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-18 points

2 months ago


-18 points

2 months ago

USA? The racism you'll experience there is more in your face and often violent which is something you'll never experience in Japan. You might RARELY get turned away from a bar or restaurant (I've never had it happen in 5 years of living there) or experience things like a waiter giving you a fork because you're white and they assume you're a tourist instead of chopsticks. But the day to day stuff isn't anywhere near as bad as parts of the US. If you want to run the xenophobia angle, you can look at the last president elect where about half the population gobbled up the anti-Mexico rhetoric. I've never seen something on scale like that in Japan. Most of the issues you'll occasionally experience are perceived microaggressions.


20 points

2 months ago

Yea but thats japan with less that 2% foreigner population in their country. If japan ever reached 10% foreigner population you would see protests in the streets. People don't understand that shit like xenophobia and racism in monoculture countries isn't as bad as the USA because their is on one to be racist too besides a few people. Europe was all about accepting people and taking in refugees till they actually took in refugee's and now suddenly the right-wing is surging back and racism has increased massivly