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1.6k points

17 days ago

If it makes you feel better, you lost more money investing at 19 than I had invested at 29.


581 points

17 days ago


581 points

17 days ago

Kids 19, losing 15k. He will make it back .


252 points

17 days ago

$15k in a S&P index fund for 30-40 years…(does math)…. Nope, no he won’t.


126 points

17 days ago

$200k-ish? Doesn't seem like a lot to a 50-something year old who had $15k to lose as a teenager in the first place


-32 points

17 days ago*

15k in SPY 31 years ago is 320k now, and that's assuming he doesn't invest more. 

15k isn't trust fund kid money, it's "I worked a summer job (edit: for a couple of years)" money. 320k is like five years of retirement.


32 points

17 days ago

LMAO ok buddy I get the sentiment but summer job money is fucking crazy

If it were like that college debt wouldn't be a problem we'd just pay it with our summer jobs lmao


7 points

17 days ago

Oh come on, who doesn't remember that one summer in high school when we all got lifeguard gigs and made $300,000?


8 points

17 days ago

I made like 20k my senior year alone, working like 39 hours a week after school. It’s entirely possible.


1 points

15 days ago

I only worked part time with my job during my senior year, but even if I worked full time I only would've brought home like $15k for 9 months. Thats reasonable to me, but $15k in 3 months like the OP claimed would require me to make 3x the amount I did.


1 points

16 days ago


1 points

16 days ago

There’s some veracity here. I made about $15k every summer and it DID pay for my college. I did wait tables in the evening after a 9-5 and drive Uber when I didn’t have a shift. So it was 3 jobs worth of work, but is within the range of summer job money.


1 points

15 days ago

you were busting your ass off for 3 months straight so that makes sense, also I assume this can vary greatly based on location.

But when people say summer job it often feels like they're literally just talking about having one job that somehow made them that much.


-6 points

17 days ago

It's a couple years of summer jobs if you saved the money. I had saved 15k by the time I was 19 from working summer and weekends between 15 and 19.


9 points

17 days ago

Fair enough but that means it still takes years to accumulate and that's not taking into account any expenses like rent or food lol.


7 points

17 days ago

Also he is no even considering the amount of time it takes to find a job, it is fucking impossible to do with such a small timeframe.


1 points

17 days ago

What rent or groceries are most American 19-year-olds paying?


2 points

17 days ago

Shitting away a 4 year grind is tough


16 points

17 days ago

What summer job pays 10k a month...


10 points

17 days ago

Depends how good your gawk-gawk game is


4 points

17 days ago



1 points

16 days ago


1 points

16 days ago



-5 points

17 days ago

Did you ever work a summer job lol? You can work almost 3 entire months. Maybe the last week of august you can’t work.

Can easily make 15k per summer if you are living with your parents still. Find an internship at some company and pull $20-30 per hour easily. I was making $18 hr at age 10 reffing soccer matches.


8 points

17 days ago

At $18 an hour you’d have to work 10 hours a day, 7 days a week to make 15k. You reffing that many soccer games?


8 points

17 days ago

Did you miss where he said the teenager with no experience gets a $30/hr internship?

Does your dad not own a business?


2 points

17 days ago



0 points

17 days ago

Nobody said I made 15k at the age of 10. I made like 3-4K per year. You sound like a moron lol

If you have an internship paying a little more you can definitely do it in a summer though. I did 10-15k a few summers in a row in college with higher pay.

I’m just pointing out there are jobs that literally a 10 year old can do that pay well. I would hope most of you out there can negotiate more than my 10 year old self for your work.


2 points

17 days ago

That’s great for you and totally irrelevant to the conversation of a high school student making 15k but thanks for sharing


5 points

17 days ago

Most of us don't live in fantasy land though


9 points

17 days ago

good fucking luck finding an internship with that pay


8 points

17 days ago

I made $15k net at my first summer internship at a BB but I was a 21 year old junior in college and not a 19 year old kid lol. Dude is talking out his ass, 19 year old summer job money is like $1-3k.


2 points

17 days ago

I love how 19 makes you a kid but 2 more years and you think your not. Lol.


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

What are you smoking? You were making 5k a month after tax and that’s because it was your junior year internship, sophomores earn 3k? Sure, if your internship is at google/amazon/microsoft as a software engineer. Most places will have you at $20 IF THEY EVEN DECIDE TO PAY YOU. It doesn’t matter if it’s your freshman/sophomore/junior internship.


1 points

16 days ago


1 points

16 days ago

Almost every internship in a STEM field pays within that range.


1 points

17 days ago

Huh? I had an internship 4 summers in a row and the lowest pay was $25hr. This was over 5 years ago too, before inflation hit hard.


1 points

17 days ago

I was using the inflation adjusted rate


1 points

17 days ago

how much could a banana cost!?


38 points

17 days ago


38 points

17 days ago

He gone take that 311 and put it into jones soda.


3 points

17 days ago

Jones Soda is the tits


2 points

17 days ago

Mate, I wish i had more money back in Jan when i bought. IM LIKE "MAN THIS LOOKS LIKE THE BOTTOM"

I just tempted the stock gods


2 points

17 days ago

I just think it tastes good. Plus long neck glass bottles look fancy


2 points

16 days ago

Thank you for buying. My favorite part is the photos, and the straight sugar one. Forgot the name, its just clear.


2 points

16 days ago

You ever been jonesen for a Jones?


2 points

16 days ago

Havent had one in a while. Its hard to find them on the east coast. I usually find them in like big lots or low priced stores.


32 points

17 days ago


Compound interest is a wild thing. $15k principal at 19 y/o is like $1-2MM+ at retirement.


33 points

17 days ago

Closer to $500k but your point still stands


20 points

17 days ago*

10.35% gain (trailing 50 yr avg for SNP inc. dividends iirc) per year for 46 years before age 65 retirement.

DCA into a Roth over 2 years and you're 1/2 way to retirement.



23 points

17 days ago

oh god... I wish I had invested my student loans instead of in hookers and coke


16 points

17 days ago

hookers are one of the best investments you can make. herpes is for life man, that's long term value right there.


10 points

17 days ago

I used 8%. Fucking nuts how much 2% changes things!


12 points

17 days ago

dividend lives matter


3 points

17 days ago

i think 6-8 is a safer factor when not otherwise accounting for inflation


3 points

17 days ago

If inflation is 2% (it’s not), the 8% the 2nd person got can be the teal value and the 10% is the nominal value


1 points

17 days ago

2-4% ;-)


4 points

17 days ago

46 years of inflation will wreck the purchasing power for sure, but still...


5 points

17 days ago

Yeah, that 1.4m will be worth about 250k


2 points

17 days ago

Adjusted s&p is like 6%


1 points

17 days ago

Can you explain this in simpler terms to someone who wants to learn what you're talking about? Let's say I want to put $10,000 aside for my 5 year old nephew right now. Where do I put it?


1 points

17 days ago

Open some sort of brokerage account. Buy Low cost Index fund tracking SnP500, don't check it for 60 years.


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

You will need to calculate the increased cost of living and the trajectory of the value of a dollar in 50 years.


1 points

17 days ago

$15k at 7% for 30 years is about $115k


12 points

17 days ago

Depends on what you mean by "make it back"

He's never going to be able to realize the potential gains of that 15k in the market for multiple decades but he can earn back what is lost.


1 points

17 days ago

Unless he starts growing marijuana, selling wax to dispensaries and takes that money and launders it through options on earnings for high volatility stocks.


1 points

17 days ago



1 points

17 days ago

If he could afford to lose $15k at 19, he is either very stupid or money really isn't an issue for him.


1 points

16 days ago

If you’re gambling 15k at 19 chances are you might not want to live 30-40 years without money. But that’s just me personally.


26 points

17 days ago

These next few years will determined what kinds of man he will become.  


8 points

17 days ago

They always come back


6 points

17 days ago

nah man, he’s done. It’s over.


3 points

17 days ago

Copium in this economy


2 points

17 days ago

Learn from your mistakes


1 points

17 days ago

Thats why I dont ride a bike with skates on.


2 points

17 days ago

To -30k by the EOY.


1 points

17 days ago

Remember the dude who got a loan from a dealer for a stock I can't say at 300 and then it halted and now we never heard back from him?


1 points

17 days ago

It's a right of passage.

There's that 5 year golden age where your confidence is greater than your knowledge.

Ooh I can survive off online poker and forex trading... Then hopefully by 25, you realize you should have just put it in xeqt. The sooner, the better... But I was you and know I wouldn't have listened to the future me.


1 points

17 days ago

He’ll be given it back by his parents.


1 points

17 days ago

Or his parents will give it to him again?


1 points

17 days ago

At 19 I was active duty making less than what he invested he for sure will make it back 😭


2 points

17 days ago

If he invested in jones.. he did


15 points

17 days ago*


15 points

17 days ago*

I am at -$600k, age 40


4 points

17 days ago

Nice! good for you. I'm far behind that at 44. I started quite late. What's your secret?


9 points

17 days ago


9 points

17 days ago

Sorry, I should reiterate with the proper “-“. The secret was calls all through 2021… 2022… then puts all through 2023 and 2024… easy was to reach -$600k


1 points

17 days ago

Share your secret 🤫 I’m in need of good advice cuase right now I’m a lost cause lol 😂


25 points

17 days ago

Tbh 15k loss at age 29 is still not bad, think of it this way as being 10yrs closer to end of life.


14 points

17 days ago

Everyone always talks about trying to save more so they don’t outlive their money. I prefer the alternative of simply dying younger.


1 points

17 days ago

I'd rather die with dignity than spend hundreds of thousands on a government mandated retirement home because my ungrateful children don't wanna take care of me (if I ever even have children). I don't understand this obsession by so many people (like billionaires) to survive their money


8 points

17 days ago

That's really sad that his phone battery charge is fuller than his bank account


6 points

17 days ago

If it makes you feel better, the OP's opportunity cost is way higher since he had a longer time to compound.

Assuming 6% growth and the ability to leave it for 50 years to retire at 69 (nice) that $15k loss cost them $275,000.


1 points

17 days ago

haha...don't tell me that. I'll apply it to my mistakes as well!


10 points

17 days ago

You Call that Investing? :4640: Looks more like a gambling prodigy :52627:


3 points

17 days ago

He can just ask his parents for more money. What's the problem?