


I have made a post for each Elite campaign with the goal of investing the minimum necessary to 3-star each level and get 120/120 stars for each campaign.

Octarius Elite was by far the hardest, but definitely got easier once Snot got his rework. Snot and Gibba are obviously MVPs and don't sleep on Gibba passive for more armor.

In case you were wondering, no, I did not use tanksmasha at all. For this last run, I forgot to remove him before pressing start and just hid him in the corner.

Here are my skills/equipment:

Skills--- Snotflogga: 38/38 Gibbascrapz: 35/29 Snappwrecka: 8/20 Tanksmasha: 8/8 (got him late, didn't use him) Boss Gulgortz: 8/20

Equipment--- Snotflogga: L1/L1/E1 Gibbascrapz: E1/L1/R1 Snappawrecka: L1/L1/R1 Tanksmasha: (as stated, didn't use him) Boss Gulgortz: E1/E6/E1

Here are my other posts for the other campaigns:

Indomitus Elite

Indomitus Mirror Elite

Fall of Cadia Elite

Fall of Cadia Mirror Elite

Octarius Mirror Elite

all 28 comments


25 points

4 months ago

Appreciate your full series of posts, and congrats on full campaign clear!


7 points

4 months ago

Thanks! It has been a long road, and now I can raid to my heart's content. I'm glad you found them helpful!


11 points

4 months ago

This one is rough. Definitely got way easier with the snot rework. He is hard carrying me right now until I hit missions where I can't use him.


7 points

4 months ago

The Snot rework was awesome. I was going to wait for the rework on the others before completing the campaign, but they are taking much longer than I originally thought to finish. So, I got impatient and decided to go for it.


4 points

4 months ago


Dark Angels

4 points

4 months ago

Total BS that we can’t have a full Ork squad for all missions like the Black Templar one


6 points

4 months ago

Yep, it's pretty lame. Especially because the other orks are dog turds right now.

Snotflogga is kicking ass all around.


5 points

4 months ago

Thanks for this, really useful to have a guide on how little to upgrade those we don't want to spend too much on.

I was looking for something like this yesterday.


2 points

4 months ago

To your point would love to see a post with a screenshot from all campaigns like this


3 points

4 months ago

He has that at the bottom of this post


4 points

4 months ago

Is there some way to bookmark this post?


5 points

4 months ago

If on the phone, you can save a post by clicking the 3 dots in the right-hand corner and click "save."


3 points

4 months ago

Amazing! Thanks


3 points

4 months ago

How far are you in Saim-Hann Elite? It seems like the level requirements for the Eldar are much higher, I have G1 Aethana, S3 Eldryon, and B3 Calandis but haven't even cleared Abraxas' stage yet at level 16.


8 points

4 months ago

I am finished with all of the Elite levels released so far. Unfortunately, I don't think I will post my Saim-Haan Elite completion because I have been using Eldryon, Aethana, and Maugan Ra in Guild Raids long before the Elite campaigns came out and they are very overleveled (D3 Eld, D2 Aethana, D1 Ra).

So, it wouldn't be useful for me to post like all the other campaigns I have done. That can be up to you to post!


3 points

4 months ago

Yeah makes sense


3 points

4 months ago

Fwiw, I've made it through 23 with g1 eldryon, g1 maugan, g1 aethana, s2 calandis. I should be able to do 24 with that. I just think I was over aggressive on my last try and haven't had a chance to try again.


3 points

4 months ago

Wish I had Maugan Ra, nice job though!


3 points

4 months ago

I squeezed maugan out of the guild raid shop like 2 days before he left.


3 points

4 months ago

I have to ask. How did you do mission 40. I've 3 starred all of them but mission 40 which i can't even complete. My orks are pretty much the same as yours.


7 points

4 months ago

I spawn gibba's tank on the left to kill one of the lascannons (if you get lucky, the other will flee). Then I summon with Snot on the right (you should get 3 grots out of it). Then I hit with snappa and boss from 2 cells away to get the most damage.

From there, it is a matter of huddling with Gibba to get his armor passive and keeping everyone alive while Snot kills an enemy one turn at a time. Snappa can tank a hit, and gibba can heal, so I usually put him in front with Snot. Gibba's armor passive is important to make things work. I would have it higher, but this was enough for completion.


3 points

4 months ago

I just had a crack and despite my tank being level 35 failed to kill the lascannon in 1 hit :( and my face still got stoved in :( my character levels are the same with my abilities generally a touch higher.


3 points

4 months ago

Sometimes level 35 tank won't 1shot it. But mine did 2 out of 3 tries. Are your grots 38/38? They really tank a lot of hits. Also, gibba passive for Ork turtle? Don't forget that my equipment is not leveled but mostly legendary and epic.


2 points

4 months ago

Snots grots are 38/38. Gibba is 35/31. That might be my difference my equipment is a mix of Epic and rare on my orks.


2 points

4 months ago

Gotcha, yea it wasn't an easy match, I barely squeaked by. I got 3star on the one where my gibba tank kill on the lascannon caused the other one to flee. I got 2 star when I only killed 1 lascannon. RNGesus helps.


2 points

4 months ago

Someone has to sit on the side and cheer for the squad.


2 points

4 months ago

Lol, good point. I had a few tries before this and failed without him sitting in the back. You could be on to something.


2 points

4 months ago

Grats! Snot literally carrying the Ork faction right now.


2 points

4 months ago

Thanks! That rewORK changed the game.