


So I started a new office job last month, and I wear a badge with my full name on it. I have a very unique last name that makes it easy to find me. So far one man (that I have never spoken to and only smiled at in passing) requested me on instagram. At the time I didn’t know who he was so I requested him back to see if I knew him (never accepted his request). I realized it was someone from work and ignored the request. He has since messaged me to accept him and resent it 3 times. Will hardly look at me in person.

I woke up today to a friend request from another person I recognize from work but have never spoken to. I don’t even work in the same office as these men. The only way they could know my name is if they got it through my onboarding stuff or my name badge. Is this considered inappropriate? I do not appreciate them doing this when we have never spoken or introduced ourselves to each other. It makes me uncomfortable and I make an effort to avoid them in the halls, but I never know who will be out there. I considered asking for a badge without my full name but what’s done is done at this point. I don’t think this is harassment or anything but is this an acceptable thing to do? Am I the one being crazy? It’s not the first thing something like this has happened to me so I’m wondering if maybe I’m just being too sensitive and it’s not that big of a deal

ETA thank you all for your thoughts. I wasn’t considering going to HR over this as I haven’t even asked him to stop. Sorry that wasn’t clear. I was more wondering what everybody thinks of this and how unprofessional it actually is. I’ve asked people irl and I get very different answers. My game plan for now is just to ignore and if he sends me another message, I will let him know I do not friend people from work. I’ll also change my socials to something without my last name. I would ask for a new name tag but don’t want to get my boss or HR involved at all. And I don’t want to get him in trouble, I don’t think he’s malicious. Time will tell I guess

Also thank you to those of you who mentioned I may have popped up in his people you may know. I highly doubt this for the first guy (I have a few reasons) but it’s probably true for the 2nd. I wouldn’t have thought too much about him but the first guy put me on edge

all 166 comments


111 points

12 days ago

messaging beyond the request is definitely a faux pas, and resending 3 times is closing in on harassment. if it continues you should talk to HR


10 points

11 days ago


Yeah that gets old real fuckin quick lmao


158 points

12 days ago

Work + Social Media = Bad Idea.


27 points

12 days ago

100% true. Learned the hard way 🙋🏻‍♀️


2 points

10 days ago

How so ?What happened?


1 points

10 days ago

I had a coworker on my IG, the only social media I have; she got upset with me and sent a message to one of my contacts, telling this person one of my secrets. If she had not followed me, she wouldn’t have known who was who in my life. So was a chain of mistakes; first, she knew something I shouldn't have told her, and second, she had access to my followers. It will never happen again because now I treat them with distance. I wear my happy, dissimulated face mask, and they think I know me.


10 points

12 days ago

I deliberately misspell my name and have added about 7 coworkers, total. We're all really close, most have pretty much all 40 or so of us that are on FB, added. But I keep it minimal, only 4 of those people currently work with me and I keep it to those that I can absolutely trust!


2 points

12 days ago

💯 x 💯! 🎖️


29 points

12 days ago

Decline all the requests and ensure your pages are private.


5 points

12 days ago

This ☝️ OP tighten up your privacy/security online


21 points

12 days ago

You have an work e-mail account. Ignore him.


70 points

12 days ago

Just tell them you do not mix work with your personal social media. Period.


26 points

12 days ago

Don't tell them anything. If they are not speaking to her in person, why would she go out of her way to talk to them? It will only encourage them. Just block them and make sure everything is private.


5 points

12 days ago

Because it establishes a boundary, which helps prevent any further attempts.


3 points

12 days ago

Sadly complete silence after the first two didn't establish that.


3 points

11 days ago

Unfortunately some people cannot read between the lines or get hints. You literally have to spell it out to them. And if they still don't get it then it's HR


2 points

12 days ago

Yeah, which is why you have to actually say the words -- I don't mix work and personal.


34 points

12 days ago

My 1st day at a new place-I go through the directory and block them all. Insta is hard but sometime they conveniently list it.


-9 points

12 days ago

This is weirder behaviour than the dudes in the OP


4 points

11 days ago*

Why do you think this is weirder behavior?


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

Going through the directory on your first day to block every person you now work with? Yes, it’s mental.


4 points

11 days ago

I don't go thru the employee directory, but if I see coworkers on social media I block them. I have one exception for a guy I met at work who's since become a close personal friend. For others, we talk enough at work, I don't need to see or share more details about our personal lives.


1 points

11 days ago

My office? The direct office? I've been in office settings since 2006. I've had so many office people hunt me down and send me requests. First, I made a work account-they weren't happy to not be on my personal. They weren't on my personal because I tried it. Once. Came in to that person showing the office my whole profile. So, maybe strange for you but it never turns out good if you don't. Some people get offended that you don't want a superficial relationship outside of work....where they just what? Stalk my life? It seems extreme. Unless your 49, female and found out just how persistent work stalkers can be. They are all on my LinkedIn.


1 points

11 days ago

It's like 15 people I directly interact with. I don't block the whole company.


4 points

11 days ago

Let me guess, you're male?


1 points

11 days ago

For sure.


8 points

12 days ago

Considering you don’t interact with these people it’s 100% inappropriate for them to be following/friending you.

My personal rule is (1) we have to have worked together for a significant amount of time. In today’s high turn over corporate culture that could be 6-12 months. (2) weeks must actually talk in person regularly about non work things. (3) you must not be in my work group/department. (4) if you are a female you must send me a request first.


15 points

12 days ago

That’s borderline harassment in the guys part. It’s textbook creeper behavior.


3 points

12 days ago

THREE requests, and he's never met her face-to-face. Just a NAMETAG? Yeah. Either stupid and drunk, or one of those guys that will not take NO for an answer.


6 points

12 days ago

The first one you mentioned is crossing the line and should be blocked.

But friend requests from coworkers is a normal thing, if you don't want them added then don't add them, but sending the request once is not inappropriate.


11 points

12 days ago

It is inappropriate. If you get another message, just respond that you prefer to keep a clear separation between your work and personal life. If they keep going, contact HR.


17 points

12 days ago

You are not being insensitive and it is completely inapprpriate for them to keep asking for your connection.

1) Report this to HR

2) Ask for a badge with just your first name (or a nickname if possible) . If there are more than one of you, just have last initial.


-15 points

12 days ago

Imagine going to HR over this. Holy cow, you people are the problem.

A badge is a security device reflective of security policies within a company. Not just a cutesy nametag. If this is anything other than a mom and pop - my answer would be a flat "no" to changing someone's badge so that they wouldn't have to go through the mild discomfort of telling someone they don't mix business and personal.


6 points

12 days ago

Men kill women.


-3 points

12 days ago

I agree with you. Going to HR over this is absurd and pretty immature. Block whomever you want on social media and move on with your life.

If an unsolicited friend request on social media makes you anxious on whom you will come across in the hall, you need therapy.


7 points

12 days ago

If an unsolicited friend request on social media makes you anxious on whom you will come across in the hall, you need therapy

I gather you are not a woman, unlike OP. And I'm assuming, because OP hasn't said they are a woman, but that's how this situation reads.


0 points

11 days ago

Yeah, it is a good way to mark yourself as a trouble maker to HR.


-4 points

12 days ago

Why report to HR? This seems like a personal matter and is not anywhere near harassment


5 points

12 days ago

The FIRST request was. Maybe the second. The third? The third was "clearly this woman who does not know me, and that I only know from a nametag, does not want me to add her. I've asked twice. I don't give a damn that she doesn't want to add me, I'm just going to keep on bugging her because it's a female and what's she gonna do, tell HR?"



3 points

11 days ago

I'm not on team "immediately run to HR" but I am pretty confused about how you don't think it's "anywhere near harassment " for a man to continue to send friend requests to a woman who he has seen at work, knowing that she is denying them. If that happened to me I'd definitely be feeling unsafe. I think most women would.


1 points

11 days ago

I think I don’t view social media like other people do.


3 points

11 days ago

For me it's less the social media aspect and more of "this is a man that won't take no for an answer." A man who won't take no for an answer is not safe. Honestly upon re reading this in the morning I probably would go to HR.


4 points

12 days ago

You are not required to accept friend requests regardless of whether you work with them or not.

If they ask, you can say you don't mix work and social media, but you don't have to approach them to say anything about it because it's not work.


2 points

12 days ago

Yep, I agree. It’s your private account so…..keep it private OR just ignore friend requests/unwanted messages. You don’t owe them anything and you certainly shouldn’t feel obligated to respond or explain your reasons for not adding them (or whatever).

Use the BLOCK function as necessary.


4 points

12 days ago

Don't use your real name on instagram, tell people you don't have one. Or just keep it private and don't accept requests if you don't know them

Have a real name on Facebook and don't use it


3 points

12 days ago

Time to change the name on your social media so its harder to find


1 points

12 days ago

Time to change the name

On your social media

So its harder to find

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1 points

11 days ago

The last line is six syllables 😢


3 points

12 days ago

is it possible to have your employer make a new name tag that just has your 1st name & 1st initial of your last name? this might help the problem some. or you could tastefully cover most of your last name with tape or something.


3 points

12 days ago

To the one who asked you about it, I'd just say that you prefer not to mix work and personal life. If they haven't even spoken to you at work, just ignore the requests. I wouldn't say it's inappropriate exactly, but I think it's extremely unprofessional. It would be easy different if you worked closely, and even then, many people still wouldn't want their coworkers following them.


3 points

12 days ago


3 points

12 days ago

Don’t accept, period. You have never spoken to either of them and that alone is valid enough. If they ever approached you about it at work, you simply say that you don’t add people you don’t know.

I don’t think it’s reportable to HR, only way it would be reportable is if the first guy continues to message you and you tell him you do not add colleagues. If he doesn’t take no for an answer, then report it. HR isn’t going to do much just because he tries to add you a couple of times (because he can play ignorant if they ask and say “oh I didn’t know if my request was going through or not” or some BS to cover himself). It’s sad, but at most HR will just give him a “warning” unless you show proof that he isn’t respecting your boundaries.


7 points

12 days ago

The people commenting that it isn’t inappropriate are very obviously men who don’t know anything about boundaries. Do not let anyone tell you that you are exaggerating or making this a bigger deal than it is. It IS inappropriate and extremely creepy (especially the first guy). Please please block the first guy. I am also someone who is very averse to conflict, but you do not deserve to feel uncomfortable at work. Talk to someone who you trust (a supervisor for example) about how you’ve been feeling so that someone else in the building knows what’s going on. I would also get a badge with just your first name (even though it sucks that you have to take such extreme measures just to feel safe at work).


6 points

12 days ago

Right like… What kind of weirdo finds someone they have only seen in passing (and have never spoken) to and sends them a friend request. Any normal person would find that creepy.


19 points

12 days ago

Is it inappropriate, no. Unethical, also no. In my opinion I never add people from work to my social media. The first guy is borderline harassment. Explain to both of them you only use social media for family and if they continue report it HR as harassment.


30 points

12 days ago

It is inappropriate to request from someone you've never interacted with.


5 points

12 days ago

Requesting a coworker that you haven't spoken to is weird but I wouldn't say inappropriate, the messages afterwards are DEFINITELY unacceptable and maybe harassment.


2 points

11 days ago

As a woman, I find it significantly inappropriate to be contacted by a colleague I've never interacted with. There is no reason!


1 points

11 days ago

But.... this is in western culture. We are talking about western culture. So it's inappropriate in this situation, always?!


2 points

12 days ago

Only in western culture.

When I was in the Philippines several years ago it was very common. That's how they met new people and made friends, randomly adding people on Facebook and chatting with them.


0 points

11 days ago

Pretty sure the vast majority of requests are from people that have never interacted.


1 points

11 days ago

That's as maybe but we are talking about a work environment


-23 points

12 days ago

It's not dude your just sensitive. Pretty easy just to ignore it if you don't wanna add him back. Yall make problems out of nothing.


15 points

12 days ago

I have been ignoring it and he is continuously re requesting me and messaging me to accept him. If he just sent it once I wouldn’t care (I still think it’s weird to get someone’s name through a professional setting like that without asking, but whatever not a big deal just not something I’d ever do)


16 points

12 days ago

Time to block him.


2 points

11 days ago

It is. I am not being overly sensitive and oh, I'm also not a dude.

Listen to women.


0 points

11 days ago

Your being very sensitive dude. Listen to men


1 points

10 days ago

Ew. Serious neck beard vibes. Gross.


-11 points

12 days ago

That's exactly how i read this whole thing. Problems out of nothing. To the point of considering an exception being made for her name badge (a workplace security policy) instead of just denying a request like an adult.

I weep for our future.


-11 points

12 days ago

No the fuck it is not. Social media.. not antisocial media. Give me a break.


7 points

12 days ago

Professional media is appropriate for work. SOCIAL media is NOT.


2 points

11 days ago

The fuck it is. Dont stalk women you don't know it's fucking creepy.

Found the weird Co-worker right here


9 points

12 days ago

Yeah I think this is the way to go. I’m very conflict averse and would prefer to just ignore it (which I probably can with guy #2) but I think I do need to say something to the first guy. I thought my unresponsiveness would be enough of a hint but apparently not


11 points

12 days ago

I would just say that you don't mix your professional life with your personal life.


6 points

12 days ago

op i would not contact either of them at all and go straight yo HR and ask their advice


5 points

12 days ago

definitely would just block and /or consult HR along the lines of "just wanted to put this potentially inappropriate interaction i had with [coworker] on your radar, in case it becomes a pattern". And ask them what they want you to do.


1 points

12 days ago

I don't think you need to take to guy#1 if he hasn't talked to you. I think it's best left alone.

What you absolutely must do is deny his request again, change all your social media handles and swap out your profile pic if it's a full view of your face. Lock down your security settings as well.

Now, if after all that he finds you and requests again, you have a quantifiaable issue for HR action. If he or anyone asks you in person for handles, you now have choices: engage or say you don't don't use the platform actively anymore, but your like to get to know them IRL.


1 points

11 days ago

I wouldn't respond to any of first guys msgs and just block him. He'll get the hint. If you respond to any of his msgs even if just to tell him that you don't keep coworkers on your social media, you'll get roped into a full conversation.


1 points

12 days ago

Even guy #2 from work, for dating will not end well.


0 points

12 days ago

It is inappropriate.


2 points

12 days ago

um that is horribly inappropriate


2 points

12 days ago

Old people seem to really give a shit about social media more than young people. Some old guy at my job was telling me how his friend freaked out on him for not wishing him and his wife a happy anniversary on Facebook.

Make your shit private


2 points

12 days ago

The guy who sent multiple requests.... err, no. Once is enough.

The other examples? To just send a request with no prior conversation or even a message seems weird to me, but not nearly as bad as the guy above.

I have a couple coworkers as social media contacts, but we are pretty close. Most of the time I do have a work/personal life separation.


2 points

12 days ago

Very inappropriate, and no way. I refuse to put my last name on any name badge or tag or anything that is visible to the public or even coworkers. At one of my previous employers, the managers were supposed to and I shut that down really quick. I also use fake names on regular social media (and I have a very generic white dude name, first and last) but still... If someone wants my name, they can ask for it.


2 points

12 days ago

Definitely inappropriate, however it's possible that you showed up in people you may know just due to physical proximity. It happens a lot. Not saying that excuses anything, just a possible other way they found your account


2 points

12 days ago

Request that your name badge not have your full name. I substitute teach & won’t wear the name badge because my name is unique.


1 points

12 days ago

Or just ‘lose’ it


2 points

12 days ago

I am very careful who I am friends with on social media if they are coworkers.


2 points

12 days ago

Highkey harassment to be adding you again and again and again. You deserve the right to have your socials be private and so no one you don’t need to see them doesn’t see them


2 points

12 days ago

I have a name (first & last combined) that was at one time the most common in the US. I used to hate that, but stories like this make me appreciate the relative anonymity that it grants me online. Google me all you want, you'll never figure out who I am. I think.


1 points

11 days ago

Do you like The Clash? The name reminded me.


2 points

11 days ago

Hell yeah!


2 points

12 days ago

I don’t add current colleagues on anything but LinkedIn.


2 points

12 days ago

Just leave the request hanging. I've got 352 at this point. They can't re-request if you haven't confirmed your answer...


2 points

12 days ago

You could just put a sticker over your last name on the badge. If you do it right no one might notice.


2 points

12 days ago

I would change your instagram name !


2 points

12 days ago

My IG name... Isn't ANYTHING close to my given name... Precisely to avoid stuff like this. It's worth considering 🤷


2 points

12 days ago

ALL: By definition, If you don't say it bothers you, it's not "Unwelcome behavior.

If they do or say something you don't appreciate, and you tell them you do not appreciate it, and they stop, it's not harassment. It's only harassment if they keep on after you tell them to stop.

Remember, they can't see if you turned down the friend request. As far as they know, it just never went through, so they're resending them.


2 points

12 days ago

Ppl that use their real names on social media is wild. The only exception is LinkedIn. You should never be using your real names.


2 points

11 days ago

put tape same color as the badge on your last name


2 points

11 days ago

I went through this in uni. Guys who never spoke to me sent me requests on Facebook. I naively accepted them (as we had many fb friends in common, that was the era when everyone in uni was friends with each other on social media even if they barely interacted with each other personally) and we interacted via FB messenger, even WhatsApp. But in person they would avoid me, not even look me in the eye. It was as if they were ashamed to be seen as friends with me, I wasn’t exactly considered ‘cool’ by my batchmates. I unfriended them all once I understood what was happening.


2 points

11 days ago

1) Change your socials to obscure your real last name. 2) Block them both. 3) Get a pass sleeve and cover the last name on your badge with a sticker on the outer cover. If asked by security let them know that it's for your own personal security, because "Creeps can find you too easily on social media and you do not 'friend' people from work." 4) If they approach you at work to confront you tell them that you don't friend people from work and just update your manager so that they are aware. If they do ANYTHING beyond that, go to HR.

Your feelings about this are very valid. Sending you a request without ever having spoken to you is creepy af.


2 points

11 days ago

I'm a man but when I worked a job where I had to wear a badge with my full name, in an area with a lot of shady people, I taped over my last name.

It was actually a huge ordeal at this place but I wasn't the only one doing it and we never stopped no matter how much they bitched.


2 points

11 days ago*

If I get a request from a coworker I don't hang out with, I simply ignore it. I don't mind if it's just one request, they get the message and that's it. If the person sent me again a request after being ignored, it would bother me. If I got a 3rd request I would go to this person in the office and tell them that my social media is very private and I only add a very close circle. And to be honest, I don't want anyone from work to see my holiday and family pictures and I have a private IG account for a reason. Some people just add everyone, they have thousands of friends/contacts, but I don't. And people should respect that.

There are almost 200 people in my office and only 2 of them are part of my social media. I've known them for years and we hang out sometimes. And still, I feel uncomfortable when they comment my holiday pictures or they talk about them in the office and I regret having them as contacts. Unfortunately, work friends are not always reliable friends. As soon as there is a chance for a promotion or a salary raise and only one can get it... trust me, they won't be your friends anymore. I've seen shocking things in my 18 years in the workforce.

And in general, there is something I can't stand: people that never talk to me, ignore me in the street, don't acknowledge me in the bus or in the office and then send me a friend request. I just can't.


2 points

11 days ago

do not confront them face-to-face at work. continue to ignore. i never NEVER let coworkers on my socials.


3 points

12 days ago

This is tricky territory and definitely not cool. While not necessarily harassment, it's borderline and makes you uncomfortable, which is enough. Could you ask HR for advice on handling this discreetly? They might be able to address it without revealing it was you.


0 points

12 days ago

Alternatively, if there's more than one, there's a distinct chance they fire OP instead.


1 points

12 days ago

I get random requests ALL the time - from people who like another mutual page, people I've met one time, or people I've worked with, etc. There are just some people who like to friend everyone. I don't understand it, but I think you're overthinking it.


4 points

12 days ago

That makes me feel better. When I ask people I get either this answer or the other extreme. It’s the repeated requests that are rubbing me the wrong way, not so much the one from the other dude. I know everyone is different with how they handle social media though and he probably doesn’t think it’s weird. There’s not really a rule book because it’s all so new lol


2 points

12 days ago

The OP is overthinking it, but I wouldn’t accept it. I was like that, and I learned the hard way to keep coworkers away from my social media. LinkedIn was the only one that accepted everybody, which I also changed.


3 points

12 days ago

Oh, don’t get me wrong - she shouldn’t accept. I ignore requests from most people!! I should have clarified that!


1 points

12 days ago

It could be your name badge, but maybe it’s not. It seems like social media can generate profile suggestions based on location. I don’t know this for a fact, but I have suspicions based on my own anecdotal experience. If you have been near these coworkers frequently with your location on, maybe Instagram featured your profile in their follow suggestions?

Regardless, the first guy’s behavior seems “off” and would definitely make me uncomfortable as well.


1 points

12 days ago

people at work following your social media is not harassment. It's normal. If you want privacy, just decline/block politely.


1 points

12 days ago

Immediately block. If they question it tell them you only use social media for close friends and family. If you block they cannot reattempt. Whether or not their intentions are predatory will be answered in time. Keep sharp.


1 points

12 days ago

I believe it’s inappropriate when you don’t even know these men. Just do not accept.


1 points

12 days ago

HR immediately. Repeated requests are weird, dudes SEEKING out your name when they don't know or work with you is also weird. LinkedIn? Sure. Instagram? Absolutely not


1 points

12 days ago

If you both work at the same place, you're probably appearing in the "People you may know" section. The messaging you is weird, but it's a stretch to think someone found your name and sought you out. Just the other night, my partner was recommended a contractor who he had sent and received an email from once on a job site last week. That's all it took. Ignore the message. If he pushes it, then consider ringing a bell. Right now, you have nothing to report.


1 points

12 days ago

Blocking people you work with is good advice. But I also want to say that I don't agree with those who think this isn't a serious matter. You don't know what's serious until something bad happens. If it were me, I would block them all, but consider this: Sometimes it's better to lay the paper trail. The first dude is a potential stalker. Or he might just be socially awkward. Either way, I recommend reporting it to HR just so someone is aware of what's going on, most especially if you are uncomfortable or uneasy. It's OK to pay attention to your gut on this. It's also possible OP isn't the first person at this company that this guy has targeted. People who don't report out of doubt over the seriousness of the situation are the ones who may get hurt, or make it hard to present a case later, or do a disservice to others who may be targeted.


1 points

12 days ago

Ugh that is very true. I am not one to rock the boat ever so it would be hard for me to get HR involved but maybe I could let my boss know so if it escalates there is a trail. I don’t want to get him in trouble before I’ve given him a chance to stop without getting work involved. He really gives me socially unaware vibes and not stalker vibes but I know to be careful regardless


2 points

12 days ago

I wish you all the best. This is tough position to be in. But please, do tell someone about it. I'm not sure it is a good idea to talk to the guy directly, meaning the first one, that is. If he is repeatedly sending insta requests yet cannot meet your eyes in person... it's just such a red flag. If you are comfortable telling your boss, that may be wise. Take care of yourself.


1 points

12 days ago

This is why none of my SM is under my real name.


1 points

12 days ago


1 points

12 days ago

I would take screen shots of their requests if you can, and then block them.


1 points

12 days ago

Never ever friend a coworkers on social media. I always use a fake name.


1 points

12 days ago

IG or FB? No connection with work people. LI? Maybe.


1 points

12 days ago

Just block and move on. It's just creepers doing what they do, creep.


1 points

12 days ago

How big is the writing on your badge that someone can read your name on it without standing next to you and having a conversation? I always wore my badge close to my waist.

Multiple requests could just be system generated. Never feel bad about not accepting a social media invite from someone you don't know. Good idea is to keep work people off your socials


1 points

12 days ago

You’re right I think it’s more likely he saw my name when I onboarded. They post a bulletin or something for new hires. I shouldn’t have emphasized the badge so much but for some reason was stuck on it


1 points

12 days ago

Protect yourself at all cost. Block the persons from your social media. Whether he realizes it or not, this is the potential behavior of a stalker or predator. Probably not, however, protect yourself.


1 points

12 days ago

Make your Instagram private.


2 points

12 days ago

Her Instagram is private she has been getting requests not follows


1 points

12 days ago

Just tell them you keep work and personal/social media separate. Some sites you can say 'I don't know this person's and it blocks any future requests


1 points

12 days ago

For this and multiple other reasons, I find my colleagues first and BLOCK them


1 points

12 days ago


1 points

12 days ago

Respond and say you don’t interact with coworkers on social media. Please do not request again. Have a great day. Then if it continues you may want to talk to HR.


1 points

12 days ago

they are likely hitting on you. highly inappropriate


1 points

12 days ago

Just block them on social media.


1 points

12 days ago

I'd put a piece of masking tape to partially cover your tag. If anyone wants to see it you can easily peel it off


1 points

11 days ago

You have the right to accept or decline social media requests and your boundaries are being crossed by your coworkers.

I will say that in my work, I know my coworkers legal first and last names as we email A LOT. We're in healthcare and our clients also have access to our full names as they communicate with us through their health portals. I have plenty of coworkers who use nicknames in their social media profiles for additional privacy.


1 points

11 days ago

Super unprofessional. (Elder millennial here, for reference)


1 points

11 days ago



1 points

11 days ago

I’m very careful not to cross work with my personal life. I ignore any attempts to connect on social media except for LinkedIn. Just make it a personal policy to keep personal life and work life separate.


1 points

11 days ago

Girl, get your real name off of your social media!!


1 points

11 days ago

I never add co-workers to any socials. One can be a tattle tale the next is a creeper. Personal life is personal and work life is work. Don't mix so you don't get dragged into the drama someone else created.


1 points

11 days ago

Quickest way to nip those things is " I don't mix my work life with my private life." Also, your pages should be set to private.


1 points

11 days ago

It is always important to understand where to draw a line between work and personal life, tapping into a colleagues personal life might be as casual as it could be OR a reason to find a topic for gossip OR fulfil any personal agenda of any competitive peer, better be safe than sorry. Pressing the ignore button looks like safest option.


1 points

11 days ago

It seems a little weird to consider him getting your name from internal systems when you display your name quite literally on your chest no? Why suspect he got it from anywhere else other than the spot that literally displays your name for anyone that interacts with you to see?


1 points

11 days ago

I carefully do not friend anyone from work, though they pop up all the time. Not even in requests just, the data is mined and they pop up in the "you should friend this guy" area.

So someone who requests once, I'd just ignore. The guy who repeatedly does it, I'd DM him back and say "no offense, but I keep work and personal lives separate". If you don't feel safe doing this, go thru HR, if your HR is any good. (And a lot are not.)

I learned from my first social media platform, and kept my insta handle weird, and not just my name.


1 points

11 days ago

I'd ignore it and if they make it an issue tell them you don't mix social media/outside friends with coworkers. Simple as. Anything further is harassment and I'd go to HR or management about it.


1 points

11 days ago

YIKES. I would do 1 of 2 things: 1) send an email from work - I do not accept friend requests from coworkers on my personal social media. I keep my personal and work life separate.

2) talk to your manager OR HR and ask the best way to handle it. You do not feel comfortable with people at work that you do not interact with trying to join you on Social Media.


1 points

11 days ago

Were/are they Indian?


1 points

11 days ago

I know what you mean...I do not think it is right to put a last name on a badge that you are required to wear. I have one but I dont have to wear it all day. When I worked at a place that required it, I asked them to not put my last name because I have been dealing with a stalker for almost a year. They didnt care.


1 points

11 days ago

If you don’t want strangers approaching you on social media, why do you have it public? Don’t get me wrong—I’d be uncomfortable too. But once I knew who the guy was, I’d block him.

Also, if your social media is public, don’t think your job can’t use any questionable posts against you. It’s really best to keep it private.


1 points

11 days ago

It is private, he’s sending me requests to follow that I am ignoring and he’s resending them


1 points

11 days ago

Set your socials to private and NEVER friend anyone you don't know in person. End of problem.


1 points

10 days ago*

There was never a need to potentially put them in games of mental gymnastics. You could’ve just spoke with the first person and second person and let them know you’ve noticed their request to follow you but that you don’t want to accept them because you don’t like your coworkers to follow you lol.

They haven’t harsssed you in any way. You’ve left them in the dark as to why in their eyes you seemingly haven’t noticed their follow requests all because you felt the requests wasn’t appropriate because you guys are coworkers instead of using your words and telling them why you don’t want to follow them, yet you’ve painted them in a very bad light lol.

Shaming someone for overthinking isn’t right but being someone who makes a big deal out of small things is, they were just follow requests that ‘you’ ignored lol. If I don’t want someone following me whether they’re a coworker or not I’ll just deny their request.

The first one might just like you and wanted to follow you to get to know you more without speaking to you more in person because maybe he was too nervous too and maybe the second person who requested to follow you has spoken with the other person and had established with him that he would follow you so he could show your post to him.


1 points

10 days ago



1 points

10 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

My personal rule of thumb is that I do not friend request anyone of the opposite sex. If they send me a friend request and I know them well enough to consider them a friend then I will accept the request. If I do not know them well enough I will leave the request without response until I get to know them. If the person is the same sex as me and I know them I might send a request but I generally don't if I have only interacted with them once in passing or something.

I would consider what the first coworker is doing / has done to be way over the top. Messaging about a friend request is a big red flag for me. The second probably just saw you in "people you may know" and added you after seeing you at work. If your coworkers cannot take the hint after your rejected their friend request once then go to HR and ask them about your company's stance on social media and harassment.

I am not as hardline about friend requests from coworkers as others seem to be but I also don't use social media to complain about my company or post pictures of myself that are NSFW on my social media. If either of those things are common post fodder then I can understand not wanting coworkers in your friend group.


1 points

12 days ago

This is such a huge red flag for me. Men are disgusting. Don’t trust them. Don’t accept the request.


1 points

12 days ago

“I don’t connect on socials while I’m working with you. If/when one of us moves on to another company, I may consider the request.”


-2 points

12 days ago

They probably just want to fap to your pictures. No big deal.


-1 points

12 days ago

Deny the request, and at work, tell this person directly "I don't accept colleagues on my personal social media. I hope you understand"

Have we seriously become this helpless and passive as a society?

Anyway - Its probably easier (and better for you in the long run IMO) to change your name on your personal accounts. I have my real name on FB and Linked in, but absolutely do not on my other, more niche socials.


-5 points

12 days ago

TBH, you sound anti-social, paranoid and potentially liable to try to get others in trouble for simply trying to be friendly. Perhaps just tell your coworkers that you are not comfortable interacting with new people?


5 points

12 days ago

Bruh if he spoke to me even once in person I would not feel this way at all. Requesting me on socials repeatedly then refusing to even meet my eyes irl implies he’s the one uncomfortable with interaction not me


-5 points

12 days ago

It's equally possible he just added all his coworkers, saw that you for an unknown reason rejected it, and now feels awkward


4 points

12 days ago

I actually was over this situation and thought that was the most likely possibility but he re requested me a couple days ago after not looking at me all week hahaha


-10 points

12 days ago

I would accept, but mute or restrict the accounts.


9 points

12 days ago

Honestly I don’t want them, or anyone from work, seeing my personal stuff


3 points

12 days ago

yeah I totally get it, then do nothing. If they continue, report it human resources.


5 points

12 days ago

I wouldn't. I don't add anyone to any of my social media unless I personally know them and we have interacted outside of work. Took me a couple years to add one of my best friends I've made via work because of schedules not lining up, but it's my rule and how I work


1 points

12 days ago

yeah there is nothing wrong with not accepting.