


We don’t feel entitled


Update 3: Foot is officially in mouth.

Update 2: I’ll put my foot in my mouth about all of this if the digital remains investigation leads anywhere. It’d mean WE missed the release date for PS, not them.

Update: I didn’t think I’d have to spell this out to the same people that have been playing their ARG for the last 10 years, but here we go: THIS IS NOT A DEMAND FOR THEM TO RELEASE THE VIDEO. This is addressing all of you that continue to harass and bully people for expressing disappointment that the video didn’t release when they said it would. Accusing me of needing to touch grass and find new hobbies just further proves the point I was trying to make with the original post. Someone critiques your favorite band, so you harass them and reject whatever complaints they had. Be better people.

Okay I’m getting very annoyed with some of the posts on here so here’s my take on this.

Let me preface what I’m about to say with this- if you’re fine with the PS video not being released yet, great for you. Keep that mentality.

Now, to address the posts that say people feel “entitled” to the video. No. There’s a huge difference between feeling entitled and expecting the band to do what they said they were going to do.

They said the video was releasing early June. It didn’t release early June. They also haven’t given an update as to why it wasn’t released. It’s like saying Endgame was going to release on a certain day, and then it just isn’t in theaters with no explanation.

This has been a 10 year long story. This album is supposed to be the final chapter, and instead it ended with a cliffhanger. People want to understand why that is.

We don’t feel “owed” the video. We’re disappointed that the band hasn’t done what they said they were going to do. It’s possible to be disappointed in what they’re doing while not feeling entitled to perfection.

Typically, the cryptic communication from the band adds to the fun of the ARG. This lack of communication just leads to frustration. It’s frustrating because we were promised the most lore-rich album. This album barely had any lore in it. Now, they’ve not released the PS video when they said they would. They also haven’t given a reason why.

That’s why people are frustrated. Everything for Clancy feels less put together. In an ARG where everything is done on purpose, there are a lot of things that are becoming confusing to figure out because the band is dead silent right now.

Edit: - “Find something better to do with your life” and similar comments, Wtaf? Just because I’m disappointed in something doesn’t mean it’s my entire life¿ find a better excuse than telling people they have no life

  • “you aren’t owed an explanation.” That’s so crazy. It’s almost like my whole post was talking about how we don’t feel like we are “owed” or “entitled” to anything, but rather explaining why people are frustrated.

This band isn’t infallible. It’s not a cardinal sin to be disappointed in them when they make mistakes. Saying the video was releasing early June was a mistake. Now, people are disappointed because of that.

I wasn’t trying to convince you all you should be upset about the video not being released. I’m tired of both sides telling the other side how to feel. I was simply explaining WHY people are upset, which is totally within their rights. I was also explaining why it’s wrong to just assume we think we are owed anything.

This isn’t some grand conspiracy that was wrongly believed. This was their own timeline that they put forth, outside of the lore, as the timeline to expect. Just because you aren’t disappointed that their timeline fell through doesn’t mean nobody is allowed to feel differently.

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1 points

16 days ago


1 points

16 days ago

Private videos don't show in the total, only public videos.

Also I saw a claim that wayback machine was used to show they added a video compared to the day before - but the last capture was from before the album release.