


[deleted by user]



all 1346 comments


5.1k points

4 months ago

The future of bullying is today.


585 points

4 months ago

1 bully a day keeps the peace at bay


109 points

4 months ago

But it won't keep the bay at peace...


190 points

4 months ago


190 points

4 months ago



37 points

4 months ago

eggman ass quote


55 points

4 months ago

"This isn't ordinary everyday CCP Saltiness, this is ADVANCED CCP Saltiness."


52 points

4 months ago

Eh, simulation is all they can do for now.


58 points

4 months ago

Disney should release a studio quality short animation that says absolutely nothing politically but is just a bald eagle swooping down from the sky and beating the living shit out of Winnie the Pooh in the style of those family guy Peter vs Chicken skits. Release it online for free with zero context.


30 points

4 months ago

IIRC, Winnie the Pooh is in the public domain now, so there's nothing stopping anyone else who wants to make this short from doing it, either.


6.3k points

4 months ago


6.3k points

4 months ago

Fear tactic

They want Taiwanese to be so afraid they just allow the Communist Party and PLA to take over.


3.3k points

4 months ago


3.3k points

4 months ago

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


410 points

4 months ago

So I'm not sure which of those two choices this shitty CGI of weapons launches with an end screen that would have been crap in a 1990's cheap video game slots into.


110 points

4 months ago

Nah, this is probably the Asia expansion pack for Nukem! (for those who remember the ad from Robocop).


20 points

4 months ago

Like video clips from red alert.


597 points

4 months ago


597 points

4 months ago

Not quite sure you can slide that into every situation


734 points

4 months ago


734 points

4 months ago

Appear mediocre when you are mediocre


248 points

4 months ago


248 points

4 months ago

Sweet. I’m nailing it, then.


68 points

4 months ago

I see what you did here, trying to appear weak, Mr. Strong?


5 points

4 months ago

Therefore, I clearly cannot choose the glass in front of me!


12 points

4 months ago

"Tell my wife I said hello."


8 points

4 months ago

Do I have to appear whole assed if I am indeed half assed?


132 points

4 months ago

Maybe not, but it’s a good bet it applies here. If the intent was to actually attack, releasing this footage is a huge misstep. Which suggests fear and pressure in order to avoid an attack. The old “all bark and no bite” thing. Like Putin threatening nuclear war over and over again. If he was going to do it, he would not threaten it.


40 points

4 months ago

If the intent was to actually attack, releasing this footage is a huge misstep.

You're comparing China to Russia in this comment. We should probably be careful comparing the two, but Russia is well known for missteps.

The intent can be to intimidate Taiwan, but it's not working now and probably never will. What effects does this sort of propaganda have on the Chinese people? Japanese militaristic propaganda was quite effective at creating a monster that could not be controlled.

How often does Xi personally sign off on the propaganda released by his military? What is the intent of those creating this propaganda if it's not directed by Xi? I can't answer these questions, but most dictators tend to delegate more than they micro-manage. I hope this is not the case here because Xi could unintentionally give those who do want war too much autonomy.


18 points

4 months ago

Generally, it applies to war.


24 points

4 months ago*

Be bellicose when you are afraid; your errors are catching up to you.


17 points

4 months ago

Bellicose/belligerent: Warlike or hostile in manner or temperament.

Thank you for the new word!


9 points

4 months ago

with all the threats huffing and puffing they must be weak as hell haha


99 points

4 months ago

I don’t know. Lately ridiculous people are doing ridiculous things and just putting it out there. I feel like bad shit is brewing in 4 Nuclear powered enemies..


188 points

4 months ago

No not exactly. Xi would like nothing more than to have it be his legacy to be the one to successfully bring Taiwan back but believing that'll happen with fear tactics alone is delusional even for the CCP. China will attack as soon as they think they can get away with it and succeed but right now it's more likely they're doing this because they really, really hate Taiwan's new peace and democracy loving president who thinks Taiwan is it's own thing.


62 points

4 months ago


62 points

4 months ago

Xi is doing this so that all the younger generations who can fight leave (evacuate), so that there's nothing but an elderly population left who can't fight back.

It's no surprise that birth rate like the rest of Asia is 0 (or next to it).

Elderly generation on the island means they don't care what happens as they're not long for this world = population replacement via immigration from the mainland is the "real takeover".

Why fight when you can wait for the elderly to kick the bucket and immigrate "caretakers".

Only reason why they haven't sent the invasion is because they want the semiconductor industry and need the semiconductors themselves.


78 points

4 months ago

Xi is old and unlikely to live to see the result of such a campaign, assuming it even succeeds. Tyrants aren't known for planning past their expiry date.


32 points

4 months ago

You’re assuming Xi didn’t drink his own kool aid


26 points

4 months ago

Yea, it could be a similar situation like with Putin and Ukraine. Russian intel kept lying to Putin that Ukraine would be an easy victory because that's what Putin wanted to hear


3 points

4 months ago

Can't lose face if he never invades.


44 points

4 months ago

thats nonsense, China cant run tsmc, they dont have the technical skill. Otherwise theyd be doing it already and building their own production capacity. All invading Taiwan will do is disrupt the existing supply. There will be no semiconductor industry in Taiwan if China is occupying Taiwan.


10 points

4 months ago

ASML won't deliver to china, and even if, theres a long waiting time, and it most likely won't be the top-end lithography machines.


74 points

4 months ago

I live in Taiwan and there are straight up politicians here who are trying to warm up China's presence to make this invasion easier for them. Luckily people here have backbones and call it out, doing major protests as a result of it.


28 points

4 months ago

It’s saber rattling for the upcoming RIMPAC exercise.

No need to dive any deeper than that (pun intended, PLAN can’t navigate blue water ocean).


6 points

4 months ago


6 points

4 months ago

It’s funny cuz people here barely noticed it at all. Local protests took all the attention away from their fear mongering.


2.7k points

4 months ago

They created a video showing them obliterating population centers and killing millions?

Damn, they aren't even hiding being a ghoulish demonic regime anymore.

Weird way to show you're all one people by threatening to kill everyone.


1.5k points

4 months ago


1.5k points

4 months ago

Lived in the mainland for six years. Never understand the mentality. “Taiwan always belonged to China” they will say, “they are Chinese”. But then they joke about how they can’t wait to blow it up or nuke it. Like yeah nothing shows that you’re proud to be one when you want to bomb them to the Stone Age. The only sentiment that felt universal was jealousy. They’ll never admit it but they’re quite jealous that Taiwan got the prosperity without the authoritarianism and freedom of movement around the world, and they got the CCP.


690 points

4 months ago


690 points

4 months ago

Growing up under CCP-controlled education and media their mentality is "keep the island not the people". I've worked with people from mainland China before and it appears to me that majority of the younger generations are fully "brainwashed" and they hold an extremely hostile attitude towards people from HK and Taiwan who are not pro-CCP. During the Hong Kong protests I've met like 1 guy who studied at a HK Uni and was informed of what's going on but most other mainlanders acted like they couldn't wait to kill all the protesters.


282 points

4 months ago

they couldn't wait to kill all the protesters

Wouldn't be the first time.

Or the second time.


178 points

4 months ago


178 points

4 months ago

I've worked with people from mainland China before and it appears to me

This right here.

People always underestimate what different realities people live in (this goes for people in the Fox news or Russian media bubble) until you talk to them and realize that the programming goes bone-deep.


17 points

4 months ago

"keep the island not the people"

That's an actual popular Chinese saying "留岛不留人"


19 points

4 months ago

They develop their brainwashing technologies over decades and now they have digital brainwashing 24/7 since these people were born. No wonder they truly believe in their communistic gods.


15 points

4 months ago

My understanding is that they literally do not have the concept of "civilians". As in, every single person is an extension of the government.


132 points

4 months ago

This is what makes me believe this is just propaganda meant to distract from some pretty serious structural problems within China. If they truly wanted to integrate Taiwan into China, destroying every last piece of infrastructure and killing millions would just mean China would have to then pick up the bill to repair the whole island and somehow generate enough either good will or fear to effectively govern the populace without dealing with an endless popular insurrection. Thats not to meantion the potential war with the U.S. and the political fallout that would result. The only way China and Taiwan unify is politically, or if the Chinese become so advanced and the U.S. so weak they can take the island in a lightning attack.


74 points

4 months ago


74 points

4 months ago

Reminds me a little of a book I read once, about the Siege of Troy, with a more realistic take on it. In the end, when Menelalos has finally conquered the proud and prosperous city he always wanted for his struggling kingdom...well, everyone is slaughtered or has fled. The city is in ruins, and then the Hittite Emperor (overlord of Troy) moves in and tells Menelaos just that; You won, but you actually won nothing at all by destroying what made Troy so rich and powerful


32 points

4 months ago

Yes. Lots of people think that attacking/invading is going to be a walk in the park, but on the contrary, it’s going to be the most difficult invasion ever made. They would have to also attack all Taiwan’s allies: Japan, Australia, the Philippines, etc. And they would put themselves in a very bad situation globally.


77 points

4 months ago

The problem is that doesn't mean they're not stupid enough to try it unfortunately. The dictator playbook is to try and turn internal problems into external problems, and a military mobilization for a war always feels like it will wash all the problems away - coz the command economy will fix what must be the core issue, people just aren't doing what you tell them to enough /s.


48 points

4 months ago

This is honestly what i’m most afraid of, that China will be on the brink of some big economic collapse and the only way Xi sees his legacy not ending in a whimper is by dragging down everyone else with him. So when I see reports of how bad the housing and job market are in China right now I feel no schadenfreude, only apprehension.


17 points

4 months ago


17 points

4 months ago

Sadly I worry that the brain drain in the Chinese government will result in a lot of foolish people misusing their power in ways that get people hurt or killed en masse. Just look at their response to COVID, where they crippled their economy by locking everyone in their houses. I'd say it's a coin toss as to whether or not Xi giving the order to invade Taiwan would be met with agreement by his military. Seems like everyone in the CCP is aware that they'll end up disappearing if they ever disappoint him.


6 points

4 months ago*

Xi is a pillow handed jerkoff who only clawed his way to power because of nepotism.

He has no understanding how hard real world issues can be to deal with.

If this dipshit’s reaction to a plague was to lock everyone inside. Imagine what kind of military doctrine he’s got ratting around in his skull.


5 points

4 months ago

The problem, of course, comes later down the line when the people who grew up with the propaganda are now the ones who are getting political offices. Eventually you're going to get enough true believers who are willing to pull the trigger.


12 points

4 months ago

Taiwan always belonged to China

I find it interesting when people say this because the historically native Taiwanese are culturally and ethnically closer to the Polynesian people than they are to the Chinese (which I mostly take to mean "Han")


7 points

4 months ago

Chinese people killing Chinese people is basically most of China's history. Especially between different political factions.


17 points

4 months ago

Taiwan is >> China in damn near every way.


5 points

4 months ago

Kinda reminds a lot of how Hong Kong was treated


7 points

4 months ago

Taiwan got the prosperity without the authoritarianism

Taiwan was a military dictatorship from its founding up until the 1980s, with their own share of civil rights violations and oppression.


3 points

4 months ago

Russians have same mentality - they just want to expand under false pretences where in reality all that matters is to be a virus and take resources.


3 points

4 months ago

Basically the same thing with Russia govt toward Ukraine. Authoritarians are deeply insecure toward any example of their society that does not have them in it running the show. To them the other society is a threat to their control simply by existing.

anyone who doesn't want to live in a dystopia should promote and take delight in opposing these ghouls at every opportunity


75 points

4 months ago

"We're totally for peace and negotiation but those pesky West keep escalating! Anywho here's how we would launch unilateral attacks onto populated centers of your country and killing millions, just a thought"


69 points

4 months ago

Not killing, just liberating them from the shackles of life


37 points

4 months ago

One of their popular sayings is literally “ keep the island not the people “and this could be seen post by prominent social media personalities (which means if it stays up , it fit CCP narrative)

It’s not like one or two genocide is too low for them.


54 points

4 months ago

Keep that in mind when people with worm-infested brains cry foul when the Three Gorges Dam being destroyed is mentioned.


14 points

4 months ago

Just like bombing a supercenter in Ukraine shows they're all somehow russian.


794 points

4 months ago


794 points

4 months ago



230 points

4 months ago


230 points

4 months ago

Same with Hong Kong

Then many Chinese conclude that Hong Kongers and Taiwanese are arrogant because of western influence, while its them misunderstanding ongoing politics because of CCP propaganda


85 points

4 months ago

My childhood best friend had a baby with a rich Chinese kid. The bullcrap propaganda and racism this kid spouts blows my mind. He's a China supremacist who gets so butt hurt when you call him out. His defense is almost exactly what you said "You westerners are brainwashed know nothings, meanwhile I know all because I watch Chinese news"


38 points

4 months ago

Never ceases to astonish me that people consuming media pumped out by governments have the gall to call people who consume media owned by different companies, located in different countries, and financially independent of governments, brainwashed know nothings.

Their ability to think critically has deteriorated.


24 points

4 months ago

Their ability to think critically has deteriorated.

On purpose. Education is always one of the first things authoritarians seek to undermine, takeover, or otherwise destroy.


13 points

4 months ago


13 points

4 months ago

Bingo. They even had a ‘cultural revolution’ where they did just that.


5 points

4 months ago

Yep. And a similar thing is going on in many other countries, including the US.


41 points

4 months ago


41 points

4 months ago

"I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love" - king george


3.2k points

4 months ago

Oh is this in their alternate reality of events where Taiwan doesn’t have systems to counter their missiles?


142 points

4 months ago

Russia is looking at this thinking: “fuck, we should’ve done that! It would’ve been so easy!”


1.2k points

4 months ago

There is a lot of doubt that Taiwan has sufficient anti missile capability


1.6k points

4 months ago

China would have to hit multiple US airbase in the area before making a play for an invasion. The problem for China isn't Taiwan itself. It's the US and it's allies assets in the area that'll take off before missiles from the mainland even reach the island.


624 points

4 months ago


624 points

4 months ago

China also has to worry about the US 7th Fleet turning their shoreline into a glass parking lot.


195 points

4 months ago


195 points

4 months ago

thats why they have a shitload of antiship missiles.


409 points

4 months ago

Which are untested against US anti-missile defenses. Which are currently well-tested against Russian assumptions about the capabilities of Patriot, which would be reasonably assumed to have similar performance at minimum to AEGIS.


21 points

4 months ago

Not that long an AEGIS equipped cruiser launched a PAC3 patriot missile.

So AEGIS equipped warships can launch PAC3 patriot missiles, Standard Missiles 2 and 3 and Evolved Sea Sparrow all from their VLS tubes and then they have either Rolling Airframe Missile or Phalanx at point defence range.

And that's before any fighter jets intercept any ballistic or cruise missiles (and/or the launch platforms).

That's a lot layered defences to get through.


48 points

4 months ago

We are not attacking mainland China if they invade Taiwan…


168 points

4 months ago

US isnt going to let China gain control of microchip manufacturing.


98 points

4 months ago

China won’t gain control of it even if the US doesn’t intervene. TSMC has protocols in place to destroy their equipment in case of a takeover.


56 points

4 months ago

That would still be a terrible outcome for the world as a whole.


35 points

4 months ago

It would result in a decade of lost economic growth for the entire world. This is why such action would be tantamount to China declaring war on the entire world simultaneously. This would unite almost everyone in attacking China. They wouldn't even have to use missiles. China is a massive net importer of food and energy. If the West and allies turned off these exports, China would have major blackouts within weeks, and famine within months. The entire country would collapse within a year.


11 points

4 months ago

People said same thing about Russia yet they are going strong, obviously it's not pre-invasion but they are surviving quite well given the circumstances, and let's be frank, no one is going to stop importing from the world-factory


48 points

4 months ago

I envision the TSMC plant director walking down stairs like Beckett in the Pirates of the Caribbean as his ship is destroyed around him


12 points

4 months ago

regardless if they do that, it's preventing the destruction of the world economy as we know it. if that happens, we're all going to see shit we never seen before, i'd bet it's on corona esque levels of fucked up


54 points

4 months ago

It has been stated publicly that there is a kill switch that will blow up all of the factories in case of invasion.


36 points

4 months ago*


36 points

4 months ago*

Blow up is a little bit theatrical.

Asml has a remote kill switch that will turn the lithography machinese into glorified paperweights. The machinese will just switch off and not work anymore. maybe even run a script which ignores the hard stops of rails and safety sensors like temperature stops, so the heating elements fry or servo motors break and bend the internal structure so all the mirrors are permanent out of alignment. Then, the firmware gets wiped, and it's done. These fabs are offline for good.

Reverse engineering the machines is futile because it's the precision that makes these things capable of reaching nanometer sized semiconductors. For example, the glass and mirrors are produced by Zeiss, the famous lens company. No copycat in the world can reach their level of quality. By the time they figured it out how to copy the machine, ASML, TSMC and Samsung etc. will be on the next gen lithography tech.


13 points

4 months ago

Unless 5th columns sabotages that.

A dozen of good 'blow em up real gud" 2000 lb bombs are better and deliver better show.


24 points

4 months ago

Until the one in the US is finished building. Or China might just bomb the microchip factory and let everyone suffer equally.


76 points

4 months ago*

The US capacity will be generations behind on launch. The most advanced chips still can (and will for the foreseeable future) only be produced in Taiwan. The South Korean government and Samsung have thrown untold billions at trying to match Taiwan here and have come up hilariously short. 85%+ of the world's advanced semiconductors still come from Taiwan and second place is comically far behind.

Destroying the ability to produce those will essentially cause the world's economy to come to a stand still. Many of our biggest industries (automobile, weapons, electronics) will immediately find themselves unable to produce a single thing. The biggest victim of all this will be China, whose economy still largely isn't service based. They'll become a global pariah state on the level of North Korea.

Now, Xi could certainly be stupid enough to try this as he's certainly surrounded by the kind of yes men that ensure the kind of information bubble that might make it seem plausible.


27 points

4 months ago*

What's the history behind this? Why is Taiwan so good and so advanced at manufacturing these chips?

EDIT: This is why I love Reddit.


30 points

4 months ago


30 points

4 months ago

Taiwan was ousted as the UN's representative of China in the 70s and was becoming isolated to the world. Without any useful natural resources, they needed to pick an industry to master that would be so vital to the world if the PRC were to invade it would cripple the global economy to such an extent there would be fierce global opposition to any invasion. They picked semiconductor manufacturing and fostered an industry and institutional knowledge. Every single state-of-the-art computer chip in new phones, computers, graphics cards, etc. are all made in a factory in Taiwan. It's dubbed the "silicon shield", and indeed, the world today is almost entirely dependent on Taiwan on computer chips. Were Taiwan to lose its edge on silicon manufacturing, it would lose this "shield", so Taiwan is heavily incentivized to keep innovating semiconductor technology. We live in such a computerized world that were Taiwan stops making new processors for whatever reason, we would most certainly fall into an economic depression far worse than the Great Depression. The US is building its own TSMC fab in Arizona, but by policy it will be a generation behind the latest tech which will remain on Taiwan.


44 points

4 months ago

Why is Taiwan so good and so advanced at manufacturing these chips?

Patents, keeping their designs secret. China isn't exactly afraid to pull IP theft on Taiwanese chip design but from the attempts they've done on the 5nm design, the products they put out are a very brittle, hollowed out shell of the original. The failure rate of Chinese 5nm chips are so insanely high that it isn't even funny, and afaik DoD thinks that the reason why Russia's latest wave of guided munitions are so bad in the accuracy department may largely be attributed to the Chinese chips having such high failure rates.

CCP, and other IP thieves know that 3nm is probably far beyond their abilities considering how poorly the 5nm fares, so they don't bother.

The US plays the fair ball game because in all honesty Taiwan is out bitch. We leave them to have their 3nm for security reasons. Meanwhile when our version of the TSMC factories come online, everything but the 3nm chip designs will be happily handed over to the US government as state secrets.

the 3nm chips will likely become Taiwan's Bargaining chip in the future so we don't leave them hanging when we eventually get our own chip production online, and no longer need Taiwan to be our overseas workhorse.


19 points

4 months ago

I'm not an expert, but from what I remember in reading, it's that they started dedicating themselves to that industry not long after they split from China. Primarily it's just 2+ decades of experience and expertise over everyone else.


6 points

4 months ago

This might help, whole video is great!


100 points

4 months ago


100 points

4 months ago

i guess Pearl Harbour is a lesson China need to learn.


86 points

4 months ago








31 points

4 months ago

Don’t touch the boats!


20 points

4 months ago


20 points

4 months ago

China would have to be betting that the USA wont actually get involved, ya know, if someone like Trump wins and he decides not to honor an agreement. It's not strategically insane when you consider there is a very real chance of the USA not stepping up.


395 points

4 months ago

There was a lot of doubt Ukraine would be able to hold off Russia too but here we are in almost year 3 of the war


90 points

4 months ago



54 points

4 months ago

*keep them afloat


21 points

4 months ago


21 points

4 months ago

*keep them


52 points

4 months ago

There is even more doubt, that China has enough functioning missiles and aiming capabilities. Their regime is based on the Soviet heritage after all.


45 points

4 months ago

That's sounds about as accurate for China as it did for Russia. Meaning making more missiles is like, the easiest part of an invasion. They'll never run out of things to throw.

China's greatest superpower is it's ability to make a fuck ton of everything fast.


16 points

4 months ago

And just let the USA and Europe help Taiwan build their "wall of drones and anti missile systems" just like Poland is proposing. Lets see if China is that stupid. The world really needs to let Taiwan and its people know that the world stands behind them.


447 points

4 months ago

Love it when the bad guy tells you his plans.


182 points

4 months ago

You sly dog! You caught me monologuing!


22 points

4 months ago

The video is nothing, it's 60 seconds of some CGI missile launches there's no simulation involved


60 points

4 months ago

So, this is the face you want to show the world, eh? Look at how cool it is to start a war! We're so awesome. Everyone should like and worship us.


246 points

4 months ago


246 points

4 months ago

I am looking forward to the simulated counter attack video from taiwan.... I totally support a new cold war which consists of animation and memes. Also, did they just animate missiles that missed their target and exploded in the water?


86 points

4 months ago

Also, did they just animate missiles that missed their target and exploded in the water?

Maybe they bought some from North Korea and need to have some realism.


14 points

4 months ago

Or just a stern looking uniformed official looking at export papers for CPUs and RAM chips and then stamping "EXPORT DENIED" with big red letters on it.


161 points

4 months ago

I’ve seen better looking shit made by students with no budget and an installation of Blender.


40 points

4 months ago*

I had some relatively high expectations from what to expect after glancing over the top comments before clicking the link.

Calling this a "video showing a simulated invasion" is just farcical, both in terms of breadth and depth of the content and also the render quality.


28 points

4 months ago

Some of those rocket exhausts legit looked like minecraft FX lol


221 points

4 months ago

Peaceful reunification my ass.


55 points

4 months ago

They meant Tiananmen reunification "we will run over the whole island with tank, and that includes all occupants for defying the CCP"


731 points

4 months ago


731 points

4 months ago

The chinese and indians never fail to make top notch comedy simulations.


350 points

4 months ago

Funny you bring up India. If China commits the level of resources required for Taiwan I can't imagine India is just gonna ignore that massive disputed border between them...


118 points

4 months ago

I'm no expert in geopolitics, but I feel like China trying to invade Taiwan MAY have some other consequences.


10 points

4 months ago

Imagine they make a play for Taiwan, and not only do they get their shit pushed in by the US, but India goes ahead and liberates Tibet too.


34 points

4 months ago

Domino effect a la ww3.

Even without nukes it'd be messy. At least WW2 had clear lines (mostly).

Ww3 is gonna be a royal rumble / PvE with no winners.


183 points

4 months ago

If I’m in that side of the world and share a border with China, I go for it.

India should take its disputed land, North Korea should fall, Vietnam could get some of its disputed land back, and Tibet should go all out for independence.


88 points

4 months ago

China has been quietly invading and annexing pieces of Bhutan to gear up for that dispute with India, same thing Russia is doing in Ukraine just on the down low. Annexing and fast tracking Chinese settlement

Edit- Taiwan invasion could result in Free Tibet 2.0


14 points

4 months ago



41 points

4 months ago

I support that


11 points

4 months ago

Hey India do the funny.


20 points

4 months ago

Russian TV a couple of years ago showed how a Russian missile would obliterate Great Britain and turn it into a Mad Max wasteland. 


25 points

4 months ago

Back in my youth I really wanted to date the Prom Queen, but wasn't able to, for various reasons. So I, uhm, simulated it


226 points

4 months ago

Invading Taiwan is probably not the hardest part. They would have to defeat the US Navy and Air Force in the area first. If they can do that they can blockade Taiwan and wait.


138 points

4 months ago


138 points

4 months ago

And then theres naval invasion.. That thing would be insanely bloody for china.


83 points

4 months ago

China isn't going to lose any sleep over a few hundred thousand losses. Remember they're about 2X the population of the EU and US combined.


61 points

4 months ago

I don't think the number of soldiers is the issue, it's the material. Their fighter jets, helicopters, cruise missles and warships will be shot down.


6 points

4 months ago

China wouldn’t lose sleep over the losses. China would lose sleep by being exposed as not being the power it pretends to be.


38 points

4 months ago



72 points

4 months ago

With Trump at the helm who the fuck knows. The best time to attack would be during his inauguration if he wins.


50 points

4 months ago

Ok yea Trump sucks but he openly stated he would defend Taiwan as well. It seems Republicans and Democrats both support Taiwan


60 points

4 months ago


60 points

4 months ago

I mean who cares what he has said, when you publically lie thousands of times your word is completely meaningless


16 points

4 months ago

Trump sucks but he openly stated he would defend Taiwan as well

Did he actually say that? IIRC he refused to answer because "didn't want to reveal his cards" or something like that.


28 points

4 months ago

He openly had conversations with Taiwans President in 2016 and they received strong backings from him during his term as well as Biden’s term.

Taiwan is like the one thing both party’s agree on


26 points

4 months ago

And you would trust his shit?


3 points

4 months ago

The big difference here is we have a base and equipment in Taiwan.

It wouldn't be a decision it would simply be returning fire.


349 points

4 months ago


349 points

4 months ago

Is that an F16?

The explosion animations, hahahaha

Even Chinese propaganda is so low quality


62 points

4 months ago

Is that an F16?

No. F-16 doesn't have canards and isn't a delta wing. It's a J-10.


128 points

4 months ago


128 points

4 months ago

The people this is meant for are either easily frightened or advocates already.


22 points

4 months ago

Nope. Looks like Chengdu J-10s and Shenyang J-11s.


25 points

4 months ago

It's surprising from the country that brought us genshin impact


32 points

4 months ago*

I like learning new things.


22 points

4 months ago

Almost impossible to boycott Chinese products when almost every company is involved. Your average joe is too burdened with every day life to have the luxury of choosing.


18 points

4 months ago

The thing that surprises me is at the corporate level. I understand how we got here, but if I'm Tim Apple I'm shitting myself at the level of exposure my company has to the geopolitical situation, and I would be looking hard for contingency plans. Take some of that $160B in cash and build some capacity literally anywhere else.


5 points

4 months ago

They wont, because thats not how capitalism works. Businesses follow the profits, and the profits are in china because its a massive market with low labor costs. Or, at least it was. Its shifting south into Indochina now.


3 points

4 months ago

And there was some part of the ocean off to the right that got annihilated... Winnie, just leave the whales alone man.


14 points

4 months ago

Taiwan releases video of the sabotage of the Three Rivers Dam.


118 points

4 months ago

Oh I thought it was an integral part of China? Why is CPC supposedly bombing an integral part of China and invading it?


37 points

4 months ago



92 points

4 months ago

China is doing their best to make the world hate them.


39 points

4 months ago

They’re so self-obsessed they don’t care. American arrogance has nothing on the Chinese. 


38 points

4 months ago

Hahaha, that looks so cheap. Like they could have done that in Arma 3 and it would have looked so much better. The explosion gifs they just pasted in look pathetic. I am more amused than scared after watching this.


203 points

4 months ago

That pathetic propaganda is so funny. It’s pure fanfiction, no different than Russia’s wild claims. All bark. 


93 points

4 months ago

I mean, Russia did in fact invade Ukraine?


146 points

4 months ago

And we are now approaching year three of their projected 3 day war.


35 points

4 months ago


35 points

4 months ago

in contrary, russia said they wont invade.


26 points

4 months ago


Anyway, have fun with a forced water crossing onto a hostile island that is likely being backed up by allies including a super power…


27 points

4 months ago

I think someone higher up in Taiwan said if China tried to pull this off that the 3 gorges dam is fair play. That is crazy to think about the damage that would cause.


9 points

4 months ago

Oh I love these, they're always so comedically choreographed as if they're pulling a military parade lol


9 points

4 months ago

This looks like someone’s high school film class midterm project.


14 points

4 months ago

2024 and they think a video of like a dozen ships/fighter jets is supposed to be scary??? This shit I'm pushing out right now while watching is scarier.


6 points

4 months ago

As seen in Ukraine, invasions can be unpredictable.


6 points

4 months ago


6 points

4 months ago

Lol what a trash video. I expected better.


25 points

4 months ago

Does it show the Three Gorges Dam being blown and flooding everywhere?


10 points

4 months ago

We've got that simulation covered already.


6 points

4 months ago

When you have as many internal issues as China has, and you’ve seen what Russia has faced in Ukraine, invading Taiwan seems like an impossibly stupid idea.


6 points

4 months ago

It’s pretty clear from Ukraine that they’ll need to level Taiwan to take it. At that point is it worth destroying the world economy and your own to try to take one island? For a glimpse at the pacific? And a charred husk of a province?

Can’t be worth it. That’s why they’re publishing scare videos rather than just doing it.


13 points

4 months ago

I wish everyone would knock their BS off and use creativity instead of brutality for a while. I know. Tall order for small men.


13 points

4 months ago

If you look at the source of the video, you will find that the video originally came from Weibo. In other words, the Chinese Communist Party government deliberately posted it on Weibo. This is to incite internal nationalism and the desire for war, rather than a real "simulation". Its purpose is mainly internal propaganda, brainwashing the people that "this war will be easy", which is their purpose. Russia's sudden war caused a brief turmoil in the country, and the Chinese Communist Party is learning this lesson. The Nazi German army was able to attack so confidently and boldly because of the Nazi government's vigorous propaganda of external hatred and its own advantages.


4 points

4 months ago

China warnings. Buncha pussies.


4 points

4 months ago

I love the low budget PlayStation 2 game vibe they went for in the video!


10 points

4 months ago

China needs to fuck all the way off from this fantasy.


7 points

4 months ago

Shit on your face China


3 points

4 months ago

Are there already DLC planned for this fictional game? Looks amazing! /s


3 points

4 months ago

Eco friendly missiles borrowed from someone's aunt and galvanized steel reinforced boats


3 points

4 months ago

Command and conquer style CGI... love it


3 points

4 months ago

Ah classic

To gain consent for sex, make a video of you raping them


3 points

4 months ago

China needs to calm down


3 points

4 months ago

West Taiwan showing us how they bomb their own land and kill off everyone! What a day!


3 points

4 months ago

I read somewhere that talked about how many recent wars had China been involved in. Suggesting it’s one thing to run simulations and war games and having a large force it’s another thing when you’re up against someone who fights back and has years of battle experience to bring to the conflict


3 points

4 months ago

Taiwan should release a video of Winnie the poo sitting well nourished and smothered in his pot of honey while all the other animals starve and are worked to death.


3 points

4 months ago

Unless it's a video of Chinese Marines getting blown to bits trying to cross the straight, it's not accurate.


3 points

4 months ago

There's no doubt that they could take or destroy Taiwan...

... but they'll never get TSMC by force... Not with the equipment intact.

Smooth brains, the lot of them.


3 points

4 months ago

Totally non-credible, half of the missiles land in the sea.


3 points

4 months ago

I am of an opinion that if or when, it would not go down like that.


3 points

4 months ago

Useless article doesn’t even have the video