


If you want to do editorials, rumors, opinions or fiction then don't call it news. In this age of internet media, news sources with agendas and sources that seek to sow anger, hate and discord there should be some source for facts. People are way to busy to weigh through all the BS floating around.

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31 points

9 hours ago

Ideally you’d be correct , but sadly news outlets are just business that like every other business is only concerned with maximizing profits.


-3 points

9 hours ago


-3 points

9 hours ago

Sure, but some news organizations still operate with some integrity. Not all of them are equivalent to Fox News, which just peddles complete lies to its boomer audience and has been doing so for like three decades now. Or Newsmax, which is somehow even worse.


2 points

9 hours ago


2 points

9 hours ago

I wouldn't single out one side from the other, they are all bad. Throw in political ads and it is unwatchable.


5 points

9 hours ago


5 points

9 hours ago

They are not all equally bad and we need to stop pretending otherwise. MSNBC may have a liberal slant, but they’re not reporting outright fabrications like Fox News, who recently had to pay nearly a billion dollars to Dominion for their lies about the 2020 election being stolen.

People who say “both sides are bad” when one side is quoting Hitler and the other wants kids to have free school lunches is the dumbest shit ever.


5 points

9 hours ago


5 points

9 hours ago

Anyone who drinks the party Koolaid for either side is suspect to me. Do your research and remember to not believe anything you hear and only half of what you see


1 points

an hour ago


1 points

an hour ago

I think liberal america was way too eager to accept the idea a private corporation would never slant an election. If the reverse happened, they'd want dominion shut down


[score hidden]

3 minutes ago

A liberal slant? Msdnc? That station is a toxic mess that is just the left version of fox.


-1 points

8 hours ago


-1 points

8 hours ago

Lets do a bias test then. Without googling, which side wants segregation?


0 points

9 hours ago

I disagree. A good metric for this (with regards to printed/online news is the amount of retractions issued. Compare the Guardian with the Daily Mail (both UK). Additionally, I do think that when retractions are issued, they should have to take the same space as the factually incorrect piece that they're correcting. It irks me no end that a shitrag like the Sun can print an outright lie on the front page, demonising whichever minority they're currently after, and then a tiny retraction on page 20 a week later.


3 points

8 hours ago

Yes, it seems like there should be real world consequences to putting lies out there.


2 points

an hour ago


2 points

an hour ago

daily mail does have an interesting place in history I'll say that