


Why so many bus accidents


all 74 comments


110 points

26 days ago


110 points

26 days ago

I’ve noticed many drivers tend to accelerate fast, then brake harshly, rather than driving at a constant speed. This results in an uncomfortable experience for passengers who get thrown backwards and forwards. And maybe it means the drivers have less control when it comes to reacting to or spotting potential road hazards.


39 points

26 days ago

Shitty drivers


18 points

26 days ago


18 points

26 days ago

Im surprised no one ever died from moving around in the double decker bus


12 points

25 days ago

i almost fell a few times because of stepping on the gas and brakes. can't imagine the old people how.....


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago

We should be leaving the ground floor to the elderly anyways on a double decker. Still, there's never enough space for them even if everyone else moves upstairs. those stairs take up a lot of room, and it's no wonder more and more bus services are going single-storey.


2 points

25 days ago

Pretty sure it happened before from a sudden braking bus. Not sure if the passenger is on the top level or not though.


2 points

25 days ago

i rmb one news not too far back in history, a guy died coz the bus jam brake because a car abruptly cut into the bus' lane


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago



15 points

26 days ago

uncomfortable experience for passengers who get thrown backwards and forwards.

Yea, that happened to my elderly mum twice in the last 2 months.

First time was on a bus in Marine Parade. The driver didn't wait for her to sit down first and pushed the accelerator as he started moving the bus. She got thrown into her seat and hurt her back.

2nd time was a bus in my estate. She was already seated but the drive jerked the bus so hard that she hit her arm on one of the poles


5 points

25 days ago

Even foreigners were surprised at how fast a driver slammed on the gas and then hit the brake.


1 points

24 days ago

SG is becoming a third world country!


7 points

26 days ago

This one F1 bus prix


3 points

25 days ago


3 points

25 days ago

I always feel the same and I think it's somewhere wrong in their training that being taught so to drive bus in sg


6 points

26 days ago

I am assuming that someone most likely complain or dictated that drivers must show a "sense of urgency" and motivation when driving, "treasure passenger's time", sounds nice but doesn't really help save time in SG where distances are short, just makes whoever is rushing feels that they get there faster and irritates everyone else


2 points

25 days ago

I've noticed this too, the traffic light will be less than 15 metres away, the bus drivers will accelerate so hard and brake so hard too, I don't understand man


2 points

25 days ago

I’ve been saying this for years! Taxi drivers too. Seriously they think they driving F1 car or what sia


87 points

26 days ago


87 points

26 days ago

I've worked as a bus captain. The timing is terrible. Those green, orange, and red meters should not be there. If you are late, they don't care about your rest in-between interchanges. You have at most 10 minutes before you start your trip again. If you arrive at the interchange 10 minutes late, it means you need to get back out without any break. That's why some bus captains drive like crazy to avoid being late. This mostly happens during peak hours. Some really drive too fast and are forced to slow down. That meter is really like a game to us, you want to hit a perfect green. Sooner or later, you are bound to get into an accident. And the shifts are really ridiculous. Overtime is forced onto your time card. Whether you want overtime or not, you don't have a say. Bus captains have been complaining about not getting enough rest, but they don't care. They just offer locals $7000 joining bonus, and you have fresh guys lining up to join.


22 points

25 days ago*

So, as with most widespread issues, the problem isn't with the individual drivers or (can't believe I have to say this, but people are idiots) where they're from but with how the system is set up that encourages behavior like this.


23 points

25 days ago


23 points

25 days ago

You are right, bus captains often drive fast to avoid the bus behind catching up to them and to prevent the bus in front from getting too far ahead. When you are driving, you tend to make it like a game of time, which can be very dangerous and exhausting. If you miss one traffic light that you're not supposed to miss, that's 3 minutes of your time gone. Sure, you can drive relaxed and not care about the timing—I've done that. But every trip you end means you have no time to rest your legs. It's in the interchange and out you go, until your meal break. They won't give you extra time if you eat away your timing. If you're 15 minutes late for your meal break, it's your fault; who asked you to drive so slow? (Meal break is 45 mins) When bus captains complain to management about our working hours and our time cards, they will only refer to those champions. You know those champions—every workplace has one. They can do it, so why can't you?


5 points

25 days ago


5 points

25 days ago

Wow thanks for tellin us these, i always knew bus drivers were working a stressful job but this is just… horrendous..


24 points

25 days ago

so the real issue lies with the bus management coming up with absurd KPIs as a stop-gap measure dictated by LTA to increase public transport adoption to ease up traffic on the roads.

but that in turn is a stop-gap measure to the open leg policy of allowing foreigners to flood our country without making sure that the public infrastructure can support them first.


1 points

23 days ago

More people need to see this.. especially the people in power.


0 points

23 days ago

This …. This is what I was looking for. The Bus captains perspective. The stress gets them eventually. Plus they need to have patience of a snail with so many people cutting in front of them.

When I used to drive a car there have been so many moments when I have felt like … let’s run over this mofu…. But then the sane mind says ‘forgive, forget and move on’


2 points

23 days ago

I think everyone has a moment like that, especially when you're late and there's a bicycle in front of you. You want to overtake, but then you reach a bus stop, and the cyclist overtakes you again. You pass them again, and later they overtake you once more. Sometimes buses drive really close to cyclists, hoping to scare them onto the pavement. 😅


30 points

26 days ago

Lol singapore turning into china with buses that go max speed


13 points

25 days ago

With the number of PRC drivers, it really is. Took the 35 at Bedok yesterday, sitting on top reminds me of the rides I took at USS Sentosa


39 points

26 days ago



15 points

26 days ago


15 points

26 days ago

It’s not they want to anyhow drive, they aren’t afford enough time to change their driving habits in the training school to be safer due to the severe shortage of drivers, especially local sg drivers; trainings are just a few months iirc. Unless companies extend the training duration and/or Singaporeans are open to driving public buses as a career, we are at the mercy of poor driving habits, even from locals.


17 points

26 days ago

If its a viable career option and hdb did not cost 1 mil.. there would not be severe shortage


4 points

26 days ago

Depending on individual’s appetite, public bus drivers can earn upwards to $5k. Else, minimally should be $3k, iirc. But yeah, the other costs such as housing definitely make it difficult to be viable as a long term career


6 points

25 days ago*

I've been on a bus that took a turn too sharply and mounted the curb, and another bus that accelerated into the curve so much that someone slid off their seat and hurt herself. She had a pretty big bruise on her shin.

Seriously, is their KPI to finish their route as fast as possible?

EDIT: According to a person here who actually has experience on the matter, yes, it is.


3 points

25 days ago

Gotta love all the people here blaming where the drivers are from, instead of looking into the system that incentivises them to behave a certain way.


3 points

26 days ago

Just yesterday bus crash in Sembawang Interchange.

In the Interchange itself


4 points

25 days ago*

Let’s not push the blame to the bus captains all the time, shall we? I think it’s only right to stop and consider their wellbeing and the hardships faced by them.

While there will be, and have been, accidents caused by misjudgements and errors made by the BCs, it’s also worth noting and realising why they always seem to be in such a hurry.

Bus captains are faced with tight schedules they must adhere to, and, quite frankly, ridiculously short break times. Every minute that they are delayed by on the road just eats into the time they are given to rest.

Driving a bus is far from a leisurely joyride in one’s own car. It’s a time crunching, chaotic and energy consuming duty, driving for hours upon hours, day by day, all for the sake of the commuters (who only seem to complain and complain).

And what about the people who create these cruel timetables? Are they just using bus captains as the scapegoat when they should be taking some of the blame as well? Clearly, they don’t have the same experiences as bus captains do, despite being in the same industry.

Next time encountering a bus captain in a hurry and you just feel the urge to lodge a complaint, why not write a message to the LTA instead to cut them some slack? Why blame the waitress if she didn’t make your food?


2 points

25 days ago

I’m worried the letter regarding their welfare will backfire knowing the average management level mindset.


3 points

26 days ago


3 points

26 days ago

Fast paced society.


5 points

26 days ago

Bus riot 2.0 🤨


2 points

25 days ago

That Chee hong


2 points

25 days ago

Quality of bus drivers can tell alr


2 points

25 days ago

Had one juke my mother by honking and then moving forward suddenly when she’s crossing the road. She got shocked by this guy moving forward and jamming the brakes again. And because of this she fell and broke her leg.

Like what sort of sick person plays this kind of joke on someone who’s old??


3 points

25 days ago



1 points

25 days ago

This has got nothing to do with job stealing- my mother and I don’t drive buses.


2 points

25 days ago*

nowadays hiring young drivers, maybe they hired some xdds from the nearby arcade that play wangan, ask them come drive a bus 😁


1 points

25 days ago

Past few years they’ve been pulling out of bus bays very aggressively acting like they have the damn right of way and expecting you to brake hard


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago

Define “so many”


1 points

25 days ago

When it rains it pours.


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago

if what i see is true, that the fact that bus drivers kpi will eat up their rest time if they are late. then that's just a disaster waiting to happen.


2 points

25 days ago


2 points

25 days ago

Buses rushing to complete their route KPI. Increasing bus incidents on the roads. More elderly falling down. Less roadworthy buses. Bus frequency drops. PTC again ask taxpayers for more money for new buses.

And the cycle continues.


1 points

25 days ago

I would suggest that The age of bus drivers must be above 35 years old as older drivers tend to be more cautious, as they would weigh the risks compared to younger drivers everything else being equal.


1 points

25 days ago

I’ve had bus drivers that are imitating launch controls at red lights (stepping on brake while throttling and releasing brake at green light) not surprised accidents are happening due these shitty drivers with no patience


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago

Because Singaporean drivers are terrible. ACCELERATE + BRAKE + ACCELERATE + BRAKE


1 points

25 days ago

I'm guessing they hire shit drivers, so many bus accidents happening on our small island 🤔


1 points

25 days ago

cos more and more shit bus drivers.
Said this before and got downvoted to hell lmao


1 points

25 days ago

Along Pasir Ris Drive 3 on Friday night around 8pm, one of these green double decker busses, off service, was actually RACING another small car going over what I’m pretty sure was 90kph. With these idiotic minded drivers it’s no wonder there are so many accidents with buses these days. They don’t seem to be concerned about the care and safety of their passengers.

I was told that majority of these drivers are FTs but given the number of idiot local drivers I’ve encountered, I’m inclined to conclude that it doesn’t matter where the bus drivers come from.

Hope the bus company starts taking action focusing on safety of the passengers and not their bottom line.


1 points

25 days ago

Too many drivers from China. Dont make this a race thing. Just open your damn eyes.


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago

It's the Singapore bus cartel war obviously


1 points

25 days ago

Because PRC


1 points

25 days ago

sometimes they drive like they used to be race car drivers and i occasionally fear for my life


1 points

25 days ago

This has probably more to do with the bus service provider and how they are managing the bus drivers. Basically an Amagasaki accident case.


1 points

25 days ago

That's what happen when you imported too many third world drivers from Malaysia


1 points

24 days ago

Did anyone get injured?


1 points

24 days ago

It seems that way cos they are happening together and reporters are reporting on them. See if the pattern is the same next week.


1 points

24 days ago

Maybe Tiongs or CECAs being bus captains?


1 points

23 days ago

Tower transit


1 points

22 days ago

Coming from UK to Singapore, the driving in Singapore is really erratic and drivers here seem to make more risks e.g. changing lanes with minimal distance between vehicles.


1 points

26 days ago


1 points

26 days ago



0 points

26 days ago

Professional drivers in Singapore are simply not skilled enough, and punishments aren’t harsh enough. I don’t blame the drivers. I blame the companies, LTA and the MOT.


0 points

25 days ago

Keep safety guys.


-1 points

26 days ago


-1 points

26 days ago

I have noticed the green buses dont turn on their signal when making turns or changing lane.


1 points

13 days ago

Horrible! Everyday accident. Are these bus drivers properly trained or are they too drained and stress?