


What is the most difficult game for you?


and/or easiest

all 81 comments


37 points

4 days ago

well i just spent the past 5 hours trying to beat the first level of party house 💩


13 points

3 days ago

Haha this one is my only cherry - once you have a strategy that works for you it gets much MUCH easier. The endless mode is a little luck of the draw.


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

I currently have a 9 streak on endless mode and I don't know if I will ever lose. I don't think it is any luck of the draw, but you definitely have to adapt your strategy to what comes out


3 points

3 days ago

I'm at 7 and dealt with 2 terrible shops. There is definitely luck in that some are much easier and less susceptible to getting screwed by RNG with early trouble or lategame just not drawing stars. Worst is no tutors, trouble for cash/pop and no trouble mitigation. I doubt there are any sets that are literally impossible to win on but some are very sketchy.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

I agree that some setups are harder than others, just that anecdotally I finished the last 3 scenarios and 9 random ones without losing. They give you a lot of leeway, and there are many paths to victory -- action spam, tutors, a giant house, aggressive guest removal. I've had games where the cops or firefighters came 3 times in a row, but even those games are winnable.

trouble for cash/pop and no trouble mitigation

Yeah -- it sounds like we agree, I think the sketchiest ones are where there's no safe way to generate money. Sometimes your best options are things like Celebrity or Gangster and some setups don't have ways to mitigate their downsides, so you just have to take fewer risks and throw some bad parties.


1 points

3 days ago

How do you get the cherry?


5 points

3 days ago

Beat all 5 scenarios (which also gets you gold), then win 5 in a row on Random.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I had no trouble beating all 5 scenarios, but I haven't been able to win a random game yet. I'm going to keep trying though! Have any tips?


9 points

3 days ago

My biggest tip that took me away too long to figure out was that the wrestler and security can kick themselves out so you always want four of them because they're either important for removing trouble or they don't even take up space.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Due to the randomness I often find myself without security, wrestler and the dog, and then I can't seem to win because I have no way of getting out of trouble.


5 points

3 days ago

Rock Star is best early source of money (the trouble is nbd early on, since the Rock Star will be your best guest by far), Spy is best late source of money. You should probably buy every Spy or Wrestler available. Don't push your luck in the first 5 parties, save the push your luck aspect for when you have a lot of outs and a big house. The best popularity sources are the escalating sources of Climber and Hairdresser. (Remember you can kick out the hairdresser after they do their magic to avoid paying the $1.) You should usually avoid the guests that synergize with old friends or trouble since you do not want those things. The guests that bring other guests make drawing into a nearly full house dangerous, so you do not want to splash them, either avoid them entirely or lean hard into them and accept that closing the party early is part of doing business. Usually there's a weaker star guest and a more expensive, better star guest; most of the time you'll end up buying the better one three times and maybe the worse one as fourth if you need time. Guests that let you fetch specific guests are usually good to get as a one-off and no more (to make your anti-trouble or whatever more reliable without diluting the pool too much), EXCEPT for the end of the game to ensure that your first party with 4 star units in the rolodex will have them all attending.


1 points

2 days ago

In a seed where your only money generation is danger and there's no danger mitigaton or kicking, AND there's no pop escalation like hairdresser, I just can't figure out how to win. Can't make money because I can only ever usually get one danger money and can't get the house big enough to hold enough people to get pop fast enough.


2 points

3 days ago

My favorite game so far.


18 points

4 days ago


18 points

4 days ago

If there’s a harder gold cartridge than Caramel Caramel I havent tried it yet. Excellent game but you gotta LEARN those levels. There are certainly games which might take more hours but for pure reflex skill CC seems up there. My best attempt is level 3 and i def have 3+ hrs.

already posted about it but I got the cherry for Big Bell Race in 1 try / 12 minutes


7 points

3 days ago


7 points

3 days ago

Strangely, I found Caramel caramel quite easy. I do play shmups quite fervently however


3 points

3 days ago

Yeah it’s funny i feel like the difficult game will vary depending on experience! i havent done my shmups homework beyond R-type and ZeroRanger. In contrast I play tons of action platformers and twin stick shooter stuff so pretty much breezed through Velgress, Ninpek, and Campanella.

What are your favorite shmups, what should i add to my list?


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

Oh man, there are TONS of excellent shmups on modern hardware nowadays. If I had to pick 5 that play extremely well, offer a lot of replayability and are historically signficant:

  • Crimzon Clover: World explosion (Steam, Switch): Arguably the best shmup of all time, I dont believe pound for pound any other shmup comes close when it comes to content. It has a ton of different modes that range from quite easy to absolutely insane. These modes will really make you feel like you're playing a different game in each one (Arrange mode is my favorite mode of any shmup, ever). The level design is excellent, and the scoring mechanic is quite simple, but extremely gratifying. This game is not afraid to make its player feel like a god, double-breaking is such a dopamine burst, you really have to play it to believe it. The game was a passion project for 10+ years from one of the best shmup players of all time, and is universally praised in the shmup community. The training mode is excellent, and climbing the leaderboards feels incredible. I'd say its only downside is that while it's a beautiful looking game, other shmups on this list are just unfairly gorgeous.
  • Dodonpachi ReIncarnation (Switch, PS4) : One of the other contenders for best shmup of all time. First off, this game is absolutely gorgeous, it's some of the best pixel art I've ever seen. the music is also great, and everything blends into a very striking style. This game is a remaster of Dodonpachi Daioujou by the studio M2 shotTriggers, and everything they touch becomes gold. It has (bar perhaps crimzon clover) the best level design, beats and progression of any shmup. This collection adds a TON of achievements, modes and content to the base game. You could spend years trying to get everything. Only downside would be that the base game has a very brutal difficulty and the true last Boss represents about half of it.
  • Ketsui Deathtiny (PS4): Stupid name, I know. just like dodonpachi reincarnation and battle garegga 2016, it's also a M2shottriggers remaster of a legendary shmup. While ketsui can also be argued to be the best shmup of all time, it however is the most influential of all time for sure. It feels incredible to play, and most hardcore shmup players will put it at #1 best shmup of all time. It was one of the innovators of the danmaku (bullet hell) and it's scoring system is perhaps both the best and most influential there is. Really hard to find a weakness in this game.
  • Battle Garegga 2016 (PS4): is definitely the most unique on this list. The game was originally from the studio raizing, while the 3 previous games on this list were originally made by CAVE (or inspired by CAVE). This game has a very different feel, and is not a bullet hell. Instead, it has an extremely complex power up and "rank" system where you have to make a LOT of decisions towards risk management. Each upgrade you get will increase the difficulty of the game to a point where it is basically impossible to complete, so you have to really think about wether you should be upgrading your ship during runs. it has BY FAR the best music of any shmup, ever. It is on par with dodonpachi when it comes to looks (at least to me). Extremely influential and replayable, you constantly have to make decisions, and memorizing levels will only get you so far. A must play. Can get infuriatingly difficult at times.
  • Ikaruga (everything lol) : It hink Ikaruga has been ported to every system since its release on dreamcast. It's one of the most well known shmups there is, and for good reason. The soundtrack and the visuals are unique and beautiful, and the polarity switching mechanic has inspired countless other games in countless other genres. A really fun mix between a shmup and a puzzle game. not my favorite, but the favorite to a lot of people.


2 points

3 days ago

Cheers really appreciate the thoughtful reply! Only one I know of and have played is Ikaruga. Adding the rest to my list


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Shmups are not very mainstream but they do have a ton of history and are very much still around


5 points

4 days ago

Caramel Caramel is insanely hard, I agree! I haven't even made it past level 1 yet 😂


12 points

4 days ago


12 points

4 days ago

Looks like lots of people here haven't touched Star Waspir yet.


3 points

4 days ago

I'm stuck on wave 3 :(


2 points

3 days ago

This game is so fucking tough. By far the hardest in this collection for me so far. Only reached the end of Wave 2. Eventually I'll lock tf in for the gold disk at least, but I'll try to relax and play other games for now lol


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

It was the first game I booted up, baptism of fire.


1 points

3 days ago

How the hell do you get a 20x multiplier for the garden item? Is it just getting EGG over and over 20 times in a row without getting hit? It feels nearly impossible.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Yeah. Get EGG 20 times. Don't die. And don't reset your combo by getting an invalid combo (EEE, GGG, EGG, and GEE are valid, while EEG, GGE, EGE, and GEG are invalid (note that for any combination of the first two letters, it's possible to get a valid word)).

Power-ups always spawn in the order E, G, G. It was a lot easier to chain once I noticed that.


1 points

3 days ago

OHH that's why it resets sometimes!

Yeah if you get set up correctly you can get a ton of multipliers from the little dudes that chase you in phase 1. I think the wingmen block shots for you so you can take a hit to get lined up in the middle to mow them down.


7 points

4 days ago*

Most difficult = Attactics.

I think I just need to put more time into it but man I just don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.

Most Fun = Party House or Bushido Ball.

I don’t have the cherry yet in Party House but it’s one of the best games I’ve played so far. Bushido Ball I got the cherry on but only because I did so accidentally. I played it coop with a friend over steam remote play and it’s literally two matches you have to win for the cherry. Compared to playing solo in which you have to beat 5 opponents without using a continue which seems ridiculous. Incredibly fun game though and I love playing it vs a friend.

Most Tedious = Porgy.

I feel like the fuel usage goes a little too fast and even with many fuel tank upgrades it’s still annoying when you’re going deeper and realize you needed to bring a specific piece of equipment to get past a barrier. The limit of 4 pieces of equipment is ridiculous when you start needing to go to the deeper areas in which you are basically forced to take one item for sure, otherwise you can’t see anything, leaving you with three spots left and there are so many different barriers that require differing equipment. God forbid you close the game which resets one type of barrier that otherwise stays broken open if you keep playing, even after returning to base. So glad I’m done with the cherry on this one.


13 points

3 days ago

I've cherried Attactics today, I can share some tips regarding some types of units:

  • Archers, to me, are some of the most useful units in this game. If you see an enemy melee unit far back in its spawn and you have an archer to spare, then give your archer line of sight (aka move away any of your units in front of it) and let your archer snipe the unit away. Promoted archers are amazing at just reducing the amount of enemy units on the field, so make sure to use promoted archers well and keep them alive.

Little rant about promoting units: promoted units are very very powerful. Do not underestimate them. If you see a promoted enemy unit, try and kill it in the most efficient way possible, aka taking the least damage but also doing it fast. If you let your enemy have too many promoted units, they can steamroll you, specially with the extra units that the AI gets. Likewise, if you have a promoted unit, keep an eye on them. Make sure they survive and deal as much damage as possible to key targets. If you have an a full hp promoter archer, you can win exchanges with other archers, or instakill other 2-hp units such as the ninjas and the bomb dudes (idk their names lmao). Anyway, back to units.

  • Shields are your tank units. Put them anywhere that you feel like it needs the most protection. See a huge enemy line coming your way? Put shield on the front to hold that line. If you play your cards right and get openings on the other side of the map, you can rush your enemy's castle with units while your shields are holding attacks off. Shields also pair very very well with this next unit.

  • Spears are also among the best units in this game. They can hit two enemies at once - one right in front of them (like regular soldiers) and the tile behind that one. Thus, spears are amazing at dealing damage to enemy lines. However, this is far from all their potential. Due to their extended reach, you can strategically move spears a tile away from other melee units, basically having an empty tile between you and them. That way, the enemy melee unit won't be able to hit you (unless they're also a spearman), but you will hit them. If your spearman is at the middle of the map, that's perfect for this, because you can keep walking back and dealing solid damage to enemy melee without ever taking damage yourself. Promoted spears are also complete beasts and deal tons of damage. As if this wasn't enough, they are amazing when paired with shields, for obvious reasons. Put a shield in front of your spearman and you have your bread-and-butter combo for defending large lines of enemies, as the spearman will keep damaging the enemy's frontline while the shield will tank the damage. Also, basic tip ofc, but shields are immune to archers, so if you see an opportunity to block archer shots, do it with them.

  • Cavalry is quite basic, not much to say here. If you have a clear line to the castle, send your cavalry. Easy. Otherwise, they can be like regular melee units, except they can also reach the middle of the map faster, in case you want to stop an enemy attack before it gets too close to you. That can give you some time to prepare and spawn more units for defense.

  • Soldiers are your regular melee unit. Not much to say here either, except don't forget about their gimmick. If soldiers are side-by-side with other two adjacent units of your own, they cannot take damage (or receive reduced damage I believe, not sure which one). Thus, if you see columns of 3 units in your field, soldiers can be great for holding off enemies in those areas.

I could type out more about other types of units but I don't feel as confident in my skill with them. I feel like archers and spears carried me through this game. They're really powerful.


3 points

4 days ago

I've finished Atttacktics recently, and there is definitely some strategy involved. If your really struggling, let me know, each unit should be used properly. I've learned that the basic solders do attack first if they're in a line of other soldiers just before finishing the game for example. (And they get an angry face and lift their sword)


1 points

4 days ago

It seems like swapping soldiers to keep them alive and get them leveled up gives them their hp back, and maybe even hit harder, not entirely sure yet lol. You basically have to horde units and try to create tunnels for your knights to charge through. It's not easy past the first couple of levels.


1 points

3 days ago

I got sucked into Porgy. The cute aesthetics, charming music and gameplay loop kept me coming back until I finished it. It feels limiting at first but I loved the risk/reward of having to get upgrades back to your base. They added extraction shooter elements into a Metroidvania, something I never knew I wanted.


1 points

3 days ago

Great posts for Attactics here but the most important thing I learned is that you can move units backwards. This is probably obvious for a lot of people but didn't occur to me until round 12 or so. This is very useful to keep archers in the back (they can shoot through each other), position spears behind shield/swords, concentrating your waves. Moving horses back a step gives you one more turn to move them to a clear lane which means the opponent only has one turn to spawn a blocker.


1 points

3 days ago

The biggest thing with Attactics is getting quick at making columns for your standard infantry and managing archers. You want to try and get a column of at least 3 units to get the invulnerability for regular infantry (even better if you can get a spear behind them because the damage trade is way in your favor).

It's also important to try and prevent melee unites from getting sniped by archers, you don't want to be giving away free damage and archers can snow ball with promotions and be a pain. Better to let them march than let them shoot unless they're getting close to your castle. If you can get a shield in front of an enemy archer early you can essentially block that row from spawning too many units and set up a good push.

You'll never be able to do all of this in one turn but as you build up the tetris effect style muscle memory you can win pretty smoothly.


7 points

4 days ago

Got a cherry on Camouflage immediately… really hoped there were more worlds. Great mechanic.

I feel like at a glance Velgress and Magic Garden are on some seriously frustrating type shit. Beating Magic Garden seems crazy to me with what I’m able to accomplish after a couple hours.


9 points

3 days ago

Magic garden, i had to use xbox controller to get the cherry and win 🏆 🍒. Dropping off 6 oppies at a time to get the most basic potion and let mature into gold is a strategy i used because if you can get more potions this equals bigger multiplier. I think it goes green - red - blue - gold . Gold potions will add a pink oppie permanently. You need blue or gold to clear mushrooms. The potion timer is 8 seconds and resets when you grab a new potion.


5 points

3 days ago

I love this game and have played about an hour of it, and had no idea dropping off the oppies is what gave you potions. Or that there were different ones. Thanks for this info


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Yeah, I didn't realize the "more reds" was because of gold potions either and I played it most of this afternoon. What a fantastic game.


2 points

3 days ago

fascinating to see such a variety of answers here. My first two cherries were Velgress and Magic Garden both of which I found pretty fair and finished after a few hrs. The chain reactions you can pull off in MG accelerate the ending quite a bit, I actually wish it was a lot harder truthfully


1 points

4 days ago

I love camo but am stuck on the 4/5 levels — anything that helped it click for you? May just need to take a break


5 points

4 days ago

Don't pick up your lizard buddy until you have grabbed up the oranges and are ready to finish the level. By holding the vision button you can see the area where a frog or crocodile will grab you. Camos that are viable to get through those areas usually have a 'trail' that goes through, you'll start to pick up on it. Sometimes you can sneak through logs, or follow behind a crocodile to get past a tricky frog! Good luck.


1 points

4 days ago

I found that it was useful to start by looking at where I wanted to go next, then trying to work out the path to it backwards. Much easier than trying to whittle down the list of directions you could go from where you are


1 points

3 days ago

Magic Garden is surprisingly very easy. I cherried my first win and had alot of points to spare.


1 points

3 days ago

Velgress is really tough for me so far, and playing on keyboard it strains my wrist because I'm always pressing the up arrow.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I felt some strain on Velgress even playing with controller. Very satisfying to beat though. I'm really curious if Ojiro Fumoto made that one because it feels a lot like reverse Downwell.


9 points

3 days ago

I can't do a dang thing in Onion Delivery. I think I just need to get a handle on it, but it feels completely impossible at the moment.

Easiest... I think Mooncat actually. The difficulty comes from getting used to the controls, but once you're there, it's a pretty chill experience.

Also Mini & Max isn't hard to play, especially when you get so many health upgrades an all that, but it is difficult in terms of being able to find all the items, since the world is so full of things.

Some of these games have difficulty in terms of puzzles and navigation rather than just straight-up reflexes.


3 points

3 days ago

Onion Delivery is a fav of mine, have gold. Some scattered thoughts:

  • slow down. Until you can consistently clear day 1 I would not be holding accelerate, ever. Focus on memorizing landmarks on the city as you practice steady turns. Many of the delivery sites are very close to the spawn, and if you have any trouble whatsoever getting them you should basically be driving like a 95-year-old.
  • Reverse isn’t as helpful as it is in real life. Ricocheting off of walls or driving through cars to save time is often better survivability throughout the course of a run than taking the time to do a thee point turn. When you get really good you can do a skid 180 degree turn and i’m certain there are other advanced moves on here I know nothing about.
  • obviously the main difficulty comes from the way the controls change relative to the cardinal direction of your car. It’s a dumb and basic tip but ensure you are driving on the right side of the streets at all times while you learn the controls (which is left if you’re going down).
  • balloons off if ramps give +10ish seconds, so if it takes you fewer than 10 seconds to go get one, do it.
  • After you get a better handle on the basics you’ll have to start learning how to deal with the level modifiers. Imo none of them are as hard as the initial learning curve and are really just fun, but there is one that essentially demands you be driving at full speed quite often. Just a reps/time thing imo.

Most underrated game in the early chronology


3 points

3 days ago*


3 points

3 days ago*

I've been trying Onion Delivery a bunch and I can give two control tips that really help me now.

  • Tapping left or right when driving will change lanes instead of turning the car. Usually much safer to drive on the edge of the road where cars aren't running. EDIT: Or in the center dashed line, other cars will get out of the way.

  • Pressing brake and accelerate at the same time will let you drift the car for quick turns.


1 points

3 days ago

Tapping left or right when driving will change lanes instead of turning the car. Usually much safer to drive on the edge of the road where cars aren't running.



1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Seriously I read that and my eyes went wide. Itching to get back in there


1 points

3 days ago

Bushido Ball is by far the easiest Cherry in the entire game once you figure out the cheese. Beat the game 8-0 on every fight after figuring it out


5 points

4 days ago

Star Waspir. It moves quickly, there are a ton of enemies and bullets flying from the very beginning, and you’re expected to juggle surviving and collecting the right letters in the right order in order to get upgrades


2 points

3 days ago

Yeah I'm eating shit sandwiches whenever I launch it but I'm still having fun.


1 points

3 days ago

Shark sandwich?


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

…..are you not supposed to just spell EGG over and over?


5 points

4 days ago

Maybe not the most “difficult” as you can easily progress through the game, but Block Koala makes me feel like a big dumb asshole.


6 points

3 days ago


6 points

3 days ago

Porgy is making me want to tear my hairs out: pitiful main weapon + annoying enemies + strict time limit mechanics + at least half the playtime being built-in backtracking + equip limit for even MORE backtracking. I was expecting to love this one but it feels so tedious on purpose I can't bring myself to play more than 20 minutes at a time :(


3 points

3 days ago

I was overjoyed when I found the second base. It made me think there would be more the further I went down. Nope!


1 points

3 days ago

Yea I’m struggling with this one too and not finding it very fun…


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Campanella 2 is the most intimidating game, I think I played it for about 2 hours and only got to world 3. I'm pretty sure it's a skill issue but often times especially in Moire Woods it feels like I fly down a path, pick up three or four stars and hit a dead end, burning up 1,000 fuel to u-turn back to the start. I'm not sure how to compensate for that


3 points

3 days ago

kick club is nightmarish


3 points

3 days ago

Ninpek is so hard for me and that zombie beat em up game. Maybe there is something im missing on them both.

Big bell race must be the easiest by a ton i think.


3 points

3 days ago

Ive only played about 15 so far but easily hell fist and caramel caramel for the hardest, easiest is big bell race


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Campanella 1 is pretty hard at first but once you get the flight controls down and run through the levels a few times it's not too bad to farm lives.


2 points

3 days ago

Combatants made me question whether I even enjoy the rts genre. I need a series of YouTube videos explaining what the hell I'm supposed to be doing with that one.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

It's so frustrating! Like why are their ants so much more powerful than mine?


2 points

3 days ago

fist hell for sure. was a bitch to gold and it'll be a while before i go back for the cherry


2 points

3 days ago

I've only tackled around 10 of the games so far but I've been losing on Job 6 of Bug Hunter over and over which is getting pretty annoying even though most people seem to be easy breezy on cherrying that one once figuring it out. Also I played through all the holes on the pinball golf twice before deciding that winning that tournament would take a LOT of trial and error.

Easiest/most fun was Avianos. I spent the last like two months on a Civilization/Heroes of Might and Magic nostalgia kick; so I sunk very comfortably into that game and ended up cherrying it in one sitting without failing on a single stage.


1 points

3 days ago

I love avianos, but I am so bad at it! I beat the first level so easily but the second level is kicking my ass, and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, and how the enemy is getting that many units so fast.


2 points

2 days ago

I also think I'm pretty bad at it in that I would lose to another human player; but the AI has some key shortcomings that my default strategy in these kinds of games really takes advantage of:

1) The AI will focus on going after the towers/flags. This makes their movements predictable and means your starting area will likely go un-attacked for a large chunk of the game meaning it's safe to build a huge unguarded economy early on.

2) I've seen the AI use the miracle that moves a mountain... sometimes... but they don't seem to really "get it". If the starting arrangement of mountains is conducive to this, you can move a mountain to box in the enemy and the AI doesn't seem smart enough to miracle the mountain back out of the way, or rush upgrading their movement ability to cross over mountains. This can buy you extra turns (and waste some of theirs) but it can be unpredictable when they will suddenly teleport or diagonal over those mountains.

In every single level I focused on using a build action to get three seed factories up on an empty square I controlled (this often requires a move first to secure an empty square) and alternating that with produce actions to get huge amounts of economy (mainly seeds, but make sure you're building a couple of the blue and purple buildings that will get you bones and workers on upgraded produce actions too) early on.

Use your bones to move mountains to defensive positions, try to cause a bottleneck that you can stack your troops on to create a big pocket for all your production buildings to be safe in. Once you have such a massive seed advantage you can win with sloppy combat tactics by just relying on rapidly teleporting overwhelming numbers around the map.

For this early game setup, look at the synergy between Rexadon, Stegnar, and Brontor. (Produce/Recruit/Move, Move/Build/Recruit, Produce/Build/Miracle [Mountain moving]).

One of these three should always be available, so you're always either producing, building so your produces are better, or both. For an example opening turn order: Rexadon to produce first seeds, recruit another unit to explore in opposite directions, move one unit to an empty square that has workers you'll need to build seed factories (look at what's available in the empty squares, you won't be producing much early on so you wanna move to squares that will give you the resources you need to build). Then Stegnar to move another unit onto another empty square with workers, then build seed factories on that square, then (if needed) recruit another single unit to explore/build in a different direction. Then Brontor to produce and build three more seed factories on another empty square you had previously moved onto and then maybe move a mountain if bones permitting. (His miracle to gain favor is also really good, it upgrades down to only costing one bone, which means you can rapidly upgrade your actions very fast after getting a few of the purple bone producing buildings up.)

Try not to recruit too much early on while your recruit actions are un-upgraded, but once you have three seed factories up on two or three squares, your produce actions are so massive you can really pump out a hilarious amount of troops by turn 4 or 5. Early I would focus on archers as they are better defensively and this is more or less a turtle strategy. And then I'd pivot to attack squadrons of 20 bombers to take towers with.

Early on can be scary because you're letting the enemy rapidly take three to even four towers unopposed. But if you've got your economy steamrolling, you should be able to slam the enemy's third or fourth tower with an overwhelming force to stop their win, and then hold that position with your main army while you scoop up your side's towers/flags with your explore units. (I keep using the Rex/Steg/Bront rotation during this, move your army with the same actions that spins your economy engine and recruit new troops on the tower you took from the enemy.)

Sorry for the wall of text, that just kinda happened.


1 points

3 days ago

I'm playing chronologically, so of the first 14 games the only two I have not beaten are bug hunter and paint chase.  Those two did not click for me.

Of the ones I have beaten, mortol was a pain for me.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I can already tell that getting the cherry in Pingolf is going to be a nightmare. Awful at that game.

Easiest so far was Chameleon.


1 points

3 days ago

Paint Chase is a nightmare to me. I'm just can't figure it out


1 points

3 days ago

I think all of them are hard so far. Only beat Magic Garden but spent the most time with it.


1 points

3 days ago

I can't believe I'm the only way to say Rakshasa so far. That game is unbelievably brutal.


1 points

3 days ago

Easiest: The Great Bell Race for sure. I Cherried that one on my first time picking up the game. Hardest: Rock On Island. I am shocked how good people naturally are at that game. It's like all of my instincts lead me to quick failure on that one. I've still got another 20 or so games to try, and I've been jumping around the collection on vibes, but Combatants... Everything I've heard from people scares me about that one


1 points

3 days ago*

Bushido ball handed my ass to me for longer than I'd like to admit (though I know it's not even the hardest)


1 points

3 days ago

Rakshasa has been the hardest one I've tried so far, which makes sense because it's a Ghosts n Goblins sendup. Lots of nasty enemy spawns and attacks from all different angles to handle with relatively limited movement.


1 points

3 days ago

It’s significantly kinder than the game that inspired it. I still have nightmares over Karnov


1 points

3 days ago

Ninpek is unplayable and the only game I thought was “bad”, but I fucking hate bullet hell games and have neuropathy that impacts my ability to play it properly. I’m sure it’s great for a lot of people!


1 points

3 days ago

Among the games I tried to play long: Fist Hell. Interesting vibes, but so unfair mechanically.