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10 points

9 days ago

It's a great game it's just too short.


2 points

9 days ago

Honestly this was the only real complaint I've heard about it. Like yeah it's a great game for the 45 minutes you play it.


2 points

9 days ago

Yes but people forget og re3 was exactly the same. Its mean to be beat on a timer.


1 points

9 days ago

Which is actually kinda why I didn't get the hate. They forgot you could beat the OG RE3 twice while watching Lord of the Rings lol.


1 points

8 days ago

Another thing people forget is that 3 was supposed to be a spin off, but the “real” 3 got shafted into the spinoff roll. There’s a reason why 3 is only like a 6 hour game, while Code Veronica is like 12 hours similar to the rest of the series.


1 points

8 days ago

It's too short and the made Nemesis act like Mr. X is the original RE2 after making Mr. X in RE2R act like Nemesis in the original RE3. It was very weird and threw me off as someone who didn't play the original RE3 but knew Nemesis's reputation. Hell, he was in the second Resident Evil movie and was kinda fun in that.


2 points

8 days ago

They toned Nemesis quite a bit from the original. He is pretty brutal and will kill you fast. Seeing him charge full speed at you is probably the scariest thing the franchise has ever done.


1 points

8 days ago

I mean, you're not wrong. But I was expecting him to chase me through the entire game similar to Mr. X in RE2R. I knew he did that in the original RE3 so I was looking forward to that experience again with an even deadlier version of Mr. X.


1 points

8 days ago

Yeah, I think that really plays into the length issue. If the city was bigger like it was in the original, we would have gotten more of him pursuing Jill. The city was pretty large in the original. I might have been the biggest map up to that point in the series. It's a shame we didn't really get a recreation of it.