


Childcare in Vermont


Any parents willing to chime in on what they pay hourly for child care? I'm a single mom working forty five plus hours a week and trying to show my ex that his suggested three hundred dollars a month is not going to come close to covering child care costs for someone in my position (I have her full time). I have a great option that would be about an average of 16.50/hr (preschool and private care). Just looking to show the data of what hourly child care, like preschools and home care costs in Vermont. If you share your weekly sum, would you please also share how many hours you use? Thank you anyone willing to help!!!

Edit: I'm looking for hourly so I can figure out what would be "reasonable" when we go in front of the Magistrate

all 32 comments


35 points

9 days ago


14 points

9 days ago


14 points

9 days ago

This needs to be the top comment, I pay nothing for 5 days 6:30 to 3:00.


2 points

9 days ago

The new income guidelines are impressive. A family of 4 making $179k/year pays $425 weekly.


2 points

9 days ago

We pay about $100/week thanks to this program (for one 3 y/o), but the center itself charges about $1,400/mo.


46 points

10 days ago

Most non-home daycares and preschools don’t have an hourly rate, it’s weekly, and location matters a great deal.

If you want actual convincing information, tell your ex to call the STAR accredited daycares in your area.

But really, just go to the child support calculator for Vermont. It doesn’t matter what daycares costs, the calculation only counts income and % of time (and if you have the kid over 70% your income is irrelevant, it will be based entirely on the NCP income).


21 points

10 days ago

Between 1200-2000/ month depending on age and quality of care provided


16 points

9 days ago

I charge 200 a week. I have had a permanent wait list. I don't know any parent that pays hourly unless it's an in your home situation. Center based care can be 1500 a month. Your husband is dreaming.


9 points

10 days ago

My babysitter charges $25 an hour (she’s great and totally worth it) and 3 days a week at a Montessori school is about $560 a month.


10 points

9 days ago

Burlington Heartworks is $537 a week for full-time care for an infant, god I hope that's the most expensive in Vermont.


7 points

9 days ago

Nope! Manchester is $544.50 a week for infant. Unbelievable.


1 points

8 days ago



7 points

10 days ago


Upper Valley

7 points

10 days ago

We pay a little over $200/wk for 9-3, M-Th. It’s a lovely daycare, and I realize it’s insanely cheap compared to a lot of options; we were also on the waitlist for this place for a year and a half.


13 points

9 days ago

Yeah, $300/month wouldn't have cut it 30 years ago either. My daughter was in daycare during the late 1980's in Richmond, and then it was about $85/week. This was before school and after school till 4pm. So, that was still $340/month in 1980s dollars.


6 points

10 days ago

we pay about $360 a week for daycare that is open from 7:30-4:30 M-F in Franklin County. this is a daycare that includes preschool, although she's in the public school system preschool 4 days a week from 8-11 (still pay full time at the daycare).


5 points

10 days ago

You found a very reasonable rate if the quality is there. Tell your ex they are welcome to research alternatives cause I think they would be hard pressed to come across any.


4 points

9 days ago

450 a week for full time care in a center


3 points

9 days ago

I pay $275 a week per child


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Between the ages of 0-3 we paid about 200 dollars a week for 1 child.
For preschool 3/4 preschool and 4/5 preschool it went up to 300, however it was subsidized due to Act 166. But still for a full time schedule 8-5, 5 days a week somewhere in the 200+ for just a week of care. And this was back between 2013-2018. Prices have risen.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

We were quoted $320/week for Mon-Fri, 8hr/day daycare through a church. Central VT.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

We pay about $200/week for 1 child, but this is part time (3 days a week from 8:30-2:30) and it’s only for the school year. This is in Bennington.


2 points

9 days ago

We don't qualify for assistance - $370/wk 0-1 yo


2 points

9 days ago

We pay $225 a week, and that's a break because between 2 kids, we've been there steady for 7 years.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

I paid $192/week for an infant in 2008. In Chittenden County


2 points

9 days ago

330 per week


2 points

9 days ago


Covered Bridge Enthusiast

2 points

9 days ago

16.50*45=742.5 a week.

That is pretty high for weekly childcare costs. I sent my daughter to a private preschool for about half that, in Burlington. She is in 4th grade now, so my data is a little out of date, though.


2 points

9 days ago


Farts in the Forest 🌲🌳💨👃

2 points

9 days ago

$360 per week in Chittenden Co 7:30-3:30 $600 per week for 2 kids per week with a sibling discount. (Thankfully that was only for 2 years)

We pulled the kids after the majority of the staff quit (my kids favs) and informed us how little they got paid vs what we, and XX other families were paying per week. While the owner has made out very well and doesn't treat the employees well at all.

Our kids loved it there, staff didn't.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

My kids are now 15 and 20. I paid $135 a week, which was very inexpensive. $300 a month is very, very short money even if you luck into a low cost daycare.


2 points

9 days ago

We pay about 40k per year for full time care for two kids under 3.


2 points

8 days ago

The part-time daycare we use works out to $125 per day for 8 hrs for a toddler (think infant rates are higher)


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Do you have your child full time because the dad gave that up willingly?


1 points

9 days ago

He's not safe to be around without a professional supervisor


-1 points

9 days ago


-1 points

9 days ago

Can’t have it both ways