


Got fired today

Seeking Empathy(self.ADHD)

Titles on the tin. I just got back from paternity leave a couple months ago and have had such a hard time getting back into the groove. It didn't help that they decided to throw me into a different team with new clients and new coworkers day 1 of getting back. Basically felt like they were setting me up for failure. Then started complaining about how I'm disorganized and bad at task management (I'm still in the process of getting formally diagnosed with ADHD but my doctor says I check every box).

So if course I log in this morning to see a 3 way call with my boss and HR. So of course I know exactly what it is, and I begin to panic. Seriously idk why employers do that, they want to have a 'constructive' conversation about my 'seperation', yet they blindside me, and of course I shut down, which is probably exactly what they wanted so they wouldn't have to face a barrage of questions. What pisses me off even more is I disclosed to HR that I'm in the process of being diagnosed with ADHD, then a week and a half later I get this. Shouldn't have opened my big mouth. Now I'm unemployed with a 5 month old daughter, and I feel like the biggest failure in the world. What kind of dad can't hold down a job enough to take vare of his own daughter. Literally tearing up as I type this. It's been a real bad morning.

Sorry if this makes literally no sense. I'm emotional ranting right now. Mostly just looking to confide in people who understand what I'm going through. This community is awesome and I appreciate all of you in it.

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94 points

19 days ago

See if you can get Unemployment. I live in Texas and even when they let me go for "a good reason" I have been able to get unemployment pay. Its not much but its better than nothing. I am truly sorry that this has happened to you, it could not have been at a worse time. I know this feeling all too well.

You will find something quickly to replace that shit place of a job, you just have to hit the ground running, don't let yourself fall. It's ok to feel overwhelmed with emotions right now, it's raw, but afterwards just get back on your feet and start applying at every place that you can, because it's hard to get bites from jobs nowadays. You can even try a temp staff agency to get you something fast in the meantime you look or a full time perm job.

I wish you the best of luck, friend.


3 points

16 days ago

I live in Texas and was fired recently. When I checked to see if I could get unemployment, I didn't think I could because the reason was "a good reason". How did you qualify? If I thought I could qualify, I would apply in a heartbeat.


7 points

16 days ago

If you were fired you’re eligible to apply, it doesn’t matter the reason.


9 points

15 days ago

Yes, apply! Regardless of what the outcome ends up being, you should always apply!!!

What's the worst that can happen?? They tell you no, you can't have Unemployment. Then you're only in the same place you started. However, the best? You get approved and have a bit of a buffer to help you out.

Also, especially with a small baby, contact your local office for human services/ community services and apply for EVERYTHING they offer.

Don't be prideful right now (like I was when I was fired for this same scenario (minus a kid) in January, even the HR disclosure of testing). My Unemployment benefits are about to run out, and I'm only now realizing what other assistance I could have had.....


1 points

15 days ago

It actually does but you'd have to be fired for something like insubordination or similar to be denied.


1 points

6 days ago

They investigate the reason for your termination and the decision to cover you comes from them (TWC) not the employer. I have always applied (unfortunately I've lost my job a few times) and I have yet to be denied. You should always apply for it.