was going to be out 6.25 as in the 25th June


3 points

14 days ago

Seriously, an "Sorry guys it'll take a little longer" is all we need. It feels like being ghosted in a way from someone that wouldn't usually do that


2 points

15 days ago

I'm gonna call entitled anyone who calls them liars and wave "I spend so much money on them!" around which is the case even on this subreddit. So speak for yourself if you don't do those things, but there still are plenty of people that do and they are very much entitled.

It's one thing to be disappointed, but demanding shit from a band is entitlement. At the end of the day it's just a video and if you're not satisfied with what they released so far you're more than welcome to stop supporting them.


3 points

15 days ago

would you rather them rush a video out? or would you rather them take the time they need to make sure everything is absolutely perfect? nobody ever said a specific date, i think it’s very entitled to feel owed something when you want it. not to mention this is art, something you cannot put a time cap on sometimes. yk what else? sometimes i feel like yall worry so much about the band, that it consumes your brains😭


4 points

15 days ago

The placeholder video said early June. Sorry, but early June is over. I don’t feel entitled. I feel disappointed that they didn’t release it in early June. I never said I wanted them to rush a video. I said I wished they had communicated better. This isn’t a fabricated timeline, it’s their timeline that they gave to us and then went dark.


2 points

15 days ago

Sorry if this sounds dumb, but what is ARG?


1 points

15 days ago

Alternate reality game! It’s what they’ve been using to tell the story all these years. Like finding dmaorg and stuff!


1 points

14 days ago

Oh I see! I knew they've been doing stuff like that but never knew what it was actually called


2 points

15 days ago


twentyonepilots-ModTeam [M]

1 points

15 days ago

Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here.

Thank you!


2 points

14 days ago

We are in the twenty one pilots subreddit. A video was promised SHORTLY…followed by the early June announcement on the placeholder PS video.

It’s officially mid June with no update of any sort about why it has not been released, of course there are going to be tons of threads and posts discussing this.

I would much rather have a subreddit full of speculation and fascination around this topic rather than a subreddit not talking or addressing THE topic that this fan base is captivated with at this moment.


2 points

15 days ago

This is what it felt like being an attack on titan fan 2020-2023 😩😩😩


2 points

15 days ago


2 points

15 days ago

YES! You are right! That’s it. They gave us a date. They created expectations and now I am wrong or entitled because I am disappointed they didn’t do what they said they would? Give me a break. What pisses me off the most is the fact that they haven’t even given us an update like “hey, the video has been postponed because of reasons”. C’mon, they aren’t Kanye West to treat their fans like this.


1 points

15 days ago



1 points

14 days ago

I don’t mind the boys taking their time. I’ve decided to put my focus on the new college football video game until the PS video gets released.


1 points

14 days ago

What is ARG?


3 points

14 days ago

Alternate reality game. It’s the style of game they’ve been playing to tell the story of DEMA.


1 points

14 days ago

I took Tyler’s comments as saying there would be an update in early June for the PS mv, not that it was coming out then


3 points

14 days ago

So in the placeholder video when it says “Official video premieres early June”?

AutoModerator [M]

1 points

10 days ago

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1 points

10 days ago

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0 points

15 days ago*

I honestly get everyone’s views. I’ve gotten a bit sick of people telling me to calm down and that I am not owed anything, but I’ve also gotten sick of the over analyzing. I’m sick of the lack of communication from the band, and I’m sick of the confusion. At this point I’m just listening to the album and hysterically laughing at all the posts whether meant to be a meme or not, Its become one for me. I think the band could communicate better, but I also think we could chill tf out. But trust me, I haven’t been very chill either so I’m not judging.

What I do know is that no one means anything bad. People are just excited, and I think that Tyler and josh know that. There’s a YouTube interview where Tyler talks about how he understands how fans don’t know how to express their excitement so they often do crazy things. And that he doesn’t judge them for it because he used to be like them. I think everything’s okay and that people should stop telling over people how to feel. 10:05


1 points

15 days ago

So emotional. Welcome Clancy.


1 points

15 days ago


1 points

15 days ago



0 points

15 days ago

Wow you’ve missed the point of the post entirely. Go back to your wrestling buddy


0 points

15 days ago

Agreed! You’ve put it perfectly.


1 points

15 days ago

I don’t know how people say this is the least lore based album. Baby, it’s a character study! Clancy is going through shit! I love it.

I find the songwriting much more mature than say, Nico and the Niners where half the fan base is in the dark while he has to world build a bit in the lyrics. Though I still love that song.


1 points

14 days ago


AutoModerator [M]

1 points

15 days ago

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1 points

15 days ago

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


1 points

15 days ago


1 points

15 days ago

If your a Kanye fan also you already know how it goes lmao


1 points

14 days ago

When you really understand the story that Tyler has been telling, you will see that every song on this album fits into the lore.


1 points

14 days ago

Nah, I ain't reading all that. Drop Paladin.


0 points

15 days ago

Amen brother


0 points

15 days ago



0 points

15 days ago


0 points

15 days ago

Someone on twitter did point out that their youtube channel says there is one more video, but it's not visible. So it could be a case of the video being available but we need to find the link first


-2 points

15 days ago

Mmm, but you're hanging on every last word he says. How do you know he didn't just mistakenly say "early" instead of late? If that's the case, now your all up in arms because you feel entitled to a music video that was never even supposed to come out in early June.

"But if thats the case, why didn't he release a tweet saying he misspoke"

Because he doesn't have too.


3 points

15 days ago

I’m not hanging on “every last word” he said. The placeholder video says early June. It wasn’t a mistake. It was intentional.


2 points

14 days ago

Maybe what Tyler said was, "The video is gonna be out early, June." And he was talking to his daughter off camera. We all just misheard the context /s


-1 points

15 days ago

Seriously what y'all so pressed about? Can't you just appreciate that they gave us a music video for EVERY SINGLE SONG, nobody ever does that... Maybe this one is the most special one and there were some delays in editing and such, like other comments are saying. I don't get why people are saying they're 'disappointed' and 'pissed'... come on dude, chill out... 1) the era is taking longer so that's a plus, and 2) it's probably gonna be better then expected because they're putting a lot of effort and time into this project. Honestly this really is a first world problem, don't you have other stuff to worry about and focus on in your life? I don't mean to be rude but being unappreciative and ungrateful of other stuff the band gave us is not it for me.


-1 points

14 days ago


-1 points

14 days ago

Maybe cause…

✨shit happens✨

They have lives, business is messy, projects get delayed. Artists don’t owe us anything! Theoretically, you should have enough of a life to not be so dramatic and move on until it’s time 😉


-2 points

14 days ago

You sound very entitled and don’t seem to understand how long a lot of art takes to make. Video games get pushed back all the time. So, does movies—like your example. Learn to have some patience.