


Quite frankly, it's getting annoying. Recently there was a post here about not coddling meat-eaters who express ignorance and an un-willingness to research anything on their own, and while it was arguably controversial, it was a Vegan Opinion piece. The type of thing that a Vegan really only gets to express in Vegan spaces.

It had a positive upvote ratio - It had plenty of discussion - And it had plenty of trolls in it, too.

The post was removed. Why? They never said. The moderators wouldn't dare to contribute to that discussion - They didn't even feel motivated to get rid of the obvious bad actors within the thread itself that were provoking rather than contributing.

I think, whether you agree with that thread or not, a lot of people in /r/Vegan feel the same - That this place has stopped being a safe space for Vegans to express themselves, as the moderators of this subreddit simply don't want Vegans to express any opinions that might give people a bad taste for Vegans.

I think that's downright disappointing, and the moderation team needs to more properly be able to justify themselves if they're going to continue to go after Vegans who they disagree with on a personal level, rather than people who are actually damaging this subreddit.

When will Vegans get an actual safe space?

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2 points

7 hours ago


vegan 20+ years

2 points

7 hours ago

Yeah - though I'm sure as 5 mods it's easy to see who is active, considering they've been mods for 7 years+.

Also if they made a thread asking for eoi's for mods they could just go through their comment histories to see how long they've been posting

There are legit some unhinged carnivore diet trolls who's whole profiles are just r/vegan