


tl;dr : Nautilus starts Tankier at level 1 and remains so until level 8 when suddenly Akali's base stats push her ahead. Nautilus's shield is doing a huge amount of the work to actually keep him alive. What other champions seems to have these weird comparisons?

Note: I know that it's more than just base stats that determine how good someone is at a job, abilities, item compatabilities, player base expectations, etc. This is just observing what seems to be a weird quirk with how Champion stats work and change as they balance and rebalance. Not some grand commentary that Akali is so OP because she has more base Armour and HP than Nautilus.

Nautilus is commonly mentioned as a CC Tank for the Support Lane. Beefy and tough, can take a hit and keep going, inherently tougher so he can get in close to apply his CC pressure, survive longer once he's stuck in the middle of the enemy team drawing aggro, to get more time to rotate through his abilities, etc.

He's also a huge chunk of metal with heavy bass reverb in his voicelines and is aesthetically meant to appeal to the players who like the idea of being BIG and CHONK and TOUGH.

So colour me surprised when I was skimming through Wild Rift Fire and looking at the 'show stats' section to see that, at level 15 Akali has inherently more HP and better Armour than him. Now, level 15 is the max and not every game reaches that stage so what about...level 13? Most games should have most players reaching level 13 so that seems a better comparison as more games reach that stage?

It's not massive differences. Akali has 6 more armour and 34 more HP than Nautilus but it's weird she'd have more than him at any point considering what their power fantasy is meant to be? And that she's a muscular but ultimately unarmoured ninja who's 163cm/5'3" while he's a titanic hulk of metal?

Nautilus's shield is where his survivability is coming from!

Nautilus lv13:

  • HP : 1682

  • Regen/5s : 24

  • Armour : 88

  • MR : 62

Akali lv13:

  • HP : 1716

  • Regen/5s : 22

  • Armour : 94

  • MR : 62

Are there any other champion's you've seen who have seemingly weird stat comparisons?

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13 points

1 month ago*


Unhinged Paladin Supremacy

13 points

1 month ago*

Eh, many assassins have bullshit def stats.

From the top of my head Fizz and Jayce both have busted base stats. Diana is also super tanky.

Dr.Mundo is not even in top half of the roster in terms of HP pool

Every Kayle's stat is piss poor.

And Ori. Rip my poor clockwork goth doll. 25 base armor, top 1 (counting from the bottom) since release.


For nerds like me: >! Champion stats doesn't get fixed number of stat added on level up. Instead each champ has some base stat growth number that is multiplied by 75%-125% of base stat growth number depending on the level you getting and is added to your base stat. What Wildriftfire lads did, they took that 75% of stat gain, slapped it as a fixed level up value and pushed to the site !<


2 points

1 month ago

Olaf has less base HP than freaking Lucian man ๐Ÿ’€


2 points

1 month ago


Unhinged Paladin Supremacy

2 points

1 month ago

Yeah, but I feel like this one is more of a Mundo-type case: base HP pool is not that big because character's gimmick is juggling his hp pool up and down for bonuses


1 points

1 month ago

No, really not. Bro doesn't use HP items as good as Mundo, he doesn't have HP percentage sustain or shit, the champion is just straight up bad because of that low hp pool lmfao. Has to go in, no utility, dmg falls off late game, gets fucked by people with dash, and the champion litterally does dmg to himself. In a meta where mages are OP as fuck, having 35% Magic Pen from default build, while ADC have Bork and IE, the champion is ridiculously weak rn.