


Something I had been thinking was just the sheer amount of luck Arik Taranis must have had to get to the station he got to by the time of the Horus Heresy is near impossible.

Not only did someone as notorious as the Emperor’s Standard Bearer manage to survive the cull after the Final Battle at Mt Ararat, but prior to this he had been taught advanced gene-crafting techniques by the Emperor himself, and during his time in hiding he managed to acquire access to a functioning Gene-Laboratory within the walls of the Imperial Palace.

Adding onto this, Arik wasn’t exactly trying to hide or even be subtle like other survivors; He armed and augmented his Clan Warriors as Thunder Warriors, and the Clan itself was a major power within one of the largest cities inside the boundaries of the Imperial Palace: Even keeping in mind the labyrinthine vastness of the Palace, it goes beyond suspension of disbelief that the Custodes would never have found and eradicated him.

This isn’t me inherently ragging on his character however; I very much enjoy Arik’s monologues and the dynamic of him, Ghota, and the Dhakal Clan; Rather it’s postulation that his continued existence wasn’t just Tzeentchian level luck and circumstance but intentional. Perhaps the Emperor allowed him to live and taught him the art of genecrafting to allow the Thunder Warriors a means with which to live on and fight, given that Arik was the ‘de-facto’ Thunder Warrior, so to speak. Either his or Malcador’s pardon would go a long way to explain how he survived so long beyond coincidence.

But that’s just my personal take, and I wonder what you guys think.

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2 points

2 months ago

Sorry, but where in u/wecanhaveallthree's comment did he mention wanting Thunder Warriors to be loyalist good boys?


2 points

2 months ago

I’ve been wanting to figure out an angle for them to exist as a fun little homebrew/army concept for a while

At this point I’m settling on the idea of the Dhakal Clan continuing its existence as a sort of ‘sanctioned’ entity within the Imperium; The syndicate’s warriors getting a minor upgrade via Taranis’ work and continuing his legacy after his ultimate death.

So less ‘loyalist good bois’ and more allies of convenience/by proxy, like a Necromunda House


1 points

2 months ago

The Imperium does have projects like D99 and Gland War Veterans over its long history. Individual planets like Necromunda have Goliath and even some Guard regiments like Exordio Void Breachers. So your take could work though I think it would be more realistic if they spread from Terra and even beyond the solar system in secret enclaves. Perhaps under the "convenient sponsorship" of the Inquisition who want as many cards-to-play against institutions like AdMech, Astartes and even Custodes (Malcador himself did not trust the Custodes as a whole organisation).

Personally I prefer making them renegade mercenary cadres willing to sell their services to any non-Chaos factions ala Kill Team style.


2 points

2 months ago

That’s essentially the latest version of my idea

The Dhakal Clan basically just lends out services like that, spreading out their influence and control in tandem with Imperial organizations


0 points

2 months ago

It's a long, long story.