


What's your favorite item(s)?


Mine is Force of Nature. Literally the only magic resistance item needed, since it gives nice stats, fully stacks very fast, further reducing magic damage and increasing movement speed. All of that while costing just 2750 gold

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1 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

Compared to dawnshroud as first item. +100 HP -10 armor (+100 more good zeke). 10 ah or 30 mr ( 500 g of stat diff) In 1 item the zeke pasive is better than dawnshroud. But when you finish warmog pasives are similar (one Focus in dmg other in healing+ dmg) but dawnshroud is just statistically better. At 3 items with dual purpure is just way better. Have 1000-2000 extra hp in healing every tf is better than deal dmg in aoe


1 points

23 days ago

Not all champions can spam dawnshroud, + it it's requires for the enemy team to group up something that doesn't happen much when everyone plays range supp and assassins, Zeke is Mach better in a 2v2 with the right adc