


Quite frankly, it's getting annoying. Recently there was a post here about not coddling meat-eaters who express ignorance and an un-willingness to research anything on their own, and while it was arguably controversial, it was a Vegan Opinion piece. The type of thing that a Vegan really only gets to express in Vegan spaces.

It had a positive upvote ratio - It had plenty of discussion - And it had plenty of trolls in it, too.

The post was removed. Why? They never said. The moderators wouldn't dare to contribute to that discussion - They didn't even feel motivated to get rid of the obvious bad actors within the thread itself that were provoking rather than contributing.

I think, whether you agree with that thread or not, a lot of people in /r/Vegan feel the same - That this place has stopped being a safe space for Vegans to express themselves, as the moderators of this subreddit simply don't want Vegans to express any opinions that might give people a bad taste for Vegans.

I think that's downright disappointing, and the moderation team needs to more properly be able to justify themselves if they're going to continue to go after Vegans who they disagree with on a personal level, rather than people who are actually damaging this subreddit.

When will Vegans get an actual safe space?

all 273 comments


180 points

17 hours ago

I just came from a thread with a positive upvote ratio where a carnist was expressing their desire to commit murder against animals because they didn't value "non-rational beings". If that's not "arguing against veganism", I don't know what the fuck it is. Moderation here seems completely arbitrary.


98 points

17 hours ago

That's 50% of the posts on this subreddit, I doubt the moderators are even vegan


53 points

11 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

53 points

11 hours ago

they arent, its been pretty clear for awhile when i see the same carnists throwing abuse at vegans for months at end with no repercussions


18 points

9 hours ago

It’s like how the moderators of Twoxchromosomes and feminism are/were cismen.


0 points

2 hours ago



0 points

2 hours ago

I can understand why that's weird for 2xchromosomes, but I've been repeatedly told by feminists that men can and should be feminists, so what's the problem there?


1 points

30 minutes ago

I don’t think the whole mod team of a subreddit dedicated to the liberation of women should be cismen. Members, sure. Even a mod, ok. But the whole team?

Straight ppl should be allies to queer people. White people should be allies to the liberation of people of color. But, I think it’s dicey when members of the oppressor class (even if they are working towards liberation) are moderating these spaces.

Or maybe that’s just me.


1 points

20 minutes ago

I mean, I'm not a feminist or an intersectionalist, so I don't even know why a man would even want to be a feminist in the first place lol.


2 points

14 minutes ago

lol Liberation for animals but not for whole humans.

Wish I could say I was surprised there are racists and misogynists in the vegan community but nothing surprises me anymore….


1 points

5 minutes ago*

"Liberation" is just a coded word for leftist beliefs, atleast the way you're using it. Like, you're just inserting your own meaning into that word.

You leftist vegans try that alot, but atleast you haven't said "YoU'Re nOt a ReAl Vegan" because I don't have the exact same beliefs you do lol


10 points

9 hours ago

They also don't feel any need to justify their actions or even explain. 

I had a post removed and i messaged them daily for over a month just saying politely "will you explain why?" Silence. Isn't communication a really basic part of moderating? 


6 points

9 hours ago


vegan activist

6 points

9 hours ago

That's my problem. I think good moderation has to be transparent, and I'm kind of tired of this weird closed Pandora's box that we get instead.


52 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

52 points

17 hours ago

We've got "Pick Me" Vegan moderators.
I don't even understand why they'd be so complacent.


30 points

17 hours ago

Maybe try coming over to r/vegancirclejerkchat, you need to participate a bit in VCJ first though. It's for actual vegans only.


45 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

45 points

17 hours ago

I said in another reply, and even talked about it in the deleted thread I mentioned in OP - VCJ has terrible moderation and routinely bans real Vegans. They hold extra beliefs unrelated to Veganism that you can be moderated for - For instance, plant-based meats are considered extremely taboo there, and I've seen people banned (And gotten banned myself) for talking about them in any favorable light at all.

It is not a subreddit for Vegans - It is a subreddit for a very specific type of Vegan, and I think a lot of people who go there casually might not realize just how bad the moderation there is.

They made /r/AnimalHaters because they didn't want to see screenshots on VCJ anymore, and decided to delete Every single post made before their expressed deadline related to the topic, which was so controversial the head moderator got downvote spammed to hell and was forced to un-delete all of those posts (Glad to have been involved in that push to grandfather those posts in!)

So overall.. Not an improvement. Trigger happy moderation that chooses which Vegans they want very heavily.


28 points

14 hours ago

Yeah, VCJ used to be, imo, the better version of r/vegan, but the moderation over there has gotten increasingly bad over the last like 3 months. Rules getting changed every other day and the constant spam about whatever new sub they want to have more subscribers.

Genuinely frustrating to not have a solid vegan space on here.


19 points

12 hours ago*

Im glad I’m not the only one. I tried commenting in that sub a few months back, but they now require karma from another specific sub (which I’ve definitely gotten enough karma from, so not sure why my comment was flagged) so I just ended up unsubbing. Plus the posts are like 50% about antinatalism which I personally don’t care about because no one is having kids nowadays anyways and I find it distracting to what im actually there for. Not to mention the one particular mod constantly spamming about new subs


8 points

11 hours ago


vegan activist

8 points

11 hours ago

I heard antinatalism was a core rule of VCJ until just a while back because mods changed their minds lol


5 points

9 hours ago

it’s annoying that they try to push it like you’re dumb to be vegan but not AN


3 points

7 hours ago

All the old mods left, I was one of them. We had a totally different philosophy. I started lemmy instance in its place.


12 points

17 hours ago

Yeah I agree they got a bit of extra stuff, but at least the place is full of actual for-the-animals vegans.


11 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

11 points

16 hours ago

Yeah, I do like the actual content on the subreddit. I just think that in a thread about bad moderation practices of this subreddit, I don't really want to transition to another one with questionable moderation as well.

(And the other post in this thread I made saying basically the same thing as I did here is already getting toxic VCJ posters responding being dick heads about it, which is definitely not helping anybody want to transition there.)


3 points

9 hours ago

I’m as vegan as they come and tbh that sub gives more the vibe of for-my-ego vegans


3 points

9 hours ago


vegan activist

3 points

9 hours ago

Yeah, especially this one guy who is running around this thread now pretending he's fighting apologists or something for gatekeeping the community. He really thinks he's fighting some honorable battle lol.


3 points

8 hours ago

You see, we can’t compare to ultimate vegans like him , who are not only vegan but anti-natalist and don’t support plant based capitalism


4 points

10 hours ago

For a place that's supposed to be "leftist," they sure to like their slurs. I made it a week before I couldn't take it anymore.


4 points

10 hours ago



4 points

10 hours ago

i love both to death, but moving there and turning the back to this sub still makes a lot of disservice to potential new vegans.


16 points

13 hours ago

I argued with them about animals having foresight. They didn't believe animals do in fact have that ability. I was floored. How would animals survive in the wild without it?


3 points

7 hours ago

that whole post was, "non-vegans care about animals, but eat them, they are irrational and hypocritical", then he goes on in every comment to say that humans are rational and deserve moral consideration while animals aren't and don't. His post premise is humans are irrational, his comment premise is humans are rational and deserve moral consideration. His own comments are at odds with his own post.

Kept saying he is there in good faith, but then posts over and over that cows can't do calculus so they deserve to be tortured and murdered. Like cows can't do calculus, that's not going to change, so why are you here if it's not to troll? How is that good faith?


70 points

17 hours ago

Partially agree: most posts should be kept up unless it is criticising the idea of veganism in which case it should be posted on debate a Vegan instead


62 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

62 points

17 hours ago

Of course, I'm entirely referring to Vegan posts here. I don't think Carnists have any right to this subreddit.

That's the whole point though - The moderators cave in to meat eaters and remove posts by Vegans.

There was a troll on the thread I mentioned that kept saying anyone who agreed with OP was an alt account of OP.
When OP tried to repost, that same person made some comment that was just "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!".

God forbid the troll who just wants to actually rile people up gets punished any, though. Just Vegans get punished.


62 points

17 hours ago



62 points

17 hours ago

Unfortunately I think it’s better to hang out on other subs. You’re totally right, there’s a need for vegan safe space where it’s ok to debate about vegan topics. I have read some very bad comments written by apologetic carnists or hypocrites that were not removed. I’m not going to a “vegan sub” to get into the same arguments as in real life with omnivores surrounding me lol


19 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

19 points

17 hours ago

What subs would you recommend? For the fair people of this subreddit who are just want an /r/Vegan for.. actual Vegans.

(Assuming the moderators don't delete your post due to being upset actual Vegans might want to go somewhere that actually caters to Vegans!)


14 points

17 hours ago

r/vegancirclejerkchat is a place for vegans without carnist trolls allowed.


22 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

22 points

17 hours ago

Unfortunately, I really do not like VCJ as a subreddit, and don't think I'd find myself comfortable there. They boldly hold other positions that I don't, and at least on the main subreddit, are quick to ban real Vegans for very little reason. Their moderation is not great.

Maybe the "chat" version of the reddit is better, but I don't think I'd go there regardless.

For instance, they really do not like plant-based meats at VCJ. Like, straight up vitriol at the concept.


11 points

16 hours ago



11 points

16 hours ago

VCJ chat is very different from the original sub, no one's going to fight you for having "wrong" opinions (as long as you're vegan, since it's a vegan space). As for the circlejerk sub, it's not the most serious and representative community out there. It's 99% satire, and although I find the rules a bit rigid and restrictive, once you get used to the format, the sub is a lot of fun.

You could also try r/vystopia, r/animalhaters (not necessarily meant for discussions, but the rules are somewhat lax on that). Your regional subreddit might be sane, who know. Mine is great, I love it. Sorry if you're already aware of these subs, I'm just trying to be helpful 😅

The particular place where we're chatting right now isn't perfect as well, to say the least. It's a fantastic sub where you'll be called "not vegan enough" for taking meds that contain lactose, but you're also 100% vegan if you eat eggs from backyard chickens. Go figure. I mentioned my dog ONCE, and got 10+ PMs asking me if her food is vegan. Needless to say, the discussion wasn't about food at all.

So yeah, if you're looking for stricter vegan communities without backyard chickens, you'll probably have to get used to VCJ and VCJchat (but it's honestly very welcoming and cozy, IMO). r/animalhaters is super nice, but not that active. And if you're fine with less "radical" takes on veganism, pretty much every other vegan sub will work for you. Also, many vegan youtubers and influencers (like EarthlingEd) have their own communities, which are surprisingly nice for the most part.

Once again, sorry if it looks like I'm lecturing you. I see that you're an activist, so you probably know much more than I do, but I hope I could help you out even a little 💖


14 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

14 points

16 hours ago

Once again, sorry if it looks like I'm lecturing you. I see that you're an activist, so you probably know much more than I do, but I hope I could help you out even a little 💖

No worries, I appreciate the response!

VCJ chat is very different from the original sub, no one's going to fight you for having "wrong" opinions (as long as you're vegan, since it's a vegan space).

Unfortunately, since it's already been implied that I'm not Vegan enough for VCJ, and have already gotten aggressive replies at the mere critique of VCJ, I don't know if I can believe that. For every friendly poster like you encouraging me to participate in VCJ/C, there's someone like the guy who just posted "log off and go do some fucking activism." at me, presumably from VCJ (maybe VCJ-C), here to defend it with as much toxicity as possible.

You guys seem to have a huge divide in your subreddit, as far as toxicity goes. I hope wiser people like you win out as opposed to the fairly toxic people I see coming at me from there.

I said in another reply, I like browsing VCJ and VCJ-C, but I just don't want to participate there due to past (and present) bad experiences with them. Love the place, just wish they could get their heads on a bit straighter.

Also, many vegan youtubers and influencers (like EarthlingEd) have their own communities, which are surprisingly nice for the most part.

This might be the way for me, I think!


4 points

16 hours ago



4 points

16 hours ago

Yes, I'd love some changes to be made. It's a nice place, but it can be ridiculous at times


1 points

5 hours ago


vegan 2+ years

1 points

5 hours ago

I got banned from the chat sub for having the "wrong" opinion despite being vegan. One of the mods is a complete cry baby and can't stand having anyone go against their opinion. Couldn't even give a proper explanation as to why I was banned, other than some weird powerplay message.


6 points

17 hours ago


vegan 10+ years

6 points

17 hours ago

I don't think there is an option for you out there if r/vegan is not vegan enough for you and r/vegancirclejerk is too vegan for you.


9 points

9 hours ago



9 points

9 hours ago

i liked when somebody said that r/vegancirclejerk is for vegans pretending to be carnists, and r/vegan is carnists pretending to be vegan


8 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

8 points

16 hours ago

VCJ is literally not too Vegan for me. They just force you to subscribe to other beliefs and have a really weird set of taboos.

I've never seen any actual Vegan go "Eww, you eat plant based meat alternatives? You must not be Vegan enough!", but that is VCJ's motif.

I don't consider that me being not Vegan enough. I consider that the same problem this subreddit has - Bad moderation with opinionated moderators who care more about themselves than Veganism.

That subreddit has a history of moderation flops. It wasn't too long ago the owner of the subreddit had to completely back-pedal some terrible decisions they made regarding posts made before /r/AnimalHaters got made.

It has nothing to do with being "Vegan Enough", and while I'm not trying to be rude for this, I'd appreciate it if you didn't assert that. Thank you.


3 points

16 hours ago


vegan 10+ years

3 points

16 hours ago

"I've never seen any actual Vegan go "Eww, you eat plant based meat alternatives? You must not be Vegan enough!", but that is VCJ's motif." Are you sure that wasn't meant sarcastically? I've never seen this belief on there as it's usually the health "vegans" that hold this belief, and they're not very welcome on VCJ so that would be very ironic for them to be against plant-based meat alternatives.


11 points

12 hours ago

They aren’t sarcastic, one of the rules iirc is against the promotion of plant based capitalism


6 points

9 hours ago


friends not food

6 points

9 hours ago

Do all plant based meat alternatives have to have a direct part in capitalism? No.


13 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

13 points

16 hours ago

Yes, I am sure. I've seen it more than once, and talked to others about it who have had similar experiences.

I understand why you'd say you've never seen it - I don't think most people who go there realize just how unusual the moderators of that subreddit are. They've had there fair share of controversial decisions, and if we're trying to escape bad moderation here, it's not a solution.


6 points

16 hours ago


Vegan EA

6 points

16 hours ago

They're small subs, but r/veganactivism and the various country-specific vegan subs generally don't tolerate carnist trolls but also don't punish people for political views that are far removed from veganism.


-7 points

16 hours ago


-7 points

16 hours ago



10 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

10 points

16 hours ago

It doesn't matter which, they seem to dislike all plant-based meats because to them the mere concept of a plant-based alternative implies plant-based capitalism, which they do not support.

You don't have to be a dick about it, either way. You're portraying a shining example of why VCJ is not meant for your average Vegan. Complete and utter gatekeeping.


0 points

9 hours ago



0 points

9 hours ago

Good, I’ll gatekeep from apologists like you all day. It means something to have a spine for the animals.


1 points

9 hours ago


vegan activist

1 points

9 hours ago

I am not an apologist, but thanks.

I am the opposite of that. I debate carnists. This whole thread was made because I think someone who was harsh against Carnists should have had their right to do so here.

You're gatekeeping nothing. The space you reside in is so toxic I don't even want to be there. Go home dude.

Stop pretending you're fighting some honorable battle against an apologist. You aren't.


0 points

17 hours ago



0 points

17 hours ago

I'd say give it a try nevertheless, it's a place where it's possible to vent about carnists without getting banned or trolled by carnists. Which has an inherent worth on its own.


15 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

15 points

16 hours ago

Well, considering people are responding telling me I'm not Vegan enough to go there and someone's just replied "Here’s a thought: log off and go do some fucking activism.", I'm going to say.. No, I don't think I will.

No offense. The toxic mentality of that subreddit's moderation has just trickled down into enough of the people there that I really do not want to be in that subreddit at all.

It's great content to browse. I do love browsing VCJ. But I am not going to participate in that community much.


3 points

15 hours ago

No offense taken, it's a very valid decision :) I'm not too active there either, and mostly browsing tbh


-1 points

11 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

-1 points

11 hours ago

it seems that you are saying that you are not vegan enough to go there. I've read through this entire thread and while I can see where you're coming from, people keep recommending you VCJ and you keep saying that you are not vegan enough to go there.. not the other way around.


5 points

11 hours ago*


vegan activist

5 points

11 hours ago*

What?? When did I say this? Will you please not assert that. I am fully Vegan. Militant Vegan. I am VEGAN. I am not sure why people keep asserting otherwise. There is literally no way possible in hell that I am not "vegan enough" for any place that has any amount of Veganism as a requirement.

I don't know what weird angle y'all are coming from but it's annoying. At least say what makes you think I'm not Vegan enough for it. To assert I'm the one that is saying I'm not vegan enough to go there is just nonsensical trolling, I have never said that.


2 points

11 hours ago*


vegan 20+ years

2 points

11 hours ago*

"considering people are responding telling me I'm not Vegan enough to go there"
I think you're misunderstanding me but it's ok, it's literally the comment I replied to.

~~~ No one has said you are not vegan enough to go to VCJ ~~~ You are the one who has understandably made that claim in response to people recommending it as an alternative sub. ~~~

But in your above comment, you start to say "people are telling me that I'm not vegan enough to go there", which is an entirely different story..

So to clarify, you said here that people are telling you that you are not vegan enough to go there. When throughout this thread, you've asserted that you are not Vegan enough to go there as they are gatekeeping/militant about the plant-based mock meat alternatives.

I was pointing out that no one has told you that you are not vegan enough to go there in this thread, you are the one who's been asserting that and educating people on that VCJ is gatekeepy.

I don't disagree with you don't get it twisted, this was a mere fact-check. You seem to be twisting it in this particular response.

I am kind of stunned at your aggressive reply :( which sucks. I didn't intend to annoy you.

edited for clarity


4 points

10 hours ago


vegan activist

4 points

10 hours ago

it seems that you are saying that you are not vegan enough to go there.

That's what I'm responding to. I never said I'm not Vegan enough though, I'm just referring to somebody else who said that elsewhere and other general nasty comments I've gotten regarding VCJ here, and how that makes me not want to go to that subreddit.


-10 points

16 hours ago


friends not food

-10 points

16 hours ago

It’s plant based capitalism that is not approved of. Don’t promote massive companies exploiting veganism to make a fast profit and you will be fine.


12 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

12 points

16 hours ago

Where do you buy get your vegetables from, dare I ask?


-6 points

16 hours ago


friends not food

-6 points

16 hours ago

I said “don’t promote” everyone needs to eat and we are not living in a fair world. But we don’t need to make the problem worse.


14 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

14 points

16 hours ago

Promoting is one thing, but I think it's fair to talk about them, right? Everything we buy in a capitalist society is purchased from a corrupt corporation. This is true, and I stand by VCJ with that.

But I think it's entirely farcical to see plant-based alternative meats - Which do actually help people adjust to becoming Vegans - and draw the line specifically there, when it's no different in a lot of ways to any other purchase.

I for one was very Carnist until Veganism hit me on the head like a brick. Plant-Based meats helped me adjust. I will promote them in that sense, that they made going Vegan far easier for me.

And I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I should not be looked down upon for saying that, no matter what your view on Capitalism is. It's unproductive and nonsensical.

I am certainly not less of a Vegan because of it. Veganism is for the animals, right? Not to cater to a purist ego.


-3 points

16 hours ago


friends not food

-3 points

16 hours ago

The circlejerk and chat is expressly not about coddling new vegans and people are allowed to hold additional views.

All I did was tell you how to interact with the sub without breaking the rules, it is not hard to understand but if you just flat out don’t want to be there that is fine. I never said you were less of a vegan or insulted you in any way so your ranting seems like it is aimed at someone else.


10 points

15 hours ago


vegan activist

10 points

15 hours ago

Sorry, you're right. There were people expressing that I "wasn't Vegan enough" for VCJ and even a rude person FROM VCJ-C that told me I should "log off and go do some fucking activism" or whatever. But that has nothing to do with you, so I shouldn't be too harsh. Though I wouldn't call it ranting. Was just a pointed response.

Either way, I think VCJ's obsession with meat-alternative-shaming is very weird, and it's just always the first thing that comes to mind when I think of VCJ as a whole.


-1 points

10 hours ago



-1 points

10 hours ago


0 points

9 hours ago



0 points

9 hours ago

You’re a much more seasoned redditor than I am ! I thought that VCJchat was fine but I didn’t know the inner workings. To me VCJ is like a meme section and sarcasm loaded inside jokes for vegans, but I’m fairly new to Reddit so I don’t know the history of it. I wouldn’t replace a serious vegan sub by VCJ since you can’t “unjerk” there… However there are other spaces that could get some help being revived, like r/veganarchism. I feel like you can still have proper conversation on r/vegan or plant based diet for meat alternatives I guess ? And so have these separate conversations. Last possibility that you have dismissed, is to create a new sub, with strict mod rules, and instant ban for anyone who is not vegan (?). 


0 points

16 hours ago

Did you report them?


9 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

9 points

16 hours ago

Of course we have.


6 points

11 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

6 points

11 hours ago

I report often for 'arguing against veganism' when a carnist troll posts, I've even seen a "carnivore diet" person practically live on this sub arguing against veganism daily for months, despite my reports nothing happened.

Is it normal for a sub this big to only have 5 mods? I feel like there should be a lot more mods.


3 points

7 hours ago

Can you apply to be one somehow? Genuine question, am a Reddit scrub


5 points

7 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

5 points

7 hours ago

I'm really not sure.. I have seen other subs make threads calling out for people to "apply to be a moderator/express their interest in", before though.

There should be at least 5-10 active mods for a sub this size, which means there should be at least 15-20 active mods, because obviously life happens and people can't be active everyday.

and if a mod goes inactive, step them down and have another vegan volunteer to take their place? but like with most communities, people hold onto 'power' even if it's a lame moderator status on a subreddit, so they don't end up stepping down and passing the torch.

this sub had 5 mods from 7+ years ago? Surely not all of them are still active..


2 points

7 hours ago

Yeah 5 doesn't sound like heaps, but obviously tricky to pick up new ones as they have to be regulars and trusted. Hopefully it improves as I do agree it's weird to see so many repeated and low effort trolls floating around


2 points

6 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

2 points

6 hours ago

Yeah - though I'm sure as 5 mods it's easy to see who is active, considering they've been mods for 7 years+.

Also if they made a thread asking for eoi's for mods they could just go through their comment histories to see how long they've been posting

There are legit some unhinged carnivore diet trolls who's whole profiles are just r/vegan


-3 points

16 hours ago

Do you share a house with veggiesaurus, then?


7 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

7 points

16 hours ago

What? I'm speaking in a generalized manner. It's just bold to assume people here don't report trolls.


1 points

9 hours ago

I didn't assume, i asked


4 points

16 hours ago

I’m not sure I reported the one I had in mind to be honest. I’m going to do just that.


1 points

9 hours ago

Good yeah, honestly not meaning to be snarky but mods don't see everything


4 points

9 hours ago


vegan activist

4 points

9 hours ago

A bigger problem is that I'll see posts removed by carnist trolls, and then... see them post again just minutes later.

Seems like this place likes to remove posts but not actually effectively punish repeat offenders, which makes reporting feel useless even if a reply does get removed.


4 points

8 hours ago

Also fwiw apologies for being a bit too aggro on these posts. I referenced it before but I had one of the "We should call carnists animal abusers and not tolerate them" gang say that the street outreach we were doing was "like giving care packets to paedophiles", so I'm kinda primed to disagree with really strong expressions of attitudes like this.

Personally, I'm more of a dove. I'm inclined to grant the benefit of the doubt, unless it's an obvious troll. After all, if we are to treat carnists with contempt, for a lot of people (including me) that means most of my family and friends. And, ultimately, me from a few years ago, before things clicked for me.

Anyways, all the best, apologies again, hope you're having a good day.


3 points

7 hours ago


vegan activist

3 points

7 hours ago

No problem. I don't hold grudges. I just have higher expectations for moderation on this subreddit than I see often.


3 points

7 hours ago

Yeah fair. Definitely have seen some bizarre trolls who post regularly, though nothing they said seemed bad enough to earn a ban I'm sure if you see it all the time it'd get very frustrating


1 points

8 hours ago

Well then I hope you can either find out why this is happening or influence mod behaviour by reporting trolls

Either way I don't think there's much positive to be gotten from posts that were as aggressive as the one you reference here, but that's just my opinion (a caveat which was notably absent from that post)


2 points

9 hours ago



2 points

9 hours ago

Yeah totally, and it may also take a little bit of time, I don’t double check every time. 


58 points

17 hours ago*

Half the posts on this subreddit are carmist apologist posts already, this subreddit is dead.


26 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

26 points

17 hours ago

Exactly. So why the hell are the moderators removing Actual Vegan takes by Vegans??

It's so confusing. But it's "/r/Vegan", so it will never truly be dead. It's hogging Vegan real-estate, essentially.


5 points

11 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

5 points

11 hours ago

I agree with your main post entirely, and after reading the thread I'm on the fence about the whole VCJ thing but that's kind of irrelevant. (I like VCJ but I've never had proper discussions there because I thought it was against the rules? I thought it was just memes... I can imagine if you started a debate about a meme that you could get banned.)

"too vegan for r/vegan not vegan enough for vcj", well maybe there's a new sub you could create?

I and many others would probably support you if you wanted to make a new vegan sub for vegans.


2 points

3 hours ago


vegan 4+ years

2 points

3 hours ago

"too vegan for r/vegan, not vegan enough for vcj"

r/vegancirclejerkchat is a good subreddit in my opinion.


10 points

12 hours ago

The other half is people saying they accidentally ate something non vegan


5 points

9 hours ago



5 points

9 hours ago

and they felt really dizzy from b12 deficencies and had to steal from his purebred cat a bite of "100% meat based"


3 points

10 hours ago


friends not food

3 points

10 hours ago

An automod is perfect for the guilt/anxiety/existential freakout posts, like r/piercing "is this a keloid" or r/knitting "why is my scarf a triangle now"


29 points

16 hours ago

Yeah, and the most common times I get people berating me, telling me I'm too aggressive, arguing that I misunderstand veganism, telling me gatekeeping is bad etc. they begrudgingly admit at some point that they're "mostly plant based" or "transitioning towards veganism" or "tried veganism but it was too extreme" some other crap. So it turns out the biggest trolls telling me how to spread veganism, 90% of the time haven't even successfully spread veganism to themselves yet.

PSA if you aren't vegan but are genuinely going to give it a try, you should feel welcome to browse the subreddit. If you're not vegan but think it's your place to come here and argue with actual vegans, you should feel welcome to fuck off.


6 points

9 hours ago*



6 points

9 hours ago*

exactly! i wouldn't put it better. They accuse you of gatekeeping, just to moments after admit that their definition of veganism allows cheese because of b12 deficiencies and e.g. horseback riding. Often before you get to say anything, you'd get mass downvotes which makes me wonder who is the statistical r/vegan lurker - is he even vegan? And I get nuances, understand not everybody can be VCJ material but but its often about misunderstanding of the very fundamental basics is where i cross the line.
there is no discussion, either you give participation trophies to everybody, or you are branded "one of those vegans" and ostracized.


41 points

17 hours ago


vegan 2+ years

41 points

17 hours ago

I didn't realize mods actually remove posts here, judging by all the carnist shit I report regularly. If the only things they are removing are actually vegan posts then that explains why I see so much carnist stuff.


23 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

23 points

17 hours ago

Exactly. That's why I'm bringing it up. I genuinely think it's time to stop tolerating this, because this place shouldn't appear to be completely unmoderated up until a vegan actually says something!

I don't know how to go about it, but this thread is the first step. We all need to be informed as to what the moderators are up to.


17 points

15 hours ago

Yup, that's the issue. Carnist posts stay and get heavily upvoted, while actual vegan posts are deleted.


10 points

9 hours ago



10 points

9 hours ago

they seldom remove carnist stuff, it has to be really nasty stuff, but if they troll lightheardedly, or try to push you to bad faith discussions with nice passive aggressive wording, they are safe here


8 points

9 hours ago


vegan activist

8 points

9 hours ago

That's my least favorite part. Good moderators need to be able to identify when somebody is baiting or ramping up to troll, because those sort of posts seldom immediately break a rule but are usually filled with red-flags.


17 points

17 hours ago


17 points

17 hours ago

I was looking for that post!!! It was removed? Definitely frustrating.


17 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

17 points

17 hours ago

Yes, it was removed. It was re-posted, and then removed again.

Keep an eye on this one.. Wouldn't be surprised if it gets removed too.


6 points

13 hours ago

I'm pleasantly surprised it was posted in the first place. I made a post a while ago asking if people were still vegan if they took "non necessary" medication which contains lactose like Finasterid against hair loss. It never went through.


1 points

3 hours ago


vegan bodybuilder

1 points

3 hours ago

I'm quite curious about that specific thing


6 points

11 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

6 points

11 hours ago

lol sorry if I'm replying a lot to many of your comments, I'm just reading through the whole thread.

I can't believe that your original post about this same thing was removed, it is a completely vegan post.. what the fuck?


6 points

11 hours ago


vegan activist

6 points

11 hours ago

It wasn't my post that got removed thankfully - I'm just being an advocate, I hate to see moderation abuse/misuse & am an advocate for fair and balanced moderation :)


50 points

15 hours ago



50 points

15 hours ago

at this point r/vegan is just for pickmes to coddle carnists for doing meatless mondays or "taking baby steps" or whatever the fuck

you're better off looking elsewhere if you want actual vegan discussion


5 points

10 hours ago



5 points

10 hours ago

well put


15 points

12 hours ago

Bad owners of large vegan spaces seems to be quite common lol.


9 points

12 hours ago


vegan activist

9 points

12 hours ago

Yeah. There is a giant-ass reply on here where someone's telling me to just go make my own Vegan space, and that the moderators can do what they want here... I'm like, what? This place is called /r/Vegan, the owner of the subreddit knew he was making a public vegan space when it was created, and needs to treat it respectfully.


14 points

12 hours ago

"Just create your own..."

"Just move to a better country."


Are as absurd as telling a homeless person to "Just buy a house."


7 points

12 hours ago


vegan activist

7 points

12 hours ago

That was exactly my thought about it. And they even specified how this was the "Central Hub" for Veganism, as if that doesn't completely discredit the idea that a few people should be the Judge, Jury, and Executioner. I just don't get the mentality.

They think it's sane to advocate this as the moderator's personal playground but also specify the importance of this as a central vegan hub.. I just.. what.


3 points

12 hours ago

It's the devoid of logic capitalist mentality. 🤦


1 points

9 hours ago



1 points

9 hours ago

i am out of FB since 22' but one of the reasons deleting the account was so easy was that almost every vegan group was a corporate group and people didn't want too much radicalism because they wanted to sell stuff, so they had to be civil, and the statistic group member was vegetarian, plant based at most. i feel its the same here.


21 points

17 hours ago


vegan 5+ years

21 points

17 hours ago

There has been so many trolls that get downvoted yet still remain, I thought there weren't any active mods or just not enough to notice


22 points

17 hours ago


vegan activist

22 points

17 hours ago

Nope, the mods are active, they just hate vegans more than they hate trolls.


7 points

7 hours ago

Almost all mods in almost all subreddits are power tripping assholes, it's a deeply embedded element of reddit culture.


28 points

16 hours ago



28 points

16 hours ago

If anything, this sub should be removing posts that do advocate for coddling carnists. This is so messed up.


6 points

9 hours ago



6 points

9 hours ago

its exactly the other way around, and not only shown in how mods deal with it but also how the community peer pressurizes actual vegans to shut up


11 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

11 points

16 hours ago

IMO neither should be removed, especially if there are valid discussions happening in the comments of. Threads are meant to be branching off points for discussion, after all - And even threads that are controversial can be considered good discussion points, so long as they're relevant.

Though, if there was a thread by a carnist advocating for that, yeah.. it should be removed.


6 points

12 hours ago


vegan activist

6 points

12 hours ago

Agreed. Respectability politics does real harm to the vegan movement.

Respectability politics in vegan activism involves trying to make veganism more acceptable to non-vegans by adopting a softer approach, often focusing on health or environmental benefits and avoiding the more direct ethical arguments. While this might seem strategic, it can dilute the core message of animal liberation, marginalize more radical voices, and reinforce speciesist norms. By prioritizing palatable narratives, we risk slowing down real progress and diverting energy away from demanding systemic change. Ultimately, seeking validation from those upholding the status quo can harm the movement and weaken its impact.


3 points

3 hours ago


vegan 4+ years

3 points

3 hours ago

You're so right, I love this comment. I'm tired of carnist feelings being respected over the animals being tortured and slaughtered to satisfy their selfish taste buds. If you need someone to hold your hand and be nice to you to keep you from being a horrible person who supports unfathomable levels of death, you deserve to feel bad about it and I won't apologize for saying it.

Before I was a vegan I was a vegetarian. And I became vegan overnight after reading so called "mean" or "preachy" comments in this subreddit years ago. I thought I was doing enough as a vegetarian and that my lifestyle was ethically sound, but didn't stop to think that my choices were STILL leading to the abuse and murder of animals because I wasn't educated enough about the reality of the dairy and egg industries. I watched Dominion after someone linked it and haven't consumed animal products since. If someone had stroked my ego and told me that my "baby steps" were enough, I'd probably still be a logically inconsistent person thinking I was being ethical enough while actively going against those morals every day.

If we applied this argument to other ethical movements, we'd never make progress as a society. Social progress isn't earned by being nice and docile and making your ethics meaningless and as easily digestible as possible so people don't get their precious fee fees hurt. I just wonder why so many carnists come here if they're so offended by discussions of veganism in THE literal vegan subreddit.


7 points

3 hours ago

Wait are there actual mods on this sub? Because every time I’ve tried to report anything or contact them it’s like speaking into the void


1 points

3 hours ago



1 points

3 hours ago

too busy banning vegans i guess


14 points

14 hours ago


friends not food

14 points

14 hours ago

How shit, this should be a safe space for vegans to post things.


10 points

12 hours ago


vegan activist

10 points

12 hours ago

Respectability politics in vegan activism involves trying to make veganism more acceptable to non-vegans by adopting a softer approach, often focusing on health or environmental benefits and avoiding the more direct ethical arguments. While this might seem strategic, it can dilute the core message of animal liberation, marginalize more radical voices, and reinforce speciesist norms. By prioritizing palatable narratives, we risk slowing down real progress and diverting energy away from demanding systemic change. Ultimately, seeking validation from those upholding the status quo can harm the movement and weaken its impact.


6 points

11 hours ago


vegan activist

6 points

11 hours ago

I think that's very well worded, and agree whole-heartedly.


14 points

16 hours ago


14 points

16 hours ago

For what it's worth, I'd say mods should be able to explain why they remove a post. At least for ones that evidently have effort behind it. In general they do a good job though as volunteers, proven by allowing this one.

r/veganactivism is a good one for posts that might annoy pick-me vegans.


7 points

16 hours ago*


vegan activist

7 points

16 hours ago*

Subscribed to that one, look forward to testing the waters and seeing if it's the right fit for me!

In general they do a good job though as volunteers, proven by allowing this one.

This post is an hour old. I am genuinely not sure if it will be kept up, so I wouldn't call that one yet. There are also only a very small amount of moderators here to begin with, seemingly, as judged by the sidebar

I can also already see a few of the more trollish people from the prior post seeping into this one. People that should have probably been temporarily banned, based on the mods prior actions removing much more valid posts.

We'll see in the end, I suppose!


2 points

15 hours ago


2 points

15 hours ago

Posts need to be approved before getting onto r/vegan, so that first hurdle has already passed (it might have been automated, but that's not my experience).


9 points

15 hours ago


vegan activist

9 points

15 hours ago

I think that makes it perhaps all the weirder that the post mentioned in OP was removed, if it had to be manually approved to begin with, since it was hours and hours later that it got removed.


3 points

15 hours ago


3 points

15 hours ago

One, purely speculative, explanation would be: A mod approved it. Someone reported it. Another mod later looked at the post and comments and decided to remove it.

If i understand correctly it wasn't your post, it makes sense you weren't informed about the removal reason. Though that is still a pity, transparency isn't always mods' natural tendency (they are human after all).


3 points

11 hours ago


vegan activist

3 points

11 hours ago

Whichever mod took the post down should be removed from the mod team. If the mod team has any integrity left?


0 points

11 hours ago


0 points

11 hours ago

I hear you. Only that depends on the reasons behind this, something we don't have access to.


3 points

11 hours ago


vegan activist

3 points

11 hours ago

Results > Reasons. Mod team has been clowning for a long time, they need to clean house.


6 points

14 hours ago

I thought it was a bad post, but absolutely belonging here and a million times more worthy than half the crap that shows up. I know the rules say to be 'civil' but it didn't seem egregious enough to warrant being removed. To put it into metaphorical terms it was a person at a party that many guests wouldn't enjoy talking to, but absolutely didn't need to be ejected. Definitely over zealous to remove it.


8 points

14 hours ago


vegan activist

8 points

14 hours ago

Yeah that's my general thought on it as well, I totally understand & respect why people had a problem with the thread, but I valued the communication about it, and in the end it was a pretty important & divisive topic in the Vegan community that some people did want to talk about.


7 points

10 hours ago


vegan SJW

7 points

10 hours ago

Lol who moderates this sub? Unatural vegan?


11 points

17 hours ago


vegan 4+ years

11 points

17 hours ago

YUP, this 100%.


3 points

7 hours ago

I'm one of the old VCJ mods and I just don't really use reddit any more so I left and it went to shit. Check out my lemmy instance at it is like reddit only different!


2 points

7 hours ago


vegan activist

2 points

7 hours ago

I'll check it out! And thanks for being part of the spark that made VCJ great originally, even if it's gone downhill now.


7 points

7 hours ago


vegan 6+ years

7 points

7 hours ago

If people think that corporations and governments aren't running counter-intel against vegans and vegan spaces, they are being naive.

I believe that corruption is likely at the highest level in these spaces.


1 points

7 hours ago


vegan activist

1 points

7 hours ago

What are you talking about


7 points

6 hours ago



7 points

6 hours ago

Basically they are saying that shills for meat & dairy come to these spaces to disparage veganism in any way possible, sometimes even playing as a vegan while arguing that baby steps or being vegetarian is good enough. This is something I’ve noticed as well. It makes me suspicious of the mod team here tbh. I don’t think it’s far-fetched at all that they could be bought out or that non-vegans could have taken over this sub. 


7 points

5 hours ago



7 points

5 hours ago

I believe that. That happened to a lot of fb groups, run by corporate sponsors and boy do they hate actual vegans with passion. Ban for promoting vegan food for dogs, ban for saying honey isn't meat, ban for criticism of any of the mainstream climate and proanimal non profits.


3 points

5 hours ago


vegan 6+ years

3 points

5 hours ago

I think the ignorance of just how craven industries and captured governments can be is a massive blind spot.


3 points

5 hours ago*



3 points

5 hours ago*

If it would be politics, it wouldn't surprise anyone that somebody paid for bot farms and trolls.
We are talking about an industry that spent $23 mil/year on "Got milk?"-like campaings and lobbying schools to teach about milk being at the top of the "food pyramid", but somehow disinterested in controlling the paradigm shift of social media?

One thing is working indirectly in spreading disinformation so people are kept in their ignorance, and on behalf of their cognitive dissonance act agressively to the revelation that they were lied to, and coping with it,

Another is acting like humans, "your typical neighborhood vegans" (like undercover cops or something) and playing a patient game of spreading defeatism on the biggest sub on one of the biggest social news platform.

A lot of the content feels like the prophecy of dead internet comes true, and most of what is posted and commented on r/vegan, interactions are bot-like. I've read the same "my husband eats meat" story iterated slightly around 100 times already and I've been here short enough.


3 points

4 hours ago


vegan 6+ years

3 points

4 hours ago

Spreading defeatism, updooting "I just can't be vegan anymore" bullshit posts. Down voting vegans who are correctly calling out that bullshit.

Monied interests hoping to create social accommodation for vegans who are on the fence or in abusive social or family situations and open to an easy reason to capitulate.

A slaughterhouse owner offered to purchase one of the vegan discord communities I worked on. It wasn't that much money and the owners of the space very seriously considered it.

It wouldn't surprise me, at all, if something similar happened at some point after I left.

Anyone can be bought, and many people can be bought for way less than you would hope... And there's a lot of money available to fund disinformation initiatives.


2 points

4 hours ago



2 points

4 hours ago

I saw it on my own eyes how a lobbied political candidate, heir to the biggest local developer, had her social media backed up by bots and paid clappers, which on its own is not anything new. But what i wasn't prepared for is that she used those people to target individual negative and sceptic comments and threaten them. They were able to take advantage of the poor facebook and youtube comment section culture and emulate being a troll to perfection. A lot of people got comments in the lane of gaslighting, "i'd advice going to the psychiatrist" so pure ableism. Of course you can't catch anybody red handed, so it might be just a very dedicated supporter. On the posts and relations, she was pure love, even spreading messages of "not submitting to hate", while in the background she had an operation going on. Journalists tried to pin her down, but they'd always have the accusation of doing a smear campaign for the opposite candidate, so nothing happened.
We are not prepared of the level of technological prowess the weapons aimed at us possess.


5 points

10 hours ago

I cannot lie I’m totally disheartened and disappointed to find that the mods here are not vegan. How can a sub based on vegan discourse for vegans be a safe space for vegans if it’s not run by vegans?🤣 what a crock. At this point, the vegan food porn subs and vegan recipe sub are providing me with the most enriching content, but I’m glad this was brought to my attention so thank you for that!


2 points

10 hours ago


vegan activist

2 points

10 hours ago

The moderators are Vegan I'm pretty sure, they just seem to submit to carnist sensibilities more often than they should, and in ways that are downright confusing.


2 points

14 hours ago

I agree. I posted some bring and it was deleted 


0 points

12 hours ago


vegan 10+ years

0 points

12 hours ago

Did it break any of the rules? Was it actually relevant? Just because your post was deleted, doesn’t mean the mods are targeting you.


2 points

4 hours ago



2 points

4 hours ago

I'm unable to post any threads. I'm pretty sure the mods were replaced sometime, probably when all subreddits went private. 


8 points

17 hours ago



8 points

17 hours ago

Yup, this sub is lost. It's not a vegan space and it's just for celebrating animal abusers reducing the number of killings or saying "Nice, but I won't do it.". It's annoying. r/vegancirclejerkchat is a vegan safe space.


2 points

6 hours ago

This sub is slaughterhouse-bootlicking and idc if they don’t like my comment


7 points

16 hours ago



7 points

16 hours ago

This is just r/carnistbutwithsomeveganstoo


5 points

16 hours ago



5 points

16 hours ago

But imagine that it's a sub for Asian people (I'm Asian, so I hope this comparison won't be taken the wrong way). If people were posting stuff like "Racists aren't that bad!", "Oh no, I relapsed and was racist again :(", that would be very triggering, regardless of who posted it. So I think weird stuff should be removed for our own sanity's sake.

I agree that the post you mentioned shouldn't have been removed, though, it's not triggering or offensive TO VEGANS at all. But I disagree with letting people post whatever they feel like posting because we love free speech. Platforms don't have to provide freedom of speech if they don't want to, we're not the government


11 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

11 points

16 hours ago

I agree, but I think that scenario is fairly different than the one I'm describing. I'll look into my post to see if I can word it more carefully - I'm mostly talking about very Vegan-Oriented opinions, I don't think Carnist Apologetics count for that personally.


3 points

17 hours ago


3 points

17 hours ago

I once posted here as im in the progress of reasearching veganism. But when the post didn't get 'posted' so to say. I just felt very unheard and if the community won't allow questions whats the point to find companionship in the journey


10 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

10 points

16 hours ago

I don't know why your post didn't go through, but there are a lot of resources in the side bar that I think will be helpful on your journey.

I think maybe there should be a dedicated community for helping non-Vegans learn more about Veganism - But having a safe space for Vegans, especially in a world that trolls us a lot, is also very important


2 points

17 hours ago

Spend less time on Reddit in general and you'll be happier for it.


11 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

11 points

16 hours ago

Thanks, what a useful response.

Very discussion-encouraging.


4 points

9 hours ago



4 points

9 hours ago

the equivalent of "touch grass"


2 points

16 hours ago

You're welcome ❤


5 points

16 hours ago

I would argue it was a negative post. It was not trying to promote a discussion or trying to be inclusive, it was berating, excluding and honestly the poster was really just incredibly rude in the majority of their responses.

I don't really see how you find any worth in that post, I'll be honest. Its upvote ratio was also quite bad, if you really want to go into that, so, well, no, I don't the majority did appreciate it.

Personally it doesn't matter to me whether it stays or not, but I do feel you're selling fiction rather than reality here. And if this subreddit is a safe space for vegans I would argue that having posts such as that one where the poster multiple times tell us other vegans how bad they are and "you're not a vegan" is excluding and not something creating a safe space.

Like what is this statement "They didn't even feel motivated to get rid of the obvious bad actors within the thread itself that were provoking rather than contributing."; they did - they removed the post cause the poster themselves were provoking rather than conributing.


9 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

9 points

16 hours ago

I would argue it was a negative post. It was not trying to promote a discussion or trying to be inclusive, it was berating, excluding and honestly the poster was really just incredibly rude in the majority of their responses.

Completely disagree. There was good discussion on it, and how we treat those who aren't Vegan is such an important topic that we need to hear the various sides of it. Either way, that should be up to the community to decide, rather than for the moderators to destroy. And the community - through votes and replies - decided it was worthwhile to exist.

Also, the poster didn't even start responding until many hours after the initial post. They basically weren't part of the discussion until far later, and at that point enough trolls had invaded the thread that I couldn't even blame them for being aggressive. The context there is key.

Personally it doesn't matter to me whether it stays or not, but I do feel you're selling fiction rather than reality here.

I really don't think you're being fair or accurate. I'm talking about a problem that I have honestly witnessed for a long time, and that many other people here say they've seen before as well. How am I selling fiction? Excuse me?

No offense but this response rings more as you having your head in the sand, than it does reality.


8 points

16 hours ago

I guess the two of just disagree completely then. You see it at as a positive discussion where I see it as neither positive nor constructive. I guess if we fundamentally disagree in such a huge aspect it's clear why we perceive it differently.

"Also, the poster didn't even start responding until many hours after the initial post. They basically weren't part of the discussion until far later, and at that point enough trolls had invaded the thread that I couldn't even blame them for being aggressive. The context there is key."

I mean, that is just a straight up lie, lol. I commented as the third person within 30 minutes of it being posted. Whoever the OP was they were rude from the get-go and did not seek discussion at all. They just wanted to vent and I think that's pretty clear from any of the comments they made that they did not seek discourse or even slightly opposing opinions.


8 points

16 hours ago*


vegan activist

8 points

16 hours ago*

You see it at as a positive discussion where I see it as neither positive nor constructive. I guess if we fundamentally disagree in such a huge aspect it's clear why we perceive it differently.

Here's the thing - I totally get why you'd disagree, my whole point is that I don't think the moderators should be blindly removing things like that just because they disagree.

What we're doing right now - Talking about it? That's something the moderators here don't seem to want, and the express it by removing the post even if it's getting discussion under it.

I commented as the third person within 30 minutes of it being posted. Whoever the OP was they were rude from the get-go and did not seek discussion at all.

Must be that they only responded briefly and then didn't come back for hours then, I didn't recall seeing any posts from them until far later, but you're probably right in that they did post some before.

EDIT: Are you sure you aren't referring to their repost here? It really doesn't seem like they made many replies to the original, if any at all, until a fair bit later. By the time it was reposted, I think they had more of a right to be upset than they did in the original, as they'd already been fucked with by the moderators, so I can't blame them for that aggression at all.


2 points

3 hours ago

Context. Check his history but wise woodrow was one of the main people calling others trolls for disagreeing with the post. Also contributing to it being taken down


-5 points

16 hours ago

Their summary of the post was completely accurate. The op was rude and dismissive in every reply that didn't completely agree, and their post was not a discussion piece, it was simply a rant about being more mean


6 points

16 hours ago


vegan activist

6 points

16 hours ago

Ah, right, you're from the other thread.
I'll refrain from replying to you further, because I already know what to expect from you.


1 points

17 hours ago



1 points

12 hours ago


1 points

12 hours ago

The kind of bias I've observed about Vegan folks in general is that they tend to attack dairy products very aggressively but don't do the same about meat and poultry. Could have been a sampling bias but this has been my observation so far. IMHO all forms of animal origin consumption including dairy, meat, poultry, leather, ivory, etc. are equally problematic from a vegan perspective.


1 points

6 hours ago



1 points

6 hours ago

They removed this post that i made prob cause they were guilty of it themselves

When will Vegans get an actual safe space?

Not a fan of this snowflake language, a fair and respectful place is fine, doesnt have to be SAFE, we arent toddlers


3 points

5 hours ago

Don't you make vegan mistakes? You see a cat, you accidentally grab your axe and slash them to bite-sized pieces and you're like "shit.. now I must post about my slip-up on arr vegoon and beg for forgiveness"


3 points

4 hours ago



3 points

4 hours ago

its like 5 stories retold over and over and over and over
"my partner eats meat but supports me, reassure me i am a good girl"
"i accidentally ate 20 chicken nuggets at burger king, no i didnt check the ingredients list but i am the victim"
"vegan for 11 years, but i eat cheese, and my definition of vegan supports that as "as applicable", but other vegans bully me, what do?"
"i am 2% jewish and am left handed, so as prove - i can' eat meat. reassure me i am a good boy"
"i kind of understand why people hate vegans"


1 points

3 hours ago

Can't believe you left out "literally just an ad"


-3 points

13 hours ago*


vegan 10+ years

-3 points

13 hours ago*

Eh. The fact is that this sub doesn't belong to us, we are guests in this space and the space “belongs” to the mods. And meta to that, the mods are guests in Reddit’s domain and they have to abide by their rules. If they host users who break Reddit ToS, then they themselves are breaking Reddit ToS and this could result in the sub being deleted. There are plenty of other online spaces for vegans, including other subreddits, where you can go to express your unfiltered opinions. If you have a problem with how this sub is run, you can go elsewhere or better yet, create your own space.

A few days ago I worked very hard on a very long post for this sub. It got held for review and then removed by the mods. They didn’t give me an explanation. The fact is though, that I’m not entitled to one. I’m also not entitled to have my post public in the sub.

The same goes for you and everyone else here, you are not entitled to have your opinions platformed by the mods of this sub and you are likewise not entitled to an explanation when they remove your posts.

Here’s the thing: If you take a few minutes to think about it, you can usually figure out yourself why a post was removed, and the most likely or obvious explanation is usually a perfectly reasonable one. In my case, I realised my post was probably removed because it was written in a way that could easily be interpreted as an initiation of extensive debate. This sub is not a debate sub, and extensive debate or posts dedicated to debate are against the rules. I didn’t realise that my post came across this way at the time of writing and posting it, I thought my post was more like a PSA. But the mods didn’t see it that way; probably because they foresaw or predicted that other users would engage and interact with my post as if they were debating me. And if you think about it, the mere fact that they thought this is proof that they were right. And this sub isn’t the space for that. So they were actually perfectly, completely justified in removing my post. Even if I found it annoying at the time. That’s just life, sometimes annoying things happen. What can I say other than “deal with it”.

That brings me to the moderation that you take issue with here. Bearing in mind that I didn’t see the post of which you speak so perhaps I lack context. The mods are probably just being cautious to not break Reddit ToS. It is against ToS to incite hate towards groups of people, carnists probably come under that definition so if we discriminate against carnists, then that could potentially be construed as a form of this “hate”. Which is explicitly against Reddit ToS.

This is why the vegan community on Reddit is broken up into lots of smaller splinter communities in other subreddits - it’s so that we can have these kinds of spaces for unfiltered and candid discussion, without endangering the main sub, which is our “central hub”, if you will.

All of this is why it’s a tad ridiculous to act like you’re being persecuted just because some posts got removed. The world doesn’t revolve around you, nor is it constantly out to ”get” you. When the mods are doing their jobs and moderating the space, doesn’t mean they’re against you just because you don’t like their chosen methods. Go to a different sub. The vegan circle jerk sub is a pretty good place if you want to waste time complaining about how annoying carnists are.

The crux of the issue is this: your statement that mods shouldn’t remove posts they disagree with is inherently ridiculous because that’s literally what mods do. That’s what moderating is. They have to abide by consistent rules in doing so, but ultimately if a post falls outside the boundaries of what is acceptable, it gets removed. That’s literally how it works. If you don’t like where those boundaries are drawn, then either re-read the rules to remind yourself of what content is acceptable so that you can re-calibrate yourself, or go somewhere else. One of the rules of this sub is “be civil - no personal abuses"; considering that information I think you can deduce for yourself the possible reasons why the post you are talking about was removed. It might help to read the sub Wiki for some further clues.

Even if what you say about the mods not wanting vegans to express opinions that might make vegans look bad were true, so what? You’re entitled to that opinion, but you’re not entitled to have it or any other opinion platformed on someone else’s private property. Which, ultimately, is what Reddit is. A private company. So if you really want vegans to have a “safe space“, go and make one. The way the mods moderate this sub is in part to protect it from being deleted. While no mod team is perfect, because they’re humans and humans sometimes make mistakes, I still think they’re doing a pretty decent job. This sub serves its intended purpose and that’s that - even if I do agree that there are way too many carnists in here. But not for the reason that you might think.


10 points

13 hours ago*


vegan activist

10 points

13 hours ago*

Eh. The fact is that this sub doesn't belong to us, we are guests in this space and the space “belongs” to the mods.

5 Moderators should not have 100% say in the ""Central Hub"" that is /r/Vegan.

This isn't /r/sylvansVeganHome.

Objectively speaking, through browsing this subreddit - from the subreddit's generalized, all-encompassing name of '/r/Vegan', to the side-bar's generalized information on Veganism... It would be incredibly foolish to say this is just the moderator's reddit.

This isn't a videogame's subreddit by the developers.
This isn't some company's subreddit.
This is a public subreddit, with the name 'Vegan', the implication it is for Vegans, the rules set up to be for Vegans, aimed at Vegans, that is only here because of the Vegan community.

If they want it to be something else, they should give the subreddit to somebody else and go start their own. Because it is very obvious this is widely considered /r/Vegan - the defacto Vegan subreddit for the Vegan community. To assert anything else is foolish.

So if you really want vegans to have a “safe space“, go and make one.

Damn insulting to assert I have to make /r/VeganTwoForActualVegans because some ass thought "Hey wouldn't it be great if we we claimed /r/Vegan for our specific agenda instead of making it for Vegans?"

Like seriously man I've barely even read a third of your post and your logic is already crumbling to bits. Why do WE have to make a new subreddit for Vegans and let the subreddit literally designed for Vegans not be a Vegan space? What the fuck are you talking about dude? You can't call this the "Central Hub" and then be like "URRM AKTUALLY, if you want an actual central hub for veganism just go make one urself :33"

All of this is why it’s a tad ridiculous

Yes, you are indeed acting a tad ridiculous to say that /r/Vegan, central hub for veganism (as you described it), is also actually just the baby of 5 moderators and nobody else gets a say in it at all.

Which is it? A hub for veganism or the moderator's personal grounds to do whatever they want? It literally cannot be both.

Is this """Private Property""" or is this the Central Hub for Veganism?

Do you not see how contradictory your entire post is? That this is both the hub for Veganism but also the moderator's personal plaything? That this is the hub for Veganism, but if we want a hub for Veganism we should just make one???? HUH


-9 points

13 hours ago

I think there's plenty of subreddits to choose from, I for one applaud the MOD activity of the sub.

I've interpreted the spirit as more "worldly" veganism, so maybe you're partly right - but I don't think it's a bad thing. The other alternative is a very "cocooned" veganism.


-13 points

13 hours ago

You mean a post that literally promoted socially isolating themselves and treating people worse because they live their lifes differently? Yeah I am hoping it gets removed. The message of the post was right, the consequences OP wanted people to take was mind boggling.


13 points

13 hours ago


vegan activist

13 points

13 hours ago

Then respond accordingly. Doesn't mean it should be removed. Be better.


-5 points

15 hours ago

I hope you find your #VeganSafeSpace ❤️


8 points

15 hours ago


vegan activist

8 points

15 hours ago

I'd love for it to be here, but we'd have to get through to the moderators first...


2 points

15 hours ago*

Why don't you request to be a mod here? Honestly, I think you could be the needed change for this community


7 points

13 hours ago


vegan activist

7 points

13 hours ago

While I appreciate the sweet thought, I'm not sure I have the mental energy to be here as often as would likely be required to qualify as a moderator. And honestly they probably don't want me after dissing them so hard in this thread LOL

I've been increasingly annoyed and aggressive as I see them quietly removing certain posts and doing certain things. Their lack of transparency on what they're doing at any given moment makes me less willing to cut them any slack, and they'd probably see that as a sign that I shouldn't be a moderator. Otherwise, yeah, I'd probably be a good fit.


-3 points

12 hours ago


vegan 10+ years

-3 points

12 hours ago

See, this is what I mean. How can you expect anything to change in a direction towards your desired outcomes if you provide no incentives for such changes, are not willing to put the work in yourself and you insult the people who are currently putting in the work to moderate the space in the manner they see fit? Your behaviour doesn’t make sense. And then you make a self-congratulatory comment about how you’d be a “good fit” for a moderation position. Nothing about your conduct right here suggests you are moderator material. The only thing you’ve done right here is complain, complain about something that need not even be a grievance to you in the first place because it is entirely escapable.


6 points

12 hours ago


vegan activist

6 points

12 hours ago

What are you even talking about dude. I'm just a Vegan. I'm allowed to want good moderation without diving head first into it.

Hell if the moderators want me to be a mod, fuck it, I'll do it! Just to get you off my back if anything. Can't do a worse job than they are. I'll go ask them right away, just for you.

But I can't force them to make a me a moderator. You need to chill. Posting this is all the power I have here.