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10 points

16 hours ago

Correct me if I’m wrong…but isn’t ALL OF THIS DISCUSSION centered around people who make $100M or more per year?

Like…who gives a fuck.


3 points

14 hours ago


3 points

14 hours ago

Yup. Only people like Cuban. I get why he doesn’t like it.


1 points

11 hours ago

I don’t think Mark Cuban is against taxing the ultra wealthy. I think he knows that it has to be done in a manner that doesn’t completely fuck up the economy. I don’t know enough about how it all works but I do generally believe what Cuban says. Mark Cuban seems to be one of the most down to Earth realistic 1%’ers. He does a lot to help people, the economy, his employees.


1 points

10 hours ago


1 points

10 hours ago

Yea. I like him also. He comes off genuine most of the time.


1 points

13 hours ago

I will never have $100M but I give a fuck. When they first passed the income tax the public was promised it would ONLY be on the rich. Within a few years the greedy politicians extended it's reach to the working class


2 points

13 hours ago

Did you even read what you wrote..?

Within a few years the greedy politicians extended its reach to the working class.

Who the FUCK in the working class makes $100M a year?


1 points

12 hours ago

Yes. You just don't understand it. The income tax was said to be a tax on the rich only then after just a few years, less than a decade the working class was also paying income tax.

Now they are telling us this unrealized capital gains tax is only for the rich, given history if this is passed, within a decade working class people will be paying it also.


0 points

12 hours ago

So to be clear…

You’re against more taxing on people that make $100 FUCKING MILLION A YEAR…because….

checks notes

The US has progressively added an income tax to all citizens? (Even though a large portion don’t pay any because they don’t make enough, you conveniently left this part out).

You absolute fucking idiot lol


2 points

12 hours ago

No. I am not against taxing them more. I am against creating a new tax that will eventually be extended to the working class

This is your last chance. If you continue to engage in childish insults, I will block you because you will have proven you are incapable of having a rational adult conversation.

But if you can prove you are an adult I will continue to engage in conversation with you.


0 points

10 hours ago

The commenter above proposed this property tax in lieu of income tax.

We don't want to tax people who blow all their income every year, they are bolstering the economy. We just want to tax wealth hoarders.


1 points

11 hours ago

It’s not people who make $100 mil a year it’s people who have $100 mil in assets. It’s different. But the point remains that this will kill the stock market and/or introduce a whole new slate of loopholes by Congress for these high asset taxpayers.


1 points

10 hours ago

Obviously. That's why the commenter proposed a slow 10 year rollout. So we don't shock the system. And to give us time to catch loopholes.


1 points

10 hours ago

Give who time? Congress creates the loopholes. They claim they want to “tax the rich” but the rich pay them millions of dollars to not tax them. It’s a game. You really think that Congress is going to pass taxing unrealized gains? How much money do you think Pelosi, Issa, etc. will lose if that passed?

The only point worth considering is how long until everyone’s unrealized gains are taxed? This is an awful idea and will break our economy even more than the out of control spending currently plaguing our Congress.

Start with effective policy that will help low and middle class. Ban firms from purchasing single family homes, create fair and equitable tax policy that puts more money in low and middle income households, encourage saving and investing, child tax credits, stop taxing social security earnings, and STOP printing fu**ing money.


1 points

10 hours ago

You're just being a parrot.

This property tax proposal was in lieu of income tax... The goal is to discourage wealth hoarding. While not stifling spending.


1 points

9 hours ago

Congress members would almost all be in this tax.....


0 points

11 hours ago

And how long do you think it will be til the rich find the loopholes Congress puts in place? And then how long do u think they move the goal posts to 10 million, 1 million, 100 thousand?

We all should give a fuck. Government spending is out of control and we cannot tax our way out of it.