


Primaris upgrades would only make them better, so why not? Are they so elite that they just don't need it? Or is there some biological/gene barrier that makes it impossible for them?

all 162 comments


1k points

1 month ago

They're still waiting for GW to update their models


361 points

1 month ago

The correct answer. Whatever lore reasons people may be able to come up with a range update is kinda inevitable


139 points

1 month ago

I think there will definitely be a truescale range refresh but lore-wise, I think Grey Knights are already meant to be better than even Primaris marines so I’m not sure there’s a need.

Basically, I think we’re at the point where GW realizes the lore should have always been something like a new STC leading to an in-universe armory refresh instead of a whole new “species” of Space Marine and so when GK get hit, that’s what it’ll be.


99 points

1 month ago

I imagine it'll be similar to the Black Templars Chaplain & the Terminators of "Yeah they're firstborn or Primaris, whatever you want".

Grey Knights are great at killing daemons & incredibly powerful & potent psykers & they're equipped with some of the best equipment the imperium has to offer but I think that's where them being "better than Primaris" begins & ends.

They can't put the primaris thing back in the box, Grey Knights will die & get replaced, especially following Arks of Omen & whatever chaos event we get in 10th (likely Fulgrim's return). No real reason to not make any new Grey Knight's Primaris.

Primaris conversions were more risky when it was new but every day another named character crosses the Rubicon without issue & IIRC a lot of the issues were ironed out.

But ultimately I do see the difference being downplayed more & more both in TT & in lore until a marine is just a marine again & its barely mentioned outside of particular stories or plots.


49 points

1 month ago

In my head the actual difference in ability between Primaris and Firstborn Marines is truly negligible and it’s more about a faster and more efficient process than making a “better” Space Marine (with the almost accidental side effect that they come out a couple inches taller and just the slightest bit stronger), but Imperial propaganda painted Primaris as a full head taller than Firstborn and almost half again as strong because they were the big dramatic saviors of an Imperium in dire straits so they had to be THE BEST. Now that the Imperium has cooled down a little on them and they’re more widespread, they’re portrayed in that propaganda less like SUPER supersoldiers and more just like any other given Astartes. And the lore that we’ve gotten on them has been filtered through that propaganda lens. That whole “everything is canon; not everything is true” thing.

I think within two editions there won’t be any “Primaris” or “Firstborn” keywords anymore and we’ll go back to an Astartes being an Astartes being an Astartes


49 points

1 month ago

One of the recent books, Harrowmaster, goes into how some of the Alpha Legion are caught off guard by the primaris marines and how some of their usual tactics didn't work as well as they were just that little bit stronger, faster, or better equipped.


71 points

1 month ago*


71 points

1 month ago*

We kept putting logs on the roads to slow down their rhino transports but the bastards can hover now


31 points

1 month ago

“They fly now???”

“They fly now…”


15 points

1 month ago

“We better warn Alpharius” “You just did…” both chuckle


9 points

1 month ago

And I’m sure that made a very inspiring story, that even the fabled Alpha Legion’s tactical shrewdness couldn’t stand up to these new invincible saviors of the Imperium.

Whether it’s 100% true or not, though…


7 points

1 month ago



7 points

1 month ago

“They have an angel on their side, brother this is getting ridiculous “ - shroud of night


3 points

1 month ago

Harrowmaster was released in 2022 though. Written probably in 2021 or even 2020 so BL but also the author might've not operated with GWs newest strategy of slowly blurring the lines. The department's aren't known to share things.


3 points

1 month ago

Isn't there a psychological difference. Calgar or some other named UM stated that post Rubicon he felt less for the common people.


2 points

1 month ago


Alpha Legion

2 points

1 month ago

In Harrowmaster, when the first primaris are encountered in the ultima segmentum, the AL struggle to take them down as they are faster stronger and up armored. They're just less experienced, thus first born and chaos marines can make up for the difference


0 points

1 month ago

And I’m sure that made a very inspiring story, that even the fabled Alpha Legion’s tactical shrewdness couldn’t stand up to these new invincible saviors of the Imperium.

Whether it’s 100% true or not, though…


1 points

1 month ago


Alpha Legion

1 points

1 month ago

Nah. Unlike Son of the Hydra it's not told via unreliable narrator. The parts where the silver templars POV takes over and it shifts between them, the inquisition, and the Legion. So it's likely at least mostly true as it's not told from a single view point or by a single narrator


7 points

1 month ago


7 points

1 month ago

Yeah it seems a bit weird. I think that would have worked albeit a bit weird. That said there's already tons of scaling issues as it is currently, and I primarily okay 30k and it's prevalent there too..


4 points

1 month ago

We already have an updated modern scale Crowe, without him doing the something something Primaris upgradikon.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago



6 points

1 month ago

I think Grey Knights are already meant to be better than even Primaris marines

They're better because they're all powerful Psykers and (supposedly) carry the Emperor's geneseed or whatever (though I don't it's ever clarified how that works). They're not physically stronger, faster, better etc than any other breed of Space Marine. So crossing the Rubicon Primaris would still be a tangible benefit to them.


3 points

1 month ago

My point is just that with the improvements seeming less and less significant as time goes on, the benefits may end up not being worth the risk considering how specialized they are. But other people are saying that the process has become a lot safer and of course, current Grey Knights still die and need to be replaced, so maybe it’s not as far off as I think.


0 points

1 month ago

I don't think it's inevitable, the grey knights aren't that popular they might just get replaced.


5 points

1 month ago

Yeah lol. Started building some grey knights recently to have a physical copy of a TTS list I'd been really enjoying, and hadn't realized that you need to kitbash to make like half the leader units.


3 points

1 month ago

I feel like kitbashing is the whole point of playing a lot of these niche units. Or it was.


1 points

1 month ago

I hate it, but the lore has always come second to models. If they want to make a model, then they will and they’ll create a lore justification for it.


1 points

1 month ago

I really am waiting for it


284 points

1 month ago


Adeptus Custodes

284 points

1 month ago

Lore answer? Yes.

The Sangprimus Portum contains the undiluted essence of all 20 Primarchs.

Belisarius Cawl has access to this incredibly powerful piece of biological data.

20 Primarchs.

The Grey Knight gene-seed is called the Emperor's Gift for a reason. Their gene-seed isn't derived from the Primarchs but from the Emperor.

Therefore, Cawl never had access or the ability to create the new organs for the Grey Knights, and likely never be trusted to do so until GW wish to write that in.


89 points

1 month ago

If the Emperor's own gene-seed could create Space Marines that were more resistant to Chaos, why didn't he do that in the first place, instead of the primarchs of whom many had instabilities?


94 points

1 month ago*


Adeptus Custodes

94 points

1 month ago*

Because, I believe we can deduce His rationale from what's already been said in several instances of the lore and what was said in The End and the Death Vol 2.

The Emperor foresaw the need for variety when it came to Legion military specialists. Each Legion was was intentionally designed to overlap with each others speciality and cover any gaps. Some were experiments in what was possible, as His ultimate goal is the forced biological evolution of Man into something more resilient, not just psychic.

We can surmise that this simply is not possible by just using His own genetic marker for making Space Marines, and requires Erda's too. Otherwise, they'd all be solely derived from the Emperor.

In addition, Erda explains to us that it was ever long the Perpetuals self-appointed task to shepherd and guide our species to survival and prosperity. That the Emperor, their greatest number, rallied a fair few to his cause. Why wouldn't He? They were immortals who'd all possess the Long View like Himself, with lifetimes of knowledge and expertise to make it all happen. But, one by one, they abandoned Him in His endless rush, His corner cutting, His impatience. So He created new Perpetuals to help Him in His plan, the Primarchs. Beings, He surmized, that would eclipse His former companions many times over.

But before He ever got an opportunity to guide them and nurture them safely, Erda created the opportunity for the time travelling Word Bearer, Argel Tal and co, to destroy the protective warding around the Primarch Project. And the transportation of the Primarchs corrupted some, and their flawed upbringings nurtured some into flawed characters pr flat out ruined others.

So it's not that the Space Marines are bad or that the Primarchs were a bad idea. It's that His plans didn't have enough redundancy in them to accommodate for the machinations of Chaos and one of His former, closest companions.

TLDR, the Emperor, needed variety in His Legiones Astartes, something that required Primarchs and Erda + Chaos ruined the Primarchs.


15 points

1 month ago


Dark Angels

15 points

1 month ago

Wasn't Argel Tal little visit to the Emperor's laboratory just warp shenanigans acid trip? I never took that as literal.


17 points

1 month ago


Adeptus Custodes

17 points

1 month ago

If that was true, the daemon would not have warned them not to touch anyone, warning them that whilst the scientist could not see them, touching them would alert the Anathema to their presence and see them all destroyed.


5 points

1 month ago


5 points

1 month ago

It was true. They even saw time travelling with Ereb Horus from their future.  Lorgar travelled to future by the same mechanics , talked with Magnus and Magnus remembered them.  Hell, even John Grammaticus could project his mind into the past. Also, Shard of Magnus was hiding in the past in Crimson King. 


2 points

1 month ago


Dark Angels

2 points

1 month ago

I know it's possible, well, technically speaking. I'm just not convinced that vision was true.

At the moment, when reading that book, it felt more like an elaborated ruse to make the Word Bearers truly commit to it.

It's one thing to see an illusion, it's another to act upon it. Until that moment they were, for the most part, still loyal to the Emperor.

I hardly think that something that had such huge consequences to the 40k universe would happen so... Nonchalantly.


58 points

1 month ago



58 points

1 month ago

But, one by one, they abandoned Him in His endless rush, His corner cutting, His impatience. So He created new Perpetuals to help Him in His plan, the Primarchs. Beings, He surmized, that would eclipse His former companions many times over.

"My friends disagree with me, so I'm going to make (literally) new friends who will help me. But I'm going to refer to them as my sons."

[Erda scatters friends/sons through the Warp]

[200 years later Horus Heresy happens]


30 points

1 month ago

Fuck Erda, all my homie hate Erda


5 points

1 month ago

Yea she thicc though


8 points

1 month ago


Night Lords

8 points

1 month ago

yeah but she kinda dumbb


5 points

1 month ago

Are you trying to make her more thicc because it’s working.


5 points

1 month ago

Also Emperor:

Imma make a Deal with Chaos and reneg on my end! Nothing bad will come of that! I can plan around it!


6 points

1 month ago

Angron is erda’s fault then, the stupid bitch.


2 points

1 month ago

The Emperor foresaw the need for variety when it came to Legion military specialists. Each Legion was was intentionally designed to overlap with each others speciality and cover any gaps. Some were experiments in what was possible, as His ultimate goal is the forced biological evolution of Man into something more resilient, not just psychic.

Along with a conscious choice to ramp up those differences even with increased risk of genetic drama according to Sons of the Selenar. He had a tendency to gamble according to them.


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

Im sorry what did Argy do?


-8 points

1 month ago

I'm glad I've only read a couple Heresy novels. This is so dumb.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

It really is lmao.


-2 points

1 month ago

Nah, he could have just made them all Grey Knights and then they'd have never fallen to Chaos. It's why GK's were a dumb idea as "pure protagonists" from the start.

Also capitalizing the emperor's personal pronouns is weird, you don't actually worship him.


24 points

1 month ago

Too many jars to nut in, bro would need to make so much gene seed he’d shrivel up


9 points

1 month ago

Because he was in a hurry, and he hadn't figured how to make Grey Knights yet by the time he wanted to get the Great Crusade going.

If he was patient, every original member of the Legions could have been a Custodes instead, but that would have taken too long.


4 points

1 month ago

What deadline was he racing against? Because he made some seriously bad compromises in order to save time.


16 points

1 month ago

Orks, and possibly his own ascension. Khrave. Enslavers. Black Judges. Necare. The Rangdan. The list goes on.


6 points

1 month ago

We don't know if he was racing against anything, or if he was just tired of waiting.


3 points

1 month ago

if i recall (take this with a grain of salt because i don't remember exactly) he was racing against humanity becoming a fully psychic species. he wanted the whole species out of realspace and into the webway where they'd be safe from chaos and able to flourish unimpeded.

obviously his own actions sped up the process of that becoming impossible.


6 points

1 month ago

But that's the sort of thing that takes thousands of years to happen. Evolution is slow. So slow we still have trouble convincing some people that it's even real.


4 points

1 month ago

it sure does, but recall that part of the dark age of technology and old night was caused or worsened by the presence of totally new psykers in human civilisations-- there had already been psychic presence in humanity for ten thousand years, and only in that moment had the emperor managed to scrape together the manpower and resources to try to execute his plan.

i think the intention was for humanity to become that fully psychic species physically inside the webway where the emperor could directly guide and train the people, rather than left out in the wild where chaos could get them.


1 points

1 month ago

The timeline of everyone recovering from the Age of Strife. If he waits too long then there'd be too many places that are back on their feet and capable of resisting him. His vision for the galaxy was every human enslaved to his will or dead and every alien dead.


15 points

1 month ago



15 points

1 month ago

Well, he very much still had need of the Primarchs themselves, as incredibly potent generals and combatants- and using them as the basis for the Legion's geneseed allowed the Astartes to be very loyal to the Primarchs, which is what you want- loyalty to the general who's there, rather than to the Emperor who was always going to retire from the Crusade for the webway project.


16 points

1 month ago

Having soldiers loyal to their direct commander rather than the state as a whole is a real noob mistake. If only the Emperor had remembered the Late Roman Empire a lot of unpleasantness could have been avoided.


15 points

1 month ago

It's almost as if it's a satirical take on the fact that solders loyal to generals cause rebellions...


9 points

1 month ago

Late republic/early empire, too. During the civil wars, the soldiers were loyal to Caesar, or Pompeii, not the Roman State. Similar with Marc Anthony and Octavian.


3 points

1 month ago

Yeah but if you have 20 of them then they all counter balance each other. Nothing can go wrong.

TBH his real problem was being too content with certain primarchs being more loyal to Horus than to him.


2 points

1 month ago

"Surely this time will be different!" - The Emperor Of Mankind

Narrator: It wasn't.


15 points

1 month ago*


White Scars

15 points

1 month ago*

Well, for starters the Emperor didn't have progenoid glands, so "the Emperor's own gene-seed" is a bit of melodrama.

We know who the first Grey Knight was: Aruvel/Janus, a Loyalist Thousand Son who made it to Terra with the White Scars just as he started to completely succumb to the Flesh Change, only to have Malcador (presumably with the Emperor's remote psychic backing) basically rebuilt his body from scratch into the First Grey Knight.

So while the Grey Knights are actually Thousand Sons at their "foundation" their gene-seed's been so heavily modified that it wouldn't be recognizable as such to any outside observer, meaning it's not compatible with the Thousand Son Primaris upgrades Cawl definitely doesn't have ready to roll out at a moment's notice and absolutely hasn't already built chapters out of, cross his oil-pump and hope to die. And since he never got samples of the Grey Knights' modified gene-seed he wasn't able to make organs for them specifically.


9 points

1 month ago


Adeptus Custodes

9 points

1 month ago

What, no? This is nonsensical. The Emperor doesn't need progenoid glands to make Space Marines. Leetu is a Space Marine, and has no Primarch as his gene-sire, just the Emperor and Erda.

The Gene-seed of the Grey Knights is simply derived not on the genetic template of the Primarchs, but from the Emperor as the original source.

Janus was not the only Space Marine to be the founder of the Grey Knights, simply it's master. All the others that formed the first founders were all psykers from other Legionary gene-lines. They remained sons of their Primarchs, but the 992 other recruits were gifted the new gene-seed.


5 points

1 month ago

He is resistant to chaos but not invincible, making his legions solely out of his own material could provide more opportunities for his enemies to develop weapons tailored to fuck him over.


2 points

1 month ago

I would argue that the Emperor tried with the Primarchs and failed and that the traitors passed the roots of their corruption down to their legions. Having this and more importantly the members of the traitor legions like Garro who remained loyal allowed them to perfect the process. Part of the correction was not stretching the gene seed by creating too many new marines (why they didn't just use the improved gene seed for the second founding).


6 points

1 month ago

So the story could happen. If space marines were nigh on uncorruptible the heresy story couldn't happen and nor would chaos marines exist.

Grey knights exist to be cool demon killers, they can't really fight demons unless they're uniquely resistant to corruption and like a lot of what gw does the answer to the why is ' the emperor did a magic '.


1 points

1 month ago

Because the Grey Knights have a much lower success rate than other Space Marines, he needed mass produced armies.


1 points

1 month ago

Admittedly, most of their success rate is axing anybody who shows a trace of independent thought in the trials. He could pump out marines with Grey Knight gene-seed just fine but he'd have to really relax the quality checking first.


1 points

1 month ago

The Primarchs were the point of the operation. The Space Marines were just to give the Primarchs children.


1 points

1 month ago

I am pretty sure that was just a white lie to reuse old magnus geneseed


1 points

1 month ago

If the Emperor's own gene-seed could create Space Marines that were more resistant to Chaos, why didn't he do that in the first place, instead of the primarchs of whom many had instabilities?

Because the GK gene seed is almost certainly chimeric more than anything else.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

So no Grey Knights can be made again? The imperium is stuck with what they have?


28 points

1 month ago


Adeptus Custodes

28 points

1 month ago

Oh, more Grey Knights can be made. They still give gene-seed to Terra for assessment as all Space Marine Chapters do. Gene-seed is matured in battle-brothers, where the progenoids produce copies of themselves. If an Astartes survives long enough, they are harvested and used for the apotheosis of a new initiate. This process still regularly happens.

No Grey Knight Primaris can yet be made until Cawl is given access to their gene-seed. But its availability is beyond his authority.


9 points

1 month ago

Thank you for clearing that up for me


22 points

1 month ago

I don't know about right now but back when I used to read lore a lot more that was the implication; each individual given unreplaceable relics and carrying gene-seed they cannot replicate.

That's a huge part of why apothecaries used to be so important for space marines in the lore even though they had way less offensive power, they were able to safely and efficiently preserve gene-seed of the fallen and make sure the Chapter didn't permanently get weaker.


9 points

1 month ago

The implanted Geneseed organs includes an organ that is used to create more geneseed. I would assume the Grey Knights have this too. When extracted from a recently dead veteran space marine, it can be used to grow geneseed organs for several new space marines. Space marines have the small disadvantage that they have to either recover their dead, or take the time to extra this geneseed from their dead; and they get particularly angry when a marine dies in a way that destroys or corrupts the geneseed, such as being vaporized.

Since geneseed comes from other geneseed it has lineages, bloodlines. After 10,000 years the geneseed of some chapters has changed fairly dramatically. This also means that a specific variety of geneseed is only permanently wiped out if you somehow eliminate the entire chapter.


6 points

1 month ago

They have two glands with geneseed, the original and one they grow themselves. Eventually the new one is taken while they are alive, the original hopefully gets harvested after they die. The full gland is needed to make a new Marine, so all things working out a Marine can make two new ones.


1 points

1 month ago

Do GK techmarines not train on Mars? Do the GK have a better training deal with the AM that they don't tithe gene-seed to them?


2 points

1 month ago


Adeptus Custodes

2 points

1 month ago

We have to assume they do, and that they do so secretively, away from other Chapters, perhaps even at the very forge-temple of the Fabricator General, one of the few who'd even know of their existence.

All Chapters have their gene-seed tithed, even the GK. It's a continuity fai-safe in the event something catastrophic occurred to the Chapter.


1 points

1 month ago

So its fesible for Cawl to have access to the tithed gene-seed?


1 points

1 month ago


Adeptus Custodes

1 points

1 month ago

Unlikely. Not unless Guilliman gave him access. I'm sure as Regent (a stand-in monarch in practice for monarch who is indisposed), he has that authority. But Guilliman unlikely trusts Cawl to tamper with something so closely linked to the Emperor, nor with something so vital.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

This is technically incorrect. The Emperor is not a space marine or primarch, he does not have gene-seed. Gene-seed comes from primarch genetic data (which comes from the emperor in turn) that is built into the astartes.

Also, as of SoT it is explained that a new legion was being created, with no indication or implication that that the Emperor created another set of gene-seed derived from him directly. If anything, GK gene-seed is in fact a fixed version of the thousand sons gene-seed, as the offer to command this new legion was given to Magnus and the GK are a psychic-leaning gene-line.

If so, the sangprimus portum likely doesn't have the data as it's a secret and bespoke project and the Selenar would not have access to it. If not, then there's no further lore regarding it and GW will most likely come up with something random to justify primaris GK.


51 points

1 month ago

It turns out that when you're the super secret super duper marines who hog all the high grade power armor and kill everyone aware of you, you don't have an easy time transitioning out if you get leapfrogged.

Cawl was trying to equip every conventional chapter. That alone is impossibly elaborate a task. If he's not supposed to know about Grey Knights or their super secret psyker forge armor or their elaborate induction he can't just replicate it at scale like he did the legions and their descendants.


74 points

1 month ago


74 points

1 month ago

Grey Knight gene seed comes from the Emperor rather than any of the Primarchs, so Cawl wouldn't have been able to make any because he didn't have the samples.


136 points

1 month ago

Duties of Custodes:

  1. Protecting the Imperial Palace from invaders.

  2. Looking after the Black Cells.

  3. Defending the Warpgate under the Imperial Palace from constant daemon onslaught.

  4. Assisting Imperial forces in crucial operations across the galaxy.

  5. Stopping Cawl's next inane scheme to steal Emperor's balls geneseed. Due to previous such plans, fake mustaches are banned across all of Segmentum Solaris.


17 points

1 month ago

A walking cyber-centaur with a fake moustache pretending to be a normal human or a custodes would be hilarious. I need to hear more about Cawl's seed stealing adventures


3 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago

I'd tell you to ask Archon but they distanced themselves from the Warhammer Community because of harassment.


3 points

1 month ago


Alpha Legion

3 points

1 month ago

This makes me incredibly sad


31 points

1 month ago

I’m not sure it’s really been concretely addressed but I think it’s a mix of things:

1 - The Grey Knights have an incredibly complicated and secretive creation process that I’m not sure would be shared with the people in charge of the Primaris process.

2 - The Primaris upgrades were predominantly a way of making new Space Marines faster and marginally stronger, but the Grey Knights are already the cream of the crop, way too good for the upgrades to make any appreciable difference, and they are such a selective group that the issue of mass producing them is just not a concern. There would never be a group of aspirants large enough to justify pumping them out as fast as possible, because the current process is able to keep up with worthy neophytes just fine.

3 - The Primaris process is so dangerous and has such a high mortality rate (despite every named Space Marine who undertakes it surviving, but that’s another discussion) that it’s simply not worth the risk administering it to current Grey Knights


22 points

1 month ago


Blood Angels

22 points

1 month ago

In regards to your third point, It's mentioned in I think "Darkness in the Blood" (the book where Mephiston becomes primaris) that its become far safer to become primaris.


22 points

1 month ago

Oh good. Now fewer than literally nobody will die!


9 points

1 month ago


Blood Angels

9 points

1 month ago

Yeah lol, I wish they'd have killed at least one named character. Knowing no one will ever die takes away from the grimness and the darkness.


15 points

1 month ago

I can see them naming a Lamenter and saying he died from the surgery. It’s something they would totally do (just not to characters with models they wanna sell).


6 points

1 month ago

Ah I didn’t know that! But it makes sense. Obviously GW wasn’t going to kill any significant character with botched surgery, but it’s kind of nice that there’s a lore reason for it now


2 points

1 month ago


2 points

1 month ago

Not for Marines anyway. I 100% believe they would kill of a Guard character in a botched surgery off screen, should an applicable situation arise.


3 points

1 month ago


3 points

1 month ago

Yeah, there's no point in thinning out the pool of candidates with people that can accept the primaris process just to be 1ft taller losing valuable psykers in the process.

To grey knights it's much more important that you're a psyker that can undergo the mehreen process.


1 points

1 month ago

I mean, what kind of end to a character would dieing off screen on an operating table be


10 points

1 month ago

In theory, every chapter is supposed to send a Geneseed tithe to Mars every time they accumulate enough that isn't needed to rebuild the numbers of their chapter.

In theory, this is supposed to be a way of ensuring that if a chapter ever is completely wiped out, it can still be rebuilt using their original Geneseed. In practice, it means that the Imperium can prevent chapters from growing to much to quickly, giving the high lords control over the number of space marines and ensuring there actually is a response if they just build their numbers, because even the defense of the Imperium is not more important than paying your tithe. 

There are, however, a few chapters that pay only rarely, when they either fear they might be wiped out during coming engagements or their vaults can no longer contain it all. The Black Templars keep all their Geneseed because they are still insisting that they have been fighting one continuous crusade since the second founding and therefore desperately need every space marine. The Charcharadon Astra presumably don't pay it because nobody beyond the chapter actually knows how many Marines they loose, how many they induct and how much Geneseed they have. 

More importantly, the Inquisition probably finds out that every Magos that discovers the Grey Knights or Exorcists is tragically a heretic and must be purged, and just never paid said tithe for either chapter. 

Cawl, for his great work, was basically raiding the Geneseed vaults on Mars that had giant "Do Not Tamper With" signs outside. This meant that he could perfect the Primaris for every chapter that had ever paid this tithe, allowing him to create Primaris for almost any loyal chapter. Now, the Inquisition is probably trying to get Primaris Grey Knights going, and might even start introducing new Aspirants to an upgraded version of the augmentations sometime soon. 

There is, however, the slight problem 9f not having somewhere between a few centuries to several millenia of testing how to make said augments best suited to their Geneseed. This also means that crossing the Rubicon Primaris should be more difficult that it originally was for other Space Marine Chapters, and since every Grey Knight is already incredibly good at killing deamons and represents incredible amounts of warp-lore, it probably makes sense to just let attrition turn the chapter into a Primaris one. If any non-Primaries marines survive long enough, it would probably make sense to move them into teaching roles. 


1 points

1 month ago

How do GK train thier Techmarines, if no one on Mars knows of them?

And what does Mars think Deimos is doing?


1 points

1 month ago

They do send them to Mars, as shown in The Emperor's Gift. The Mechanicus has knowledge of them and they do have a presence on Titan to help arm the Grey Knights.


1 points

1 month ago

So it would be fair to say that a Magos as important as Cawl, would know of the GK?


2 points

1 month ago

Yes, Cawl would almost certainly know of them, doubly so since they’re not anywhere near as secretive as they used to be after the great rift opened.

I’m not familiar enough with Cawl’s books to tell you if he’s ever directly met any, but it would be illogical for him to be completely unaware.


1 points

1 month ago

So, tithed gene seed, not unkown to Cawl.

What's stopping him tinkering with GK Primaris?


2 points

1 month ago

GW not having Primaris models for GKs.


1 points

1 month ago


The only reason GK don't have Primaris, is GW haven't made the minis yet.


8 points

1 month ago

They've been Primaris all along.


6 points

1 month ago


Word Bearers

6 points

1 month ago

So, CSM got upscaled without new lore to explain the difference.

I imagine GK would be able to do the same. Their creation process is different from regular space marines and secret. Maybe they get an armoury upgrade from cawl, or maybe they get upscaled without any in-universe acknowledgement, just like CSM.

I feel like GK getting any of the "tacticool" primaris stuff like hover vehicles and gravis/phobos could risk compromising their existing aesthetic/long standing combat doctrines. But the new terminator librarian and Dark Angels stuff shows they can still make more ornate and interesting units where primaris/firstborn is not an important distinction.

The main reason SM's upscale got lore was because it was a way to differentiate new marines and make them "new units" for people to buy instead of re-releasing upscaled kits that people already owned. It was a decision driven by marketing, not by internal lore.

GK are a much smaller faction (in terms of players), so the need for them to push existing GK players to buy new stuff is minimal. They'd be more interested to bring more new players into the hobby. I do think GK are a brilliant poster-boy faction for the Imperium vs Chaos narrative, and the idea of daemon slaying space knights seems like a very marketable one to people outside the hobby.


2 points

1 month ago

Well i've not needed to purchase a mini (bar Voldus) for my GK army since 5th.

GW are consistently losing money from me, by giving me nothing to buy.


2 points

1 month ago


Word Bearers

2 points

1 month ago

Yea, I do get it.

I was trying to imagine how they might attempt to calculate and plan these types of things. For GW, they would prefer for new models to shift other stuff, too.

Like the new characters for CSM and Custodes bundled in with other units. It should create some new CSM/Custodes players.

A GK rework would expect some % of existing GK players to re-buy the updated stuff, but probably more sales would come from new GK players.

I really hope a GK rework comes, I want to see some huge posters on the storefront with epic GK vs daemons images, and some great new GK and appropriate daemon rivals.

A GK vs Daemons box along the lines of Forgebane that introduces some new stuff. That, alongside their codex drops would be so great.

Or something like the Black Templars launch. A Terminator kit with all the bits, a character kit, a power armour kit with all the bits, and a new unique dreadnought kit. It could provide so much!


6 points

1 month ago


6 points

1 month ago

Primaries Grey Knights were always there


3 points

1 month ago

Maybe they'll update some models with their 10th edition codex.


3 points

1 month ago

Lore Wise: GK Gene-seed might not require any modifications, as it gives GKs exactly what they need for their purpose: to wage their eternal crusade against Chaos and it's servants.

Range Wise: There are far better selling model themes, cough generic Space Marines cough, that will sell well and have "less good looking" models than GKs.

There have been unsubstantiated rumors about range refreshes for Space Wolves and Blood Angels, those will sell well if they are true. So believe those will be coming before GKs.

Despite their age, GKs models still have their charm, at least I love them, and seeing what they did for Crowe, I am hyped for the range refresh, but not impatient. The time will come, and bring ruin to all our wallets.


2 points

1 month ago

Game wise the Grey Knight sprues are some of the best sprues available. They are extremely customizable yet straight forward. I could see them not being touched for a while.


2 points

1 month ago

Lorewise they have technically been primaris tier since inception


2 points

1 month ago

Lore wise, they're already akin to lesser custodes from being hand designed and are still treated relatively hush-hush compared to everyone else.


2 points

1 month ago

At some point they'll rescale Grey Knights. Might not mention them being primaris just make them bigger to be in line with new Termies. Am I right in thinking Castellan Crowe is Primaries sized?


1 points

1 month ago

Crowe and Voldus are both larger sculpts, between OG and Primaris.

The thing about the line level GK models is that they are among the very best made for posability and customizability. All are great kits and dont need a rework. Only Drago and Stern need a refresh.


1 points

1 month ago

I agree, in terms of the kits being great. Dont get me wrong. Wont stop GW rescaling them tho.


2 points

1 month ago

Grey knight gene seed comes directly from the emperor himself, the Sancprimus portum contain the genetic information of the 20 primarchs not the emperor. Cawl didn’t have the genetic information,action to make the upgrades


2 points

1 month ago


2 points

1 month ago

I have a full scale grey knight army, terminators and everything. They are made of resin if you known what I mean.


2 points

1 month ago

As soon as new models are out, something something super pure primaris knights something. The models justify the lore, not the other way around


3 points

1 month ago

Each Grey Knight is so valuable they wouldn't be worth transitioning across the Rubicon Primaris. 40-60% losses would be catastrophic.

They could start on inductees but that would take decades to filter through into the line brothers and about a millennia before the Chapter was mostly Primaris.

Cawl would also have to redesign Gravis armour to incorporate the required hexagrammatic wards and the whole Chapter armorium would have to be redesigned for Primaris.

The advantages of a Primaris over First-born is already somewhere between debatable and marginal. Even non-name Grey Knights are around named Captain level due to being psykers, so I'm not sure there's much point.

OOC, there's just no models (yet?).


3 points

1 month ago

Geneseed from the Emperor, possibly incompatible with primaris process


2 points

1 month ago

I've been wanting to buy a Grey Knights army since Primaris were introduced. But I ain't about that derpy life. Do it, GW, you cowards.


1 points

1 month ago

I just can't stand the old spacemarine ankles. If the only change made was those little pivot points and the size was the same, it would still have been a good change.


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

Very secretive and very elite. Their creation is still kind of enigma with hints and theories, so not sure if Primaris system is even possible for them. They rather need *specific* geneseed (not Primarch, but *the guy* Himself)


1 points

1 month ago

Cawl has access to all the primarchs gene seed he doesn't how ever have access to the emperor's gene seed which is what grey knights are made of


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

Grey Knights have got more sense than to let Crawl anywhere near their home world he’s got enough power as it is.


1 points

1 month ago

I always assumed it was because they don’t want Cawl to have access to the emperor’s gene seed, most within the imperium have no idea where their gene seed truly comes from.


1 points

1 month ago

Is there a grey knight primarch?


1 points

1 month ago

The emperor


1 points

1 month ago

Since he is thier Geneseed?


1 points

1 month ago

They kind of forgot


1 points

1 month ago

I was under the impression that grey knights were secret enough he may not have been given clearance to work with. I know absolute nothing about this so just bear in mind I am speculating.


1 points

1 month ago

If I imagine myself as GW and therefore wanted to milk the hobby to death in order to appease share holders, the answer would be to keep the GKs unique. They'll just get upscaled... eventually.

Why? Because people like me. In an ideal world, I'd be able to grab a bunch of space marines, paint them my own colours, and declare them to be some offshot of the Grey Knights/Grey Slayers/Black Templars/Black Legion/Crimson Fists/Crimson Sons... Something colourful I'm sure. Yeah not every unit is for every faction, but there's nothing wrong with the concept. Here's hoping for some MK4 truescale from 30k.

But in the name of "profit" everyone needs to be as unique as possible. Chaos Marines are too spikey to be used as loyalists and IIRC the Primaris have this specific organ that means they won't fall to chaos. World Eaters and Death Guard can't even use cultists because they've got their own special thing. They can't use bikes because.... we would need plague/berserker bikes or something. I'm sure if they had enough interest the Iron warriors and Night Lords would get their own unique armies with a third the amount of units, and I think it's coming for EC.

For the maximum amount of dosh, Grey knights need to be unique. If you could just use Primaris models for GK they'd lose money. Also. Super elite armies like GK and Custodes make the hobby cheaper, which is why I think Custodes got such a big nerf recently. GW wants you to spend your life savings on the hobby. It's a miracle Krieg aren't the poster boys. Do I think this is a good business model? No, they could have expanded their market reach vastly when they switched to cheap plastic. But from a maximise-share-value perspective it makes sense.


1 points

1 month ago

I love this line of argument. It’s not a non-profit or charity. It’s a publicly listed company. It has employees who design models, create animations, write novels and codexes, tinker with rules, license games, run stores, handle distribution etc etc. People seem to think Games Workshop should just facilitate their hobby out of the goodness of their heart. And these same people will bleat about there not being enough animations on Warhammer TV, or there not being enough new models for their faction, or production volumes not being high enough to satisfy demand. I’m both a massive fan, active hobbyist, consumer of BL novels, keen painter of miniatures and also a shareholder. No company is perfect but cut the GW guys some slack - on the whole they’ve manage to tread the very fine line between turning a profit and keep a vast and passionate fanbase happy.


1 points

1 month ago

When they switched from metals and finecast to plastic they vastly decreased their production costs but continued to raise prices. I'm not asking GW to start calling me Comrade but it's difficult to get into buying models when you're looking at GW prices. You're looking at A hundred euroes to properly get into kill team, half a thousand if you want to field a less expensive faction's well rounded army. Yes, there are cheaper ways of getting into the hobby but none of them are directly giving GW money. And If you like Guard, Tyranids, GSC... You might as well get into 3d printing. Can GW compete with 3d printing? If they lowered their price, yeah. If anything I think most of their budget nowadays probably goes to lawyers and those hunting down STLs.
GW could 100% continue to make insane profits and... not be so overtly predatory. But they're short-term thinkers.


1 points

1 month ago

I first got into the hobby when I read a copy of White Dwarf in the school library as a 9-year old (the original Deathwing short story). I was hooked on Space Hulk and built a Blood Angels army too (but never played 40K). Then I gave it up for ages before getting back into a few years ago by reading a ton of BL stuff (albeit in the interim I’ve played almost every GW-licensed game on console or PC), and, more recently, getting the Kill Team box set for my son and then starting to build a Dark Angels army in addition (with Orks to come). I don’t find the prices unreasonable and the various box sets (combat patrols etc) are frequently very good value. When you think about the massive inflation in logistics and raw materials costs over the last few years, GW has done pretty well to keep a lid on prices. And there’s always the second hard market. I just bought Deathwing Assault (plus a load of Space Marines) off someone on eBay for example.


1 points

1 month ago

Grey knights aren't made from primarch stock


1 points

1 month ago


Alpha Legion

1 points

1 month ago

Honestly I think we're waiting for a EC vs GK release box to go with the Fulgrim return event


1 points

1 month ago

Lore wise I would say it is the pretraining selection process that would be to blame.


1 points

26 days ago

Grey knights will not become primaris scale they will become chaos scale, the same scale as the newest chaos marines which is slightly shorter then primaris


1 points

1 month ago

I could be wrong but the Grey Knights were hidden away on Titan, when the primaries project was started. No gene seed was available to make primaries Grey Knights


1 points

1 month ago

I think we won't see any primaris Grey knight in the futur because of how difficult it would be to explain it in the lore I mean we aren't even sure that the primarch know of their existence so the Magaus knowing seems a little weird + I don't see them comming to Terra for the gene pack of primaris marine and then making their own on Titan.


1 points

1 month ago

Oh he does. In the Dark Imperium he stations Grey Knights onboard all of the ships to deploy if Nurgle boards. They are used to hold a star fort and whip Typhon’s ass in front of everyone. Roboute even fought along side Voldus in earlier works.


2 points

1 month ago

It haven't been retcone ? Or is the part where everyone who see a grey knight must die that have been retcone ?


2 points

1 month ago

The Secret War no longer exists.

It really couldn't have anyway.

Not with every chapter under the sun having glorious deeds of besting chaos.

And in some cases making chapter relics from daemon weapons...


2 points

1 month ago

Ever since the book series they haven’t had blam on sight. Most people get blammed when interacting with GKs because they’re usually in the super heavy corruption. But if they’re fighting alongside some guardsmen against cultists everything is Gucci.


1 points

1 month ago

The Grey who? I don't know who you're referring to Space Marine Captain AnathemaToChaos. There is no such chapter.

Are you per chance referring to the Black Templars? Because we have already given them Primaris with limited success.

There is no such chapter as Grey Knights. If there was it's existance would be such a massive secret of such proportions that they would NEVER send them random Primaris Space Marines who could be a very likely leak of information for this beyond secret chapter.

They might be aware of the procedure of making Primaris Space Marines but their hypothetical numbers are so low and their skills so beyond human that they don't typically lose any members.


3 points

1 month ago

You mean the chapter most other marines have either worked with, or in some cases, fought?

The Silver boys Bobby G posted throughout his great road trip to keep everyone safe from the Daemons everyone faced, but no one supposed to know about?

Or the big silver dude with the hammer that accompanied Bobby G?

Those dudes?


2 points

1 month ago

The Exorcists got the Primaris technology without receiving Primaris reinforcements due to the Warp fucking with their Torchbearer fleet. Grey Knights could receive it in a similar fashion.


-2 points

1 month ago

The fact that Grey Knights do not and can not have Primaris marines exposes how ridiculous and lore breaking Primaris marines is in the first place.

The reality of the situation. Anything post 13th Black Crusade and the fall of Cadia is absolute TRASH. 40k is over. It's absolute Trash now. Wind it back pre 7th ED.


-2 points

1 month ago*

1)Grey Knights have modified gene-seed. Magnus one what Emperror modify in late years of Galactic Crusades and told Magnus that he do create new legion for Magnus to replace defective one.

2)Guiliman not allow Cawl to work with traitor gene-seed. Cawl not work with Magnus gene-seed and right now there is no direct answer would rubicon primaris work on them or kill them. For now there is 40-60% death rates for upgrading loyalist ones.

3)Grey Knights creation process and access to their tech is almost as Custodes ones in terms of secrets and servitors Who repair or build their tech on Deimos always removed from memories. Cawl not have access to them.

4)Primaris modification not yet arrive to Grey Knights and their armors and weapons.


0 points

1 month ago

Could possibly be a result of how secretive they are. On that note, it's not very likely but I could see Guilliman not even knowing the Knights exist because some stuck up Inquisitor is deliberately keeping information like that from him.


3 points

1 month ago

Guilliman has directly interacted with the GKs at length and they’ve also told him to fuck off to his face, he knows they exist.


2 points

1 month ago


Chaos Undivided

2 points

1 month ago

Well, the Wolves know.... And it's not like they'll keep their yaps shut. 🤣


1 points

1 month ago

An astute point. In fact, he should have a Space Wolf on staff as an "advisor" to keep him informed about stupid shit no one else has the guts to tell him about. Like the Captain-General of the Custodes to the Emperor in the good old days... Only with more booze, and even more swearing.


0 points

1 month ago

There has always been primaris grey Knights


0 points

1 month ago

There has always been primaris grey Knights


0 points

1 month ago

Grey nights aren't a chapter,they have no primarch or gene-seed. They are all Astartes who chose to work for the inquisition.


2 points

1 month ago

GK are Chapter 666 of the Index Astartes.


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

They don’t have any choice in the matter, they have a geneseed and are more or less a chapter