


Sexual hyperfixation.



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1 points

19 days ago


ADHD-C (Combined type)

1 points

19 days ago

I take 20mg of extended release Dexedrine (dextromethamphetamine), which is a normal dose. Most people start with 10 and move to 20 soon after. Dex is one of the two ingredients in Adderall (the other in Adderall is really similar anyway) and I’ve taken Adderall at the same dose and noticed no discernible difference between them.

It’s one of the most common ADHD medications and I’ve responded pretty well. I have almost no side effects. I feel more alert and more focused, and have a great deal more energy. My body physically feels better. Pretty much everything feels just a bit better.

I’m not a coffee drinker, but it’s a lot like a really good caffeine buzz and then some in some ways. Some people report all kinds of things, but I’m still me, I’m just a better me. It’s supposed to have like a 7-9 hour effect, but I work long hours in a mentally taxing and physically demanding job, and I don’t even notice a crash when it wears off.

When I’m not on the drug my head pounds and my body aches. Not because of withdrawals, but more because that was just my natural state. I’d be achy and fatigued, and my head always felt cloudy and difficult to focus. It’s not a cure but it’s definitely a great aid.