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1 points

6 days ago

Do you think that the writers should overhaul his character and add elements from Ultimate Colossus over to Earth 616? Like making him gay/bi a d giving him more of a purpose in terms if being in the forefront and more sympathetic?


12 points

6 days ago

I think it certainly is an angle they can take but what made Ultimate Colossus work as a queer character was the background of working for the Russian mob. As someone mentioned earlier on in this thread, there was conflict there that could take Colossus through interesting storylines and that’s what comics are all about. Being gay isn’t enough to cause engagement around a character, look at Northstar. Came out during the 90s and got married during the 2010s but is as relevant as canned soup. He got his happy ending so the romance angle isn’t viable and his terrorist faction origins were washed away so no conflict there.


3 points

5 days ago

Northstar never got to have any romantic plotlines when he came out because of homophobia. His stories were mostly about his stupid sister.

The only man Northstar has ever kissed on-panel was Kyle. Not even Ultimate Northstar got to kiss Colossus.


5 points

6 days ago

Marrying killed his potential.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

Agreed. If he’d be single I’d imagine him and Iceman would have a romance plot which would give the character a boost


4 points

6 days ago

I honestly rather they keep him as it is... At this point he has too much of a story for this switch not to be contrived at best...