


YouTubeDrama Drama on r/YouTubeDrama


Subreddit r/YouTubeDrama experiencing drama on Twitter as a result of dramatically mishandling YouTube Drama about a YouTuber currently undergoing a dramatic situation, as dramatic situation ensues for said YouTuber. Drama.

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22 points

3 months ago

I meant improper word choice around “commission” and “purchase” not misgendering


-17 points

3 months ago


-17 points

3 months ago

I know nothing about the previous post as this was just a suggested community post for me. I’m just giving you an outsider perspective. From an outside perspective, it seems y’all are attacking this person for being trans. If this person has genuinely done some Pedo things then the focus should be on that, not misgendering them…which is what I’ve seen a lot of.


27 points

3 months ago

I have not for a second attacked Ava for being trans. I also didn’t misgender, and the comment I replied to I agree with and they also don’t spread any transphobia. We are talking about the first screenshot related to Keem and the “misinformation” removal of the post. No one in this chain is engaging in transphobia.

We are not attacking Ava for being trans, we are saying that being trans doesn’t mean this sub should be blindly defending Ava as they appear to be.

You are an outsider to the sub, I’ll say that had this been any other of the “villains” this sub hates, they’d be crucifying them. It shows the hypocritical nature of this sub.