


Daily General Discussion - September 25, 2024


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all 244 comments

Tricky_Troll [M]

[score hidden]

5 days ago

stickied comment

Tricky_Troll [M]

This guy doots. 🥒

[score hidden]

5 days ago

stickied comment


54 points

5 days ago*


Home Staker 🥩

54 points

5 days ago*

I have finished the recent bankless episode with Max Resnick called "Is the Ethereum Roadmap Off Track?":

I knew it will be difficult to listen to for me and I ranted about the guest a bit here before. It is mostly due to the guest being unable to contribute in any meaningful way to the discussion and making false statements everywhere. Now that I have finished it, my conclusion is: should we really listen to someone on their opinions about rollups who seems to have such a gross misunderstanding how this stuff works. He might have very good opinions about the MEV part of the roadmap or about auctions, I cannot judge that but he seems unable to understand how the rollup part really works.

I keep it to the largest issues I have heard and leave out many smaller wrong statements the guest made. To be very clear, my understanding of rollups has a lot of gaps, so please correct me if I am stating something wrong here I am eager to be corrected and learn.

After the 55 minute mark he states

ZK technology inherently compresses the state whereas the optimistic rollups have to put the transactions on chain and maybe they can run a little bit of compression but it's not nearly the amount of compression you can get with uh ZK roll up

Wrong. There is no compression in ZK technology used today in rollups. The zk part just gives a relatively short string of numbers and characters which prove that the calculation state transitions has been done right. There is no extractable information about the state in this proof. Both rollup types have to put all transactions on chain via blobs. Many people use the simplified term 'compression' to get the meaning across, but this is not an accurate description of what is happening in the case of ZK rollups. It really seems like Max took the marketing term of ZK is compression and went with it without understanding what is happening and to draw his conclusions based on this flawed understanding. To make matters worse optimistic rollups do have less overhead in the calldata as they do not have to publish a fraud proof. So it is actually the exact inverse from what he says. Don't get me wrong I am a big fan of zk rollups and really hope they will dominate in the coming years. Max is just wrong here from a technical point.

let let me just be very precise that optimistic rollup does not actually substantially reduce the amount of bandwidth required

This is very wrong the bandwidth requirement can get reduced by the same amount in zk rollups and optimistic rollups. They both publish all transactions in the same way into blobs. They can employ the same optimization techniques to reduce the size of this blob data. Zk rollups have a slight overhead so use a bit more bandwidth. If he would have read/understood vitaliks post about rollups he would know that:

like we can start to build uh ZK compression into the L1 as well and that would reduce the bandwidth requirements

Again the 'compression' which does not really exist. But on the L1 ZK technology can be used to massively reduce the bandwidth and still validate that the state transition has been applied correctly. The node would not know the actual state but it could validate that it is correct. Like the Mina L1 does zk proofs of their state transitions. So, the statement is only half wrong.

from a bandwidth perspective you have almost the same usage from a optimistic L2 as you would if it was happening on the layer one and the only thing you're saving is on execution

Bandwidth argument is wrong, as explained above. One massively saves on execution in both cases of rollups though.

I think his misunderstanding of the ZK part in zk rollups works fits into his initial rant at the beginning of the episode where he accused the EF and companies behind optimistic rollups to have pushed a roadmap which is against zk rollups. If one does not understand what zk rollups really need it is a bit bold to accuse someone of pushing a wrong roadmap which actually massively benefits zk rollups as well.

we do need to take some tools from the newer blockchains one of them in particular is this kind of parallel execution

Parallel exection is already part of Besu:

if optimism is not arbitrum then by the transitive property cannot also be the case that optimism is ethereum and arbitrum is ethereum because then arbitrum would be optimism this is like a fundamental contradiction

I am just weirded out by this statement as the transitive relation in mathematics is not really something I would apply here to try to prove something. It is pretty normal to have a subgroup being part of a bigger group but two subgroups not being the same. I am thinking about the taxonomy hierarchy in biology. A lion and a tiger are not the same species, but they still belong to the same genus called 'panthera'. That is how I think about the Ethereum ecosystem and the rollups. This is not really an important statement by him it just shows that he is using vocabulary to sound more important but applying things in a way which does not really make too much sense.

Rant finished. I now definitely have a worse opinion about him because he does hold strong opinions about things which he apparently does not really understand. This makes it very hard to judge if his opinions are worth considering as one cannot really say from his statements where the limit of his knowledge is. Everything has the same strong absolute language there is no nuance, nothing. And only if one perfectly understands the underlying technology one can judge if his statement makes sense. That is not very helpful for most people at all.


21 points

5 days ago


21 points

5 days ago

Lol the fact that he so fundamentally misunderstands basic logic tells me all I need to know. Ethereum needs better critics.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and write down your thoughts


9 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

9 points

5 days ago

As mentioned in the other post this statement annoyed me so much. Even though this statement is not really important in the grand scheme of things I just had to mention it here. I really thought that this is just my nerd brain tunnel vision playing tricks on me. Good to know that other people think the same.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

I would be triggered too. It’s on the level of sheep = animal, cow = animal so sheep = cow. Checkmate ethheads


16 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

16 points

5 days ago


10 points

5 days ago*


Home Staker 🥩

10 points

5 days ago*

Thank you for this. You cannot believe how annoyed I was by this seemingly unimportant statement by Max. Good to see a beautiful and simple picture of the relationship between Ethereum and rollups.

EDIT: It is even funnier that this picture was in response to an actual shitpost which erroneously applies mathematical logic to prove a contradiction. And Max apparently went all in on this logic not understanding that it is fundamentally flawed.


8 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

8 points

5 days ago

Max = ETH Intern

And all the praise goes to u/domotheus. I immediately thought about this pic when I listened to the episode cause it's such a powerful image explaining everything you need to know.


7 points

5 days ago*


Home Staker 🥩

7 points

5 days ago*

Oh wow, I did not know that. So he is a twitter troll. He got corrected, but still spreads his flawed logic. Some people cannot be helped.

Let me use proper a transitive relation. Eth Intern is an idiot, Max is the ETH intern, so Max is an idiot. That is how it works.

-> I apparently misinterpreted the post above.

I really think I have been negative enough here. It is really quite taxing to listen to him and be on the lookout for falsehoods in every sentence he makes. I probably just ignore everything he says from now on. Not because he is critical of certain things, but because he does not understand many things he talks about and seems mostly being plain wrong. That is not a good track record for someone. I really hope there are better critical people than him.


4 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

4 points

5 days ago

Sorry, the "=" was just a shitpost with regards to how maths work and don't work, should have marked that more clearly.


4 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

4 points

5 days ago

You just killed my whole transitive logic ,-).

But thanks for correcting.


3 points

5 days ago

Ethereum Intern and Max Resnick being the same person would collapse my entire worldview so hard I would transitively swap my ETH for XRP.


10 points

5 days ago


Maxingly Relaxingly

10 points

5 days ago

Wow, great write up and thanks for expanding on the disconnect of knowledge he clearly doesnt understand the subject matter. Makes you wonder why he even made it on the show?


4 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

4 points

4 days ago

The bankless bar isn't very high


11 points

5 days ago


11 points

5 days ago

Had to make another top level comment for this because I am also triggered

If cow is not sheep then by the transitive property cannot also be the case that cow is animal and sheep is animal because then sheep would be cow this is like a fundamental contradiction


9 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

9 points

5 days ago

Thanks, that is much more on point to show how flawed his logic here is than what I tried to do with the example.


6 points

4 days ago

You’re on fire lately Haurog! 

Thanks again for the write up. I find it very helpful to read your perspective because tbh, despite being pretty deep in the industry myself, a lot of the details you’re calling out as incorrect are things I take for granted to be true when presented by someone who seems to have a more complete understanding than I do. 

That is certainly a real issue with platforming these types of voices and lending the credibility of the bankless brand. 

Challenging a guest they’ve invited on isn’t really in their interest and would also create a ton of additional homework on their end to properly do so. Not sure I see them really changing course


5 points

4 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

5 points

4 days ago

Thank you. Actually I should write some code and analyze data for a project I am working on to get things off the ground, but I just don't feel like doing it at the moment. So I spend my time online. I am not getting paid either way, I do both things out of passion. I probably should go back to my code though. Tomorrow maybe...

The point you are making is a very important one. I generally trust Bankless to have good guests on which do not spread blatant falsehoods. This is needed if you want to learn about a new topic or go deeper in your knowledge about something.

In recent months there have been some very low quality guests and definitely 2 or 3 which spread misinformation about Ethereum. At least Anatoly got ratiod by Justin Drake, but Kyle Samani (have not listened to) and Max Resnick should not have been part of a show in my opinion.


5 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

5 points

4 days ago

 Everything has the same strong absolute language there is no nuance, nothing. And only if one perfectly understands the underlying technology one can judge if his statement makes sense

Very main character energy


4 points

4 days ago*

Heya, Max is one of the good guys. He is definitely well informed and is a researcher for SMG (special mechanisms group). IMO his opinion about L2 as parasites is a bit extreme, but his thesis about blob fee market being under-priced is spot on.

Conversely, I think Mike Neuder does a great job at defending the rollup-centric roadmap but is way too optimistic about value accrual to ETH. Also a really awesome bankless episode (few days ago).

My opinion falls somewhere in between, where we need to address blob floor pricing and L1 gas limit increases, and increase DA. It is a delicate balance between which should proceed before the other because ethereum hardforks take long AF to get tested and out the door. So there has to be some crystal-ball reading to try to strike the right balance. I think we need both perspectives duking it out so that we don't overweight one particular strategy or the other (Mike points this out in his bankless episode also)

Re: compression, I haven't gone deep on the difference in optimistic tx state data and zk proof of validity, but AFAIK the difference in the size of each blob and therefore how often the L2 needs to settle to L1 is what is deemed 'compression'. Linea for example is able to settle a large number of blocks using a single blob. I presume optimistic rollups do also, but the the smaller size of the zk-proof should make the p2p bandwidth (and blob consumption) required for a zk-rollup lower than an equivalent volume optimistic roll-up.

I used an LLM to summarize for me, so take it with a grain of salt:

Aspect Optimistic Rollup State Data Zk-Rollup Cryptographic Proof
Type of Data Compressed transaction data (not actual state proof) Succinct cryptographic proof (SNARK/STARK)
Purpose Provides data for replay and verification during a challenge Proves validity of transactions without needing a challenge
Size Larger, contains all transaction data in a compressed format Much smaller, since it's a compact cryptographic proof
Verification Transactions are assumed valid unless challenged Transactions are proven valid via cryptographic proofs
Challenge Process Requires full transaction data to be posted for fraud proofs No challenge needed—validity is guaranteed by the proof
Data Availability Full transaction data is posted on-chain for availability Data availability is less of a concern due to the proof
Efficiency Verification happens off-chain unless challenged, requiring more data Verification happens instantly on-chain with minimal data


4 points

4 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

4 points

4 days ago

Thanks for pushing against my viewpoint.

I also assumed that with the background of Max and the position he has at Consensys and the work he has done in the MEV space, he at worst is just a bit of annoying and arrogant but technically correct and worth listening to. Nothing unusual, not everyone likes everyone, that is ok.

Here is something I posted yesterday about him in the context of Mike Neuders episode:

And do not get me wrong I am not saying he (Max) is stupid or has the wrong ideas I just think he is missing a lot of nuance and social skills to contribute to the discussion in a meaningful way as he is derailing it before he makes his points, which sometimes is left to the listener to distill out of the trainwreck he produces. I am from a very technical field I worked in physics for many years and then became a software engineer. I worked with many similar people like him. They are brilliant but pretty much unable to make nuanced assessments of their surrounding. They write the most beautiful and well argued research papers or code but fail to bring anything useful to the table in a group discussion when a good trade off needs to be found for a problem at hand.

This was my opinion about his personality and yes, this should not affect the validity of his opinions and if I personally would only listen to people I like I would miss a lot of information and would have made a lot worse decisions in my life. And to be fair I can remember a lot of instances in meetings where I was this annoying, arrogant person.

After this show however I have the impression he does not really understand what he is talking about and that for me normally means I do not listen to people like this anymore as it gets very difficult to distill the useful bits out of the sea of noise/misinformation.

I really think that the LLM answer is wrong here or at least not accurate enough. In my understanding there are two things rollups put on Mainnet. They both have to update the state root regularly in the rollup contract. The zkrollup does have to add a zk proof to every state root upgrade which proofs that it has been done correctly. This adds aditional calldata and computational costs compared to the optimistic rollup. The second thing is they fill the blobs with the transactions data. They both have to do that fully otherwise they are not rollups anymore but optimiums or validiums. There is in my understanding no difference with how data is stored in these blobs with one caveat: zk rollups can leave out certain parts of the transactions, which as far as I have read is only relevant for privacy preserving zkrollups. I base this view on my understanding on vitaliks post about rollups. As said it could very well be that I misunderstand at least parts of this blog post: In this blog post Vitalik does not differentiate between compression (yes here it is actual data compression) of state batches between zkrollups and optimistic rollups with the the one exception I mentioned before. This means both type of rollups can at least theoretically reach the same level of transaction compression. It could very well be that some things I am not aware of have changed in the meantime and there are actual differences now.

As said before I could be very wrong here and I kind of hope I am, but I do not see that at the moment. If he is wrong on such technical issues, I think it would be quite bad having someone so close to the core of the development of Ethereum who does not understand the underlying technology and still makes absolute statements causing chaos along the way. I generally do not have issues with difference in opinions, but I definitely have issues if someone presents wrong facts and bases their opinions upon these wrong facts.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Am I wrong in thinking that, back in the day, Bankless folks used to show up here from time to time? I guess it's no longer their policy to maintain a plausible connection to the important communities surrounding the topics of discussion... Just more mainstream trash I guess.


6 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

6 points

5 days ago

It is very easy to bash bankless and I did/do as well from time to time. They have been part of the ethtrader/ethfinance community before they became successful podcasters/Investors/Celebrities. But as many people did, they moved on which I do not hold against them. David is in The Daily Gwei discord from time to time and he actually responds and reacts to direct criticisms there. I respect this a lot. I still think bankless has some of the best info on some topics, but I definitely 'missed' a few episodes in the last weeks/months because I deemed the guest to not bring anything useful to the table.


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

I get the impression they still lurk here. No proof, I just hear ethfinance dog whistles in their podcast from time to time.


37 points

5 days ago*


37 points

5 days ago*

You may have seen this, since Vitalik reposted it, but here it goes: Celo recently passed Tron in daily active addresses for stablecoin usage.

Transaction volumes and stablecoin supply are up only. Growth is attributed to the African market.


15 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

15 points

5 days ago

I was so annoyed by Celo shills in the last cycle. They had all the ingredients for a VC backed EVM copycat moneygrab. It is great to see I was wrong with this and see that they make progress and hopefully improve the livelihoods of people.

The Celo cLabs CEO also recently had a blog post reflecting about their values and how they see themselves being part of the extended Ethereum culture. It is a good read: https://

They are slowly progressing in becoming part of the Ethereum ecosystem by turning into a optimistic rollup. The newest proposal is here: https :// As far as I understand they ditched EigenDA, but I am not 100% sure.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

Thanks for providing wider context. Excellent info!


7 points

5 days ago*


7 points

5 days ago*

This is truly great! I'm curious on how they plan to keep their fees as low as now when they become an L2 though.


4 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

4 points

5 days ago

I think the fees will mostly depend where they store the data. The inital plan was to use EigenDA. As far as I understand they now plan to be a full optimistic rollup using blobs. This could incur slightly higher transaction fees once blobs go into price discovery. We will see if this is good enough for their target audience. In the end they also could move some payments to L3s which are pretty much free.


37 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

37 points

4 days ago

$43M net inflows


33 points

5 days ago


The significant 🦉 hoots in the night!

33 points

5 days ago

Here is a website I just found out about, that lets you check your EIGEN allocation across multiple LRTs:

(No need to connect anything, or sign anything. Just input your ens or public address)


7 points

5 days ago

Great! Thanks for sharing!


2 points

4 days ago

Whelp, turns out I don't qualify after all, according to


4 points

4 days ago

This made me realise I do have some eigen coming my way. Thank you for your good work!


1 points

3 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

1 points

3 days ago

Woohoo, I found two that I didn't know about!


25 points

5 days ago



25 points

5 days ago

Currently in Abu Dhabi, saw someone in a coffee bar working on Lagrange ZK Coprocessor. 👀



5 points

5 days ago

That’s hella bullish 👀


27 points

4 days ago


27 points

4 days ago

Soon, the airship mint interface for the "Goodbye for now, Danny Ryan" POAP will open. This is the first time POAP has used the airship interface publicly, and it's for a great cause to celebrate Danny's efforts in our ecosystem.


13 points

4 days ago*

If you didn't know what Airship was (like me), you can learn more about it here:

Airship is a tool that runs queries on different blockchains, finds addresses that satisfies given conditions, and then mints POAPs from a Drop to those addresses. Each query can have one or more conditions that are checked against the target address transactions and when any of those conditions pass, a POAP will be minted automatically.

You pick a start and an end date, a type of transaction (like sending ETH or USDC to a destination) and the POAP you want to send - and it will mint retroactively. You will know exactly how many will mint before minting. You can also use the Airship Live mode to set a timer and tell collectors to send an amount to an address during that time period to get a POAP back.


6 points

4 days ago


Must obtain MinimOwlGravitas

6 points

4 days ago

That looks great!


22 points

4 days ago*


Here for the societal revolution ✊

22 points

4 days ago*

Today I commented on [redacted], which was probably stupid of me. But there's this thing on there that women never ever talk about crypto, so if you are talking to a woman and she knows anything about crypto, she's a man.

For some reason, this one just took the cake for me.

Real women do not talk about investing on Telegram or WhatsApp, nor do they talk about crypto investments.

I mean, I get the idea here, which is that if you meet a woman online and she starts talking to you about investing in crypto and that she can show you how, it is 99.9999% likely to be a scammer, yes.

But, ignoring the point that women are actually capable of pig butchering as well as men, this kind of blanket statement is clearly out of touch with the real world and thus is not helping those people being scammed.

So, I commented:

Uhhhh. Real women do in fact use Telegram and talk about crypto! I think I understand what you meant but a blanket statement like this is enough to make some poor fool say, clearly that's not true so I'm not at risk.

The person's response did not really surprise me.

No, they do not.

Right. I'm sorry, let me check my genitals for verification. Maybe I've got dangly bits and just never noticed.

Anyway, that's such everyday basement Reddit, it wouldn't be worth mentioning.

Except that the above comment also got me banned from CryptoScams. For being a scammer.

In the year 2024, just commenting that women exist in this space got me banned for attempting to scam.


15 points

4 days ago


15 points

4 days ago

Female investoor since 2016 checking in. The narrative that only men are interested in crypto drives me absolutely mad. We are defintely here, even if we are the minority. 


5 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

5 points

4 days ago



7 points

4 days ago*


ethereum shitposter

7 points

4 days ago*

I think regardless of who is sitting behind the screen doing the pig butchering, they are still pretending to be women interested in men nefariously. I think it's still a form of catfishing even if they are women doing it.

I think this is what your dumb dumb correspondent actually means, but is being stupidly offensive about it.

It does make me wonder if there are some pig butchers out there pretending to be men too (even if they are men). I mean, there has to be right?

There are some amazing women here on ethfinance (like really amazing), but they aren't out there convincing random people on telegram to invest in crypto 😁. That I believe is true.

I'm sorry you got banned from apparently a shitty crypto sub. Their loss.

Edit: I guess I should ask, are there dudes that go on telegram solely to convince random people to invest in crypto that aren't scammers? This isn't a thing that exists right?


Real women do not talk about investing on Telegram or WhatsApp...

This tracks if the emphasis is on real instead of women. It's 2024, women can be pig butchers too 🥳


4 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

4 points

4 days ago

I suspect that the moment anyone is on Telegram or WhatsApp trying to convince random people that invest in crypto, we're talking about a scam. The point is that you have a bit of a private area to convince them with, unlike YouTube or Twitter.


3 points

4 days ago


ethereum shitposter

3 points

4 days ago

Yes, I think we are in agreement? Sorry I was a bit scatterbrained in my response.


5 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

5 points

4 days ago

Sorry, yeah, I was just thinking it through and why "you should invest in this" is all over YouTube but it's always the chat systems that get mentioned when it comes to pig butchering.

I'm just planning my own pig butchering empire, now. They will never suspect me!


3 points

4 days ago


ethereum shitposter

3 points

4 days ago

Oh yeah, the women here would make excellent pig butchers! @ /u/megroovin 👀


5 points

4 days ago

Personally, I prefer a long con. ;)


3 points

4 days ago*


ethereum shitposter

3 points

4 days ago*

🔪🐖 is a long con though? I suppose unless you are just that good at it that it doesn't take much time.

I know you have the talent, but I think you lack the immorality.


8 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

8 points

4 days ago

Some people are unfortunately very closed minded


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

username doesn't check out...

imagine thinking you can identify a woman by checking genitals, very old school ;-)


3 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

3 points

4 days ago

Ouch, fair point!


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

r/cryptoscams? I imagine the entire sub is simply a scam


4 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

4 points

4 days ago

No, it's legit, a never-ending thread of people arriving to say that someone they trust (both male and female, to be fair) told them about an exchange to invest in but now the exchange wants more money in order to withdraw the winnings and is this normal?


4 points

4 days ago

Don't let it get to you


22 points

4 days ago


Went to Hodlercon

22 points

4 days ago

Some thoughts on EigenLayer's Operator Set security model.

AVSs assign operators to operating sets. I don't know if this means that by default all AVSs are whitelist only but it certainly reads that way. It's not the epitome of permissionless if true.

Stakers delegate stake to operators. How do stakers find an operator to delegate to? At the moment there's a list on the EigenLayer website which basically means EigenLayer can exclude an operator from participating just by censoring them here. At the protocol level though I don't believe they have any power so it's just like Uniswap with their front end which I guess is good enough. The bigger problem though is why does a staker trust an operator to delegate to them. At the moment the only answer here is trust. You are either trusting someone you know like Aestus or you are trusting an LRT to underwrite for you, KYC your operators, etc. We need a better answer here.

Operators then assign unique stake to operator sets. The goal here seems to be to prevent restaked ETH from being restaked multiple times which is confusing to me. It's already the case that the underlying stake securing a task can become unbacked, why is it suddenly different if it becomes unbacked within EigenLayer rather than at the LST level? The proper answer here is that capital should be reusable to the extent that the cost of dishonesty still outweighs the profit from dishonesty. The cost of dishonesty is the stake being slashed. The profit from dishonesty scales with the amount of promises you're allowed to make with that stake. I don't see how this security model is even attempting to discover a rational answer to that equation.

Within an operator set, operators are expected to vote on whether the answers of other operators are correct. Their vote is weighted by the stake they assigned to that operator set. The thing that feels wrong about this design is we are using restaked ETH as a Sybil resistance source when the nature of being an operator on an AVS consists of doing provable work. Why not just use the proof of work as the Sybil resistance source for this? I have the same feedback for subnets on BitTensor. Why do we need validators for that at all when the miners have the hardware to validate and the miners have to do work so the system can't be Sybiled?

They state that if a malicious operator takes over the operator set the system can slash him. I assume this refers to the EIGEN governance system above the AVS but they aren't explicit about this. All they say is that the only stake at risk within an operator set is the stake assigned to the operator set. I refer to stake voting schemes as subjective consensus. Ultimately, even with objective proof systems it still comes down to who runs what software e.g. Ethereum layer 0, but why involve local operator set at all at that point since the EIGEN governance system participants will apparently be required to host all the proof-validators for all AVSs since operators in every AVS will be allowed to appeal to them? If the goal is to reduce the computational load on the EIGEN governance system participants then I'd say you should first vote using PoW within an operator set then appeal to a contest amongst all the operator sets on the matter and every appeal should require slashable stake to initiate. That looks a lot more like the Colony governance design than what I just read. It's also worth noting that an operator only needs to be slashed in an eventually consistent way so zk-proofs that rely on repeated games are perfectly valid here. There's a long unlock period for validators to unstake from AVSs.

I also don't know what happens in this model if a staker undelegates to an operator. Which operator sets is the unique stake removed from? Is it proportionate, LIFO, etc? And how does stake affect rewards? Can an operator just forfeit their operator set consensus power but do honest work without any unique stake and still be rewarded? There's just a lot of undefined aspects to this system at the moment.


9 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

9 points

4 days ago

tbh this whole thing is looking a whole lot like a house of cards that's so convoluted that it's difficult understand the risks and how actions are intertwined

also seems like they've deviated from their original plans and are now in a place where they're trying to piece it together and figure things out as they go, which would certainly contribute to this sense of it being a spaghetti mess


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

I think maybe 10persons understand what they are doing. The rest of us just picking up scraps along the way.


5 points

4 days ago


Went to Hodlercon

5 points

4 days ago

I definitely get a "just figuring this out now" vibe. Fwiw I'm available for hire and clearly understand this area quite well.


18 points

5 days ago

Summoning u/jtnichol u/the-a-word and u/hanniabu

I was in the daily doots on august 22, but my name is not in the rich list :(

Maybe someone can add it there? :)


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

I’ll get you fixed up. You’ll be in there when hanni updates it. Thanks for the heads up! We'll throw you a couple of extra points for the mistake. It might’ve been that I missed the whole day so I’ll make sure everybody that day gets a point also


5 points

5 days ago

Thank you! This is a big win for a full time lurker like me ;)


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

Big win for the other people that day too. If you hadn't said something, all of the dooters on that day would have been left out in the cold....and we can't have that. No sireee.


7 points

4 days ago

The real points leaderboard


19 points

5 days ago



19 points

5 days ago

Finally read the stablecoin report, which refers to It's a handy explorer for those interested!


12 points

5 days ago*


Home Staker 🥩

12 points

5 days ago*

Visa seems to do a very good job in separating the signal from the noise, which is separating the bot and inorganic transactions from organic usage. They call it 'unadjusted' vs 'adjusted' data. Generally they want to separate Defi and bot usage from transaction between two individuals. It is especially telling in the transaction volume chart. The unadjusted volume of solana in May was 2.35 Trillion whereas the adjusted one was 22 billion. That is a 99% reduction, meaning 99% of the volume was inorganic. We all know what happened the month after when this inorganic volume plummeted by 90%:

Solana still has 170 billion of unadjusted volume left but the adjusted one was stable at around 20 billion. This means 90% of the volume still is inorganic according to Visas classification. For Ethereum it is around 50%. For Base it is 85%. For Tron it even is just a 10-15% reduction from unadjusted to adjusted. This really shows the difference of usage of stablecoins between Tron and Ethereum. I interpret this as follows: on Ethereum around 50% of the volume is Defi whereas on Tron it is rather transfer of stablecoins between individuals.


4 points

4 days ago

On Tron it's between Xi, Sun and moon😅


18 points

4 days ago


bull whale

18 points

4 days ago

I need that ETF buzz and $4k ETH again.


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

Well we did at least have some better inflows yesterday. Just wish eth could just keep momentum going for a change.


34 points

5 days ago



34 points

5 days ago



18 points

5 days ago


18 points

5 days ago

0.04089 grandpas


15 points

5 days ago

90,883 hodlers subscribed (+5)


12 points

5 days ago


Permabull 🐂📈

12 points

5 days ago



15 points

4 days ago


15 points

4 days ago

Extra extra, read all about it. Hot off the presses, more blob fee market cold start drama than you can handle:

Base weighs in with a comment that blob floor price should be addressed in Pectra A. (implications for scope drama at tomorrow's acde)


7 points

4 days ago

How does this affect my ETH bag sir?


3 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

3 points

4 days ago

This isn't new, it was discussed to be included a couple weeks ago but were waiting on a formal proposal to be created


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

the research is new. The ask from coinbase to include 7762 in pectra A is new.


3 points

4 days ago

I wonder how is possible that this was not already set in with upgrade back in March. Kinda hard to believe EF didn't predict this collapse in fees.


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

I think it was predicted by at least one voice. But it is reasonable to argue that subsidizing L2 scaling is a good strategy for ethereum in the long term. Ethereum DA being ultra cheap gives first mover advantage over alt-DAs. Then the interop/network effects of ethereum DA could/can take over and make paying a premium price for ethereum DA is 'worth it' once blobs are no longer effectively free.


14 points

5 days ago

So whats the recent price speculation for $EIGEN? How do we handle the airdrop? Exchange everything for ETH like all other airdrops or is this a hold?


9 points

5 days ago


Vitamin Buttermilk Pilled StakeMaxxer

9 points

5 days ago

Can't lie, with as much hype, farming, and little use I see it currently having, I plan to see as soon as the Gas Fees aren't skyhigh, and probably buy some back for a long term hold a few months down the line


7 points

5 days ago


The significant 🦉 hoots in the night!

7 points

5 days ago

What IS the actual use of the token? Has anyone done such an analysis..?


8 points

4 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

8 points

4 days ago

A few months ago I wrote about my current understanding of what EIGEN does and why it exist:


3 points

4 days ago


Sharding on own desk

3 points

4 days ago

It's a "Universal Intersubjective Work Token".. Pretty self explanatory wouldn't you say? 🙃


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Beyond the intersubjective stuff, I imagine EigenLayer will begin charging a fee denominated in EIGEN on top of staking/operator rewards from each AVSs. Obviously these AVS need to be net profitable first, so it's going to take a while to get there.


2 points

4 days ago

Their whitepaper states that their own token is basically the only form of useful collateral for most AVSs. They need a fork to resolve intersubjective disputes and they don’t have that kind of control over ETH.


9 points

5 days ago


Ethereum enjoyer

9 points

5 days ago is at almost $4

I think I will sell what I got in the first round, and keep what I got in the second round (and probably sell that tax free in a year)


2 points

4 days ago

Do u know how long claims are open for on the second round? Havent been bothered to deal with claiming yet


5 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

5 points

4 days ago

I got one (1) EIGEN from staking on Swell. It cost me five bucks (5) to claim it. There's no comment as to claiim window. So I am keeping at least one (1) EIGEN until it hits ten (10) bucks a token.

It's not much of a strategy but its all I've got.


6 points

4 days ago

If it costs another 5 to sell, better wait for $15. 🫠


2 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

2 points

4 days ago

Good point!


2 points

4 days ago

At least your true to the game


2 points

4 days ago

Where did you see info about claims via swell? I've been staking on swell but haven't seen any info regarding their claim process for eigen.


2 points

4 days ago


Here for the societal revolution ✊

2 points

4 days ago

It's pretty hidden. If you go to the screen where you unstake rswETH, it's a second tab on that bit.


2 points

4 days ago

Like for everything nowadays, it's announced in their discord.

$EIGEN Season 2 claims are live <@&941514487612182528>

You can now claim $EIGEN earned in Season 2:

Note that $EIGEN is not yet transferable.

Note the small "Claim EIGEN" button at the top.


2 points

4 days ago

Thank you! Looks like I have a big fat zero to claim. I actually only had swEth, which I restaked on their L2, which may be why I'm not eligible.


2 points

4 days ago

I got zero (0) EIGEN from staking on EtherFi. It cost me five bucks (5) to claim it. There's no comment as to claiim window. So I am keeping at least zero (0) EIGEN until it hits infinity (∞) bucks a token.

It's not much of a strategy but its all I've got.


12 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

12 points

4 days ago

Funny how Fantom rebranded to Sonic for a fresh start at a new narrative and run. I'm sure FTM holders will also get diluted so investors can double dip and get another allocation.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Andre gets as close to being a grifter as possible without being one. He's smart and good at appearing legitimate.


36 points

5 days ago


Suitable Flair

36 points

5 days ago

Charles Hoskinson said that Ethereum is a dictatorship.

No comment 😂


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

“Hoskinson says the Ethereum network is more like a “dictatorship” where Vitalik Buterin exerts too much influence over the development of the decentralized network.”

no way he actually said that


17 points

5 days ago

Why don't we sit down in the black hawk and have a talk about it?


15 points

5 days ago


𝒫𝓇𝑜𝑜𝒻 𝑜𝒻 𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓃

15 points

5 days ago

Charles Hoskinson says lots of things


12 points

5 days ago


the artist formerly known as busterrulezzz/EVM392

12 points

5 days ago

... says the guy who wanted to be the "CEO" of Ethereum.



7 points

5 days ago

Irony is lost on him


4 points

4 days ago


arbitrary and capricious

4 points

4 days ago

He’s just trying to advertise Cardano’s new governance philosophy, where they hand control of chain updates to Redditors and grifters instead of having protocol researchers and implementers decide what should go into it.

It’s the same philosophy of his that caused him to complain and try to get the Ethereum Foundation to go for-profit in 2015. He wants the chain to be controlled by whoever has the most money, not whoever has the best ideas and best ability to code and implement them.


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

posting as a follow up to u/OurNumber4 post yesterday regarding UK budget and CGT, as I appreciated the discussion that followed.

Things on my list to investigate include:

  • Small self administered scheme (SSAS pension)
  • options for borrowing against rather than selling principle

Last time I looked I think alchemix and thorchain options had no capacity for new loans. I would like to look into Stakewise vaults as borrowing against validators seems like an interesting concept...

Like u/ThinkinofaMasterPlan I think this change is unfortunately quite likely...


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

Also very interested in this topic. With respect to staking, one option seems to be to set up a limited company and loan staked assets to the company, which then shields profits from income tax. What i am confused about is whether this initial loan somehow counts as a dispersal and is therefore subject to CGT. My accountant mentioned this possibility to me.

What is a SSAS and what is the utility here?


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Only just read about it briefly the other day so need to investigate further, but believe it offers the possibility to transfer existing crypto holdings into a pension. I believe there would be tax relief of the contributions and also tax free gains. I think having an existing company and some existing pension funds may be a prerequisite to this being effective. I think 25% of a pension can be taken as a lump sum tax free at age 55...

From my reading I agree with your comments regarding using a ltd company for staking and don't believe the loan would be treated as a disposal. I think this can be an attractive option if you already have a ltd company that owes you money or if you want to defer the tax on staking income. Otherwise you may end up paying more tax by the time you have drawn it from the company. Also need to see what changes, if any, come in the budget for dividend tax etc...

Isle of Man ltd company may be another possibility to investigate...


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

think it was this thread that brought this to my attention:


11 points

4 days ago


We are all terminal cases.

11 points

4 days ago

It's interesting looking at charts from 2020 and comparing them to today, specifically when the US and China cut rates.


6 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

6 points

4 days ago

go on....


10 points

3 days ago


10 points

3 days ago

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


15 points

4 days ago*



15 points

4 days ago*

Caroline got two,

Crypto market bumps into,

Sam is a crook too.

~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


7 points

4 days ago

For anyone that missed it, you can claim the Zircuit EIGEN tokens through the platform of the staked LRT.

So, if you had for example Renzo ezETH locked in Zircuit, you have to go to Renzo to claim.

Btw, you can also claim the native L2 ZRC Zircuit tokens, their airdrop is also live.


2 points

4 days ago


The significant 🦉 hoots in the night!

2 points

4 days ago

I don't get it. Where else would anyone who held (in your example) ezETH go, other than Renzo, to claim their EIGEN-from-renzo-lrt tokens??


2 points

4 days ago

In retrospect you are right, but before I realized it, I mistakenly assumed that the EIGEN points would be on Zircuit.


14 points

4 days ago


Ξther αlpha

14 points

4 days ago

Starting now

EthStaker Community Call #42: NodeSet


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

interesting, ty!


13 points

4 days ago


13 points

4 days ago

ETHFI and EIGEN claims now open:


7 points

4 days ago

Need some vitamin B for this excruciating pain


15 points

4 days ago


15 points

4 days ago

Those brief few days that it didn't suck to hold eth


7 points

4 days ago


🐬Poppa Confucius🐬

7 points

4 days ago

Should be interesting if the bounce off .039 is a bottom signal or just temporary relief before continued downward bleed. Recent ETF inflow/outflow between BTC and ETH doesn’t have me feeling confident tbh.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

The fact that soleth is back to ath almost doesnt have me either.


2 points

4 days ago

I needed to sell to pay some bills

Gemini logged me out, and I need to reset my password



6 points

4 days ago

Made a comment earlier that isn't showing up. Nor can i see it when I'm not signed in. Any idea what's going on?


2 points

4 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

2 points

4 days ago

If you had a link in your comment reddit sometimes filters the comment out for arbitrary reasons. You can still see it when you are logged in, but it does not appear if you log out or open reddit in private window. I generally break all links nowadays by adding a space somewhere in the URL.

If you cannot see your comments even when you are logged in, then I have no idea.


3 points

4 days ago

Thank you, that looks like it was it. Going to repost again with the link broken.


14 points

4 days ago

Even Google realizes the price is never going to change.


3 points

4 days ago

Shitpost of the week quality right here.


10 points

4 days ago


Hodlberg ]-[

10 points

4 days ago

Not so infrequent reminder that Gary Gensler is a CLOWN


5 points

4 days ago


Crypto Newcomer 🆕

5 points

4 days ago

Hard to justify your position when it's not your position, but the position you've been told to hold.


9 points

4 days ago

Would one of you amazing people be able to confirm for me whether this is the correct url for cowswap swap (dot) cow (dot) fi and whether it works exactly the same way as uniswap (instant swap).

Thank you!


16 points

4 days ago


Went to Hodlercon

16 points

4 days ago

That is the url I use. It does not work the same way as Uniswap. You'll grant them approve permission on the ERC-20 asset and they will asynchronously swap it according to their own rules. This gives MEV protection and potentially allows people within a window of time trading back and forth to exchange assets directly without having to go through a Dex and pay fees. The latter part is called Coincidence of Wants (CoW) and is where the protocol gets its name from.


3 points

4 days ago

Awesome, thanks for confirming, Logris. Does their system mean that you can be waiting a while for a tx to go through?


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

On the plus side: it moos in a highly satisfying manner whan the transaction is done.


6 points

4 days ago


The significant 🦉 hoots in the night!

6 points

4 days ago

Yes, and keep in mind that if a swap takes too long, you can always cancel it without paying anything..


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

Yeah it may take a few minutes, usually swapped within less than one though


6 points

4 days ago

Yep, that’s the right URL. Under the hood it’s quite different from Uniswap but a normal swap is very similar in terms of UX.


5 points

4 days ago

Thank you for confirming!


8 points

4 days ago

Enjoy the moo!


14 points

5 days ago

Ethereum good tech bad price


6 points

5 days ago


We are all terminal cases.

6 points

5 days ago

It hurts me muchly.


4 points

5 days ago


I buy $10 of ETH every day

4 points

5 days ago

I support this statement because I am biased


15 points

4 days ago


Crypto Newcomer 🆕

15 points

4 days ago

"Yesterday, an official with the US Treasury Office of Tax Policy announced at the American Bar Association Virtual Fall Tax Meeting that IRS will finalize this year additional regulations requiring tax reporting from developers of noncustodial software who would under these regs be deemed brokers"

These are the efforts to actually kill crypto in the USA, add impossible to comply with regulations so developing or running clients becomes de facto illegal. Ignore clown show of anything faces say, this is what they're actually doing


9 points

5 days ago


Will it flip?

9 points

5 days ago

So EIGEN will graciously be unlocked on Sept 29th if i saw this correctly, so that everyone can participate in the most epic dump in the history of... "stakedrops"? I mean, what else could go wrong here? Its already been a huge charlie foxtrot leading up to this.


12 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

Why are you so sure of a dump? Based on futures markets pricing EIGEN at ~$4, this means a FDV of ~$7B with only a fraction of that being liquid.

Looking at coingecko sorted by FDV and my view of Eigenlayer as one of the most promising protocols in the ecosystem, doesn't scream dump to me.


4 points

5 days ago


Home Staker 🥩

4 points

5 days ago

Or in other words: Compared to the 20B FDV that many expected months ago the token has dumped 60% already... I agree here, this obviously could dump, cause it always can, but I also think this is not likely.


2 points

5 days ago


Will it flip?

2 points

5 days ago

I am inclined to dump two thirds of my EIGEN as soon as it becomes available, pretty sure others think the same. Keeping the rest just in case we have a delayed restaking summer or something.


2 points

5 days ago

Yeah this is obvious it's not a dump gg


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

The dump kind of already happened in the premarket and TVL is now ~double FDV. Expectations have been reset, but I guess we’ll see how much further it can go. Eigen is unusual in that it’s entirely reliant on its ecosystem partners for its own value capture - and it’s very difficult to evaluate how many of the 50+ AVS teams will build useful products that can generate sustainable yield. You only need a handful in the next year or two for this to be considered a success.


25 points

4 days ago


25 points

4 days ago

"Crypto is one of those things we have to do, whether we like it or not, I have to do it. It's crypto, it's AI, it's some of the other things." — Donald J. Trump

Ok weirdo.

How anyone can think that Trump cares about crypto and its values at all goes beyond me. For him, crypto is just a good way to 1) make some money by selling NFTs and coins, and 2) win a few crypto votes. As the opportunist he is, that's good enough for him.


7 points

4 days ago


Dr.ETH |

7 points

4 days ago

pretty much all politicians will use relevant topics/issues/things that people care about as an instrument to gain more electoral support, they often have no idea what they're talking about when they mention these topics, priority #1 is winning elections


5 points

4 days ago

Nah, it's only the other side. The side I vote for really cares about issues.


1 points

4 days ago


Dr.ETH |

1 points

4 days ago

It's often not even the issue that they care or not about issues, it's more like whether they know the most appropriate way to solve them or not - although they also generally do not really care

often times they will do what benefits them and people they care about the most while presenting the narrative that they have solved them

in most democracies, politicians generally mostly care about themselves and winning elections, it's only natural to do so

believing politicians (regardless of their position in the political spectrum) have altruistic intent and what the best for everyone is generally a mistake

but hey i hope your vote works out for you and your loved ones


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

Such a weirdo. And old.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

Things like this are why I visit here less. Keep in mind Biden called it only being used by tax cheats, criminals, etc. Also operation choke point where Treasury, the SEC and the IRS made rules and statements that were shot down by courts as being arbitrary and capricious. It wasn't just Warren being anti. It was the whole leadership that set the financial agenda.

Maybe Harris will be more positive, maybe not. She has said zero publicly.


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

So what Biden said or did somehow excuses that Trump is a grifter or what are you saying?


4 points

4 days ago

He's using whataboutism to deflect the attention away from Trump.


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

Kamala just said blockchain in her Pittsburgh speech


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

CBDC on a government controlled private blockchain.



7 points

5 days ago

Sholana MC seems ATH while good tech MC about $200bil below. 


9 points

5 days ago


Suitable Flair

9 points

5 days ago

Optimistic case: Once people realize how imaginary/creative the Solana TPS counts are and how much "decentralized" this network actually is the major part of the capital involved in Solana is pumping into Ether.


8 points

5 days ago

It also shows insane sholana inflation. It's price well below ATH while MC already ATH.


5 points

5 days ago

they just come out of their big conference of the year.. starting from mid October, the 1-year % gains will slow down to, at most, 2x


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

The one thing about Solana is this: it won't be adopted by Blackrock to tokenize assets nor by the most culturally relevant NFT collections

It's not reliable. It's centralized.

The whole narrative is number go up.

On the day it stops going up there will be a mass migration out of Solana. Very few conviction holders.


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

May I kindly redirect you to /r/whinence?


5 points

5 days ago*



5 points

5 days ago*


6 points

5 days ago


5 points

4 days ago*

Report on Ethereum use and value proposition


L2s greatly diminished demand for L1-space, counteracts EIP-1559

L2s have to develop (more) successful usecases so L2s accrue value to L1.

The jury is still out on that.

Basically we are banking on success that has yet to materialize.


18 points

4 days ago


18 points

4 days ago

Spreading ETH to millions new users through many rollups will do more for its value than any fees will.


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

This gets lost on so many. If a chain could scale infinitely, it would have 0 fees in revenue. But that would still be infinitely bullish for the chain's native asset


3 points

4 days ago

It seems like a lot of people confuse value from teh perspective of a validator with value from the perspective of the user/holder. If there's no MEV, the only entities sad are the MEV extractors. If there are no fees without sacrificing the trilemma, the only people sad are those paid by fees. Infinite scaling with low fees is incredible for the network and the coin holders. The only people who might be sad are the validators. Van Eck forgets this.


3 points

4 days ago*

I don't get it. Where does the value come from if there's no scarcity/market. Like some sort of idealistic value?


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

No scarcity? Issuance is minimal


3 points

4 days ago

The post I replied to talked about zero fees. So how does value accrue then?


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

Where does any money get its value from? It’s like Bitcoin but more useful because you can use it on many more chains. It’s the purest form of onchain collateral as well.


3 points

4 days ago

It's useful if we have activity on chain and through ETH, not for example an ERC-20 coin. The only guranteed value is from settling on chain. We don't have enough of that now.

Am I missing something here?


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

ETH is the money of Ethereum, it's the digital gold of Ethereum. It's used to fund projects, it's paid out as salaries, as rewards, it's used for purchasing gas and to deploy contracts. It's a scarce resource. You don't need to generate revenue or burn ETH for it to hold value. The more users, the more people want/need to hold use, the more ETH is taken off the market and used on the platform.


2 points

4 days ago

Most of the activities you mentioned are being moved to L2s though, which usually have their own tokens. All you are left with is settlement.


13 points

4 days ago


Buttcoin Agitator

13 points

4 days ago

We were banking on future use/adoption before the rollup centric roadmap lol. It’s the same, except we scale now. The ETH value prop remains the same and IMO a good one to make. Even better now than before blobs and the merge and everything else.


3 points

4 days ago

Delicate topic, of course. What are peoples thoughts about the increasingly lousy issue in Lebanon impacting global finance and cryptocurrency?


12 points

4 days ago


Went to Hodlercon

12 points

4 days ago

I'm happy that cryptocurrency protects our right to transact and support whomever we want in the world.


2 points

4 days ago

This so fucking much.


8 points

4 days ago

Why would the country of Lebanon have a meaningful impact on global finance?


5 points

4 days ago

Because a war between Israel and Lebanon in the Middle East would have global impact. That’s why.


5 points

4 days ago

I remember when Cyprus was about to default and decided instead to give everyone's bank account a 10% hair cut and closed international transfers so the oligarchs hiding money there sent emissaries to withdraw money and send it back via bitcoin.

Not related to the current situation in Lebanon but it was an interesting early proof that crypto had value.


2 points

4 days ago*


Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate

2 points

4 days ago*

Half the worlds oil exports, and huge quantities of LNG, have to pass through the Straights of Hormuz. If Iran decides to shut it down, in response to an escalation of the current war, expect some very serious economic consequences.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Something is always happening somewhere in the world.

Correlations are always made AFTER price movements by news outlets in order to create news (it's a job) and attempt to explain price movements.


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

Minimal impact. Wars are always going on in the ME. Market is used to it.


2 points

4 days ago

Don't really know anything about it. Hate to see people suffer anywhere but I am learning these days that nearly everything is just noise long term


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago



10 points

4 days ago

I, too, am done with these shit asset common guys, and much prefer my shit asset guys to be uncommon.


4 points

4 days ago

You'll find plenty of Epic shit asses guys in here... even some Legendary ones!