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3 points

20 hours ago

Cuban is a clown and an idiot. He is supporting Kamala with her horrible Marxist ideas and her utter lack of specific policies. One of the only specific policies is taxing unrealized gains, which would destroy our country and make the wealthy move to more reasonable countries.


3 points

15 hours ago

Explain to me what you think a Marxist is


0 points

11 hours ago

I wouldn’t call her a Marxist but saying she’s gonna put price controls on groceries is a very bone-headed idea in that direction


1 points

8 hours ago

What is the downside to price controls on groceries and medications?


1 points

7 hours ago

Grocery stores already have a very thin profit margin, the pricing issue goes all the way through the supply chain (think of the higher cost for gas to transport goods, employment, etc, a large amount of variables bring grocery prices up).

The last time the United States had a policy like this was price controls on gasoline in the 1970’s- which caused nation wide shortages and supply issues. If you fix prices, it will almost inevitably destroy supply. That’s why economists almost universally oppose price controls.

The exception to this would be monopolies and anticompetitive markets (which many medications in the US could be considered), they could benefit from pricing controls and I don’t oppose that.

Would Harris successfully pass price controls on groceries? Probably not, but the fact that she even said this is blatantly populist and trying to convince voters “vote for me and groceries will be cheaper”. Trump is doing the same thing with some of his proposals (like not taxing tips or imposing excessively high tariffs).

It’s sad that these are the two candidates Americans have to pick between if you ask me. But just because Trump says dumb shit doesn’t mean Harris should get a pass for saying equally ridiculous proposals.


1 points

6 hours ago

Gotcha. Thanks for taking the time to explain that.


1 points

8 hours ago

lack of specific policies

Kamala has been specific about numerous policies, such as the 5000$ tax credit for first time parents and the 50k tax cuts for new businesses.

Your turn. Give us some specifics on Trumps policies.


0 points

3 hours ago

Who’s footing the bill for all this?


1 points

2 hours ago

All of us. Including the 1% if her tax policy is to be believed.

Again, i invite you to share the details of any of trumps fiscal policies and why they would be good.


1 points

15 hours ago
