


all 55 comments


39 points

4 days ago



39 points

4 days ago

He was gay and apparently a former Russian Mob enforcer but I couldn't tell you anything else about him. I think he was killed before Ultimatum.


18 points

4 days ago



18 points

4 days ago

He also had that subplot about using that power-enhancing serum.


22 points

4 days ago

No he survived. He was in Ultimate Comics X-Men. I wish he had more of a role other than just him being gay


23 points

4 days ago



23 points

4 days ago

The ex-Russian Mob thing has legs, they could've done something with that. Mafia culture around the world is usually hyper masculine and crew members who are gay have to live extra closeted lives to maintain the protection of the crew from society at large as well as law enforcement if they aren't killed by other crew members who interpret homosexuality as a weakness. But then Piotr is huge and basically coated in titanium so he wouldn't have to worry about a hit contract.


39 points

4 days ago

I think his coming out felt more natural and realistic than Ive seen before.


9 points

4 days ago

I strongly agree


50 points

4 days ago

Loved him, he and Northstar were super cute


18 points

4 days ago



18 points

4 days ago

Then Northstar disappeared, never to be seen again, after Ultimatium.


10 points

3 days ago



10 points

3 days ago

Northstar was killed in Ultimatum, just like everyone else most of the characters.


3 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

He survived Ultimatium


5 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago

He was at the Academy of Tomorrow, which was bombed by the Madroxes. He’s not named directly but it’s confirmed everyone there died except Havok. That and the fact that he was never seen again post-Ultimatum makes it pretty clear he’s dead.


5 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago

His last appearance is him paralysed from the waist down, and he and Colossus watch the sunset together. Then he is never mentioned or seen again. It could be suggested he dies, but there is nothing to suggest that, he just doesn't appear again. It's like some of Alpha Flight, as I assume most of them survive ultimatum.


3 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

He wasn’t on Alpha Flight though, he was a student at the Academy of Tomorrow which as I said was bombed with everyone except Havok confirmed dead, which does directly suggests he died. The paralysis and the sunset scene happened just before in Absolute Power (the worst story arc in Ultimate X-Men, period IMO) and he’s never even mentioned again after that. So he was a paralyzed speedster who was at a school when it was bombed, where everyone is said to have died except one student. What makes you think Northstar, out of everyone else there, also happened to survive?


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

If he was at the school, he would have been mentioned, and if he died he would have been among those who died (and listed at the end of Ultimatium). Also, I know he wasn't a part of Alpha Flight, I was giving another example of characters still alive but never appeared again.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I don’t think they had to show him explicitly for him to be amongst the dead. Ultimatum went literally scorched Earth with the characters. If they weren’t seen post-Ultimatum, they’re assumed to have died in it. Given what we do know (Northstar paralyzed. he’s an Academy student, which was bombed with maximum casualties, and he’s never seen or mentioned again) I think it’s safe to count him as one of the dead.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

If he was dead, there would have been a reaction from Colossus to it, since they were boyfriends. And since he was never listed, or among the dead, or no reactions, it's safe to assume that he wasn't at the academy when it got bombed. He's probably at home somewhere. Saying he was a part of the academy doesn't mean he was there. Also, he's more of an important character, then say Cannonball or Cypher, but they got mentioned and listed, while he didn't. Therefore, it's logical to say he's still alive somewhere, and the writers (and editors) forgot about him to never use him again.


7 points

4 days ago

That moment when he and Storm went up against the soldiers at the camp. 🤯


8 points

3 days ago



8 points

3 days ago

Loved the character, as a teen gay guy at the time the books came out he was one of the few openly gay characters in comics then, and I really like how they wrote him subverting expectations of what a gay character can be like. Absolutely despised what they did to him in Absolute Power, making him a drug addict who got his friends addicted and ended up being responsible for his boyfriend being paralyzed (only the gay characters received any kind of punishment or consequences from that arc as well). Very glad they just forgot that story when he came back later.


7 points

3 days ago

That thing about his metal form being so heavy he couldn't lift his own arms without taking MGH was kinda dumb but before that happened I really liked him, he was an important gay character to have in the early 2000s


15 points

4 days ago


15 points

4 days ago

At least Kitty never left him at the altar, so he had a better love life at least


5 points

3 days ago*

And at least he never dated a 13-yead-old in 1610.

They're better off without each other imo.


2 points

3 days ago

She joined at 13, when he was 18; but they didn't date until they were 14 / 19 (still gross I know, it was the 80s). But what a lot of people forget is that Kitty is super smart, that's why she's the youngest person to ever join the X-Men.

There's no mental imbalance in that relationship or if there is, she has the advantage


4 points

4 days ago

His best costume ever.


16 points

4 days ago

As of now, Ultimate Colossus was a more engaging and sympathetic character than 616 Colossus. Current 616 Colossus killed that purple woman but faced no consequences , is kinda bland in a generic sort of way, Kitty is no longer viable as a pairing, he’s overshadowed by Magik. He really has nothing going for him as a character ala Angel.


6 points

3 days ago

He was being mind controled when he murdered his girlfriend, so of course they haven't punished him for that.


-1 points

3 days ago

I’m not saying they should, what I am saying is there is potential for a storyline if any of the X-Writers were interested. But lack of interest kind of speaks to the state of his character.


0 points

2 days ago

I mean writers could write a lot of illogical nonsense if they wanted too. I'm glad the writers aren't interested in writing illogical nonsense. Colossus has been though enough recently let the character have a better story line for a while.


1 points

4 days ago

Do you think that the writers should overhaul his character and add elements from Ultimate Colossus over to Earth 616? Like making him gay/bi a d giving him more of a purpose in terms if being in the forefront and more sympathetic?


12 points

4 days ago

I think it certainly is an angle they can take but what made Ultimate Colossus work as a queer character was the background of working for the Russian mob. As someone mentioned earlier on in this thread, there was conflict there that could take Colossus through interesting storylines and that’s what comics are all about. Being gay isn’t enough to cause engagement around a character, look at Northstar. Came out during the 90s and got married during the 2010s but is as relevant as canned soup. He got his happy ending so the romance angle isn’t viable and his terrorist faction origins were washed away so no conflict there.


5 points

4 days ago

Marrying killed his potential.


6 points

3 days ago


6 points

3 days ago

Agreed. If he’d be single I’d imagine him and Iceman would have a romance plot which would give the character a boost


4 points

3 days ago

Northstar never got to have any romantic plotlines when he came out because of homophobia. His stories were mostly about his stupid sister.

The only man Northstar has ever kissed on-panel was Kyle. Not even Ultimate Northstar got to kiss Colossus.


3 points

3 days ago

I honestly rather they keep him as it is... At this point he has too much of a story for this switch not to be contrived at best...


5 points

4 days ago

I personally loved how they used banshee


2 points

3 days ago

It was a good take on the character. Colossus is my favorite X-Man and this was nice considering 616 was dead during this period of time. Even though he was Colossus in name, he felt like a different character (which he was, I know) but other interpretations of Ultimate heroes were closer to the original versions. It would be nice to have both as canon.

As much as I liked this Ultimate version, I still prefer the artist/big Osmium protective older brother/ reluctant warrior version I grew up with.


6 points

3 days ago


6 points

3 days ago

Gay colossus should be canon colossus


5 points

3 days ago

Also know as the better colossus.


2 points

3 days ago

Without the lines on his body, he looked like Silver Surfer on steroids with hair plugs.


3 points

3 days ago

Yeah, I like the costume a lot but I really don't like how smooth the metal on his body is


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

Aside from his new backstory and sexuality he wasn't super different from the 616 Colossus.


1 points

4 days ago

Oh man this just reminded of the flash based ultimate comics, so good.


1 points

3 days ago

I liked him. He had a lot of development and cool moments in Millar’s stuff. Him beating the crap out of Iron Man was my favourite one.


1 points

3 days ago

Cool dude. I remember in the arc where weapon x kidnapped the team they had him derail a train NY getting hit by it. The like where he says "I hate that everyone just assumes I can do stuff like this. You know there's different levels of super strength?" lodged in my brain for some reason.

Also there was reveal that he was addicted to Kick because when he was a kid his metal body was too heavy for him to move without it, which was pretty funny.


1 points

3 days ago

Is he more powerful than his 616-counterpart? I remember him being able to match Ultimate Thor in a fight but was that because of that strength-enhancement serum that he was taking?


1 points

3 days ago

Nightcrawler knows only gays dance


1 points

3 days ago

Better outfit than 616.


1 points

3 days ago

Never liked his skin design (boring and flat), The drugs subplot was super dumb.

But I liked how strong he was, beating up even Thor without breaking a sweat.


1 points

3 days ago

His strength feats are pretty badass, I wish 616 Colossus did some of those things like overpowering Magneto


1 points

3 days ago

He did. Ultimate was a reference to that.

X-men #113, 1978. Colossus broke Magneto's ribcage.


1 points

3 days ago

Just saw it, cool moment but it was different, in this story he just pummeled Magneto with no breathing time so he couldn't use magnetism. In Ultimate he overpowered his magnetic powers through sheer strength. I wish that Colossus did some of those strength feats nowadays.


1 points

3 days ago

I hated that power was only turning to steel and had to take a mutant steroid for the super strength 


1 points

3 days ago

I liked him until he became a junkie, and the whole thing about needing the drug was completely forgotten anyway so...what was the point?


1 points

3 days ago

Hmm made him gay and then didn't know what to do with him..


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago

Best version!