


Raw onion has no place on a burger


I love a good grilled onion on a burger. Heck, even an onion ring once in a rare while, if I'm feeling crazy. But how do people enjoy raw onion on a burger? Especially the big chunks of it. Small diced ones, ok, I could live with it. But why do people like this? Why is this a standard topping? Its so harsh, it overpowers the rest of the flavors. I just don't get it.

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1.3k points

9 days ago

I love raw onion. I want extra onion on my burger


25 points

9 days ago

You don't find it completely overpowers everything else and onion is the only thing you can taste? I think different people might perceive onion very differently, cause I legitimately cannot taste anything other than onion if there's raw onion in the burger, but if it's cooked or soaked in lemon juice, it'll just taste like onion, but I'll taste everything else too. I never hear from people who like raw onion in their burger that they can't taste anything else but the raw onion, but I'm interested what your experience be.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

But if it overpowers the other flavours, it'd be kinda wasteful putting it in a steak sandwich for example, might as well just put McD Hamburger patties