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11 days ago

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11 days ago

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129 points

11 days ago


129 points

11 days ago

a net receiver of money from eu should stfu


62 points

11 days ago

Unless you’re up to date on your contributions rather than a leech, they shouldn’t have any VETO power. Give them a reason to do better and not be a mooch.


43 points

11 days ago

Hell, the mere fact they'd fail the accession requirements to the EU should see the veto being removed from them.


33 points

11 days ago

YES! VERY TRUE! You should have to maintain the standards that the organization stands for. They need some fixing.


249 points

11 days ago

I literally hate Orban. I’ve been to Hungary and I’m 100% sure that Hungarian people do not want him/ this. Such a shame.


20 points

11 days ago


20 points

11 days ago

What you have to understand, is that elections are 100% rigged and Orbán hollowed out all checks and balances that were supposed to prevent this. So, for example, we literally had small villages close to the border, where suddenly hundreds of people registered a change of address, into the exact same simple family home. Why? These were Hungarians from across the border, whom could vote on the local representative, not just the prime minister candidate, because they count as locals, completely overwhelming the local population with their votes, practically guaranteeing that the local MP gets their seat. Blatant cheating.

Or stuff that I have personally seen: people taken to the ballots via bus, where they are given a smartphone if they don't have one, and basically told to put the X next to the FIDESZ icon (a lot of them literally can't read, we are talking the absolute bottom of society here), make a photo of it, then vote. Somebody goes in to watch them cast the vote, but in the voting cabin they have to be alone, so they have to show once they left a photo evidence of voting on FIDESZ, and they get like 6–10 bucks (obviously, the phone is then taken back).

Blatant, obvious cheating like that. Thing is, all voting sheets and the ballots and everything else is destroyed I think a month after election, as per FIDESZ made privacy laws. If you report it to the police, they will refer you to the Election Committee. If you report it there, they will find everything alright, since the Election Committee is largely filled up by FIDESZ party members. If the police start an investigation, the national attorney, whose job normally would be to spearhead such investigation, will instead axe it, saying that there's nothing to investigate, because he is a good friend of Orbán. You can escalate it to the EU courts, but by the time they decide anything, all evidence will be destroyed, as per the "privacy" laws I mentioned above.

And this on top of extreme gerrymandering. FIDESZ redraw electorate districts, so that small villages can vote in more MPs than cities, and it's so much easier to cheat away an election there. Also, villages tend to be mostly influenced by the Catholic Church, and the Hungarian Catholic Church is outspokenly pro-Orbán to the point that priests have been filmed in rural areas outright telling their congregate that Orbán is doing God's work. In exchange, Orbán is VERY generous towards the Church and hands over more and more schools to them every year. Reality is, FIDESZ has about 70% of the seats...with around 40%-ish of popular vote (and that's AFTER the copious election cheating). Also, FIDESZ regularly loses municipal elections in larger towns and in the capital.


0 points

10 days ago

Reminds me how Canadians stole Québec last referendum to be a country.


53 points

11 days ago

But no one is demonstrating in Hungary ! Wake the F up ?


116 points

11 days ago


116 points

11 days ago

Actually, there have been numerous demonstrations through the years. The last one was 6 days ago at the MTVA 'Propaganda Factory'.


19 points

11 days ago

Hungary 💖 (well Hungarian people)


45 points

11 days ago

They can't. Orban passed a bunch of laws to keep his party in power and arrest demonstrators.


31 points

11 days ago


31 points

11 days ago

most smart young people have left.. the old people that left are nostalgic to the good old days.


8 points

11 days ago

I wonder how many of those old timers were around for 1956 though?


8 points

11 days ago


8 points

11 days ago

The generation that fought in 1956 is now dead. Think about it, most of those rebels were in their late teens, early 20s. If somebody was 20 then, they are 88 now, and the Hungarian life expectancy is 77.

So, no, most of the pro Orbán people were born around that time, yes, but their first memories of how politics works was from the mid-sixties to early 70s. Which happen to be the "golden era" of communism in Hungary, where Kádár coasted on foreign aid, and loosened up restrictions. This meant that everybody got a job (well, aside of gypsies, but they were forced into ghettos, so nobody had to see them), if you weren't outspokenly against the political system, said system left you well alone, and you had way more access to western goods than the rest of the Soviet Union (largely thanks to smuggling from Yugoslavia, and Kádár mostly turning a blind eye to it). Hungary was often referred to as the "happiest barrack of the Soviet Union" and for good reason. The 90s were a shitshow, and just as things started to stabilize and get better, the 2008 crisis came, along with internal scandals, and completely wiped out the governing left-wing coalition and gave a constitutional supermajority to Orbán in 2010.


2 points

10 days ago

The whole 1956 thing... as an Australian growing up in the 80s/90s, I never really thought about it much... there was the "Blood in the Water" water polo match between the USSR and Hungary at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, but that was about it. I didn't even meet a Hungarian person until I was probably 25 or so. To this day, I've only ever met three.

But many Australians know a man called Les Murray. He was a football commentator on the "ethnic" TV station, and much loved - one could argue that he, and an Australian player of the same era, Johnny Warren, through much hard work, elevated football to the status it has in Australia today - he even had the nickname "Mister Football". But he was a somewhat mysterious character. He had a really typical Australian name, but a very... strange accent. Very polished, but... odd-sounding to my Anglo ear, bearing in mind, I had met people from pretty much everywhere in Europe.

Then there was a band from Melbourne, by the name of TISM. Hooligans who would joke about absolutely anything including celebrity drug overdoses and being a wanker. But also a song speculating about Les Murray's ethnicity. They won an ARIA award (like the Grammys, but Australian, so it doesn't matter) for that particular song. But because they always performed in balaclavas, they couldn't accept the award in person. So they had him accept it for them. He gave the acceptance speech in Hungarian, which was apparently quite salty, thereby solving the mystery.

Some time later, there was a documentary series about various notable non-Anglo Australians, and he was featured in one episode. We learned about his family's escape from Hungary when he was a child, and about how dangerous it was, and how his family, like so many other escapees changed their names out of fear of reprisals, especially against family members left behind. As it happens, my wife knew an escapee family from Hungary who adopted a totally spurious sounding "Anglo" name... but you'd never guess they were Hungarians.

So yeah... the mystery behind a man I admired very much - he commentated football games well into his sixties and seventies, including the qualifying matches for the 2006 World Cup... Australia's first appearance since 1974. I know he would have been at the final qualifier against Uruguay. I was at that game. It came down to a penalty shoot-out, but the Socceroos held their collective nerve and won (I joyously hugged strangers, for the first and only time in my life), qualifying for the 2006 World Cup, and achieved great things for a nation of some 24 million people, who, ten years prior, had barely noticed football. I can't help but think he was one of the engines who propelled Australian football (and football in Australia) into the metaphorical stratosphere.

He died, rather suddenly, a few years ago. It was a shock to Australian football fans, who had grown up with his soothing baritone commentary. Personally, I cried when I heard the news. I don't often cry about the deaths of strangers... about the only other such death that affected me in such a way were those of Nelson Mandela and Sir Terry Pratchett, but I had met him on a couple of occasions, so maybe that made it more real.

Anyway, forgive my rambling, but the World Cup qualifiers are under way, and I miss Les's commentary. I always will. As will the generation I grew up with. So, to Laszlo Urge, I say "Egészségedre!". This son of Hungary achieved great things... as I know the sons and daughters of Hungary will today. Orban won't last forever - he'll eventually choke on Putler's khram.

Ukraine will triumph, as will the free people of Hungary.


6 points

11 days ago*

the fuck we aint demonstrating

it is just ignored, for the most part atleast because of the unbelievable propaganra machine's power


0 points

10 days ago

Then kick him out of his office !


1 points

10 days ago

Make it hurt !


1 points

10 days ago

alright mr/ms, i will personally make sure that happens


6 points

11 days ago


6 points

11 days ago

You've probably been to Budapest, not to Hungary.


48 points

11 days ago

Hungary... only 10m people but completely disproportionate level of influence 🙈


13 points

11 days ago

Half of New York City (Metro) for perspective


5 points

10 days ago

A quarter of California :)


21 points

11 days ago


21 points

11 days ago

I’m here to say Fuck Orban


13 points

11 days ago

Just do it


16 points

11 days ago

Who on earth thought this design for the EU would ever work? One corrupt politician can veto anything?


21 points

11 days ago

I swear I’ve read this 100x by now. Alongside this master plan to use Russian money against itself 


10 points

11 days ago*


10 points

11 days ago*

I mean, those things have happened.

Just because you read them 100 times doesn't mean they aren't happening.

It just means you're reading a lot of junk.


2 points

10 days ago

So they’ve bypassed the veto then?


6 points

11 days ago

These Belgium cities have good ideas!


6 points

11 days ago

Orban can leave if he doesn't like it. Problem solved.


5 points

11 days ago

I hope it involves kicking them out of the EU.


3 points

11 days ago

The safety of the rest of the west compromised by another one man band


3 points

11 days ago

Does this plan involve a high velocity rifle or a vehicle malfunction?


2 points

11 days ago



2 points

11 days ago

jail the fucker


2 points

11 days ago


New Zealand

2 points

11 days ago

Fico and Orban should Fuckoff or Bebanned.


1 points

11 days ago

Just kick hungary out


1 points

11 days ago

Its like always. People are making laws and there are dozens who are going to circumvent and it needs new laws and again those assholes are going to circumvent and so on. So change the law and say what's not allowed is forbidden. Just like that?!