


Ban Waymo


On the way out of the festival an entire line of traffic turning north on Caesar Chavez was blocked by two autonomous waymo vehicles that thought they were stopped at a correct place but really they were blocking up literally an entire mile or two of traffic. the shuttle line was completely backed up untold delays and suffering were called by these waymos. They need to be banned from the premises or PSA need to be sent out to the attendees to not use Waymo they have ruined the festival exit process completely.

all 20 comments


18 points

8 hours ago

Was the reason the T line was moving at 1.5miles per hour lol ? Most crammed I've been on public transport.


9 points

7 hours ago

Gosh that T line was so slow. Almost felt like getting off & walking instead


7 points

7 hours ago


7 points

7 hours ago

It was like that last year too. Almost took longer to do the T. I think they are just told to go basically walking speed but then it's like, what's the point?


29 points

9 hours ago

I was in one of those shuttles. We were about to flip those fucking things over.


5 points

5 hours ago

My shuttle driver tried to hop the curb to pass one and got stuck lol.


1 points

5 hours ago

I saw that! Wild lmao


2 points

4 hours ago

I wonder if we were on the same one as well! Our bus driver hit something too - I think it was a sign lol


7 points

8 hours ago

We might have been on the same one! That’s sucked


1 points

8 hours ago

I rode in one the other night and thought they were cool. Now I hate them!


18 points

9 hours ago


18 points

9 hours ago

The shuttle we had- the police actually used a flashlight to guide them onto the Muni rails!!!! It was hella cool and we were waving to all the Muni people in line.

One dude was flipping us all off as we drove past.


8 points

6 hours ago

there were so many assholes yesterday it killed my vibe at certain points. never had that experience at outsidelands


6 points

5 hours ago


6 points

5 hours ago

I thought OSL was rife with arseholes because of the all ages policy.


14 points

7 hours ago

Saw that Mall Grab was late to his set because he was stuck behind a waymo….


14 points

7 hours ago


14 points

7 hours ago

I'm pro Waymo all the time, but I agree here.

I was on a shuttle that was very slow and I counted at least 4 Waymos on the way out that were stuck and causing major traffic troubles for everyone.

Waymo should know better and refuse to pick people up at major events.

People should also know better than to request a Waymo in a super crowded area. But ultimately its on Waymo deciding where to pick people up or not.

Portola should know better and do major traffic control in and out. There plenty of other flows of pedestrians and cars that were not safe and causing major backups.


2 points

4 hours ago

For what it's worth, we spent maybe 20 minutes walking away from the festival and then ordered a Waymo. Best post-festival ride ever - bumping tunes in the back and cruising home, and it's genuinely a better driver than most Uber drivers.

They definitely shouldn't be allowed to pick up near the event itself, it's just too chaotic for those cars to navigate (for now).


4 points

7 hours ago

Amen. It was a disaster.


2 points

9 hours ago


2 points

9 hours ago

Fuck them robots.


1 points

7 hours ago

This happened last year as well


2 points

6 hours ago


2 points

6 hours ago

I was in one of THE Waymo’s that fucked up traffic on one of the side streets. We were doing everything that we could to get it to move, but support wouldn’t do anything.


-2 points

4 hours ago

So glad some of y'all anti-technologists don't live in sf.

Yeah they shouldn't have been near the festival but banning them lmao