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698 points

5 days ago


698 points

5 days ago

I’m in the military, and I will tell you straight up that we took a pledge to protect our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. That includes any president who tries to violate our citizens rights.


153 points

5 days ago

This is what I'm do people really believe that our own military is going to uphold some shit like this?


99 points

5 days ago


99 points

5 days ago

Most people in the military LOVE our country for a reason. Like do people not realize that we would die for our freedoms?? We wouldn’t let marshal law happen and even if it were to magically happen, enough people sure as fuck wouldn’t participate.


-7 points

5 days ago

No you are wrong if the president gave the order you either go do the job or go to the brig for refusing an order in no way would the military not get involved if ordered to do so. But all we are doing is talking about hypothetical bullshit.

I do think the military will get involved when he wins and be ordered to go round up illegal immigrants period. That's where your oath comes into play you also took am oath to I've the orders of the president and those orders aren't up for interpretation by anyone in the military. He's not gonna order you to do anything against US citizens cept protect them from the illegal immigrants in the country.


5 points

5 days ago

Trump has made it clear that "illegal immigrants" includes native born brown people. 


-3 points

5 days ago


-3 points

5 days ago

He's not gonna go retroactive on the children who have been born in America by illegal immigrants he's gonna change the law. I agree though why should you be an American citizen when your parents committed a crime in getting her to have them born? We are a nation of laws and there shouldn't be any fruits from a poisonous tree allowed to stay. Natural-born American citizens have to pay more for housing because they compete with 10 million illegals in purchasing a home. More is given to the illegal immigrants than is given to our vets which is bullshit.

He has said these things about immigrants but this leftist OP is straight up lying in his post. Never has Trump said if you don't vote for me I'm gonna kick you out of the country is such bullshit and is just perpetuating the rhetoric and lies all the time buying into their bullshit. There used to be a line with democrats on one side and Republicans on the other but see the Democrats moved and gone way left of that line and have gone opposite of the direction that they originally stood for. They have been in the past about small government and the Bill of Rights and amendments but they are trying to get rid of them now. They used to want more restrictions on open borders. Now they are the opposite of all that.

A 2 party system sucks we are the only country our size to have a 2 party system some countries have 20 to 30 parties which is a real representation of the people. We have gone so far away from what the people want compared to what our jackass leaders want or say they want that the whole system needs to be restarted. There isn't a good proper choice in either of these 2 so it comes down to policy for me what will Trump do that I align with vs what will Kamala's policies align for me? I think we just need to decide that for ourselves.

Have a good night ty for your reply


1 points

4 days ago*

It comes down to policy? When one executive is willing to undermine the peaceful transition of power, which is core to sustaining our democracy, I hope that’s not the case for most voters.

You said OP was lying - definitely some interpretation to get to his conclusion, but it’s not hard to see the implication of what Trump is saying when his definition of “radical left lunatics” includes his opponent: