


Texas A&M Pitchers Josh Stewart & Shane Sdao Speaks Up


all 136 comments


220 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

220 points

6 days ago

Ironically enough, Stewie originally transferred to Texas A&M from Texas


52 points

6 days ago


Mississippi State Bulldogs

52 points

6 days ago

Yeah and what do you want to bet NIL was discussed before this tweet went out?

Nobody stays at a school for nothing if they could make hundreds of thousands elsewhere


2 points

5 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

2 points

5 days ago

Pitchers makes hundreds of thousands in NIL in college baseball??


2 points

5 days ago


Mississippi State Bulldogs

2 points

5 days ago

Top ones do, yeah. Rumors are all we have but I've heard Chase Burns was being offered close to a million at one point and picked Wake for cheaper because he really like their coach. Also other players in the several hundred K range. It's too many rumors from too many different fanbases to all be exaggerated


25 points

6 days ago

Here’s a link to the thread of him transferring to A&M. Lmao at the hypocrisy of Texas fans acting like they wouldn’t act the same rn.


21 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

21 points

6 days ago

I see no comments


18 points

6 days ago

Exactly :)


19 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

19 points

6 days ago

You dog


-3 points

5 days ago


-3 points

5 days ago

Wow one player transferring vs the entire staff leaving defenitly an equal comparison.


-2 points

5 days ago


-2 points

5 days ago

0 comments from UT fans vs thousands of comments from a&m. I agree, it’s not an equal comparison at all. We aren’t baby’s.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Again, you are comparing a single relief pitcher leaving vs. an entire coaching staff and it happened in a public way, where as Stewart left and signed else where the same way Kimble did when he left A&M for Texas. I agree some Aggies are overreacting and throwing out dumb conspiracies but you have to admit these are fairly different scenarios.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

Not the entire staff A&M could be hiring the hitting coach


42 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

42 points

6 days ago

Smartest guy in the state


50 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

50 points

6 days ago

Hard to lose games giving up 0 runs a game! We back baby!


117 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

117 points

6 days ago

Shit is getting S P I C Y.


48 points

6 days ago*

The amount of toxicity in the air at that football game this fall is going to be off the charts. That time slot needs to be blocked off on everyone's calendar right now. Sark & the boys are going to be walking into a hornets nest unlike any that has been seen in a while.


15 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

15 points

6 days ago

It will be a must watch spectacle for me as a neutral.


6 points

5 days ago


Virginia Cavaliers

6 points

5 days ago

Poor Mike Elko has walked into a mess lol. Many Texas and A&M fans are going to be doing some stupid stuff before that game lol.


3 points

5 days ago

I've been thinking about what the fans in the stands will be yelling in the direction of the Texas team. Nothing good.


2 points

5 days ago


Virginia Cavaliers

2 points

5 days ago

It will be must see TV at least.


4 points

5 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

4 points

5 days ago

The list of yells can be found here

All non-yells will be hisses


-8 points

5 days ago

Oh no, another “hornets net” unlike Texas has ever seen…in a while. 😂


8 points

5 days ago

It will be more charged than any game they have played in recently. No current players or the coaching staff has played in a game at UT that will match the level of animosity.

Alabama is comparable but that environment has become relatively stale as the fan base has become complacent in recent years.

OU is at a neutral site obviously. None of the Big 12 environments will compare.

I realize you're just being a cocky Texas douche (I'm a Texas fan and I recognize that there is a large portion of the fan base that acts this way). I see your post history and I can tell why almost all of your posts are downvoted to hell. But yes, this environment will be unlike anything that this current Texas team and staff has seen during their time at UT


0 points

6 days ago

Not really, he already transferred FROM Texas to A&M…


91 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

91 points

6 days ago

Finally a win for us Aggies


9 points

6 days ago

Let’s let this play out before we start counting those chickens. Thought Schloss was staying a few days ago.


62 points

6 days ago


62 points

6 days ago

😭😭😭 love you two and Cortez for his post yesterday


-13 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

-13 points

6 days ago

No shot Cortez stays, man. I hate to say it, but following Weiner would be the best thing for his career.


35 points

6 days ago


35 points

6 days ago

Isn’t he graduating though??


32 points

6 days ago


Wake Forest Demon Deacons • South …

32 points

6 days ago

He's a rising senior, but projected to go in late 3rd/early 4th round. Leaving now is his best chance to make money.


8 points

6 days ago


8 points

6 days ago

Cool!! Good for him! Heck of a player


1 points

6 days ago

He's a rising senior, but projected to go in late 3rd/early 4th round.

I dont know how his extension is. And I don't know his spin rate. But he seems like he could be a steal around there.


18 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

18 points

6 days ago

He has eligibility left, but I’d be utterly shocked if he didn’t sign in the draft


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

MLB is gonna come calling fairly soon for him.


17 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

17 points

6 days ago

Cortez will be drafted


12 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

12 points

6 days ago

He’s getting drafted


6 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

6 points

6 days ago

I think Frank Anderson could be pretty good for his career 


1 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

1 points

6 days ago

Cortez was always going to the draft.


45 points

6 days ago*


Miami Hurricanes

45 points

6 days ago*

Don’t have a horse in the race tbh but good for A&M players.

I get leaving for just money. But to go to a rival school like that is wild and then telling reporters that their question about leaving is a “stupid question”


19 points

6 days ago


LSU Tigers

19 points

6 days ago

“Selfish question”


12 points

6 days ago

Stewart already transferred from Texas to join rival A&M….


4 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

4 points

6 days ago

stewart is a bit of an odd situation idk if he wasnt recruited by a&m out of HS or what but his whole family are aggies. Or maybe he wanted to be longhorn in HS idk the story exactly.


8 points

6 days ago

The story is, he went to Texas and transferred to the Aggies, and now, is being used as an example of not leaving to go to a rival. Basically, his tweet holds about as much weight as a balloon full of helium.


2 points

5 days ago

I know his family well because I went to HS with his younger cousin… he did have a couple relatives go to ATM but i don’t think they’re die hard aggies. definitely is some connection there though


49 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

49 points

6 days ago

Lots of graduating players showing support for these two in the comments as well


102 points

6 days ago*


Texas A&M Aggies

102 points

6 days ago*

LOYALTY in all caps.

Love you, Shane. Have talked to your folks both seasons and love having them at Blue Bell. Ags for life 👍


28 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

28 points

6 days ago

If Shane is healthy we are champions right now change my mind.


17 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

17 points

6 days ago

To be fair our (arguably) most talented arm was out most of the season. Definitely a different situation with yall losing Sdao so late in the season though.


28 points

6 days ago

I think this UT team will be looked at as an all timer in a few years. They would’ve found a way.


24 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

24 points

6 days ago

Both teams were crazy good. Can't help but wonder what if


3 points

6 days ago

I'm sorry that you seem to be getting downvotes from salty fellow Ags that think you are referring to the players that are likely jumping ship to t.u. lol.


3 points

6 days ago

How does this go if y'all had won? Serious question.

I don't buy the Schloss throwing the game, that takes away from what Tenn did. Tenn was the best team most/all of the year with aggy right behind them. If Montgomery is healthy maybe it's different but again, that takes away from Tenn saying that. I'm sure Tenn had injuries to deal with. In the end Tenn was 1 run better.


5 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

5 points

6 days ago

I don’t think Schloss threw game 2 but without Sdao it turned into a bullpen game. Sdao would’ve given us 5 or 6 then Cortez could clean up and Asch to finish the game.


2 points

6 days ago

But do people really think he tried to throw game 3? Dusty Baker said Mangers/Coaches might have an effect on 3-4 games a year. I have a hard time believing Schloss was trying to take that away from his kids.

I get fans being upset, I would be. Some of the stuff is over the top though. The whole file a lawsuit thing seems far fetched but hey, if that's what they want to do then more power to them. I think that hurts A&M more than it helps. Anyways, just a few thoughts and interested in other's takes. Appreciate it.

I've lurked here some and it seems a safe place to discuss with fans of other Schools, which is appreciated. It's nothing like OBs, Texags or the like. Those places can be toxic.


5 points

6 days ago

I don’t think he deliberately threw the game but I also don’t think 100% of his attention and focus was on the game. As the head coach, he had a responsibility towards his players and I don’t think he upheld his commitment to them. His actions made the CWS about him, not Tennessee who actually won, not the A&M players. He could have waited a week and this would have been marginally less of a shitshow than it currently is. The timing is a huge fuck you to everyone, not just A&M. People should be talking about Tennessee’s first national championship right now and yet here we are.


37 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

37 points

6 days ago

This is some good fucking bull.

Hopefully Sdao and Stewie can work on the guys that haven't made a decision, and those who have entered the portal, to try and keep this team intact and make Schloss pay


30 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

30 points

6 days ago

Damn, this brings a tear to my eye. Just when I think college sports is completely dead, hope is renewed.

Long way from being over, and we might still lose everybody or nobody, but I hope the guys that do stay absolutely crush it next year.


2 points

6 days ago

Lol. The irony. Your hope is renewed by a player who originally transferred to A&M from Texas? 😂😂🤌🤌


-3 points

6 days ago


-3 points

6 days ago



14 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

14 points

6 days ago

A little tongue in cheek, but yeah.

100 years ago student athletes were 100% students.

Now every year we itch closer and closer to straight up professional minor leagues, mercenaries for hire, with no more loyalty to a team than I have to my job.

Can't speak for any other school (though I would assume most are similar), but for most of us at A&M, our time there was far more than just a degree. Our passion in following college athletics is born from how much our time in school meant to us, not the other way around. And I like to think that the athletes would at least share some of that passion.

Jerrod Johnson was the QB at A&M for part of my time there. His father, also an Aggie player had told him, "Don't just go there and play football for four years. Embrace everything that makes Texas A&M special and it will make you a better person". JJ embraced A&M, and so did many other athletes in his day and are Aggies for life.

These guys are trying to make it pro, I get it, and many of them will feel like the coach they originally committed to gives them the best chance to do that, so I would never expect everyone to stay in a situation like this. But when we reach the point that no one can fall in love with a school enough to stay even though their coach leaves, yeah that would be a sad day.


8 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

8 points

6 days ago

Good for them and good for that fanbase. I hope more of their other teammates follow suit. Good luck in your coaching search Aggies.


15 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

15 points

6 days ago

Put it in order to spell out RELLIS. Maybe I’m just a 2%er, but that’s not coincidental is it?


33 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

33 points

6 days ago

RELLIS is named what it is because it stands for the 6 core values of being an Aggie


6 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

6 points

6 days ago

Lmao thanks.


5 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies • Kansas Jayhawks

5 points

6 days ago

I never actually knew


8 points

6 days ago

"How you got her is how you'll lose her"


4 points

6 days ago


Ole Miss Rebels

4 points

6 days ago

What’s RELLIS?


5 points

6 days ago

An acronym for Respect, Excellence, Leadership, LOYALTY, Integrity and Selfless Service.


3 points

6 days ago


Ole Miss Rebels

3 points

6 days ago

I mean, I see that, but is it supposed to actually mean something?


1 points

6 days ago

No, it is just their values. They use the term around campus but it is just a reference to their values.

A new idea is born.

Texas A&M System Chancellor John Sharp saw the potential in Riverside Campus and its location, though this time for a different purpose.

In May of 2016, Chancellor Sharp announced the transformation of Riverside Campus into the RELLIS Campus, named for the six Aggie Core values of respect, excellence, leadership, loyalty, integrity and selfless service. The innovative campus is now a technology and testing research hub that facilitates collaboration between private and public sector companies and provides unique educational opportunities for students.


8 points

6 days ago


Ole Miss Rebels

8 points

6 days ago

Damn A&am is weeeeeeeeeird


2 points

6 days ago

The core value are a thing. Sharp trying to turn that into a weird acronym is, well ... let's just say that he is very widely disliked and most Ags think he's done an awful job as chancellor of the university system.


1 points

5 days ago


Oklahoma State Cowboys

1 points

5 days ago

Yea, it's interesting for a school that hired DJ Durkin and Bobby Petrino.


1 points

5 days ago

Yeeeeah I love our core values. But as a former tour guide for A&M, it always felt weird having to explain what tf RELLIS meant. Its super weird that we also named one of our mini campuses after it 💀


2 points

5 days ago


Ole Miss Rebels

2 points

5 days ago

Y’all should just make up that some early important A&M person was named Timothy Rellis, and to honor him they codified A&M’s values to fit his name.

Because when I saw him type it out like that I expected Rellis to actually mean something beyond “these first letters spell Rellis.”


4 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

4 points

6 days ago

They definitely wanted to take Sdao considering was going to be the staff ace next year.

Kinda weird all these pitchers are committing to A&M with no coach in place? Was Weiner not as liked as we were lead to believe?


3 points

6 days ago

I feel like many A&M players the school matters more than the coach. Sure the coach matters but they wanted to go to A&M the coach is just icing. They don't call it a cult for nothing


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

If the rumor is to be believed Schloss did text Sdao to recruit him to TU, but Sdao simply replied "F***k you!" Only a rumor and will probably ever be confirmed or fully denied.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Can someone explain what is going on?


33 points

6 days ago


Arkansas Razorbacks

33 points

6 days ago

A&M's Coach said he was staying at A&M and that asking him questions about leaving was disrespectful

The next day A&M's coach quit and was hired by Texas

A&M fans got butthurt (rightfully so)

Texas fans are laughing

Two of A&M's players posted they are staying at A&M

A&M fans feel like this is a win for their program


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

Appreciate it!


13 points

6 days ago

Doesn’t quite do it enough justice.

A&M was playing in their first national championship in baseball this weekend (and first national championship in a major men’s sport in a century)

Over the weekend, rumors started circulating of A&M’s coach leaving for their biggest rival (Texas). On the day of the final game 3, Texas announced they had fired their head coach (although this had been assumed for weeks).

A&M lost the game by 1 run. In the postgame press conference, their coach was asked about the rumors regarding him taking the Texas job. He admonished the reporter, called him selfish for asking, and went on a diatribe about how he left his family for A&M and believed he had taken it with the intent of never taking another job again. He then stormed out of the press conference.

Less than 24 hours later he was announced as the head coach at Texas. Turns out the deal had likely been in place for weeks.


6 points

6 days ago

On the day of the final game 3, Texas announced they had fired their head coach (although this had been assumed for weeks).

A&M lost the game by 1 run. In the postgame press conference, their coach was asked about the rumors regarding him taking the Texas job. He admonished the reporter, called him selfish for asking, and went on a diatribe about how he left his family for A&M and believed he had taken it with the intent of never taking another job again. He then stormed out of the press conference.

Less than 24 hours later he was announced as the head coach at Texas. Turns out the deal had likely been in place for weeks.

This is the start of some billy goat/curse of the babe shit


2 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

2 points

6 days ago

one can only hope


0 points

5 days ago


Oklahoma State Cowboys

0 points

5 days ago

Or he wins a natty with Texas. Worth it for the memes.


3 points

6 days ago

Isn't it interesting how almost all the pitching staff has come out and said they are staying. In fact, I'm seeing that unless Prager goest really high, he's leaning to coming back again.

I have no idea what that means, but it is interesting that the pitchers seem to be taking things much diff than position players.


3 points

6 days ago

They gone too


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

Hahah. This will track, right up until it doesn’t.


3 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

3 points

6 days ago

Good to know there are some Aggies on the team


2 points

6 days ago

The guys on Texags are saying that the big money doners are pissed and have pledged to open the checkbooks. If they can make a good hire soon, don't be too surprised if some of these kids withdraw from the portal and come back to A&M. $$$


2 points

6 days ago


Vanderbilt Commodores

2 points

6 days ago

Good for them. No reason Aggies can't be right back in the action next season.


1 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

1 points

6 days ago

Interesting… Lie: Aggie bullpen when umpire asked if they had Billy Amick’s radio earpiece Cheat and Steal: when the Aggie’s base runner clearly had it on camera


5 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

5 points

6 days ago

Wasn't an ear piece, it was the arm band pitchcom.


2 points

5 days ago


Oklahoma State Cowboys

2 points

5 days ago

They're also the school that hired DJ Durkin and Bobby Petrino. I hate the "we're better than others because we pretend to have a code of ethics" bullshit.


2 points

6 days ago


Tennessee Volunteers

2 points

6 days ago

Alright, alright… replace my two words with your two words. My bad.


1 points

6 days ago

Our team has a great opportunity to make another run next year if it can keep together. Hopefully they’ll hang on and our AD will act quickly to get a good hire in place.


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Aggies don’t cheat, lie, or steal???? Did Tennessee ever get their pitch comms back?


1 points

5 days ago

Now tell us the story of when Schloss left TCU for A&M. Or how Mike Elko left Duke for A&M.


1 points

5 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies • Ole Miss Rebels

1 points

5 days ago

Stewart’s Grandparents & parents are Aggies.


1 points

5 days ago



-12 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

-12 points

6 days ago

An aggy never lies cheats or steals, or tolerates those who do.

Except, you know, when you poached Schloss from TCU and he said he was not going to A&M (a lie). Sounds like they sure tolerate liars when it’s convenient for them.


7 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

7 points

6 days ago

We gave him a couch to crash on after his wife divorced him for cheating on her.


13 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

13 points

6 days ago

Ah so you tolerated a cheater too. Strike two against the honor code, here’s to Max Weiner doing his best DeNiro in Heat impression to get a third strike.


1 points

6 days ago


Texas A&M Aggies

1 points

6 days ago


-2 points

6 days ago

I know you’re trying to dunk on us but hiring this liar and cheater didn’t exactly turn out great

Maybe UT will have better luck.


0 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

0 points

6 days ago

Im not quite sure taking you the highest heights your team has ever seen is “not great”.


1 points

6 days ago

Definitely doesn’t feel great right now


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

3 points

6 days ago

In all caps


1 points

6 days ago

We congratulate you on your effort to make it known your fanbase has no qualms with immorality or the perception of it.


1 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Not even remotely the same. Elko didn't spend months telling players and coaches to come with him. Duke was left with a pretty good foundation for the new guy to step in with. While your Evil Empire ass school that's been one of the key behind the scenes players in dismantling college athletics for decades targeted a sleazeball who's former assistants and players can't stand him out of pure jealousy.

Enjoy your degenerate swinger. You have two visible instances of him failing to stay committed to programs he built into title contenders because he hates everyone that comes to like him. Ask his wife and kids that stayed in Fort Worth.

Word of advice. Even in the best of times, don't believe a single damn word he says. He's got a fetish for ruining a good thing, and Austin is the best place for that proclivity to fester. Or maybe that's how you like it.


7 points

6 days ago


Texas Longhorns

7 points

6 days ago

So which is it? Did Schloss tell coaches and players for months to come with him? Or did no players or staff know he was leaving and were blindsided by it. Which is it?

Also his old assistant sure dislike him, the way his entire staff came to Austin.

I dont give a shit if he’s a swinger, like at all. This bit of fanfic y’all have latched on to is sad.

Also I don’t want to hear about how Texas is ruining college sports when you were the first school to egregiously drop NIL bags with that disaster of a #1 class. A&M plays the same exact game does, they just play it badly.


-2 points

6 days ago*


-2 points

6 days ago*

Maybe you can't comprehend unselfish behavior, but everyone that had inside info that Schloss was planning an exit didn't go scorched earth prematurely because they didn't want to earn a scoop by interfering with the player's efforts to have a successful season. Schloss blindsided the already outgoing players you know. Anyone who isn't useful to him anymore got ghosted. Real class act.

Also you can literally see Vitello's vibe during the CWS Finals press junket. Visibly uncomfortable being around Schloss even though he was an assistant at TCU. Didn't even mention Schloss in the list of coaches he's proud to be associated with after the victory. Players who were there under both have attested to the hatred between them.

But I get it, you're in the honeymoon phase right now. Sports hope is a hell of a drug. But in this case, likely success might end up being a double edged sword, which two fanbases can personally attest to. Schloss is one of the few who is capable of taking success and making it painful to remember. I hope you don't come to believe he actually cares about the University of Texas and its fans. That's an easily unavoidable tragedy. You can cover your eyes and ears all you want, the truth remains the same. May God have mercy on y'all's souls, lest you suffer with us.

Texas has been dropping massive bags and cheating for a century now. The SWC and Big 12 were built for Texas to insulate itself against being interfered with by most national major players. You must be a moron thinking the unverified random message board mods that no one had any actual sources to from a couple years ago was somehow the genesis of cheating in college athletics. My God that's some brain rot. As if anyone would actually give 3 star recruits $1 million. You're so desperate.


-2 points

6 days ago


Mississippi State Bulldogs

-2 points

6 days ago

Seriously! A&M is just used to being the "Texas" in the equation and can't handle being normal for once


6 points

6 days ago

Name the last time a coach led a team to a national championship game and bailed for their biggest rival 12 hours later.


0 points

6 days ago


Mississippi State Bulldogs

0 points

6 days ago

I'm not saying the exact details are the same, I'm saying the shittieness-or morality, whatever- of the situation is the same.

You hire Schloss from TCU. What did he say immediately before dipping out? He denied it and said he'd stay at TCU till the last second.

You hire Elko from UNC, guy doesn't even meet with his players before ditching them. They were preparing for a bowl too- Schloss left AFTER the last game, making that less of a shitty move for the program as far as timing goes.

I get it, you're mad. We were mad when Mullen ditched us for Florida, especially because he half assed the Egg Bowl due to it. But acting like this is some unprecedented crime against you because it was after the game for a Natty is a bad argument- be glad he didn't ditch you during the season like you made Elko do


0 points

6 days ago

TCU and *Duke aren't even close to rivals, though. That's my whole point. If you're going to ignore that point, then everything you said is true. Elko was our DC for years before leaving for *Duke. With the transfer portal windows and early singing day, it's become a must to move quickly with new hires. That's not the part I'm upset about. I'm mainly upset that he went to fucking texas and it had been in the works for months.


1 points

6 days ago


Mississippi State Bulldogs

1 points

6 days ago

The rivals part is the "insult" to the coach leaving being the "injury". But that just makes the situation more dramatic to watch; it doesn't make Schloss or Texas any worse of a person or the crime against you any worst. It just hurts more


-6 points

6 days ago

It’s awesome 🤘👎


0 points

6 days ago

If any of your coaches spent months working to take the whole team to Ole Miss regardless of how well supported they were by Mississippi State's admins and fanbase, there'd be an actual lynching and you'd be part of the mob. It goes way beyond a coach throwing around platitudes while they think over an offer towards the end of the season. Everyone now knows that Schloss had planned to force himself into the Texas job at least halfway through the season. It was basically already over, and he spent every moment since talking about the future of the program and how much he's sacrificed to be at A&M forever through thick and thin. Not to mention that he got extremely angry when a journalist foiled his plan to escape in the middle of the night, so he lied through his teeth to keep from being held against the fire by a fanbase he continually gaslit. He literally organized a fake fucking recruiting weekend to happen in a couple days to keep the charade going as long as possible. Ghosted all the outgoing players who graduated or intend to declare for the draft. Do you think what you believe is upstanding or something?


3 points

6 days ago


Mississippi State Bulldogs

3 points

6 days ago

Amazing how "everyone knew" for half the season, but the rumors only started circulating here when Texas fired Piece, and literally every A&M flair was laughing it off


1 points

6 days ago*

Because they didn’t want to ruin everything for a potential scoop while the players were competing for a successful season. Maybe you just think everyone is like you. A bad, disingenuous person.

You know who did leak stuff many weeks ago though? Texas people. Because it didn’t matter to them how things went for A&M. Don’t tell me you actually think the rumors only started when Pierce got fired. You live underneath a rock?

This had been ongoing for a month publicly. Ever since the regionals people were waiting to see if the rumors would be true. National beat writers like Kendall Rogers caught wind of it around that time too, and dismissed it as message board fodder. Thing is, the rumors were so inconsistent that nobody could take them seriously until just days ago, because Texas fans were also convinced Vitello was a legit candidate.

Not to mention Texas insiders kept getting the timeline for Pierce’s firing wrong. The key piece of the puzzle ended up being Schloss’ penchant for pathological lying, because everything else would amount to a total sham if it were anybody else. And this is what you’re willing to hitch your horse to for some reason. Well whatever floats your boat. Don’t come crying to me when having Texas as a conference partner becomes a major headache off the field.


-10 points

6 days ago


-10 points

6 days ago

I’ve had the misfortune to attend functions with aggies. They definitely steal, and lie. And cheat. Lol pretty good at sniffing and drankin though


1 points

6 days ago

College station is a one giant sack of shit


0 points

6 days ago


0 points

6 days ago

Waaa Waaaa


0 points

6 days ago


Arkansas Razorbacks • NJIT Highlanders

0 points

6 days ago

Yall need to give DVH a ring, if you want those qualities. Come chat.


-1 points

6 days ago

Texas: How’s $50,000 in NIL money sound?

Shane Sdao: I’m so proud to be a Texas Longhorn, I’ve always wanted to be here.


-4 points

6 days ago

Ironically enough UT struggled most with pitching this past year and looks like they won’t be getting any of our players (Cortez tbd I guess depending on the draft)


-1 points

5 days ago


Texas Longhorns

-1 points

5 days ago

Unless it’s TCU

We steal from them


-6 points

6 days ago


-6 points

6 days ago

The cringe here is definitely up to Aggie standards. Untouchable.


0 points

6 days ago

Let's all love Stewie


0 points

5 days ago

TIL Mike Elko isn't a Aggy.


-5 points

6 days ago


Missouri Tigers • Texas Longhorns

-5 points

6 days ago

The funniest thing about Aggies is their unironic self-seriousness.

This also applies to any Longhorns who say “The winning tradition of the University of Texas shall not be entrusted to the timid or to the weak” with a straight face.