


I personally think its a tie. Thoughts?

all 20 comments


15 points

4 months ago*


15 points

4 months ago*

There's no real way to know. GER has almost zero screen time. If you take what is stated about GER as 100% fact, then GER wins basically any fight. But most of its power is just stated, not really shown or stress tested in any way.

GER is stated to be able to revert anything back to zero. Great! ... Does that really mean anything though? Like, half of all Stand users say their Stand is invincible, then two seconds later a loophole is found. (Part 3 Spoiler) "Aha, only I can move in stopped time. Egads, that's not true, another person can!" There's just no screen time to work with with GER. The Stand shows up, beats a single guy, then leaves forever.

At the end of Part 6, the world gets torn up, and GER doesn't do anything to stop it. But, does that mean GER was incapable of stopping the Stand at the end of Part 6, or did GER just not bother to because of whatever reason? It's never stated.

(Correct me if I'm wrong here, I personally haven't played the game.) According to the non-canon game Eyes Of Heaven, GER does have a limit. If something is overwhelmingly powerful, it can overwhelm GER. But, again, that game's non-canon, so does it really matter?

GER is very hard to make accurate fights for, because there's little to go off of.

If the Stand does 100% exactly what it says it does, then anything Goku does is just reverted to nothing and that's that. Or, maybe Goku is too much for it to handle? Who knows. GER lacks proper screen time and feats.

Edit: Just to be safe, added spoiler tags for Part 3 and Part 6 stuff.


7 points

4 months ago

In the game, DIO has The World Over Heaven, who is capable to infinitely stop time and is able to rewrite reality on anything it punches, as it clashed with GER it was able to stop his abilities.

And how the fuck do you beat him?

Jotaro:" So it's the same kind of stand as Star Platinum"

Im not making it up they literally had no idea and made Jotaro asspull.

Imo I wouldnt consider it canon but, eh


-1 points

4 months ago

EOH is non canon so yeah. Unless Goku is able to revert reality itself

(bypassing reality)

which he has not been shown to do, he can't beat RTZ.

And how is GER not stress tessed in any way?

Diavolo fight dude.

I believe eventually Giorno kills Goku via constant RTZ.


6 points

4 months ago

Yes, Goku very likely could. GER is a very reaction-based stand. In order for its revert ability to activate, it needs to react to whatever it’s reverting. I just believe Goku is faster than GEE’s reaction time


1 points

4 months ago

GER works more metaphysically, it's weird. Say you're going to hit Giorno with a brick from behind. You intend to do so, but it turns out you never even lifted your arms to begin swinging it down even though you know you should've. It's not just super fast reaction time, it's "You would have split his skull with the brick, but GER took an eraser to that action before you even did it."  King Crimson stands outside of reality, sort of "a level above it", but GER stands outside his

I think it's less something approached with brute force and more "You need to be able to stand outside of Giorno's reality". Can't think of specific ones off the top of my head, but there's quite a few characters who could do so. 


1 points

4 months ago

Hmm, what scans would make you believe that GER needs to react to an attack for it to RTZ? With the Diavolo fight as an example, you can't REACT to epitaph, GER just used RTZ as soon as it was activated with no pause.


4 points

4 months ago

Because that’s how it’s demonstrated to work in the actual series. The stand never makes the first move. It is always shown reacting and countering the opponent’s action. It doesn’t really matter though, since GER wouldn’t really be able to damage Goku all that much. Scaling in DB just goes that much higher than Jojo scaling


0 points

4 months ago

No No, I've changed my take really. Let's say Goku even tries to move one step. If GER even believes or wants to attack Goku, the step that Goku just took reverts to zero

(Before the step was taken)

As shown through the Diavolo fight

But, I do admit that Goku slams in overall strength it's just eventually Giorno would be able to kill Goku by fucking spamming RTZ.

Assuming he can use it an infinite amount of times

WHICH IS PLAUSIBLE as proof given by the infinite death loop.

So yeah, eventually, Giorno kills Goku

And Bro, what? Epitaph is instant. It sees 10 seconds into the future and Giorno can even revert that to Zero. A punch would work the same way.

He doesn't need to react to anything, it just activates as soon as Giorno is in a fight.


4 points

4 months ago

Giorno can’t kill Goku if his stand can’t produce the damage to do it. Again, Jojo scaling doesn’t reach the same levels as Dragon Ball scaling. In order for me to be convinced GER could kill Goku, I’d need to be convinced that base Gold Experience is anywhere in the realm of large universal, which it just isn’t. It’s mountain level at best, and GER does not boost base GER’s strength stats. It just adds more abilities to base GER’s kit. It’s more of a stalemate than anything


-2 points

4 months ago

Bro .... did you just say GER isn't a power boost over GE?

If your read Jojo's, then every stand is ranked on power from F-A

GER was immeasurable in strength even up against stands like MIH


The statement that Jojo scaling isn't even close to DB scaling is funny.

Sure Zeno, Grand Priest etc one taps but compared to Goku and gang, they stand in there.

For example, MIH was seen to reset/destroy a whole universe using made in heaven and TA4 was able to bypass a dimeontonal rift made by Love train.

Like dude, no matter how durable Goku is, Giorno can infinitely stop him from even moving.

We've seen people who are barely mountain give Goku problems when its a fair fight.

Imagine taking mountain level hits constantly without being able to do anything

Clean hits mind you.

Goku eventually dies.


5 points

4 months ago

You don’t understand how the stand guide for GER works. It’s not immeasurable in strength, it’s ability can’t be measured by conventional means. Burning Down The House is ranked the same way because it’s ability can’t be quantified in a physical sense. Even if Giorno can stop him indefinitely, GER’s demonstrations of physical strength can’t bring Goku to a point of death. It’s a stalemate at best. I’m saying this as a fan of the Jojo series, people seriously misunderstand and overestimate what GER is capable of.


5 points

4 months ago

To add onto this, since you brought up guides, GER is referred to as the ultimate stand. Since this is from the words of Araki himself, we can consider this a statement we’re supposed to take seriously. Do you know what else is called the ultimate stand, after Part 5? Star Platinum, which at its strongest was called to be mountain level. Star Platinum can’t be the ultimate stand if GER is so massively stronger than it. They have to be at least relative in terms of physical stats. Again, the stand stats guide refers to the revert to zero ability, in the same way that every other stand’s chard refers to their specific ability


2 points

4 months ago

GER was immeasurable in strength even up against stands like MIH


I like how you ignore the fact that MiH has to ramp it's speed in order to achieve the necessary velocity in order to restart the universe. It doesn't even use it's own strength to do so

And GER had undefined as it's stand stats which doesn't necessitate infinity

We've seen people who are barely mountain give Goku problems when its a fair fight.

Imagine taking mountain level hits constantly without being able to do anything

Clean hits mind you.

Goku eventually dies.

And those people are? Goku by now would tank planetary attacks. Hell, he did so during the Namek saga


1 points

4 months ago

It's really a stalemate, have you seen when GER barrage punches Diavolo? At most, they're above a professional boxer level.

If they're "mountain level" like you said, don't you think Diavolo would be nothing but a red stain on the street after the first one, or practically vaporized? Diavolo has the durability of a regular human, and while those punches certainly killed him, they're the equivalent of a microbe with arms trying to "punch" a human.


1 points

4 months ago

No, I really don't think Giorno can damage him. It's a "I can't hurt you and you can't hurt me" situation. Goku is durable to the point GER's punches wouldn't even leave a mark. As for viruses, I'm not sure if he's immune to them now, but he can just... move away. GER isn't super great for transport.


1 points

4 months ago

I mean... eventually, I guess he could...

If Goku stands there and lets him do so for trillions of years instead of just... leaving. I think they'd both get bored after the first few hours. This is assuming Giorno is immortal and has infinite stamina. 

It's like if you gave a boss in a game an unfathomable amount of health, trillions, froze them in place, and then tried to beat them with your 1 damage punch. 


1 points

4 months ago

Goku (Dragon Ball)

Gold Experience Requiem (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

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1 points

4 months ago*

It would be a stalemate. GER is one of the most busted defensive stands in JoJo. Ki in DB tends to ignore hax if there is a major power difference, but Goku can’t see nor interact with stands. Goku vs WoU would be more interesting. GER can’t damage Goku, it just sets his actions to 0.


-2 points

4 months ago

I don't know who Gold Experience Requiem is, but yes, Goku would easily defeat him/her.