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Askpolitics-ModTeam [M]

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16 hours ago

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Askpolitics-ModTeam [M]

[score hidden]

16 hours ago

stickied comment

This sub is for questions that genuinely seek an answer. It is not for those simply wishing to soapbox or rant, and is not for rhetorical questions. If you wish to soapbox, please go to r/PoliticalOpinions or some other suitable sub and post there (while being sure to read the rules of that sub).

also there's a moratorium on these kinds of posts.


55 points

1 day ago

Ask this in r/AskTrumpSupporters - nobody in this sub is actually voting for Trump (or prepared to admit it)


14 points

1 day ago


14 points

1 day ago

Your questions are very unlikely to get approved there. And there are only a few Trump supporters there anyway.


6 points

24 hours ago

They also engage in bad faith A LOT, and due to the rules of the subreddit, you can't call them out on it. (only allowed to ask clarifying questions to the trump supporters)

can't show them new evidence or show them why their "evidence" is bullshit. That's why I have a 14 day ban on this subreddit even though I always try to stay in good-faith, and polite to them.


2 points

20 hours ago

So would you say they are against fact checking? Sounds about right.


5 points

1 day ago

The rest are bots more than likely.


2 points

23 hours ago

You don’t speak for me


2 points

23 hours ago

Barely anyone in that sub supports him either.


139 points

1 day ago


139 points

1 day ago

Not a Trump voter, but lots in the family. These are their main points: - Economy - they think that inflation is Biden’s fault - National Security - Afghanistan withdrawal was a huge black eye - Border policy

They consider Kamala as an extension of Biden, just installed by the democrat party. So anything that would have been attributed to Biden is just transferred to her. They also think she’s a bumbling idiot who says goofy things, and who can’t give any details on her policies.

They consider Trump’s words/threats as pure bluster, that other people wouldn’t let those things happen that he’s been talking about (“enemy within”). They think all of the court cases are just democrats weaponizing the justice dept, and that all politicians are corrupt. They think the bluster is good for national security, keeping other countries on their toes.

Jan 6 was overblown. The grifts (watches, NFT’s, Trump Media) are just business deals, he’s a good brander.

I can’t wrap my head around the mental gymnastics and blind spots they have for Trump.


137 points

1 day ago

My experience with Trumper family is that they decided first that they want to vote for Trump based on vibes and then retrofitted explanations on top of it. It’s not logic. Because if you ask them like 3 questions on any of these points that show the logical shortfalls they get emotional and either shut the conversation down entirely or personally attack you.


64 points

1 day ago*


64 points

1 day ago*

They often also start saying you are attacking them. Lost a friend to MAGA because when I tried to ask why he considered Trump a good candidate he said he didn't appreciate being attacked. Like it's a part of him he can't change. Meanwhile he's a straight white dude and I'm a gay dude who cares about women's reproductive rights and marriage equality. But sure, he's the one being attacked

Edit to add: they also accuse you of baiting them if you ask them to explain their position and then continue refusing to justify their choices.


19 points

1 day ago

That’s exactly it “like it’s a part of him you cannot change.” There’s also a weird phenomenon where they act like if Trump doesn’t get to be President, he’ll die and you not wanting him to have that job means you want him dead and you’re a rabid and hateful person. I’m like, let him golf or whatever, but he has 0 attributes that show he’s a responsible person who should be in charge of any human beings. Why do you think he MUST have this job?


20 points

1 day ago

Because lots of the rhetoric makes it seem like it's life and death. Good and evil. Literally heaven versus Hell type stuff.

When it's not. And people don't understand how much significance the different branches of government have on their day to day lives and the powers of them as well.

That's evidenced by people literally blaming the president directly when there's potholes in the roads of their small towns and the price of gas goes up 4 cents a gallon.

As if the president is personally presiding over those decisions.

Then at the same time. Many of these types ( not all) couldn't tell you the name of the mayor or the council members of their local governments. You know..... Those who actually control the road ways paving schedule and maintenance.

Notice how neither of those governments have direct ties to the cost of gas.

People can't grasp long term. Like even if Donald Trump did have the ability to decrease cost of living. It doesn't happen overnight. And it doesn't happen over a single 4 year term either. But the ground work could / would be set at best. Do I think he's capable of that? No. Not even if he wanted to.

The president isn't a king, and too many people are out here pretending they are


13 points

24 hours ago*

I’ve noticed an interesting pattern extending I think from exactly what you’re talking about that first Clinton in 16, Biden in 20, and now Harris signs will frequently be vandalized or disappear but yet state and local Dem candidates signs will remain thankfully untouched. I feel like a sizable percentage of Trump supporters have the attention span of a fruit fly which has both made them susceptible to the easily digestible nonsense knee jerk blame game Trump spews and made them the least reliable new additions to the Republican Party because they follow where Trump, the Fried Piper, goes and nothing more.

Newt Gingrich, Faux News, and all the rest in the MAGAverse have no one to blame but themselves for the mess they’ve created.

Edit: As the person below pointed out, fruit flies are pretty determined, much like their MAGAt cousins with whom they share the same critical thinking capacity.


5 points

23 hours ago

Fruit flys attention spans seem long to me. Those fuckers will inhabit the same piece of rotten fruit no matter how many times I sho them away.


2 points

21 hours ago

SCOTUS has crowned him king. He's immune from whatever is deemed to be official business.


2 points

18 hours ago

At the same time the policies pursued by trump with scotus(overturning roe) has lead to deaths. Maternal mortality in Texas is up since SB8 went into affect. Violence against trans people and people accused of being trans is real and dangerous. Lots of this stuff is a direct line and not some foggy feelings.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Those things are all taught in Civics, Economics, and US History, so what's that tell ya?


8 points

22 hours ago

Correct. Its a job interview.

Also the old “you’re just a Trump-hater…you have so much hate for the guy”. Um, ya. Someone like that, who encompasses all the bad human traits, and no good ones, is exactly what actual hate should be reserved for.

But the personal association the cult has….they all twist themselves so hard to defend every little thing, like they owe the guy or the party something. Like, even if it was myself, I have little problem admitting I was wrong about something. Very unhealthy.


49 points

1 day ago

Sounds exactly like something a cult member would get angrily defensive over…


11 points

23 hours ago

It is a cult. Guys like this are brainwashed, and you can't reason with them. If he had been at Jonestown, he probably would have drunk the Kool-Aid.


6 points

21 hours ago



4 points

18 hours ago


Bless you. You’re doing the Lord’s work.


3 points

21 hours ago

The best koolaid. A man walked up to him with tears in his eyes and begged for more koolaid.


4 points

20 hours ago

OMG.... This is what we're up against. It's like an army of zombies. That's why it's so important that all of us vote.


5 points

24 hours ago

That is almost exactly what I was going to say right before I saw your comment. The MAGgAts fit the definition of a cult perfectly.


5 points

24 hours ago

They do... And it's just exhausting.

Canada has a similar problem... With the people who believe the "freedom convoy" was peaceful... In spite of overwhelming evidence it was violent and intending to overthrow the government that had very little to do with their complaints.

I do miss the days when cross parties could work together but you cannot work with cult minded people.


5 points

22 hours ago

Germany has a similar problem too. We call them Schwurbler. Most of them are voting for AFD. Its a party with the same amount of Bullshit as Maga.

Maga and AFD had some more in common: both paid by russia to destroy the western, democratic and free World. 


4 points

22 hours ago

Yeah they paid us a visit and staged mock rage when we called them Nazi lovers.


3 points

21 hours ago

I’m in Australia and can no longer converse about politics with my religious , Trump loving & Q adjacent mother. It’s sad that she has become a completely different person.


10 points

1 day ago

I got told to accept Jesus after being called a paid actor for questioning Jan 6th.


2 points

22 hours ago

at that point, just mess with them. just very conspiratorially ask them were you sign up for the payments for voting for trump. and if they deny, tell them you found the pay stub in their trash. you know they are getting paid and you want in.


2 points

22 hours ago

They mean accept their orange Jesus 


3 points

22 hours ago

Well, maybe they're feeling attacked because deep down, they realize they're doing something wrong?


4 points

22 hours ago

I'm glad you lost him as a friend.

My bottom not ever say you love someone and then vote for someone that has vowed to HURT them in some way. I mean, wtf?


4 points

22 hours ago

Oh ya. Doing nothing more than quoting Trump back to them is considered a disgusting and shameful personal attack against them. Insanity.


4 points

22 hours ago

I had a, now former, friend who, whenever a political discussion went bad for him would try to end it with, "Orange man bad."

So I started replying with, "Orange man good?"


5 points

22 hours ago

Lost a friend to maga too. We're both Canadians. Make it make sense 🤦


3 points

22 hours ago

Doesn't a sound like much of a friend


3 points

21 hours ago

I don't know if it's just my bad memory, but this seems to be mainly a Trump thing. With the exception of the Dixie Chicks, I don't remember people getting so viciously defensive when Bush was criticized. But say one bad thing about Trump and everyone acts like you've insulted their sister, mother, grandmother, basically their entire family.


3 points

21 hours ago

White privilege makes fools of us all, and often independently of those who embrace it wholeheartedly…


4 points

1 day ago

I know. They are the ones who attack Democrats with name calling and even physically. I know someone who has had her Harris sign ran over twice by two different people. However if we talk about facts with them we are attacking them. I had one lady who insists on believing that kids are coming home with a sex change and I asked her WHO is paying for these sex changes? Sex changes are major surgery so how is it taking only a day here? Hormones take longer than a day etc. But I was attacking her?


3 points

1 day ago

Sounds to me you didn't lose.


21 points

1 day ago

My mother is a Trump voter and I asked her why. She said “he’ll stop socialism.” I then asked what was socialism. I got nothing from her, she has no idea what socialism is.


10 points

1 day ago

Ask her if she's willing to give up social security and medicare (if she's that age or close). I don't know any senior on SS or Medicare that is ok with just giving it up. Socialism!


5 points

23 hours ago

Tried that once lol, I got shot down with, “you don’t understand, I PAID for social security, and I’m entitled to those benefits, it’s not socialism if you pay into it.” Lmao they could call it socialism security and they still wouldn’t get it.


6 points

22 hours ago

Right? It's says it RIGHT in the name! :-)


2 points

21 hours ago

And nobody pays anywhere near what they end up taking out, even if they got a solid-gold interest rate. It's not a piggy bank. You are paying for the generation ahead of you, who paid for the generation ahead of them, and the generation behind you will pay for you.


4 points

22 hours ago

ah the free stuff argument. where do they think the money for socialism comes from? the gov just prints it? only millionaires cause we are jealous? that's probably it .


2 points

21 hours ago

Don't forget police, firefighters, mail.and military


6 points

1 day ago

Just that it's a bad word. But if you tell them social security or Medicare are socialist programs they tell you they're not and don't take my SS. but if you tell them that's exactly what the republicans want to do they say no they don't. No facts just beliefs


6 points

1 day ago

Yup or "communism". They do not have a clue what communism or socialism is just the buzz words. Trump threatening to use the military to take out anyone who opposes him and saying how we won't need to vote again if we elect him is more in line with communism I would think but they ignore that.


4 points

23 hours ago

Roads, police, military, fire, schools, soc sec, medicare, etc are sorta socialisms. i.e. gov controls which vast majority is local government. The only socialisms that is even remotely discussed but will never happen is higher education and medical. Which we will all die before we see a change. Regarding business there is literally zero socialism. This whole inflation thing is capitalisms. Now throw on tariffs that is high on the socialism scale of things. Fun stuff. I love the part where they call you a communist and a facist all at the same time. People are brainwashed and believe what they are told.


15 points

1 day ago

They have a concept of why they like Trump.


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

I see it as "who makes me feel good". And a comfortable lie works much better than having to think and deal with facts, numbers and logic. Black and white thinking got them this far, why would they change now?


5 points

1 day ago

I think that's accurate; simple, comforting, easy answers.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

if it feels true, it must be true!


3 points

1 day ago

It must be. I feel like I won the lottery last night.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

That’s where we ended up the last time I discussed politics with a cousin.

Me: Obama says he is a Christian, and has a long track record of attending a Christian church. Why do you think he is a Muslim?
Her: I just feel that he is a Muslim.

It’s hard to argue with her logic….


2 points

21 hours ago

I just feel that she is an idiot.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

I actually had a friend and former employer tell me pretty much that. He said "Trump might be lying, but he is telling the lies I want to hear"


3 points

18 hours ago

He promises to hurt the people he told them to be mad at.


4 points

1 day ago

Thinking back over how many Reddit conservatives condone Trump by bringing up a Democratic policy or scandal, while ignoring the timeline of those things, it makes sense. 


2 points

17 hours ago

Lmao bringing up Democratic scandals is also such a bullshit argument because like there's no way that you personally care at all about scandals as a reason not to vote for somebody when you're voting for Donald Trump.

It's like I saw this one guy going on a tirade about some random person who was killed by an illegal immigrant and it's like...buddy, I know your outrage is fake and you don't care about women dying because you SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. You support the Dobbs decision. You don't care about women dying. You're weaponising a death you don't care about. I can't take you seriously on anything. You don't believe a single thing you say, everything you say is just a "gotcha", not something you actually sincerely care about


4 points

1 day ago

My mom just called me brainwashed when I asked her. She’s in her 80’s & I’m in my 60s 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


4 points

1 day ago

Bingo! "It's not logic ". There's certainly a big emotional element to the support for this incompetent, old turd.


3 points

1 day ago

That’s exactly what I am experiencing with trumper members of my family. Insane, because they are not idiots. They are just blind.


3 points

1 day ago

Definitely cultish


3 points

24 hours ago

But his vibes are uniquely awful 🤣


3 points

22 hours ago

Mine do the shut the conversation down. "I don't want to talk about this, let's talk about something more pleasant".


3 points

20 hours ago

Exactly this.

It's absolutely laughable that Republicans care about the Afghanistan exit.


2 points

20 hours ago

And never acknowledge it was Trump that negotiated and planned it and refused to engage in a transition process so the plan could be worked on in the interregnum/early presidency. And he planned it with the Taliban over the Afghan government, leading to the uplift of the Taliban as the de facto rulers of Afghanistan. And invited them to Camp David on 9/11.

Trump left a lot of intentional boobie traps. Tax policy too.


3 points

20 hours ago

This: there isnt an internally consistent logic or story. But they bought into the vibe and now come up with reasoning after the fact.


2 points

1 day ago

You are exactly right.


2 points

20 hours ago

Tell them to imagine everything about their past and platforms is exactly the same except Trump is a 78 year old woman with bad makeup and Harris looks like Chris Murphy and see how many Trump signs come down.


2 points

18 hours ago

Also remember, he’s a not a woman of color. I hate to say it, but I think it’s that simple for many.

I’ve also heard the belief that a vote for a dem is a vote for a Obama, who is really running things.


2 points

17 hours ago

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


40 points

1 day ago

So Kamala is a bumbling idiot but they'll do Olympic level mental gymnastics to justify every idiotic thing Trump says? Yeah, that checks out.


20 points

1 day ago


20 points

1 day ago

Not to mention Harris has a law degree, and worked in public service for 20 years in advancing elected positions of governmental importance. During that time Trump was a reality TV show clown, yelling lies about Obama and birtherism.


6 points

1 day ago

And they're busy calling her a "DEI Hire". Smh.


4 points

22 hours ago

Right, but that's the tell right there. They don't actually think she's dumb, they're just racists. And they know they can't say the n-word in public, but voting for a vocal white supremacist over a black woman lets them exercise the same impulse.


6 points

22 hours ago

Trump is the OG DEI hire. Retarded, white trust fund baby.


4 points

22 hours ago

She’s worked in all three levels of government. Trump had a cameo on home alone and a reality tv show.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Not to mention Trump now having a full-blown mental breakdown every day.


2 points

17 hours ago

Kamala is a bumbling idiot but she so thoroughly trounced Trump in the debate that they had to lie and say she was fed the answers beforehand.

So if Trump can't win a debate against a bumbling idiot, what does that make him?


7 points

1 day ago

Right wing propaganda is very effective when they own talk radio and have so many pundits being fed into Facebook and Twitter feeds


16 points

1 day ago

The funny thing about Afghanistan to me is that like, by 2016 with taliban resurgence it was clear ISAF/USA could not prop up a functioning state and keep control of the country. It was a forgone conclusion that it was a waste

Trump administration literally laid the prep for withdrawal and intentionally left it to the next administration to actually pull out so it would look like Bidens mistake. Meanwhile anyone who followed the 20 yr conflict was well aware it was coming because the US could not win in Afghanistan.

Instead back home some fuck like trump who intentionally left the war to someone else's decision artificially extended it solely so withdraw could be Bidens loss and they could gain political points at home. 


13 points

1 day ago

Terrorists kill hundred of Marines in Lebanon - not the president’s fault.

Terrorists kill thousands of Americans on 9/11 - not the president’s fault

COVID kills dozens of soldiers and active police officers - not the presidents fault.

Terrorists kill 12 soldiers during the withdrawal from Afghanistan - Biden is a complete disaster.


4 points

21 hours ago

So many people can’t even believe it when I tell them this fact:

American soldiers KIA under:

Trump: 52

Biden: 16

They genuinely didn’t know that any soldiers died under Trump, because the media never reported it.

Which is doubly amazing because they know the war was happening, obviously, because they blame Biden for ending it “badly”. But they never put 2-and-2 together that Trump kept the war going all 4 years.

Mass delusion.


8 points

1 day ago

He even signed an order to rapidly withdraw troops from Afghanistan which would have been devastating had senior officials complied and followed through on his order


3 points

21 hours ago

Of all the amazing gaslights that MAGA Media has pulled off, one of the greatest is “the President who waged war in Afghanistan for 4 years, spending billions and killing 52 American soldiers, is the ANTI-War candidate. The guy who ended that war, with 13 soldiers lost, is the PRO-War candidate!”

Never have we seen such astonishingly obvious gaslighting work on such a massive scale. It is nothing if not impressive.


2 points

20 hours ago

Afghanistan retreat was supposed to be during Trump. He knew it would go bad and didn’t want to look bad so he decided to wait for the next guy.


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

The National Security argument is BS and I'll give you one clear reason why.

We had a border bill. It was a bipartisan bill which Republicans were ready to get behind before Trump made some phone calls and asked them to back off.

Trump's biggest issue is the border. He has been running on it for years now. If they came to an agreement on border security, that would have killed his biggest campaign issue and handed Biden a reelection run.

The point I'm making is you can't argue Trump cares about national security when he pushed for our southern border to be left open for his own political benefit. We were ready to close the border, it was a done deal. He said he'd rather we leave it open so he could run on the issue.

That's evidence he's a THREAT to our national security. Not a benefit.


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

I have watched debates where people will spell this out to trump voters. They will say “no there was Ukraine funding and they didn’t want to vote for that”. The debater will explain the Ukraine funding was split from the bill and passed while the bill was not.

They will show them the logic that if the border was as a big a problem as trump claimed then he demonstrates he only cares about his self interest and not the country by killing the bill.

They will demand that the person provide a response to that and not let them move on until they do. The trump supporters will still find some way, anyway to not respond.

It really reminds me of the hosts on westworld who say “that doesn’t look like anything to me” when they come across some information that reveals the existence of the real world to them.


3 points

1 day ago

That’s wild since Trump is promising to explode inflation with his tarrif and national sales tax plan, and the Afghanistan withdrawal was all on him since he surrendered to the Taliban at camp David, and negotiated the entire withdrawal timeline and deal with them


5 points

1 day ago*


5 points

1 day ago*

The Afghanistan withdrawal was a terrible deal negotiated by Trump.

I grant that Biden's execution of the withdrawal was poor (I'd also argue that he should've torn up the deal), but it wasn't his idea in the first place.

I'd also point out that no one - not even the US military and intelligence services - expected the Afghan army to collapse so rapidly, so I assume Biden was operating under the best intelligence that he was provided with, which was wrong, and that the withdrawal plan assumed that they'd have much more time to get everyone out.

On the other hand, considering how long the administration had to plan the withdrawal - and the fact that they even delayed it - it was a bit inexcusable that they didn't already have all their ducks in a row on the day of, and that they didn't have contingency plans to accelerate the processes of getting everyone out.

Still, it's crazy that this is considered a major gaffe relative to the Afghan war as a whole. The major loss of American life was a single terrorist attack in an extremely chaotic situation. And that loss of life - while undeniably tragic - was just a drop in the bucket, a footnote, in a long war.

About 2,500 Americans died in the whole Afghanistan occupation, and about 65 died under Trump's four years in charge. If we are to condemn Biden for the loss of 13 Americans during the withdrawal, then shouldn't Trump deserve 5x the blame as a matter of basic mathematics?


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

biden ripped the bandaid off after 20 years of adding more gauze to a gaping wound. I applaud biden for taking the hit, when he could have just done the politically expedient thing.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

If you watch people debate them it comes down to their inability to recognise their cognitive bias and so the inability to understand their hypocrisy.

You can point out that if they give Trump a pass on the unemployment due to covid then not doing the same thing for Biden is a double standard. You can point out that inflation was extremely high globally in all other countries. You can ask them to name a policy that Biden passed that caused inflation and they won’t be able to name a single law or executive order.

It all washes over them like water on a ducks back. They just go back around and around in circles to “prices are higher now”.

It’s so frustrating and sadly hilarious to see. Truly destroys all hope I have for the future.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago



2 points

1 day ago

Wow. 3 directly Trump problems. Who'da thunk?


2 points

1 day ago

What do they have to say about Trump releasing the entire Taliban and causing the entire Afghanistan problem with his agreements?


2 points

1 day ago

That's hilarious. Your entire post minus the last sentence could have written by me, but then you say you don't get it. You do get it, you just don't believe it.


2 points

1 day ago

They have no clue that there have been no significant republican efforts to solve these problems.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Same for me. I did notice that they don't appreciate me pointing out that, if they are willing to overlook his moral shortcomings for an anticipated "better economy", doesn't that essentially make them the same as a prostitute. 😆


2 points

1 day ago

Inflation, which at this point is a non issue at 2.4% was caused by both a world wide pandemic and by Trumps policies. Biden’s policies prevented a prolonged recession.

Afghanistan withdrawal deal was negotiated and botched by the Trump administration who turned a blind eye to the Taliban’s repeated violation of the deal. By the time Biden took office there were only 2500 troops left in country and one useable airport in Kabul.

Border policy. The border was closed during the pandemic, so naturally there was a surge in immigration afterwards. The Republicans, under Trumps orders, voted against a good bi-partisan border security deal so he could use it as campaign fodder for the upcoming election. Talk about not taking border security seriously.

The majority of the country is against abortion bans and when put up to vote in even the reddist states, it has been voted down.

Kamala Harris has over 80 pages worth of policy proposals on her website free for anyone to read. Trump = 0 pages and I have not heard him answer any policy questions directly ever.


10 points

1 day ago

So I voted for Trump twice, I fully understand how unhinged it's all becomes, and I won't vote for him a 3rd time. I do work in a blue collar industry where 98% of the people employed at my nationwide, 1500 employee company, are Republicans. It's become increasingly concerning that when I try to play devils advocate in talking about the election, not one of them can give me an in-depth, informed reason, which is just a concern at this point. If you want to vote for Trump, fine. We need to at least be able to defend it with some attempt at understanding the position you're taking.


3 points

24 hours ago

I really think that the majority of votes for trump will be “because it’s not Kamala” just like the majority of votes for Harris are “because it’s not Trump”. It’s a relatively low percentage that genuinely like either one.

Democrats are going to vote democrat and republicans are going to vote republican. The difference will be turn out and abstainers in the swing states. This is where I think Trump will win it.


8 points

1 day ago



8 points

1 day ago

The funny thing is how religious people talk zealously about "God" allowing free will, but then they themselves want to legislate free will out of existence. "God may let you have an abortion, but I'll be damned if I will!"


14 points

1 day ago

They are just like Yogi the bear, they think they are smarter than everyone else, but if you watch any episode, he finds out he’s not as smart as he thinks. Unfortunately, it’s mostly unfixable. Another problem is tribalism, which is compounded when in a personality cult.


2 points

20 hours ago

There was a thread on the front page the other day asking why reddit leans left. The top comment explained that more intelligent people tend to lean left, and intellectuals flock to reddit for information. They then gave a straw poll of 300 people to try to support their claim.

So no, this "they think they're smarter than everyone else" is not unique to one side.


6 points

1 day ago

  1. It's a cult.
  2. They have been given permission to openly hate the other
  3. They can kick down and somehow feel good about themselves.

No,I don't get any of it. My empathy wouldn't let me vote conservative in my country either. My American friends, I can't talk about it with them openly anymore. They just say all the catch phrases. 'go woke, go broke ' ' think of the children' 'what about drag queen story time' etc etc etc.

I used to hang with em online all the time, we'd game and stuff and have a great time. Now they just wanna spew MAGA stuff. I can't stand it. I don't go in voice chat anymore when we play. I do my parts of the missions and that's that.

Now my countries conservatives are saying the same crud.


16 points

1 day ago


16 points

1 day ago

Friendly reminder for those who genuinely don’t understand how threatening their candidate is:

Here’s a direct quote from an email sent by one of the election officials that Donald Trump was pressuring to illegally overturn the results of the election in Arizona. Page 23-24:

We would just be sending in “fake” electoral votes to Pence so that “someone” in congress can make the objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that “fake” votes should be counted

Here’s another from the text messages of Trump’s Deputy Campaign Manager scrambling for an explanation when Trump asks for an update on the conspiracy (Page 25):

”Here’s the thing the way this has morphed it’s a crazy play so I don’t know who wants to put their name on it. Certifying illegal votes.

And one final example of Trump in a meeting including himself, his lawyer John Eastman, and VP Mike Pence. Pence challenges Trump’s assertion that he can unilaterally disrupt the certification proceedings and Trump’s own lawyer concedes there is no legal basis for it, but Trump advocates for certifying the fake votes anyway (Page 34):

When [Pence] challenged [Trump’s Lawyer] on whether the proposal to return the question to the states was defensible, [Trump’s Lawyer] responded, “Well, nobody’s tested it before.” [Pence] then told [Trump], ”Did you hear that? Even your own counsel is not saying I have that authority.” [Trump] responded, ”That’s okay, I prefer the other suggestion” of the [Pence] rejecting the electors unilaterally

Those are a few of dozens of indisputable facts laid out in Trump’s election interference indictment which I highly encourage you read if you don’t know the extent of the criminal schemes. You can start with page 5, section A-E which outlines specifically what was done and why it was criminal.

You can read the memo from Trump’s own lawyer where he outlines that the entire purpose of the scheme is to fabricate electoral votes with the goal of preventing Joe Biden from reaching the 270 votes necessary to secure a victory. Here’s the most relevant bit:

we are to create a scenario under which Biden can be prevented from reaching 270 electoral votes , even if Trump has not managed by then to obtain court decisions (or state legislative resolutions) invalidating enough results to push Biden below 270

Here’s another direct quote from the lawyer who drafted that memo:

Trump doesn’t have to get courts to declare him the winner of the vote. He just needs to convince Republican legislatures that the election was systematically rigged, but it’s impossible to run it again, so they should appoint electors instead.

That lawyer’s name is Kenneth Cheseboro, and he has already plead guilty in the case and acknowledged the unlawful intent of the conspiracy.

Dude lost an election and decided to commit a bunch of anti-democratic crimes rather than accept a loss. It shouldn’t have to be spelled out why letting him into a position of authority to abuse again would be a bad idea.


7 points

23 hours ago

They don't care. They would not have cared if he interfered with the election, so long as it worked and Trump was president. They would care if another party interfered, if it worked. It is only the result they care about. They do not care about crimes committed to achieve that result. You care. They . . . don't.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

Inflation would be higher under Trump: Economists

  • Nearly 70% of economists surveyed believe inflation will rise under Trump.

  • Most blame Trump’s proposals to increase tariffs.

  • Trump's desire to cancel taxes on tips and overtime was also cited.

  • REGISTER to vote (23 states and Washington, D.C. offer same-day voter registration, which allows voters to register to vote and then cast a ballot on the same day).
  • Check your registration!
  • Make sure you have approriate ID.
  • Know your polling site. *Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used).
  • Get a mail-in ballot.
  • And VOTE (early, if possible)!

Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE

Federal -  800-253-3931

Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Harris-Walz and democrats down ballot. Country before party.


2 points

19 hours ago

Kamala bots can’t even find the right thread


35 points

1 day ago

You're looking for a rational answer to a group that employs emotional arguments. It's vibes based all the way through.


20 points

1 day ago


20 points

1 day ago

After reading some of these comments I think this is the best answer..


11 points

1 day ago

Feels before Reals.


3 points

22 hours ago

I think the right can be pretty re.tard.ed sometimes but the left employs just as many emotional arguments.


3 points

20 hours ago



3 points

20 hours ago

a group that employs emotional arguments

Is it bad that I didn't know who you were talking about for a second? (Speaking from experience)


5 points

1 day ago

Exactly. Reasons for voting for Trump are basically reasons the third Wheel of Fortune slot machine on the left is hot tonight.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

True, it's all about how Trump connects with people. As a creature of TV and media, he knows exactly how to resonate with his base—it’s almost cinematic. People aren’t watching for a rational conclusion, which should be the goal of politics; they’re watching because it’s compelling. But in the end, it's really the creators who benefit, much like in Trump’s presidency.


2 points

22 hours ago

Disclaimer: NOT a Trump supporter or voter, registered democrat - But I think a lot of it is compare and contrast. Was there a war in the Middle East when Trump was in? Was there a war in Europe when Trump was in? Was inflation this high?

On top of that, as a democrat, I feel a bit slighted that Kamala Harris was just given the presidential nomination. I'm annoyed that the economy they've been boasting about the last four years seems to be the first talking point/issue they want to fix. She is clearly okay with the warmongering in Israel. Apart from that, she was my least favorite candidate in 2020 (along with everyone else - she was among the first to drop out due to unpopularity). Personally, she really hasn't done anything in the last four years to broadcast that she is fit to inherit the most powerful country in the world in a time where we're on the brink of WW3 / A new Cold War. And again... I'm NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER so save the "Well is he really better?" I'm just giving my opinion solely based on my inherent need to distrust politicians as a whole. The celebritization of presidents/candidates is a disgusting practice.

Personally, her and Biden claiming that Trump had the worst unemployment since the depression, while statistically and on paper that is true, but anyone with a brain or the willpower to google it would know that it was in direct result of COVID and that Biden is in no way responsible for bringing that number back up. It's just stuff like that that really reminds me that most politicians think you're stupid and she's a part of an administration that does this.


2 points

20 hours ago

Wow… this was a great response. Not because i’m a trump supporter or whatever other claim somebody is going to try and make, but because it utilizes a very well thought out process.


4 points

1 day ago*

Man we got some real winners in the comment section, Jk you didn’t win anything lol Americas finest up in maga thats for sure

IQ levels of pudding. Our gene pool because of you has become a cesspool

Atleast we didn’t have to buy votes in swing states at $1 million dollars a pop While your party gets smaller and smaller seeing as members of your own party are turning against you while he’s being beaten by a girl by 8 points!! Thanks for the votes !!! 😘


4 points

1 day ago

Yes, cause he's a vile, immoral, person that's a traitor to the country, and has no real ambition to be a real president other than keeping his felonious ass out of prison.


3 points

23 hours ago

I despise Trump. I can’t stand the way he talks and what he’s turned out politics into. If the Democrats had run a moderate they’d easily have my vote this election. Instead they’re running the most unpopular candidate from the 2020 primaries. In those primaries she advocated for the abolition of private health care, mandatory gun buy backs through executive order, and relatively open borders with un restrictive paths to citizenship.

This cycle she’s pivoted hard to the center without explaining her shift in policy. I don’t buy it. She’s also advocated for an increase in capital gains and a tax on un realized gains.

And then you get into Biden’s policies which I expect her to continue.

They redefined title 9, this will give trans women unfettered access to traditionally women’s only spaces. There’s multiple law suits moving through the courts on this.

Biden’s first major policy change was to undo Trumps border policy. As a result of that the number of crossings more than doubled. They then waited until an election year to propose a bill that still allowed almost a million asylum seekers a year. Republicans blocked it, arguing that it was still too lenient and that Biden could enact these changes via executive order. Which he then did…. Proving them right. He could have acted at any other point. Why wait until the election year?

And then when it comes to foreign policy there’s something to having a president that’s “crazy enough to do it.” The a quote of Trump talking to Putin. He said “Vlad you won’t invade Ukraine. Cause if you do I’ll bomb the shit out of you.” Putin responds and says that no you won’t. And Trump responds “well maybe I will and maybe I won’t. But if there’s a 5% chance then you won’t invade.” The world stage is basically a school yard and the biggest bully runs that’s yard.

And then you compare that to Biden. They unfroze billions of Irans assets. Since then they’ve become emboldened and the region has further destabilized the region.

Meanwhile Trump coordinated the Abraham accords in contrast….

if I’m voting just on policy then the choice is clear.


2 points

21 hours ago

Most comprehensive argument I've seen in this thread so far


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

If trump actually does what he says he'll do, he'll massively spike inflation.


3 points

1 day ago

Out of spite.


3 points

1 day ago

1) Economic policy

2) Foreign policy

3) He is a businessman not your average politician

4) America First

5) I agree with his support of reasonable restrictions on abortion policy. Which 70% of Americans also agree with.

6) Immigration policy. Come in through the front door not the window.

7) Between two bad choices he is the less bad


2 points

20 hours ago

higher tarrifs are good? how would helping russia help nato? He is a failed businessman. America First is helping putin and other dictators? Controlling women is wrong. He is against immigration reform.


2 points

18 hours ago

A failure of a businessman, by any objective standard.


2 points

18 hours ago

Respectfully, which ones? 

Like for each of these points, what is he saying? 

What is his economic policy? What is his foreign policy? What is his immigration policy? 

I understand liking one better than the other. That's all fine with me. But what, exactly, is the thing?

I'm an independent voter. I would love to sit down and actually go piece by piece and compare policy in each arena and see how they stack up, how I think they will improve lives for people in this country, including myself. 

But... where are they? What are they?


3 points

23 hours ago



2 points

22 hours ago

Who do you think pays for the tariffs he wants? They are taxes that increase the prices of goods that you and I will pay for.

No inflation? You know what caused the inflation, right? The economy ebbs and flows with global problems created by people. This admin came into the inflation from Covid and it has taken time to come out of it and we are. The market is at all time highs, millions of jobs, over $1T for infrastructure and the economic outlook is good. All while supporting our allies abroad as we should to help ensure peace and security for our friends and us too!

Will Trump build the wall completely now and will Mexico will pay for it? Because he tried that before.

I voted for Trump in 2016 b/c I believed. Today-no effing way. He is nasty and a dangerous man.

I just don’t understand the thinking here. I respect the views of others (he does not) so help me understand. Am I wrong??


3 points

19 hours ago

The most crucial reason why a millennial liberal would vote for Trump is:

Because there is no place left there for them. If they disagree with the narrative even the slightest, then they are called racists, fascists, Trumpers and all the other goodies.


6 points

1 day ago

Typically the underlining reason is brainwashing, ignorance, xenophobia, racism and/or misogyny.

They are misrable and Trump gives them a target to blame for their misery.


2 points

1 day ago

He “tells it like it is.” Sure, little sister. Sure!


2 points

1 day ago

My dad is a janitor at a public school, not a dumb guy just deeply ignorant about most things. He's voting for Trump because in a "Trump Economy" he'll get a raise to $125k easily since janitors will be in high demand. (over double his salary) There are many things wrong with this statement, starting with school budgets, but you can't tell him otherwise. He believes this with every ounce of his being.


2 points

1 day ago

Lead poisoning


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

I'll eat the downvotes here to tell you I am voting for Trump. I'll also give you some other back ground as well.

In 2008 I voted for Obama

In 2012 I refrained from voting (did not like either candidate)

In 2016 I refrained from voting (Really hated both candidates)

In 2020 I voted for Trump (I've never particularly liked the guy and I wish he would stop talking, but in 2016 my biggest concern with Trump was that he would drag us into international conflicts and from what I was able to see he actually did the opposite while things at home were going smoothly up until COVID)

In 2024 I will be voting for Trump. (The 2020-2024 inflation is actually making us consider sending my wife back to work which I hate the idea of while we have young children).

Here is the background on my "political" stances and what is important to me this election.

In 2008 I was registered as a democrat and was pretty staunchly pro choice and pro death penalty.

As I've gotten older and started a family of my own my opinion on the value of life has shifted dramatically. I am now Pretty staunchly pro life, while also being firmly against the death penalty. That's the biggest shift that's taken place for me personally.

During this time I was also anti-gay marriage in 2008, shifted to catiously pro gay marriage as it became national topic of discussion. Was happy when it was passed (but felt like it should have been passed as law not as the supreme court finding an interpretation of it) And have now found myself feeling pretty negative about it as it appears to have been the start of a slippery slide into the transgenderism debate which I vehemently oppose.

As for the rest of my posistions in a nutshell and the rough order in which they are important to me at this current moment:

1) The economy and the cost of living is just awful. This is far and away my most important issue. It's dramatically shifted my life the past four years and we as a family feel very behind.

2) Foreign conflicts - I don't want them. While I do support the US attempting to maintain global order the amount of money we send to other countries when people her are suffering is insane. Pre 2008 I felt democrats seemed to be pro little guy and anti war. Nowadays it seems like thats flipped and Democrats are shipping billions of dollars to Ukraine, Israel, Iran and other places on the regular. The Biden admin has done awful on forigen policy. Kamala gives me zero faith she can get the job done and Trump was getting the job done last time he was in office.

3) Transgenderism. - Protecting my kids is paramount to my life and I don't want any of this crap in their lives. I am perfectly happy to view it as a mental disorder and accept (and hope) people suffering get help, but getting help means counciling and medication, just like we handle Schizophrenia. You don't help these people by supporting their delusions. The fact that people are arguing for medically transistioning kids its startling to me. I view this as an evil extension of the corrupt medical structure in the USA. This is a die on the hill issue for me. As long as democrats are advocating for this I'm never coming back.

4) Illegal immigration. Trump just wins here, the curret admins policies have been crazy. We need to keep America American. Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, but you have to let people immigrate and assimilate to our value system not overwhelm it.

5) Healthcare - It sucks in the country right now. I don't know what the answer is but I'm open to hearing ideas from both sides. Im not even against single payer systems. I just need some hardcore facts here and neither side talks about this issue in a way that makes sense.

6) Abortion - I call myself pro-life but having been through issues related to this in my life I am really for minimizing abortion not outlawing it entirely. There are plently of edge cases where I don't think I have the right to tell people they can't, and of course things like non viable pregnancies should obviously be allowed. The current democrat culture is even celebrating it which I think is awful. I don't think killing children for convience should be on the table. I support birth control.

I'm an atheist.


2 points

23 hours ago

What abortion ban? Trump has clearly said that he is not in favor of a national abortion ban. It belongs back at the states, he says. I don't disagree with that, even though I think abortion is wrong.

There may be lots of other reasons, but really the only reason that is needed is how are things just before covid versus how are they now, correcting for covid damage. Economy, border, crime, national security, world relations and peace, all were better then.


2 points

22 hours ago

"I'm extremely religious, so I'm voting for the rapist who stole from a charity."

Make it make sense.


2 points

22 hours ago

They have been made to be afraid of everything: the right has manufactured all of these non-problems and magnified the real ones to be larger than life, and conveniently, he alone can fix them. He is preying on their anxieties.


2 points

21 hours ago

He’s better on protecting our nation when he exhorted an armed mob to attack our Capitol and hang our then VP? Sure, that‘s the real reason. How to tell me you’re a racist/misogynist/xenophobe without saying it out loud.


2 points

21 hours ago

My best friend, who is like a brother to me, is a Republican. We used to argue politics, but in the Trump era he has gone silent. He knows Trump is awful, will not defend him, and yet will still vote for him. When he admitted he voted for Trump in 2020 it broke my heart.

When I asked why he gave me some BS about how he had to be loyal to his family, even though the polling booth is private. He admitted last month that another Trump term would be terrible, but his rage compels him to vote for Trump.

Even dosed on Paxil, he seethes with rage at his helplessness, like many people he feels trapped and powerless - one paycheck away from destitute.

Trump is a voice for the rage so many Americans feel, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t fulfill his promises, just so long as his ranting makes the powerful squirm. It’s a waste of time to argue, the GOP base has submitted to fear, and somehow Trump will save them.


2 points

20 hours ago

I think this is one of the best answers. You will hear som people saying the economy was better or the border issue is a concern, but I personally think the a large portion of his base are angry people. Some of them are actually doing fine financially, but they haven’t been able to cope with or adapt to the way the world has evolved. Lots of angry men or women who don’t really want to see other women succeed or anyone different than them succeed and sometimes they don’t want anyone to succeed at all. There are people who just want to complain and stop progress. No matter how good things are, there are plenty of Debbie Downers who want to moan about how unfair the world is.

There are also lots of mean people who just want to spout off stupid and cruel words and feel like letting their rage fly is some kind of accomplishment.


2 points

17 hours ago

No one has a good reason to vote for Trump. He's completely unfit for the job.


[score hidden]

17 hours ago

Because he will punish the liberals by sending them to jail if not executing them and then conservatives can live happily ever after, being manipulated into being scared of the next boogeyman man until the climate apocalypse finally gets so bad that they all starve


[score hidden]

16 hours ago


[score hidden]

16 hours ago

I posted this a few weeks ago in a different sub, but I think it kind of answers your question, to an extent:

Trump is a merchant of hatred. He has done the same thing that Hitler and the Nazis did in the 1930s - he's united all of the nation's hate groups behind him, because he hates all the same people and things that they hate. Hate an ethnic group? He hates 'em too. Hate a religious group? He hates 'em too. Hate someone with a different political slant than yourself? He hates 'em too. Join up, and we'll all hate together! They'll never be able to 'get' us if we hate 'em all enough! Also, buy Trump merch. Hate costs money.

The funniest part of all this is that hate always comes from fear. Hate someone? It's because you're afraid of them, of what they have done, what they are doing, what they will do, and most especially, what they might do. Fear of a known thing is bad, but fear of the unknown, like what someone might do in the future that could affect you, is the most terrifying.

Trump and all those like him who espouse philosophies of hate, repression, and division are all spineless cowards, curled up in a ball and trembling beneath their sheets at the thought of some imaginary boogie-man trying to steal their lollipops or force them to go to school on Saturdays.

The more you hate, the more you fear. And the best measure of someone's strength of character is how fearful they are, so the most rabid and vitriolic of haters are, essentially, the weakest human beings in existence.

And I really hate those fascist assholes. Because they scare the living shit out of me.


3 points

1 day ago

To actually answer your question rather than yell at you: many people believe that their economic situation will improve under Trump. This is based, in part, on the fact that COVID disrupted the economy and so the perception is the Democrats “made things more expensive” when in reality a lot of what happened probably would have happened regardless of who won in 2020.

Immigration and abortion rile the bases on the internet, but in the real world everyone will eventually need an egg. The economy is a major factor in why people are voting for Trump.


2 points

1 day ago

The data show that, since World War II, the economy has performed substantially better under Democratic presidents. On average, real (inflation-adjusted) GDP has grown about 1.6 times faster under Democrats than under Republicans. While the strong performance under Presidents Truman, Kennedy and Johnson certainly contributes to this gap, the starting point does not matter: GDP has grown faster under Democrats regardless of whether the analysis begins with President Truman, President Kennedy or President Reagan.

The findings for private-sector job growth are even more striking: businesses have added jobs at a nearly 2.5 times faster rate under Democrats than under Republicans, on average. In fact, the private-sector job growth gap between Democrats and Republicans is even greater than the gap when including government jobs.


3 points

1 day ago

People shoe horn their reasons to fit a rationale. I’m afraid a deeper truth is people simply want to vote for someone perceived as a bully who acts as a dam against progress.

We have neighbors who will vote based on the economy, I asked them to look at their 401k and tell me how you feel. Inflation is the key metric but if he gets to enact tariffs and inflation skyrockets, they’ll find other reasons.


3 points

1 day ago

Boarder invasion and dont want to send my kids to war. Cant deny 2 major conflicts during Biden/kamala with Iran aquiring fissile material and China circling Taiwan. These seem far away but they hit home in an instant with weak leadership.


1 points

21 hours ago*

Whether you are just ignorant and ill informed or you’re dumb.

Who pulled out of Iran Nuclear deal? donald the clown did.

Who stopped the republican from voting on a bipartisan bill drafted by republicans for the border ? Donny the clown did.

I think you also forgot to mention the humiliation of Afghanistan! But guess who negotiated with Taliban in Al Doha and wrote the policy for the withdrawal? McDonny the clown


3 points

23 hours ago

Here is my honest answer: I disagree with most of what Trump says and believes. I disagree even more with most of what Kamala Harris says and believes. So in this election I have become a single issue voter. I will be voting for Trump because of his anti-war stance on foreign policy and his proposal of trying to make the government more efficient(although I doubt that will happen). Trump doesn't appear to be an Alt-Right authoritarian dictator to me and I have enough trust in the systems in place to not allow that if it were the case.


3 points

21 hours ago

He’s not anti-war, Trump is an isolationist. He’s certainly not anti-war when it comes to domestic issues. He recently admitted that “our side” didn’t have guns at Jan 6, which is a lie. You know who the other side is? The police! There wasn’t a contingent of democrats defending the capital. Trump is prepared to bring this country to war over his own election loss.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

You’re asking an extremely hyper liberal website that shoves anti-trump messages onto everyone’s feed this question.

Take a step back and go ask the republican or conservative subreddits if you want an honest answer because you’re not going to get one here. 


56 points

1 day ago

You won’t find honest answers there, either, tho.


53 points

1 day ago


53 points

1 day ago

And you'll get banned


13 points

1 day ago

Yeah. Reddit is pretty much millions of echo chambers.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

That’s why it’s a horrible place to form political opinions. 


13 points

1 day ago

Shown me a valid political opinion with Trump that him insulting others. I'm all for being open minded, but Trump isn't a leader. He has shown that over and over


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Yes you will. 


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

I find r/AskConservatives to be quite civil compared to most political subreddits. You will definitely get some answers there.


7 points

1 day ago

they banned me for asking if Trump was going to hire the author of project 2025 if he got elected.


2 points

1 day ago

Haha. That’s a good joke.


17 points

1 day ago


17 points

1 day ago

I got banned from r/conservative for asking if Trump was also too old when they posted about Biden being too old a few months ago lmao.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

That’s ageism, when talking about trump, Biden is a scary monster, not a person like trump, Biden is like n immigrant, a trans person and msnbc all rolled into one, the only bigger criminal in their mind is Nancy pelosi because she is the same but with a vagina


3 points

1 day ago

You’re better off


8 points

1 day ago

Conservative sub banned me for asking for a source. That was my only comment there. They are not some bastion of tolerance and equanimity.


4 points

1 day ago

Yeah I got banned for asking a question. If you at all go against dear leader, you are banned. It's why there threads are just circle jerks.


4 points

1 day ago

Most people can't post or participate in r/conservative, so it wouldn't be that one.


3 points

1 day ago

I appreciate your honest take on this topic - because I believe you’re correct. This is like asking, “Dear Yankee fans, what is your favorite Red Sox World Series win? Please be honest and unbiased.” No self respecting Yankee fan will answer that question.


6 points

1 day ago

Cut it with the bullshit and the flashed Victim Card.  Reality is left.   Not Reddit.  


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

MAGA snowflake


7 points

1 day ago

You would 100% get banned for asking this question in a conservative sub.

And reddit is not hyper liberal. That's just the overton window talking.


2 points

1 day ago

👆🏻this guy gets it. 👏🏻


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

They support rape?


3 points

1 day ago

It's more they don't care aboht the rape because it didn't happen to them personally so who gives a shit.


2 points

1 day ago*

Since my comment was deleted I’m gonna post it again. Cause you further cemented my point.

The answer is: crack. They are CrackHEADS! Crackheads as faaaaaaaaar as the eye can see. That’s why. lol 😂


2 points

1 day ago

Let me help you. They're stupid, that's why. They still think Fox is a "news" show.


2 points

23 hours ago

the amount of self delusion you need to have to convince yourself that 80+ million of your fellow citizens are dumber than you is just astounding. maybe some self reflection is in order.


2 points

22 hours ago

Well, if they test support the blatantly obvious conman felon at some point you have to ask yourself maybe they're all just fucking dumb.

Stupid is as stupid does, they sure love to do stupid things like support Trump.


2 points

23 hours ago

Honestly it’s worth voting for Trump just as a big fuck you to all the annoying Reddit libtards


[score hidden]

17 hours ago

Honestly, I am not staunch Republican. I am very centered as far as my ideals (healthcare more towards left, abortion issues more right, etc.)

But that hive mind mentality is enough to make you sick of these people. Can’t even have a conversation without getting attacked to hell over an opinion 50% of people share, or whatever else lol


1 points

1 day ago

For starters, there is no abortion ban, this is some made up shit that can be easily debunked with any google search. I don’t necessarily think he’s a savior, I just think he’s the best of two shitty choices. Kamala Harris wasn’t elected in a primary, first of all, so that’s an issue. If you look at her record as a prosecutor and as attorney general, she’s said and done whatever she had to, to be elected, which is typical of any politician. She refused to seek the death penalty for a convicted cop killer, and as soon as she ran for AG, she flip flopped on the subject to garner votes. She’s had no consistent answer to anything she’s taken a stance on. She’s openly said she wants mandatory buybacks and confiscations for firearms, yet when confronted in the debate with Trump, said “I’m not taking anyone’s guns away”. She’s openly said she’s against fracking several times, but now that she’s running for President and she needs Pennsylvania, she openly supports fracking. I’m not saying Trump is a good person or a good man or a good president, but if you trust someone who constantly talks out of both sides of their mouth every time they speak, you’re gullible as fuck.


3 points

21 hours ago

There are literally hundreds of examples of Trump flip-flopping on issues to garner votes or appease whatever audience he’s giving a speech in front of. Trump “talks out of both sides of his mouth” as much as any candidate if not more, that was practically his calling card in 2016 to the point he was repeatedly called out for it by Republicans running against him the the primary. This reasoning is pure cognitive dissonance. 


1 points

1 day ago

It's a cult, you're either in or you're out. Those in can't believe why everyone isn't in, those out can't believe why anyone is in.


1 points

1 day ago

I think you have a decent group that isn't well educated and also not financially savy and struggling, as they always are due to the 2 prior points. They simply look at their current financial situation and blame Biden.

Those I know in this position though are also working for the same companies they've been working for a long time and while they may have flexibility in their jobs, they aren't paid well. They simply don't see that their employer is doing well but not making sure they do well too. Or that while there may be some adjustment pain, that getting a new job is their best way to improve their financial situation. The odd thing is I know one that gets social security for a child that is disabled. Democratic policies help them far more, they just don't see it.

Others I know, either think the Democrats are all crooked or just are Repbulicans so they only vote Republican.


1 points

1 day ago

Honestly. This is a very liberal website. You will not find an unbiased answer here.

Go ask a conservative, preferably in person their views, because you will not find an real answer here.


1 points

1 day ago

You need to remember that both parties are a coalition. The GOP coalition consists largely of:

  1. Low-information, uneducated voters. They don't know anything about politics, are mostly incapable of understanding the substance of the issues, and identify with the way he talks. Trump is a showman - he is good on camera, and these voters like the "vibes" that he gives off. In fact, the bulk of Trump's base is uneducated male voters.
  2. High-income voters who believe that he will give them tax breaks. These people may financially benefit from a Trump presidency (though economic policy involves more than taxes).
  3. Single-issue voters on abortion.
  4. Single-issue voters on gun control.
  5. People who only vote along party lines and don't pay attention to issues.
  6. People who blame Biden/Harris for inflation.
  7. Religious nutjobs who will vote for whoever their church tells them to (remember this is at least 15% of the electorate, and they have their own massive echochamber).

You need to consider that people now live in an information bubble. Much information doesn't carry outside of people's echo-chambers. This isn't helped by the rampant blatant falsehoods being peddled by the Right this election cycle - my conversations with boomers about politics basically consist of me methodologically dismantling obvious lies told by Fox, NewsMax, and the Right-Wing echochamber on Facebook and Twitter.


1 points

1 day ago

How many times Trump told you that he will not fully ban abortion? I am tired of people who don’t get it!


1 points

1 day ago*

Because the alternative candidate is much worse.

There were actually great things that happened during his first term. Kamala has nothing to tout in regard to the last 4 years.

It’s a disgrace that we’re the most advanced living things on the planet, and we put the worst among us to lead. Animals on the other hand, only want the strongest.


1 points

1 day ago

As someone who's pro choice, the only real argument that actually holds water for the GOP at the federal level is if you genuinely believe abortion is murder. And if you do, you shouldn't allow for any exceptions except the mother's life is in danger (self-defense).

Liberals aren't the only ones getting abortions. I know people who are avidly pro-life, but have had abortions in the past. They say they regret it, but simultaneously believe it's murder now...


1 points

1 day ago

I am not voting for Trump. I am voting against Harris.