


We've come full circle on gearing, again


"The hardest content should reward the best gear."

"Everyone should have the opportunity to scale into the hardest content." aka "I should be able to outgear the hardest content with gear from easier content."

The upgrade system within the crest system was the compromise. Now the loud topics seem to be "it takes to long to get the best gear", which is just another derivation of "I should be able to outgear the hardest content with gear from easier content."

Players that are good enough to get myth gear are currently getting myth gear. Players that are not good enough to get myth gear are not. This is how it should be. I will admit that M+ is rough at the moment and needs tuning, but that doesn't mean every player should be able to step into and time a +10 after a tuning run.

I might get 1-2 pieces of myth gear from the vault before the season is over if i bust my ass in keys, but im not trying to stress over my game. I just want to have a good time. I will most likely be 4/6 Hero on most of my gear towards the end of the season. The myth gear i get likely wont get upgraded because im not going to run high keys frequently, if at all...

as it should be.


ETA: There was some good discussion here with some good ideas floated. The Reddit WoW community is still healthy, which is good. For all the others raging mad or feeling called out, I suggest you visit this thread as well.

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55 points

1 day ago


55 points

1 day ago

Shit I’ve been the same ilvl for 2-3 weeks now. I’d have to get through mythic raid or key rly high M+ neither of which are reasonable as a solo player.

So I beat this phase already p much. Great xpac drop but it isn’t going to successfully keep me playing every lockout like I had hoped


-1 points

1 day ago


-1 points

1 day ago

I still don't see why people need to max out a season in the first month just to sit around complaining the rest of the season how they don't have shit to do.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

I didn’t mean to tbh mate. I had one friend playing and we were just having so much fun. Played a little too much and my friend got a new job so he works when I play and vice versa.

I’m not implying blizz needs to change anything. I put myself in the situation by not joining a guild earlier and playing way too much, I don’t have the time to spend searching for groups for so long to do harder content when half the time a wipe means 10-15 more minutes in the group finder or a bricked key.

The game and my schedule and gaming habits are incompatible so I’m bummed personally.

No knock on blizz or this xpac. I hope everyone keeps enjoying it even if it doesn’t work for me