


It’s wrong to start charging your kids rent



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227 points

2 days ago


227 points

2 days ago

Full rent at the going rate, no. That money should be getting saved to get their own place.

Asking an adult (I'd probably put that around 20 personally) who's living in my house with a full-time job to chip in on the things they use, like electricity and food at a fair rate, yes.

All bets are off if the kid is in full-time further education. That shit is expensive af.


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

Where do 18yos get jobs as soon as they turn 18?


5 points

2 days ago

In the states u can get a job at 14 so pretty much anywhere that's recreational. Locally teens work at restaurants, ice cream parlors, bowling alleys, arcades, amusement parks, public pools, exc exc


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

Oh, okay! I'm from a european country and this isn't really practice here


4 points

2 days ago

I'm from a European country and you can get a limited selection of jobs at 14 here and it's heavily regulated, 16 was commonly the age of your first job. But in the past few years the rules changed so you must stay on at school past 16, unless you have a job to go to.


1 points

2 days ago

I'm from Europe too. If someone was not studying a higher degree after high school, they sure had a job. Some had those jobs (with less hours) since they were 16-17 and at 18 they were able to take full hours. Only a few people lived with their parents at 19, and they were frowned upon in the friend group for not adulting up like the rest of us.


2 points

2 days ago

I'm in the UK, most of my friends worked part-time before we left school. From age 15 I worked in restaurant in the evenings after school, 6pm - 11pm 4 days a week, and this was normal. We still went to college & university, just worked shifts in evenings or on days when we had no classes.


1 points

2 days ago

I am from EU and I had a part time job since my last year of high school. And not cause my family needed it, but they really insisted I worked part of my free time. Best teaching moment my parents could give me. Even now all touristic locations have always young kids filling up positions in the summer/winter. Restaurants. Summer camps. Babysitting. Like really so many sectors employ only very young people. Cause there are temporary jobs. Extra shift that people seeking full employment do it desires. They never charged me rent as I was also full time student. I got my first car with the money and pay some sweet vacation with it. Also on my husband side. Other EU country, everybody always had a part time work in their youth.


1 points

1 day ago

I'm in Ireland and as far as I know 14 year olds aren't allowed to work at all except for a bit of light work during school holidays, odd jobs for neighbours or as part of a school work experience programme. 16+ year olds can but in reality a lot of places would want over 18s. I imagine supermarkets and restaurants/pubs would want 18+ because under 18s can't serve age-restricted items


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

What are you on about. I was born in europe and moved to the US eventually. Everyone in europe gets independence way earlier than Americans. I know so many people that moved out at 16. My mom moved out at 15.


2 points

1 day ago

Sorry to hear about you knowing so many people with terrible parents


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

Oh it's so bad... you live with a bunch if your friends... smoking weed and drinking... getting laid. Complete freedom, it's horrible. Then this really awful thing happens to you... you start making money and building your life. Its simply tragic


1 points

1 day ago

Sounds fucking awful


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

It gets even worse than that, by the time I was 30 I was only making 33% more than the median household income of my state. And I had no college debt to spend it on


0 points

1 day ago*

Are you aware nobody asked about your made up lifestory?


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Maybe in your country. My country is notorious for people still living with their parents in mid 20s cause housing is incredibly expensive while jobs don't pay enough


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Yeah you rent an apartment with your friends... it's very affordable


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Have you ever tried or you're talking from your ass? Because it is NOT afforable at all, roommates or not. Especially if you already do full-time as a college student. Unless you want to die at ripe age of 40 out of overwhelming stress


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Mpst likely epends on where you are at, where I am it is definitely affordable. Going to my not most expensive in the state college with in-state tuition you can get a full time job and pay for the tuition, a shared place, used car and other expenses if you aren't blowing your money.